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Nature connectedness counts as a crucial predictor of pro-environmental behavior. For counteracting today’s environmental issues a successful re-connection of individuals to nature is necessary. Besides the promotion of knowledge transfer the aim of the educational program presented in this study is to connect students to their environment. This research explores the impact of an outdoor environmental education program on primary and secondary school students’ nature connectedness with regard to the extent of their nature experience and participant age. The intervention was implemented in two durations: one-day and five-days. Participants were divided into four subsamples from seven up to 18 years of age. Findings suggest that both intervention types evoke immediate shifts towards a stronger nature connectedness among students (p < .001). Notably, the five-day outdoor education interventions were significantly more effective in sustainably promoting nature connectedness compared to one-day field trips (p < .001). Seven to nine year old students performed the strongest shifts towards nature. The value of short-term and residential outdoor environmental education interventions is discussed.  相似文献   

人性理论与伦理道德密切相关,它构成伦理道德的理论起点.本文从儒家与基督教对人性善恶的不同界定出发,力图从中西伦理中心、道德教育依据、道德教育本质三个角度分析两种人性理论于伦理道德领域的不同预制作用.  相似文献   


This article raises a number of interrelated issues. It first considers the need for a disability-aware education for everyone, including post-school leavers. This has both structural and curricular implications. At the structural level, it is argued that if we are to move towards a more ethical educational system, institutional discrimination must be dismantled. At the curricular level, the notion of a "culture of resistance", with distinctive moral characteristics, is explored. The article next considers the moral education of disabled people, covering such issues as recognition of alternative perspectives, building on life-experience and the development of self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, it is suggested that a moral education in an ethical system would integrate universalising understandings of the principle of justice, and its application, with the development of contextual thought which can take account of the value and uniqueness of individuals and the particularity of their educational needs.  相似文献   

如果孤立地在形而上意义上抽象地讨论人性的善恶,在今天看来,其意义确实不大。但若从人性与道德教育的联系来看,情况可能就大不一样了。传统的人性理论是道德教育与道德修养学说的理论前提,这使得我们有必要对道德教育与道德修养的理论前提及目的进行反思,对道德教育所依据的原则规范的内容及特性进行再认识,以发掘传统道德教育与修养学说对今天的道德教育活动的有益借鉴和积极启示。  相似文献   

Advocates for boys' education have forwarded numerous ‘fixes’ for boys' supposed educational woes, including both academic and non-academic programs and strategies. This article focuses on the lesser-discussed non-academic, extra-curricular means suggested, specifically outdoor education. Using qualitative analysis of an Australian school's outdoor education program, I demonstrate that outdoor and other non-academic sites and strategies for addressing boys' education have particular gendered dangers alongside progressive possibilities. The dangers include reproducing dominant masculinist gender regimes through social interaction, requirements for gendered self-disclosure, and philosophies of the ‘uses’ of nature. Progressive possibilities, conversely, include re-imagining outdoor education as a space for explicit resistance to gender or reimagining the uses of nature to eschew gender altogether.  相似文献   

结合教育改革的一些新理念,从提高语言课教学质量,服务于素质教育的角度,论述高校古代汉语教学教法改革的四点尝试性做法工具性与人文性结合;古代汉语与现代汉语结合;教师的精讲与学生的勤练结合;培养阅读能力与培养良好思维品质结合.  相似文献   

Research has shown that early childhood science education is based on education and care, sometimes stressed as a dichotomy. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relations between teachers' teaching and children's learning in preschool practice, both in terms of educative processes and nature-oriented content. The ambition is also to develop and present an analysis method that facilitates these investigations. Outdoor nature experiences of preschool children (aged one to three) were video-recorded, transcribed and analysed. The methodology is based on John Dewey's pragmatic philosophy. Here, epistemological move analysis (oriented towards teachers' guiding processes as moves) and substantive learning quality analysis (oriented towards multi-dimensional learning qualities) are developed and used as analysis tools. The analyses show that the relations between teaching and learning processes and nature content are intertwined and include education and care. The teachers guide towards aesthetical, moral, cognitive and physical qualities in learning by challenging, admonishing, instructional, confirming, generative, reorienting and reconstructing moves. The results contribute to nature-oriented teaching practice and nature-oriented preschool research when discussing and investigating teaching and learning processes and nature content.  相似文献   

卢梭的教育伦理思想建立于自然教育的基础上,主张顺应自然,尊重儿童天性,推崇自由,强调情感高于理智,发展儿童天性,对儿童进行分阶段的道德教育。  相似文献   

The structure of studies of moral education is basically interdisciplinary; it includes moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. This article systematically analyses the structure of studies of moral educational from the vantage points of philosophy of science. Among the various theoretical frameworks in the field of philosophy of science, this article mainly utilizes the perspectives of Lakatos’s research program. In particular, the article considers the relations and interactions between different fields, including moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. Finally, the potential impacts of the new trends emerging from natural sciences that seem to be challenging to existing theoretical frameworks of moral education are examined using the vantage points of philosophy of science.  相似文献   

人性假设是教育管理的重要出发点,中国文化形成了以人性善为主的人性假设思想,西方文化则孕育了以人性恶为主的人性假设思想,中西不同的人性假设形成教育管理的重大差异。中国历史上很长时间忽略了教育管理权,西方则很早就发挥了国家在教育管理中的作用;中国教育管理人治色彩浓厚,西方教育管理法治色彩明显;中国教育管理强调道德约束,西方教育管理重在利益刺激;中国教育管理凸显权威管理,西方教育管理重视民主管理;中国教育管理以维护稳定为根本,西方教育管理则以提高效率为要义;中国教育管理改革意识相对淡薄,西方教育管理改革意识强烈。  相似文献   

With researchers funnelled into lucrative research practices that value fast scholarship, we explore ethical practice as an ethico-onto-epistemological project. Through collective biography, diffractive choreography, and poetry, we map systems of entrapment that manifest power relations in the academy. We argue the posthumanist ethical practice is an intra-active project in higher education – involving rich material, social, political and intellectual entanglements. Posthumanist ethical practice rejects dualisms of body/mind, nature/culture and human/non-human. It evokes creativity to generate new vocabularies for challenging anthropocentric ‘exceptionalism’. Mapping relations in posthuman assemblages can involve agential cuts that evoke ethical practice as affective encounters. Agential cuts give permission for pedagogic storying where there is ontological connectedness. As academics, we are immersed in assemblages where posthumanist education research and practice is a rich, embodied, and connected process. Particular consideration is given in this article to affectivity and the value of pedagogic performance in education research.  相似文献   

While Kant's pedagogical lectures present an account of moral education, his theory of freedom and morality seems to leave no room for the possibility of an education for freedom and morality. In this paper, it is first shown that Kant's moral philosophy and his educational philosophy are developed within different theoretical paradigms: whereas the former is situated within a transcendentalist framework, the latter relies on a teleological notion of human nature. The second part of this paper demonstrates that the core ideas of Kant's moral philosophy are also present in his pedagogy. This means that the problem of moral education must be solved within the transcendentalist framework. It is finally claimed that Kant himself outlines a solution to this problem in his pedagogical lectures.  相似文献   

This article sets out to identify and discuss the changes that have taken place in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years (1974–2014). A brief history of teacher education in Finland is presented, followed by the goals and aims of current research-based teacher education in Finland. Finally, the major changes in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years are identified and discussed along with challenges for the future. These include the fact that with each passing year teacher education in Finland has become increasingly research-based. The ethical role of the Finnish teacher has changed from being a religious and moral example to being a principled professional who needs moral competence in pedagogical encounters. Teachers also need to master the rapid developments in information and communication technology in order to function in the same learning environments as their students.  相似文献   

人与自然关系的伦理审视及道德思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人与自然关系伴随着人类社会的演进而经历了一个发展、深化的过程,如今,日益严重的环境问题和生态危机迫使人们开始重新审视人与自然的关系问题,也使得将伦理关怀扩展到自然界,对人与自然关系进行道德思考成为必要。所以人们应转变传统的思维方式,肯定自然的内在价值,确立和发展人与自然和谐共生的道德理念,加强生态、环境道德教育,注重道德实践,推行生态伦理,从而走向深层环保,实现人与自然的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

"和谐"视域下的道德教育--兼论道德教育的人性回归   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王勤  谢佳 《教学与研究》2006,3(3):64-68
和谐社会是人类追求的理想社会,道德作为人类生活的内在价值尺度,既是人性的一种表达,也是实现社会和谐的必要条件。道德教育在创造和谐的伦理基础以及培育社会主体方面责无旁贷,而道德教育的人性回归,将使其在促进人与自然、人与社会以及人自身的和谐发展上,发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

By drawing on a theoretical framing based on the geography of encounters, this article examines how students give meaning to racialised encounters on campus. These encounters are mediated by long established notions of difference based on power inequalities where race remains a powerful source of difference. However, race is not simply enacted but produced as it weaves through student friendships, heterosexual partnering and through language. By focusing on the construction of race in student encounters on campus, the article uncovers the points at which students produce relations of inequalities, their contestations and the continuities in racialised power structures. The article concludes by pointing to the value in understanding the race-friendship-heterosexual-language tension, which might help work towards understanding and addressing inequalities based on locally relevant interventions on campus.  相似文献   

Stanley Cavell was the first to account for the transformation of theory and criticism brought about by reflection on popular culture and its ‘ordinary’ objects, such as so‐called mainstream cinema. However, Cavell is less concerned with reversing artistic hierarchies than with the self‐transformation required by our encounters with new experiences, and with the moral education they provide. According to him the value of a culture lies not in its ‘great art’ but in its transformative capacity, the same capacity found in Emerson's ‘moral perfectionism’. This new accent on examining the educational value of films as public occurrences of ethical theorising points towards the analysis of linguistic and aesthetic expression in a larger corpus works of ‘popular culture’, hence to going beyond Cavell's focus on the classical Hollywood movie.  相似文献   

If we reject sentimentalist accounts of the nature of moral motivation and education, then we may regard some form of reason as intrinsic to any genuine moral response. The large question for moral education is therefore that of the nature of such reason—perhaps more especially of its status as knowledge. In this regard, there is evidence of some recent drift in both ethics and theory of moral educational theory towards more instrumental pro-social skill acquisition conceptions of moral reason as more methodologically amenable to the empirical research methods of contemporary social science. This article sets out to show that the work of three great philosophers—all of whom have continued to exercise significant influence on modern and contemporary moral educational theorising and research—points in various ways to more epistemically robust conceptions of moral reason as meaningful personally formative knowledge that is not so readily amenable to natural or social scientific understanding and explanation.  相似文献   

儒学人与自然关系论探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天人之际与人物之辨构成了儒学人与自然关系论的主要问题域,形上之天与形下的天、地、人、物相互补充,共同构成一个差异一体的开放的自然。在价值关系上,人对天地持敬畏之心,对万物则爱之有序、用之有度。在道德实践关系上,强调成己成物、参赞天地化育,在实现自然和谐的同时也使人自身的价值得以实现。在认识论上,重伦理、形上天理而轻物理,对自然物理的认识始终受制于对形上天理的体悟而未能得到充分发展,导致儒学所主张的自然和谐论处于一个比较原始的状态中。  相似文献   

道德是建立在人类对其自身交往经验的反思与归结基础上的实践理性。从传统道德的发生机理看,道德的主体应该并且只能是人类自身。道德主体总是处于不断扩展之中的,随着社会经济的和人类理性的发展而日益泛化,然而道德的拓展与泛化是有限度的。当代生态危机与环境恶化迫使人类必须抛弃对自然只是盲目征服的错误观点,建构新型的天人伦理关系。天人交往与人际交往的殊异性决定道德不能简单地外推到自然界。因此,新型天人伦理关系的实质不是人类道德的简单翻版,而是人类在开发与运用自然物过程中对自身的有限理性节制。  相似文献   

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