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The persona of this story was a boy in a gutter(贫民区)of San Francisco.Because of cacotrophia(营养不良),he got sick with his leg.H e couldn’t stand with his legstraight.A nd his calf(小腿)was even worse shrink(萎缩).But in his little soul,he got a dream only believed byhim self—he would becom e an all-powerful(全能的)playerof A m erican football.The boy was a fan of Jim Brown,a legendary foot-ball player.H e always went to the court to cheer his i-dol.But he was too poor to buy a ticket…  相似文献   

Bruce got on the bus early in the morning. He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends. He had got up very early, and he felt tired. Soon he fell asleep. A short while later, he woke up in the middle of a dream. In his dream, he was in a busy street. People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes. As he woke up, he found that it wasn't only a dream.Somebody was really pulling at his coat pocket.  相似文献   

T here was once a guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can’t be cured. He was 18 years old and he could die anytime. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken cared by his mother. He never went outside but he was sick of stay- ing home a…  相似文献   

Early in his childhood, as soon as he was able to speak, he was asked what kind of face he would like to have. They agreed when he said he' d like to have a blue face like his mother, who had hers from being born in the sea. Pith(抽去;杀死) from the claws of a certain bird furnished the dye, which he let the nurse wipe over his brow and cheeks. Soon his face was blue and stayed blue; and although no one said it to him, everyone thought he was a beautiful boy.  相似文献   

Mr King had a small piece of farm at the foot of the hill. He worked hard but the weather was sometimes wet andsometimes dry. And he was often worried about food and clothes. So he built a pigsty.behind his house. When he cameback from his field,he looked after his pigs. Christmas was coming. Mr King hadn't enough money to buy some presents for his children. He had to kill a fatpig and hung it up for the night. The next morning, when he was going to take it to the market, he couldn't find it. He  相似文献   

玉峰海 《中学生英语》2000,(3):18-18,31
Mr Lynch left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.  相似文献   

My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headteacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young(and he was old), he gave me presents, and sat me on his knee, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.  相似文献   

Tom was the apple of his mother's eye.He was fifteen years old,but in her eyes hewas only a baby.One morning before class he got a blackeye in his fight with his classmate.In class he didn’t stop talking until hecaught his teacher's eges.He said he could  相似文献   

Jack was a very rich man. He had got a bag of gold from business, but he did not know where to keep it. He was afraid that thieves might 1 his house and steal it away. One day when it was time to go to bed, he put the gold bag beside his pillow (枕头) and tied the bag to his arm. But he was awake all night because he was worrying about the gold. Finally, he 2 to hide the bag of gold in a hole near a tall tree in his back garden.“But the people m ay still know that there s gold in t…  相似文献   

Mr. White left the snow-covered streets of New York for a vacation in Florida.His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When Mr. White arrived at his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail.But he couldn't find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address.He tried his best to recall it.At last he typed it  相似文献   

作为集六朝之大成的文人庾信,他的很多作品流露出浓厚的自卑心态。究其原因,主要是侯景之乱、“望敌先奔”,入仕北朝、忠孝难全,壮志未酬、其心老矣,知己难觅、无以为报,悲剧性格等等。  相似文献   

王羲之以书法艺术闻名,但为官逾其人生之半,且力争在立德、立功、立言上有所作为,显示了他的行政管理思想和能力。如,有大局意识,忧国忧民,能从国家全局的高度观察和处理问题;勤政,务实,爱民;针砭时弊,改革弊政,精官简文,严刑惩贪;重责任,轻权力,不以官位为进退等。在当时,堪称清醒的政治家,爱民的地方官。当然,他没有尽全力从事行政管理工作,不是职业政治家。这与他所处的恩赐官僚制时代有关,更与他儒释道杂糅的思想和骨鲠孤傲、不拘于俗、追求自然的个性及酷爱书法艺术的心境有关。  相似文献   

薛侃是明代潮汕著名的儒士儒官。他事亲至孝,事君至忠,事师至敬,治学至专,待人至诚。因上疏请稽旧典,择亲藩贤者居京师,慎选正人辅导,触帝讳而下狱,遭到迫害。但他刚正立朝,操守高尚。他师崇王阳明,治心性之学,卓有成就,为阳明最得力之入室弟子之一,也为传播王学之岭表大宗。他居乡则思益其乡,为乡梓筑堤开溪、修路造桥,做了很多造福乡梓的实际贡献,实践了其经世致用的思想观念。  相似文献   

闻一多对民族深厚的爱造就了他的宽容,不以苛刻的眼光去要求国人,而以宽大的胸怀去容纳。以此为基础,他把宽容博大的爱融入诗歌、杂文等,为现代文学筑起了一道瑰丽的风景,更用自己的生命为民族之爱做出了最伟大的诠释。  相似文献   

鲁迅“逃离”他的“家”,却是为了更好地经营这个“家”;他苦心经营这个“家”,却被撵出这个“家”!这前后的遭际,我们完全有理由以其人之论反照其人之身:他维护这个家庭的时候,是“暂时做稳了奴隶”的时候,他被逐出家门的时候,是“做奴隶而不可得”的时候。造成如此尴尬的原因是强烈的负罪意识,忘我的牺牲精神,无法排解的矛盾。  相似文献   

杨亿,北宋文臣,生于信州玉山县县斋。七岁能著文,十一岁时,太宗亲试而授官,自此一生以词艺进,官至翰林学士。然亿性刚劲寡合,仕途起伏跌宕,晚年被群小所攻,遂生挂冠归隐之思。天禧四年(1020),受宰相寇准密令,草表请太子监国,事泄受累,忧惧而终。而作为西昆体的代表作家,其文学作品由前期的终身立朝之志、爱国忧民之心到后期的唱和酬答、借古讽今。究其原因,与其生平不无关系。  相似文献   

在陶诗“鸟”意象中,高鸟、羁鸟、归鸟最能反映出陶渊明人生历程的三个阶段。“高鸟”象征他追求与进取的少年时代,“羁鸟”象征他形迹拘役的13年出仕生活,“归鸟”则代表他淡泊闲选的田园生活。这三类“鸟”意象体现出了诗人不同时期所特有的生命价值取向:少年时期的他充满理想与抱负,立志要大展宏图;步入仕途的他看到官场的黑暗,在期待与彷徨中追寻退隐的自由;晚年的他追求真朴,崇尚自然,终于找到自己灵魂的终极归宿。  相似文献   

徐枋是著名的明遗民,也是清初的著名画家。他的遗民品质提醒我们关注并解读他的遗民生活对于绘画创作的影响。乙酉(1645)之后,徐枋从勿斋的贵公子沦为居无定所的人,而定居涧上草堂在他的绘画作品中有明显的呈现;徐枋自称"作画暮年益进"与他和著名遗民画家杨补、万寿祺、归庄、姜垓的交游有关;徐枋有吴地隐居的实景图数幅,展现他的遗民隐居生活;徐枋以画为寄的特点是遗民画家的典型表现。  相似文献   

梁漱溟是中国现代史上一位著名人物,他以“特立独行、一代直声”饮誉后世,在学术思想上,他自认思想的根本是儒家和佛家,从他为什么会信佛和他对印度佛学研究的贡献及对于儒佛异同的比较等几个方面,可以看出梁漱溟佛学思想不只是他终身服膺的一种思想学说,也是他一生践履的根本动力。  相似文献   

陈祚明等评论家一致认为曹丕的作品具有阴柔之美。但是,为什么会有这种风格?为什么他登基后再没有能“移人”的作品出现?人们却没有作进一步的研究。本文试图从曹丕在家庭中的处境、他的政治表现等方面,运用心理分析的方法分析个中缘由。文章认为,曹丕在本质上是一个柔弱、依顺的人,柔弱和细腻成就了他的文名。后期作品质量滑坡是因为他努力要表现性格中本来没有的粗旷、强硬和坚定一面而压抑了自己的性格。因为本身个性的被压抑,曹丕感到痛苦和焦虑。这些情绪在他的文艺思想中有所流露。  相似文献   

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