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The National Institute for Clinical Excellence identifies educational psychologists as appropriate specialists to deliver interventions to promote the emotional well-being of children and families. A role for practitioner educational psychologists in providing specific therapeutic interventions has also been proposed by commentators. The present study reports an evaluative case study of a narrative therapy intervention with a young person who self-harms. The analysis of data suggests that the narrative therapy intervention was effectively implemented and resulted in attributable gains in emotional well-being, resilience and behaviour for the young person. The authors discuss the role of the educational psychologist in delivering specific therapeutic interventions within a local authority context and school-based setting. Consideration is also made of the development of the evidence base for the effectiveness of narrative therapy intervention with young people who self-harm.  相似文献   


This paper discusses illegitimacy and single motherhood in the postwar period in the Netherlands from the perspective of what was considered to be in the interests of the child: being adopted by a married couple or being raised by the birthmother. It focuses particularly on the impact of psychiatry and the legalization of adoption in 1956 on the emancipation of the single mother and her child. The paper argues that the release of single motherhood and illegitimacy from the moral-religious stigmata of a “sinful fallen woman” and a “damned” or “degenerated” child has, in the Dutch case, not proceeded as a linear process. The process of emancipation toward proud and independent lone motherhood stagnated in the 1950s and 1960s because, when adoption was legalized, illegitimacy became an issue over which scientists, especially psychiatrists, gained the power of expert control. Guided by dynamic psychology and what they conceived of as the best interests of the child they declared single mothers to be victims of “sociopathology” and, consequently, unfit for motherhood. Adoption became the preferred option. This medicalised approach continued to dominate until the reawakening of feminism in the late 1960s made self-sufficient lone motherhood once more a respectable choice.  相似文献   

Queensland has recently seen the first conviction under the new one-punch law. In this instance a then 19-year-old male punched and fatally injured a 54–year-old man. This article details a six session manualised group therapy approach that was applied within a mainstream school in an effort to support adolescents who had been identified as having regular and heightened episodes of inappropriately expressed anger. The cohort of students attending this school is characterised by a diversity of cultures, families of low socio-economic means and a significant proportion of students verified as having special needs. As such, the introduction of a new therapeutic program was designed to accommodate the needs of a range of students whilst necessarily remaining alert to matters of financial viability. This manualised approach seeks to provide: a common vocabulary for application by teachers/parents/students alike; rehearsed problem solving skills; and an identifiable method to continuing the exploration of cognitions, physical/emotional responses, behavioural choices and associated values. This article will articulate the content specific to the manual such that practitioners may consider application within their own practice. Results of the impact of this manual will be described with reference to two different cohorts – each containing six male students. Group one were scored according to both the PROMIS Emotional Distress – Calibrated Anger Measure Paediatric and Personal Anger Assessment, whereas group two were scored according to the Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents.  相似文献   

For children to know how to fully participate in and most effectively lead the world they will inherit, they must learn how to critically engage with it and be knowledgeable about foundational rights and instruments that support such engagement. Together, critical literacy, which encourages the examination and interrogation of the underlying assumptions of dominant narratives and ‘legitimate’ knowledge, and children's rights education, which involves children in learning how to express their ideas and fully participate in society (as appropriate to their age and ability), offer a powerful approach—theoretical and pedagogical—to engage children in active engagement of the world, especially with respect to the promotion of social justice. However, the layers of complexity and risks associated with deep consideration of challenging topics require expert guidance and compassionate role modelling from teachers of young children. Our paper considers the intersections between critical literacy and global child rights with reference to a study conducted with young school children in Canada and Uganda to discuss how teachers can support meaningful learning experiences in the classroom that can promote children's agency and social justice commitments.  相似文献   


Facilitating students’ deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances of science inquiry is an important and challenging educational issue. In this study, a contextual science inquiry approach is proposed for developing a 3D experiential game to cope with this problem. To evaluate the impacts of the game on students’ science learning approaches, learning achievements and problem-solving awareness as well as the learning behavioral patterns of the students with different learning achievements, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an elementary school geoscience course. The participants were two classes of sixth graders. One class was the experimental group who learned with the 3D experiential game, and the other was the control group who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. The experimental results showed that the students learning with the 3D experiential gaming system showed better learning achievements, problem-solving tendency, deep learning strategies, and deep learning motive than those who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. Moreover, the higher-achievement students showed more behavioral patterns of deep learning strategies than the lower-achievement students. The findings of this study provide a good reference for helping lower-achievement students improve their learning performance.  相似文献   

Adolescent mothers and their very young children are a high‐risk group, physically, emotionally and socially. These very young parents present special challenges to the early childhood educator, who must often deal with the simultaneous demands created by an immature adolescent and the needs of her child for responsible parenting. Social isolation, lack of education, inexperience, and un‐met needs to play further complicate the lives of teen parents, and of educators who attempt to teach them parenting skills.

Recognising the adolescent needs of very young parents and building a parent education program based on concrete, playful experiences with plentiful opportunities to interact with peers seem to be keys to successful intervention. In this presentation we will look at the special characteristics of adolescent parents and review a series of field‐tested hands‐on parent education workshops for them.  相似文献   

Community engagement in natural hazard preparedness is crucial to ensure sustainable initiatives. Children are important members of communities, and can actively contribute to community preparedness. This article presents research undertaken with 11- to 12-year-old students from a school in Auckland, New Zealand, and leaders associated with the school community regarding their perceptions of the role of schools, communities and children in natural hazard preparedness. The findings show that the students believe they can be effective in promoting preparedness in their school, homes and community, and act as leaders in this capacity. Community leaders stated that preparedness actions should be culturally relevant, community initiated and owned and inclusive of child perspectives. From the combined perspectives of students and community leaders, this work concludes that emergency management must engage in culturally responsive ways with Māori and Pacific communities to enable community preparedness initiatives that are tailored to the cultural values and practices of communities most at risk from natural hazards. Further, it concludes that children have an important voice in community preparedness, which could be encouraged through school and community initiatives.  相似文献   

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy reflects ideas about childhood, labour force participation, education, the economy and the role of the state. This article spans a period of political change in New Zealand from a left of centre government during the first decade of the twenty-first century to a right of centre government from 2009. It draws on policy evaluations and document analysis to critically examine the shifts in approaches to ECEC policy over this time and the consequences for participants of different policy frameworks. It argues that discourses of children as ‘priority’ have replaced a focus on citizenship, and a swing has occurred away from universal to targeted approaches aimed at encouraging ECEC participation for a few. Recent policies have removed crucial professional supports and qualification goals for teachers, bringing into question New Zealand's commitment to quality. The market continues to determine provision and unfettered expansion of for-profit provision is occurring. Yet at odds with this trend, some examples of community planning are occurring, offering a glimmer of possibilities for how ECEC might be conceptualised, organised and supported.  相似文献   

Teachers are key professionals in responding to children and adolescents with possible mental health difficulties and who exhibit social, emotional or behavioural difficulties in the classroom. Health and education policy increasingly positions teachers as vital agents in connecting mental health services with affected young people. A growing corpus of research, however, questions practitioners’ capacity to undertake this important role, particularly given the limited space afforded to content around mental health in pre-service teacher education. This paper reports on a qualitative case study, conducted in an Australian context, investigating pre-service teacher responses to five vignettes of young people presenting behaviours indicative of possible mental health difficulties. In light of educator expectations to identify and appropriately respond to mental health difficulties, this study discloses the need for explicit, structured mental health guidance which form a discrete, core ‘knowledge base’ of teacher education. Patterns in data, analysed in light of policy literature, also suggest the value inherent in advocating open-minded, non-judgemental and collegial professional responses. Further research opportunities highlighted include a systematic review of current provision around mental health in pre-service teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

In 2000, 25 speech and language therapy projects were established in schools in England, funded through the Standards Fund. An evaluation commissioned by the Government reported positive results and gave an overview of all the projects at a point approximately six months after their inception. Although there were common themes, it was quite clear that the projects differed widely in their structure and interpretation of the original brief.
In this article, Sue Roulstone, Professor of Speech and Language Therapy at the University of the West of England, and Rosalind Owen and Lucy French, both specialist speech and language therapists working for the United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust, provide an in-depth report of one of the projects and its evaluation after 18 months.
The project, based on a systems analysis approach, targeted its interventions at the individual child, the parents, the teachers and therapists, the classrooms and schools, and more strategic levels in the health and education services. The article gives details of the 'interventions' for each component. An independent evaluation gathered qualitative and quantitative data that suggest that the new service had a positive impact on all aspects of the system. Children made gains in their speech and language; parents were informed and involved; therapists and teachers were more satisfied about their knowledge base; and systems changed within the schools to reflect and support the collaboration. The outcomes of the project led to a rolling out of the model to two more cluster groups of schools. A number of organisational structures were identified which support the ongoing collaboration. Details given in this article will enable others to identify whether or not this model might suit their local circumstances and be replicable in their context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare children who are fatally and non-fatally maltreated in the United States. In this first national-comparison study, we used the Child Abuse and Neglect Data Set of children and families who encounter/receive support from child welfare services. We found that children who were fatally maltreated were younger, were more likely to live with both their parents, and that their families experienced more financial and housing instability compared to non-fatally maltreated children. Overall, families in which children die use/receive fewer social services, as compared to families in which children live. We discuss the results with regard to child welfare practice and research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two professional development models in increasing family child care providers’ frequency of linguistic inputs in conversations with young children. The first professional development model consisted of a 10-h in-service training focused on supporting early language development. The second included the same 10-h in-service training program and mentoring. Providers and children at 48 family child care programs participated in this study. The family child care programs were randomly assigned to one of the two professional development models (i.e., training or training with mentoring) or to a control group. Audio recordings of the language environment were collected prior to the in-service training, at the completion of the in-service training, and at the completion of the mentoring. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to examine the average increase in the frequency of providers’ use of linguistic inputs over three observations, conducted before training, immediately at the end of training, and 6 weeks after training. Results indicate that both forms of professional development increased linguistically stimulating inputs as compared to the control group. The professional development model including mentoring support was related to greater increases in providers’ use of informational talk and teaching utterances over in-service training without mentoring.  相似文献   

Introduction: Education is a fundamental right for all children, including those with disability [UN (United Nations). 2013 UN (United Nations). 2013. General Assembly, 68th Session. The Way Forward: A Disability-Inclusive Developmental Agenda Towards 2015 and Beyond: Report of the Secretary-General (A/68/95). June 14. (Masthead). (2012 Readex microfiche). [Google Scholar]. General Assembly, 68th Session. The Way Forward: A Disability-Inclusive Developmental Agenda Towards 2015 and Beyond: Report of the Secretary-General (A/68/95). June 14. (Masthead). (2012 Readex microfiche).]. Rwanda has numerous policies for inclusive education but has not been successful in implementing these standards nationally. A multisectoral approach, including interdisciplinary liaisons, is cited to achieve inclusive education. Occupational therapy services recently introduced in Rwanda contribute to reducing obstacles and facilitating the transition of children with disabilities into mainstream classrooms. Overcoming the barriers to inclusive education requires first identifying them before solutions are postulated. Objectives: This research maps the literature to demystify the barriers to implementing national policies for inclusive education. Methods: A scoping approach guided by the Arksey and O'Malley [2005. “Scoping Studies: Towards a Methodological Framework.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 8: 19–32] five-stage methodological framework was employed. Results: Seven themes emerged that impede the adoption of inclusive education: financial constraints, physical barriers, insufficient teacher training, cultural attitudes and discrimination, over-reliance on foreign aid, inadequate policies and legislation and ignoring cultural context in policies. Future research: Using a multisectoral approach with occupational therapists, a strategic demonstration project is recommended to: (a) re-operationalise policies, (b) prepare the environment and community, (c) train teachers, and (d) evaluate outcomes. The findings have the potential to assist other regions in identifying challenges to, and adopting, inclusive education in the future.  相似文献   

File semantic has proven effective in optimizing large scale distributed file system. As a consequence of the elaborate and rich I/O interfaces between upper layer applications and file systems, file system can provide useful and insightful information about semantic. Hence, file semantic mining has become an increasingly important practice in both engineering and research community. Unfortunately, it is a challenge to exploit file semantic knowledge because a variety of factors could affect this information exploration process. Even worse, the challenges are exacerbated due to the intricate interdependency between these factors, and make it difficult to fully exploit the potentially important correlation among various semantic knowledges. This article proposes a file access correlation miming and evaluation reference (FARMER) model, where file is treated as a multivariate vector space, and each item within the vector corresponds a separate factor of the given file. The selection of factor depends on the application, examples of factors are file path, creator and executing program. If one particular factor occurs in both files, its value is non-zero. It is clear that the extent of inter-file relationships can be measured based on the likeness of their factor values in the semantic vectors. Benefit from this model, FARMER represents files as structured vectors of identifiers, and basic vector operations can be leveraged to quantify file correlation between two file vectors. FARMER model leverages linear regression model to estimate the strength of the relationship between file correlation and a set of influencing factors so that the “bad knowledge” can be filtered out. To demonstrate the ability of new FARMER model, FARMER is incorporated into a real large-scale object-based storage system as a case study to dynamically infer file correlations. In addition FARMER-enabled optimize service for metadata prefetching algorithm and object data layout algorithm is implemented. Experimental results show that is FARMER-enabled prefetching algorithm is shown to reduce the metadata operations latency by approximately 30%–40% when compared to a state-of-the-art metadata prefetching algorithm and a commonly used replacement policy.  相似文献   

Few objective measures of the efficacy of intervention programs in the treatment of child abuse exist. One such measure may be improvement in the developmental delays often seen in abused children. Using the Learning Assessment Profile, we tested 53 abused children, ages 2.5-5 years, just before and after involvement in our Family Development Center Program (FDC). The FDC emphasizes therapy-group-interaction for parents, where alternative ways of expressing anger are explored. Children attend daily preschool classes, and take occasional outside field trips. Of the 53 children tested 42 (79%) showed greater than expected developmental skills gains. Six children demonstrated no improvement in developmental skills, four of whom had severe developmental delays in one or two areas. Fine motor and language skills were significantly delayed for the group as a whole; these areas showed the greatest improvement after FDC. There did not appear to be an overall association between increased improvement in developmental skills and length of time in the FDC program, although certain subgroups of children appeared to improve with time while others appeared to lose ground. A five-year follow-up study of these children is presently underway. We conclude that a program which involves both parent and child, and focuses on their interaction, appears to be effective in dealing with abusive families; monitoring developmental levels in the abused children is one means of assessing their progress in such a program. Further controlled prospective trials are needed in this area.  相似文献   

File semantic has proven effective in optimizing large scale distributed file system.As a consequence of the elaborate and rich I/O interfaces between upper layer applications and file systems,file system can provide useful and insightful information about semantic.Hence,file semantic mining has become an increasingly important practice in both engineering and research community.Unfortunately,it is a challenge to exploit file semantic knowledge because a variety of factors coulda ffect this information expl...  相似文献   

This study examined sources of variability in preschool children's positive and negative engagement with teachers, peers, and tasks, and how that variability was related to both classroom activity settings (e.g., teacher-structured time, outdoor time, transitions) and child factors (age, gender). Participants were 283 socioeconomically and linguistically diverse children drawn from 84 classrooms, 34–63 months old (M = 50.8, SD = 6.5). Each child's engagement was observed and rated multiple times within a single day. Results suggested that children's engagement varied significantly across the preschool day. Activity settings that provided children with a greater degree of choice (free choice and outdoor time) were associated with more positive engagement with peers and tasks, while teacher-structured activities were associated with more positive engagement with teachers. Transitions emerged as a difficult part of the day, associated with less positive engagement with teachers and tasks. Older children were rated higher on peer and task engagement. These findings, together with previous research, suggest that both characteristics of the classroom setting and child factors are associated with children's classroom engagement throughout a day in preschool.  相似文献   

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