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The effect of an individual teacher upon his student, whether positive or negative, is always open to debate and discussion. This research lends additional support to the arguments.  相似文献   

Look carefully at outcomes in the affective domain before exchanging a classroom with a rotating staff for the conventional one teacher design.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the impact of an initial teacher education programme on the development of a conceptual change model of instruction in prospective biology teachers. Analysis of the performance in teaching practice indicates that the subjects achieved significant improvement in the various skills related to this instruction model. However, mastery of these skills was not evident, especially in the response to pupils' alternative conceptions, the presentation of chalkboard layout, the use of high order questions to probe understanding and facilitate concept development, and the conduct of interactive learning activities. This can be related to the subjects' lack of teaching experience and inadequate subject knowledge, the passive learning attitude of pupils, constraints in time and resources, and the non-supportive conditions in schools.  相似文献   

This study was designed to learn if students perceived an interactive computer/videodisc learning system to represent a viable alternative to (or extension of) the conventional laboratory for learning biology skills and concepts normally taught under classroom laboratory conditions. Data were collected by questionnaire for introductory biology classes at a large midwestern university where students were randomly assigned to two interactive videodisc/computer lessons titled Respiration and Climate and Life or traditional laboratory investigation with the same titles and concepts. The interactive videodisc system consisted of a TRS-80 Model III microcomputer interfaced to a Pioneer laser-disc player and a color TV monitor. Students indicated an overall level satisfaction with this strategy very similar to that of conventional laboratory instruction. Students frequently remarked that videodisc instruction gave them more experimental and procedural options and more efficient use of instructional time than did the conventional laboratory mode. These two results are consistent with past CAI research. Students also had a strong perception that the images on the videodisc “were not real” and this factor was perceived as having both advantages and disadvantages. Students found the two approaches to be equivalent to conventional laboratory instruction in the areas of general interest, understanding of basic principles, help on examinations, and attitude toward science. The student-opinion data in this study do not suggest that interactive videodisc technology serve as a substitute to the “wet” laboratory experience, but that this medium may enrich the spectrum of educational experiences usually not possible in typical classroom settings.  相似文献   

Using temporal proximity of instructor/course evaluations to critical in-course events, together with psychological set provided via directions, the present investigation sought to assess (1) the appropriateness of within-course time-series analyses for instructor ratings, and (2) the potency of inducing rater perceptions of the rating process as an interactive variable in course evaluations. A 2 × 2 (temporal proximity by psychological set) factorial design used students enrolled in two sections of an undergraduate course in educational psychology as subjects. Using both midterm and final examination time periods as data collection points, the results of this investigation suggested that preexamination instructor/course evaluations tend to be more favorable than postexamination evaluations, and that a specific positive psychological set prior to evaluations tends to produce more favorable evaluations than very general, brief instructions.  相似文献   

分析了高校公体教学中“言传身教”的缺憾及其原因,提出了提高“言传身教”教学水平的方法。  相似文献   

计算机网络在生物教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机网络是当代科学发展的产物,网络的信息传播容量大、范围广,双向交互作用性强,它在时间、地域、师生的交流方式、学习的内容方法和途径上都是开放性的。计算机网络有机地渗透到生物教学中去,有水到渠成之功效,能将问题变得生动形象,教学过程得心应手,起到事半功倍的教学效果。近年来,我在生物教学过程中,积极探索使用计算机网络教学,经过长期的实践和探索,积累了一定的教学经验,同时取得了一定的教学效果。教学过程中我主要从以下三个方面运用计算机网络进行生物教学。  相似文献   

朱琦 《中学生物学》2001,17(4):20-22
曾记得,初中的物理学科定理、定律较多,我总容易将它们张冠李戴,混淆不清。然而,脑海中却对右手安培、左手定则记忆深刻。打开手掌,磁场方向、受力方向、电流方向一目了然,乾坤尽数在自己小小的指掌之间……现在回想起来,这大概是非言语教学中体态语言——手势语言在教学中成功应用的一个典范例子吧。  相似文献   

This chapter reviews the fundamental assumptions, main results, and major problems of research on instructional quality and cognitive student outcomes. Although considerable progress has been made in this field of research, the present theoretical state, encompassing mostly simple process-product relations, is far from satisfactory. Findings from our own research demonstrate that it is both necessary and fruitful to expand the simple process-product paradigm by including cumulative, interactive, compensatory, and contextual effects.  相似文献   

高中生物教学可运用程序数学理论中小步子原则,设计一系列的问题,逐步引导学生学习,获得知识的模式.这种教学模式可以充分体现学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,并培养学生观察、阅读、分析、讨论、推理和判断能力.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of collaborative group composition and instructional method on reasoning gains and achievement in college biology. Based on initial student reasoning ability (i.e., low, medium, or high), students were assigned to either homogeneous or heterogeneous collaborative groups within either inquiry or didactic instruction. Achievement and reasoning gains were assessed at the end of the semester. Inquiry instruction, as a whole, led to significantly greater gains in reasoning ability and achievement. Inquiry instruction also led to greater confidence and more positive attitudes toward collaboration. Low-reasoning students made significantly greater reasoning gains within inquiry instruction when grouped with other low reasoners than when grouped with either medium or high reasoners. Results are consistent with equilibration theory, supporting the idea that students benefit from the opportunity for self-regulation without the guidance or direction of a more capable peer.  相似文献   

华南师范大学在国内首次创建了课程与教学实验室.该实验室基于“模块化”理念,将实验室基本架构分为四大平台,并以此为基础,构建了以基础知识实验、基本技能实验、学科专业实验、教育信息技术实验、教育管理与科研实验等5个模块组成的系统化、层次化的实验教学体系结构.建立了实验教学综合信息平台,按照以学生为中心、整体优化和资源共享的原则,实现了实验教学和实验室管理的信息化.  相似文献   

立足"数字媒体实验室",从内容改革、环境建设、组织研究、师资力量、评价体系和制度建设等方面,开展开放性项目教学研究,并通过3年的实践检验,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

《课程标准》在课程体系构建上有重大突破,至使当前生物课堂教学存在诸如探究活动课安排,教材把握,进度安排,教师素质提高等问题.结合教学实践,在探讨了相应对策的同时,阐述重建新型的师生关系和调整课堂教学策略.  相似文献   

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