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<正>"Have you been to the Shanghai World Expo"perhaps becomes the most popular greeting in China this summer.Despite summer heat,visitors to this great  相似文献   

<正>The opening ceremony for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 took place in the Expo Culture Center on April 30, serving as a preclude to the official opening of this world acclaimed event. A  相似文献   

As the Shanghai World Expo 2010 continues to capture growing attention worldwide, publications on relevant subjects attract more readers, with increasing sales volumes The World Expo has a history of more than one and a half centuries, since its first session in London in 1851. Over the past two centuries, every host country has showcased its history, culture, arts,  相似文献   

The Second Chinese Theatre Festival took place in the winter of 2005 in Paris, France. The event, organized by China Cultural Center in Paris, has seen six local opera troupes from Hebei, Jiangsu, Jilin, Fujian and Guangdong provinces, showing to Parisians scores of traditional programs of Chinese operas. Chinese theatric art is not novel to French people. Over past decades in the history of modern China, Chinese opera masters, in particular, Peking opera singers, visited Paris many times and made traditional Chinese opera known to French people. For example, when visiting Paris half the century ago, master Cheng Yanqiu gave lectures on Peking opera, the first Chinese opera genre that was introduced to French people.  相似文献   

The Shanghai World Expo has concluded with great success, attracting more than 70 million viewers, a pledge committed by the Expo's organizing committee when bidding for the hosting right. The innovatively-designed pavilions of every participant country and organization fascinated both Chinese and foreign viewers with their hi-tech elements and rich traditions and cultures.  相似文献   

On May 1, 2010, Shanghai World Expo will embrace visitors from across the world. Like previous expos, Shanghai World Expo will also address significant issues of common concern of the world, with the theme of "better city, better life". Over centuries, encouraging progress and addressing the future has always remained a pivotal objective that all World Expo participants have tried to pursue. This global event fully expresses spirits and values of a time and provides an excellent opportunity for all participant countries to demonstrate their creativity and initiative.  相似文献   

Just before the National Day of China on October 1,"See China at Shanqhai World Expo" an Exhibition of the Beninese Female Photographer" was opened at China Culture Center in Benin. On the occasion of the Day of Benin at the Shanghai World Expo, the exhibition is part of the"Beautiful Nations" exhibition series. Chinese Ambassador Mr. Geng Wenbin, Beninese Minister of Culture, Illiteracy Eradication and National Language Promotion, Director of the Benin Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo as well as more than 200 distinguished guests attended the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

The 1lth China Changzhou International Animation Art Festival,taking place in Changzhou,Jiangsu province, attracted 85 original animation productions and many lead ing aninlation businesses from nearly 30 countries and regions around tile world, including South Korea which installed the national pavilion for the first time in the festival's tenyear history.  相似文献   

From July 30 to August 30, 2008, China Association for the Protection and Promotion of Tibetan Culture and Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province co-hosted an exhibition that presents hundreds of Thangka paintings portraying stories of the central epic poem of Tibet, The Epic of King Gesar, in the Ethnic Culture Palace in Beijing.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Cultural Minister Cai Wu announced that the National Art Museum of China(NAMOC)opened to the public for free as from March 2,2011.The gallery no long...  相似文献   

The 4th China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE) was successfully concluded on May 6 in Beijing. This five-day event is generally considered China's largest and best platform to showcase and trade top-class art works from home and abroad.[第一段]  相似文献   

邹全荣 《寻根》2007,(5):128-131
不久前,电视连续剧《乔家大院》在央视热播,剧中多次提到晋商乔致庸等冒着危险亲临江南和武夷山贩茶的经过,再现了重新疏通茶路后,江南各省的茶叶纷纷通过水路、陆路被运往晋中、蒙古、恰克图等各处的历史。这部电视剧的热播,使武夷山下的一个古村落走入了人们的视线,它就是中国历史文化名村、当年与晋商结为茶贸易伙伴的下梅村。  相似文献   

A collaborative team of architects from Tsinghua University and New York- based Studio Link-Arc just released their renderings of the China pavilion, set to show at the next World Expo in Milan.  相似文献   

沈琨 《寻根》2003,(2):126-132
一今天人们到山西,晋商大院是必看的。近些年已陆续修复并开放的,有祁县乔家大院及渠家大院、太谷曹家大院、灵石王家大院、榆次常家大院等等,这些建筑群落在三晋大地上拼出了色彩纷呈的不同图版。但不知你是否留意过,晋商不仅在自己家乡的土地上修建有华美的宅院,同时在全国各地也留下了许多精美的建筑。山西的晋商大院,大都是它们的主人在明代及清康熙、乾隆年间,在外经商发迹后开始修建的,有的修建期甚至经历了几十年、上百年的漫长岁月。同样,晋商在全国各地留下的富丽堂皇的建筑,也是随着晋商的发展而修建起来的。山西商人的…  相似文献   

From September 1 7 to 1 9, the 5th China International Copy-right Expo (CICE) took place in Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan province. CICE, dubbed as "copy-right Olympics", featured the theme of" copyright innovation and development" this year. i2 thematic events were held during the expo,  相似文献   

……当春天从玫瑰红的云彩中露出她的碧眼,当阳光在我的书桌上闪烁时,我渴望的发疯般地闻一闻那百花绽放的大地的芳香,看一看那山坡上落叶松的葱郁,听一听高地上云雀的歌唱。曾几何时,似乎比童年还要遥远的那个时刻,我满腔热情地拿起了笔。如果那时我的手在颤抖,那也只是因为希  相似文献   

The First China Ningxia International Expo on Culture, Arts and Tourism was held in September, 2009 in Yinchuan, capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Seniorofficials from the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Culture, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the State Administration of Radio, Film and TV, the State Administration of Tourism, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, as well as diplomatic envoys from embassies in Beijing and delegations from various provinces and municipalities attended the expo's opening ceremony.  相似文献   

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