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In this paper I identify the components of ‘meaningful experiences’ for participants on a wilderness river rafting journey. The research is phenomenologically informed, and includes interviews, journals, observations and follow-up emails from 32 participants on eight Franklin River (Tasmania) 10-day trips. It elicits individual perceptions of meaningful experiences and combines recollections to reveal the commonalities within those experiences. The research identifies two key recurrent ‘streams of experience’ that provide meaning. The two recurrent streams of experience involved, firstly, a feeling of humility and, secondly, being alive to the present. In this paper I focus on the stream of experience surrounding a feeling of humility, highlighting the qualities of the ways in which participants interrelated with their surrounding environments and the structure of such experiences. Additionally, I consider some unique elements of the wilderness river journey that contributed to the experiences that participants valued as meaningful.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the process of change within Wilderness Therapy. It used grounded theory to explore development and change during the programme and relate this to theories of adolescence and engagement, particularly for adolescents in the care system.

Data collected from interviews with 11 adolescents were analysed using constructionist grounded theory. The wilderness environment, the staff, and the activities were identified as interactive factors that facilitated personal development. The analysis demonstrated the influence of early engagement in overall change. Relational factors interacted with an appropriate level of support and encouragement during activities which led to the adolescents experiencing success and increases in self-worth, self-esteem and efficacy. Improvements in self-efficacy, social skills, and anger management, as well as increasingly more positive views about the world were demonstrated in all participants who completed the programme.  相似文献   

Teachers who attended unitary rural schools in northwestern Spain were asked to relate their early school experiences in the form of a personal reflective and analytical narrative. Our analysis of these narratives revealed some strikingly difficult conditions; nevertheless, students tended to relate these hardships with a strong sense of nostalgia, focussing on the sense of community that they experienced. These results shed some light on the relevance of personal relations and the broader social and physical environment to the school ethos, and provides practice and design implications for urban as well as rural schooling contexts.  相似文献   

本从化与历史的视角考察了清教徒在新大陆的“清教实验”,分三个层次,即“清教信仰”、“清教徒人格”和“清教信仰的衰落”,阐述了在清教徒神圣的宗教使命感。章着力揭示:“清教思想”是美利坚民族创业时期的精神支柱和北美化的滥觞,它对“美国思想”的形成具有重大意义,清教徒们所肩作的开创“荒野中天国”的使命,既是上帝的召唤,也是历史的必然。  相似文献   


From a tourism perspective Scotland's greatest natural resource is it's scenery. Recent studies have indicated that the contribution of outdoor recreation (which depend on this asset) to the Scottish economy have traditionally been underestimated. Published work from a range of sources are reviewed together with case studies of the additional contribution of Outdoor Education Centres, and other forms of provision. The main findings are as follows:

Outdoor recreation generates perhaps at least £600 – £800m of Scotland's tourist income, much of which is in rural areas and also extends the traditional tourist season; Outdoor Education Centres are significant employers in certain rural areas; Evidence from one area of Scotland (Lothian Region) suggests that the pattern of outdoor education provision has changed significantly in recent years; ‘Therapeutic’ outdoor activity programmes seem effective in reducing youth crime and the cost-saving to the tax-payer is substantial.  相似文献   

Sixty families assessed to be at risk of poor parenting were the subject of this study. These families were participants in a model multidisciplinary program designed for the secondary prevention of poor parenting and the extremes of child abuse and neglect. The model program consists of special medical, psychological, social and developmental services to families on an inpatient, outpatient, and in-home basis. Demographic information on these 60 families was tabulated. Each family was given a monthly rating on a simple measure of family function. Ratings over lime were observed, and families were characterized in terms of a family rating vector (up. up-plateau, plateau, fluctuating, and down). Families were also described in terms of the constellation of problems brought to the therapy situation. Problem lists for each family were subjected to factor analysis. Five factor constructs which made clinical sense emerged from the analysis. Each factor could be labeled as a “family type.” These types were: (I) Abusive Family. (II) Neglectful or Antisocial Family. (III) Family with an Emotionally Unstable Parent, (IV) Family with Cultural or intellectual Limitation, and (V) Family with Child-Rearing Difficulties. Approximately 20% of these families did not fit the typology. Families were then divided into two groups—those who were relatively long-term, ongoing recipients of services, and those who left the program in the observation interval. Families were categorized according to family function rating vector and “family type.” It was noted among long-term families, measured improvement in family function was most evident in families with transient situational crisis (who did not fit the typology) and those with intellectual and cultural deficits (Type IV). Among the families who dropped from the program. 15% were no longer at risk. Sixty-three percent of the remaining families were not improving. These techniques may be useful in determining which at risk families are more successful candidates for prevention efforts.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the family characteristics that promote the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. Parents and teachers completed a range of questionnaires in an Australia‐wide study of 212 parents of children (5–12 years of age) with physical disabilities who attend mainstream schools. The relationships between parental attitudes, parental involvement, family relationships, teachers’ opinions, disability severity, and children’s social skills were tested using structural equation modelling. The results of this study show the importance of family characteristics for the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. A strong link was found between aspects of healthy family relationships, especially high levels of parental involvement with schooling, and greater social skills development in children. In short, families with highly cohesive, idealised, and democratic family styles strongly influence children’s social skills by providing a safe and sound foundation for children to explore their social environment. Practical implications arising from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

农村发展中所释放出来的过剩人口不断向城市转移,是城市化进程中的必然现象,随之而来农民工社会保障问题日益凸现。本文将其置于城市化进程中,从客观实际和有利于城市化进程的角度出发,提出要建立面向农民工的社会保障制度,并在分析其特殊性和可行性基础上来探讨应该如何去建构面向农民工的社会保障制度。  相似文献   

"文革"地下青年诗歌同"朦胧诗"有着源流关系。青年诗歌是"文革"地下诗歌的精华,具有独特的认识价值和重要的文学史意义。它以其丰赡的思想意蕴和现代主义的美学追求,为20世纪80年代那场具有爆破性的诗歌大变革从情感内涵、表达方式上作了充分的艺术准备。  相似文献   

The present study concurrently examined protective factors associated with the adaptive outcomes of resilience and posttraumatic growth (PTG; defined as positive psychological change resulting from a life crisis or trauma), after accounting for relevant demographic factors and the impact of circumstances surrounding childhood victimization (i.e., age of first trauma, frequency of victimization, and perception of trauma severity). The protective factors examined in the present study included social support from friends and family, optimism, positive religious coping (i.e., looking to God for support and guidance; forgiveness), and negative religious coping (i.e., feeling abandoned by God; anger towards God). Participants included 161 college students from the US MidSouth, aged 18–24 (Mage = 19.97, SD = 1.86). All participants reported experiencing physical violence and/or sexual abuse during their childhood. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that after accounting for demographics and circumstances surrounding the childhood victimization, higher resilience was associated with greater family support, optimism, and positive religious coping, while higher posttraumatic growth was associated with greater optimism and positive religious coping. These findings underscore the protective role of optimism with respect to both resilience and posttraumatic growth. Additionally, results highlight the importance of examining cognitions related to religious coping rather than simply assessing broadband religiosity, as only positive religious coping was associated with adaptive outcomes. Findings suggest the importance of early intervention to bolster protective factors (i.e., family support, positive thinking, gratitude, and positive religious coping skills) among youth exposed to childhood physical and sexual victimization.  相似文献   

现行社会体育专业培养目标已不适应社会市场经济发展对人才的需求。为此,在对临沂师范学院社会体育专业进行深入研究与剖析的基础上,重新确立了社会体育专业培养目标,并依据培养目标构建新的课程体系,以期培养具有创新意识和能力的高素质应用型社会体育人才。  相似文献   

随着新冠肺炎疫情防控常态化,传统的课堂教学方式已经受到了很大影响。随着社会的进步,知识更新加速,对高等学校人才培养也提出了更高的要求。为了应对疫情期间的教学需求,长治医学院积极利用超星学习通平台网络开展线上教学。以康复治疗学专业“物理治疗学”课程为例,课程组成员借助学习通平台,进行了课程录播、物理治疗技术操作演示视频录制,并完善了题库和病例库,形成了“课程+操作演示视频+题库+病例库”的课程教学资源库,使教师教学更规范、学生学习更主动。基于学习通平台的“物理治疗学”课程教学资源库建设探索实践经验,并进行总结,力求为后续“物理治疗学”的教与学提供有效支持。  相似文献   

A process model of writing development across the life span   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this article, we provide an overview of writing development from a product perspective and from a process perspective. Then we discuss modifications of the most influential process model of skilled adult writing to explain beginning and developing writing, including a proposed developmental sequence of the emergence of cognitive processes in writing. Next we report the results of two recent dissertations by the second and third authors supervised by the first author aimed toward contrasting developmental issues: (a) specifying the algorithms or rules of thumb beginning and developing writers may use during on-line planning; and (b) investigating the further development of writing processes among skilled adult writers. In the first study, development was conceptualized as a linear process across age groups. In the second study, development was conceptualized as a horizontal process within skilled adult writers who expanded their expertise. Finally, we consider the developmental constraints and the instructional constraints on writing development and argue for a model of writing development in which endogenous and exogenous process variables interact to determine the outcome of the writing development process.  相似文献   

A triaxial model of the interdisciplinary team and group process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Decisions about the occurrence of child abuse are increasingly difficult to make because concepts of what qualifies as reportable child abuse may be broadening. We examined this question by comparing 51 fatal child abuse cases occurring in Georgia between July 1975 and December 1979 to non-fatal cases and to the Georgia population. Overall rates of fatal child abuse were higher for male perpetrators compared with female and black perpetrators compared with white. However, the latter finding varied with economic and geographic status. The highest child abuse fatality rates were found in poor, rural, white families (3.3/100,000 children) and in poor, urban, black families (2.4/100,000 children). Risk factors for fatal abuse included early childhood (RR 6:1), parental teenage childbearing (RR 4:1), and low socioeconomic status. These characteristics were similar to those of the severe child abuse cases noted in the early child abuse literature. Non-fatal cases did not clearly share these risk factors. Severe abuse, here represented by fatal cases, is a distinct subset of reported child abuse, but characteristics associated with it are frequently attributed to all reportable child abuse. Medical personnel should be aware that they cannot rely on the presence or absence of these characteristics in screening for risk of reportable child abuse. Child abuse research should use restricted, stated case definitions. When intervention and prevention programs are being organized, they should not generalize research findings to all forms of child abuse.  相似文献   

感恩是人与人之间的和谐因子,也是和谐社会的“黏合剂”,感恩教育因其与和谐社会的内在联系和独特功能,越来越成为和谐社会构建过程中的一个重要因素.时下,在青年回馈社会意识日益淡薄的背景下,我们从和谐社会的视角现照感恩教育,深刻剖析感恩教育面临的困境和归因,积极探寻实施感恩教育的对策途径,对于德育目标的实现以及和谐社会的构建,无疑有着很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

从人的存在和发展来看,人存在的空间不仅有自然物理空间,还有社会空间。人的生存空间是人在自身的实践活动中生产、创造出来的。空间生产包括物理空间生产和社会空间生产两种类型。两种空间生产分别呈现为显性和隐性的状态,他们之间表现出既互为前提又互为结果的辩证关系。不能准确、清晰地把握两种空间生产之间的关系造成了当代中国城市建构实践中的一些不必要的风险代价。在更深的层次上,当代中国城市建构现存问题背后的实质是资本关系及其意识形态神话。实现城市建设从技术建构到社会建构的转换成为当代中国城市化发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

A decision-making model of gear process for green manufacturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
~~the problem is how to be optimized the harmony of T, Q, C, R and E. The decision-making model of gear process for GM is mathematically presented by. () Min(),(),(),(),()s.t1(1)0 0 (1,2,...,) iiiguTxQxCxRxExxxxuk轾臌-=-=?X () 0 (1,2,...,,...)hvvpn==X (1) where 12[,,...]nxxx=X, xi (i=1,2,,n) refers to the involved the i-th project and is numerically 0 or…  相似文献   

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