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美国阅读心理学家吉布森和利文认为:“阅读乃是从课文中提取意义的过程。”按此说,人们在阅读中是通过搜集、整理、分析和归纳信息等思维活动获得文本的意义从而达到对文本的理解的。这样的理解.应该说是与原文的内涵和外延相一致的,它不会超出文本原有的思维空间,即阅读只是对文本所叙述的事实或事理的接受和理解。  相似文献   

在新高考背景下,实用类文本的价值重新得到了人们的重视,而实用类文本阅读教学策略也亟待被发掘与创新。现本文主要探究新高考背景下高中语文实用类文本的阅读策略,旨在提升高中生语文综合阅读能力的同时,切实提升高中语文实用类文本阅读的教学效率。  相似文献   

文本阅读研究百年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文本阅读理解是阅读心理研究的核心内容,是心理学界长期重视和关注的重要课题。一个世纪以来,研究者们发展了各种精细的、实时的研究方法和技术,对文本阅读过程中静态的表征与动态的加工过程进行深入探索,提出了许多理论与模型。近年来,围绕着读者在阅读过程中如何激活与整合信息,更形成了文本阅读的双加工模型与风景模型两个综合性理论。这些理论与模型,除了能极大地深化人们对文本阅读加工过程的认识,还将有助于未来文本信息处理技术的开发和应用。  相似文献   

牛小娟 《成才之路》2023,(3):109-112
语文非连续性文本阅读教学是初中语文阅读教学的重要内容,与连续性文本阅读教学共同构成初中语文阅读教学体系。当前初中语文非连续性文本阅读还存在阅读文本材料枯燥、难以激发学生兴趣,阅读技巧和方法掌握不足、阅读能力明显不高,阅读训练不达标、阅读水平不能得到提升的问题。教师要在了解初中语文非连续性文本阅读教学实际的基础上,科学选择阅读文本、激发学生阅读兴趣,划分阅读文本类型、传授文本阅读技巧,强化阅读文本训练、提升学生文本阅读水平,以促进初中语文非连续性文本阅读教学发展。  相似文献   

非连续性文本阅读是指在阅读的过程中,对文本中的信息进行筛选、分析,提取有效信息,用简洁的语言概括或提炼出作者的观点,并形成自己的观点和看法。这种阅读方式主要以图表和表格等形式呈现,其呈现方式多样、形式灵活、实用性强,已逐渐成为人们获取信息的主要渠道。在语文教学中,我们应关注学生非连续性文本阅读能力的培养,让学生在非连续性文本阅读中培养语言表达能力、梳理归纳能力、问题探究能力等语文核心素养,形成自主阅读的习惯和良好的阅读素养。因此,对于小学语文阅读教学而言,非连续性文本阅读教学具有很强的实用性和可操作性,是学生获取信息、处理信息、分析问题、解决问题的重要途径。笔者结合自身的教学实践,总结了三个方面的策略。  相似文献   

英语文本阅读是以理解为核心的认知活动,读懂文本是成功阅读的关键。解读文本、探究文本、超越文本,构成了阅读过程中循序渐进的三重境界。应从解读文本入手,进而对文本进行深入地探究,才能达到阅读的最高境界——超越文本。  相似文献   

现代阅读理论揭示,阅读不是读者被动地接受信息的过程,而是一个积极的认知过程,是读者与文本交流的过程。《语文课程标准》指出:阅读教学是学生,教师,文本之间对话的过程。这告诉我们,在阅读教学中,学生首先是一个阅读者,他与文本之间的交流是教师与其他人无法取代的,而他的阅读能力的提高也只能在不断的阅读实践中实现。而教师在这个过程中的任务只是把文本介绍给学生,激发他们阅读文本的欲望,促使学生直接面对文本。  相似文献   

<正>阅读被看作是读者与文本间的二元理解。读者的阅读经验构成了“读者视域”,文本的语言风格、内容表达、结构形式等构成了“文本视域”。阅读理解的过程就是“读者视域”与“文本视域”相互交融的过程。[1]阅读的本质是对话,是阅读者裹挟着自身的原始经验,即“读者视域”,体会文本独特的语言风格、表达特质以及结构形式等“文本视域”,形成两者之间的相互交融。[2]但“读者视域”与“文本视域”受多种因素的影响,彼此之间存在着诸多非一致性认知,这就形成了阅读过程中的认知冲突,伽  相似文献   

教师是课堂文本阅读的组织者、学生阅读的促进者,也是阅读中的对话者之一。作为文本与学生之间的中介,教师的思想深度、审美情趣决定了他对文本的理解程度及对学生理解文本的导向作用。萨特说过:阅读是一种被引导的创造。一般而言,学生在文本阅读中,并不是消极地接受、索取意义,而是积极、主动地发现、建构意义。任何限制学生思维空间的倾向,都会影响文本分析的效果。  相似文献   

阅读是人们获取知识进行学习的重要方法,新课标在“阅读与鉴赏”中指出,“阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间的多重对话,是思想碰撞和心灵交流的动态过程”。  相似文献   

We hypothesised that college students take reading speed into consideration when evaluating their own reading skill, even if reading speed does not reliably predict actual reading skill. To test this hypothesis, we measured self‐perception of reading skill, self‐perception of reading speed, actual reading skill and actual reading speed to determine the relations that exist. The results supported our predictions. Primarily, self‐perceived reading speed strongly correlated with self‐perceived reading skill, whereas the correlation between actual reading speed and actual reading skill was low. Next, a multiple regression analysis showed that self‐perception of reading speed significantly predicted self‐perception of reading skill after controlling for actual reading skill. Lastly, how highly correlated reading skill was with self‐perceived reading speed was found to affect how accurately one perceived his or her reading skill. Consequently, the study results suggest a negative impact of self‐perceived reading speed on accuracy of self‐perceived reading skill, as hypothesised.  相似文献   

全阅读教育理念与儿童早期阅读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于全语言教育的全阅读教育理念强调为幼儿早期阅读提供多重开放的阅读情境、对象与方式、途径等.遵循这一阅读理念,有助于克服当前早期阅读教育单调、枯燥,被等同于识字教育等弊端.幼儿园应在开展绘本式阅读,让儿童在阅读绘本过程中深刻体会童年意义的基础上,多组织开展环境式阅读,促进幼儿亲社会性品质的形成;在亲子共读中感受亲情的温暖与支持,形成良好的阅读习惯与浓厚的阅读兴趣;在阅读自然之书中形成亲近自然的和谐精神.  相似文献   

为了探究阅读任务对学生阅读素养的影响,基于PISA 2018中国北京、上海、江苏和浙江四省市学生的测评数据,将经常与较少执行阅读任务的学生的阅读素养测评结果进行比较。研究发现:不同的阅读任务对学生阅读能力的影响不一,其中“提出看法”与“回答问题”两项任务更有利于提升学生阅读能力;9项阅读任务都有助于发展学生的阅读兴趣,优化学生阅读自我概念;在培养学生阅读元认知能力方面,9项阅读任务的效果并不如人意。这些启示语文教师要基于不同阅读任务的特性,设计最佳任务组合优化教学;反思阅读任务的执行过程,提高阅读任务有效性;强化阅读策略教学,提升学生阅读元认知能力。  相似文献   

马宏虹 《天津教育》2021,(7):119-120
随着新课程标准对高中语文整本书阅读提出了明确的规划和要求,整本书阅读教育理念正逐步渗透到高中语文阅读教学中。通过分析当前高中语文阅读教学模式存在的不足之处,结合整本书阅读教育理念,采取厘清阅读轻重,进行有效阅读;营造阅读氛围,增进阅读兴趣;创建阅读分享与奖励机制,优化阅读体验等方式,进行整本书阅读教育理念下高中语文阅读教学模式的创新与优化,以期促进学生更好地阅读理解与进步。  相似文献   

We examined the developmental relations between knowledge of reading strategies and reading comprehension in a longitudinal study of 312 Dutch children from the beginning of fourth grade to the end of fifth grade. Measures for reading comprehension, reading strategies, reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory were administered. A structural equation model was constructed to estimate the unique relations between reading strategies and reading comprehension, while controlling for reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory. The results showed that there was a unique effect of reading strategies on reading comprehension, and also of reading comprehension on reading strategies.  相似文献   

An emerging body of research has evaluated the role of growth mindset in educational achievement, yet little work has focused on the unique role of mindset to standardized reading outcomes. Our study presents 4 key outcomes in a sample of 195 fourth-grade students. First, we evaluated the dimensionality of general and reading-specific mindset and found that a global factor of growth mindset (GGM) existed along with specific factors of general and reading mindset. Second, GGM and reading mindset strongly predicted word reading and reading comprehension. Third, GGM and reading mindset uniquely predicted reading comprehension after controlling for basic word reading skills. Fourth, GGM was more strongly associated with reading comprehension for those individuals with weaker reading comprehension skills, whereas reading mindset was more strongly associated with reading comprehension for those with stronger reading comprehension skills. Our findings suggest the potential importance of assessing general and reading-specific mindset linked to reading.  相似文献   

This study examines associations between leisure reading and reading skills in data of 2,525 students followed from age 7 to 16. As a step further from traditional cross-lagged analysis, a random intercept cross-lagged panel model was used to identify within-person associations of leisure reading (books, magazines, newspapers, and digital reading), reading fluency, and reading comprehension. In Grades 1–3 poorer comprehension and fluency predicted less leisure reading. In later grades more frequent leisure reading, particularly of books, predicted better reading comprehension. Negative associations were found between digital reading and reading skills. The findings specify earlier findings of correlations between individuals by showing that reading comprehension improvement, in particular, is predicted by within-individual increases in book reading.  相似文献   

This study explored subprocesses of reading for 157 fifth grade Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) by examining whether morphological awareness made a unique contribution to reading comprehension beyond a strong covariate-phonological decoding. The role of word reading and reading vocabulary as mediators of this relationship was also explored. Results showed that fourth grade morphological awareness did not make a significant unique direct effect on fifth grade reading comprehension, controlling for phonological decoding, word reading, and reading vocabulary. Fourth grade morphological awareness did, though, make a unique moderate total contribution to fifth grade reading comprehension with reading vocabulary, but not word reading, mediating the relationship when controlling for phonological decoding. In contrast, phonological decoding made a nonsignificant total contribution to reading comprehension with neither word reading nor reading vocabulary mediating the relationship when controlling for morphological awareness. Alternative models were also explored, showing the importance of including both predictors in a model of ELL reading comprehension, primarily to include the support of phonological decoding to word reading and the support of morphological awareness to reading comprehension via reading vocabulary. Results highlighted the importance of morphological awareness in facilitating reading comprehension via improving reading vocabulary knowledge, and also the potential of interventions involving morphological instruction to support reading achievement for Spanish-speaking ELLs.  相似文献   

语文阅读活动古已有之。阅读的内涵有广义和狭义之分,准确把握阅读与语文阅读的内涵,倡导积极的阅读理念,对于有效实施语文阅读学习具有重要意义。本文在解析阅读与语文阅读内涵的基础上,提出了语文阅读的新理念,即在生命阅读理念引领下,快乐阅读、成长阅读、审美阅读。  相似文献   

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