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俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则及其法源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则有:少数民族拥有平等的受教育权、平等的语言自由权和语言教育权,尤其是有保留本族语和以本族语接受教育的权利;联邦政府实行化平等与民族理解的教育,尊重各共和国的教育自决权。俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则源自前苏联时期的少数民族教育立法。  相似文献   

教育权利与教育权力是教育公平的两个核心概念,要实现教育公平,不仅要实现教育权利的平等,更要做到教育权力的公正。权利的平等不仅是教育资源和机会的平等,更重要的是教育过程中的平等对待。实现教育权力的公正要注意界分教育权利与教育权力,强化教育权力与责任的对等以及加强对教育权力的监督。  相似文献   

教育权利与教育权力是教育公平的两个核心概念,要实现教育公平,不仅要实现教育权利的平等,更要做到教育权力的公正.权利的平等不仅是教育资源和机会的平等,更重要的是教育过程中的平等对待.实现教育权力的公正要注意界分教育权利与教育权力,强化教育权力与责任的对等以及加强对教育权力的监督.  相似文献   

教育平等理念的僭妄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舶来的教育平等应用于当代中国并无价值,这是因为现在并不存在教育权利不平等的现象,教育权利平等已无须追求;教育机会(包括入学机会和学业成就机会)平等则无实现的可能,学生背景差异的无法消除和教育的等级性的必然存在便决定了这一点。  相似文献   

郭运晨 《考试周刊》2014,(54):168-169
跨文化理念视域下民族教育的发展应该注重接受并欣赏文化差异、尊重人的尊严和人的权利。各民族文化均有其特性,应相互尊重、相互学习,非主流文化应受到应有的重视。课程体系构建以尊重各民族文化平等为基准,有目标地实施平等教育。应充分认识各民族的传统教育习俗,对其文化价值与教育功能展开深入研究,并纳入现代学校教育体系,寻找出传统与现代对接的有效途径。  相似文献   

城乡教育不公平现象及其对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马麟 《吉林教育》2006,(1):18-19
教育公平是社会公平价值在教育领域的延伸和体现,享有平等教育的权利作为基本人权,成为现代教育的基础价值之一。追求教育平等是人类社会古老的理念,从我国古代的孔子的“有教无类”主张到马克思、恩格斯所论述的“教育的平等性”乃至1948年“受教育权”,被纳入联合国以世界人权宣言,无不说明人类社会把平等教育视为理想的教育。《中华人民共和国教育法》规定:中华人民共和国公民有受教育的权利和义务。公民不分民族、种族、性别、职业,财产状况、宗教信仰等,依法享有平等的受教育机会。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中指出“教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础”,还特别强调“促进义务教育均衡发展”,这为我国教育改革和发展指明了方向。进一步推进以素质教育为主题的教育改革与创新,大力促进教育公平,办好人民满意的教育,保障教育权利平等与机会均等,让人民群众共享改革发展成果,是当前教育工作的首要任务。  相似文献   

通过对1990年和2000年两次人口普查统计数据的对比分析发现:随着民族教育事业的发展,各民族的平均受教育年限都有所提高,各民族内部教育更加平等了;而在各民族之间,教育不平等程度则有所扩大,虽然扩大的幅度不大,但应该引起有关决策部门的注意。  相似文献   

曹迪 《教育学术月刊》2015,(3):55-60,74
加拿大作为多民族、多语言、多文化国家,在语言教育政策领域秉承多元文化主义的治国理念,以语言教育认同观和语言教育权利观作为政策指导观,制定了多元文化主义语言教育政策。该政策为实现加拿大"多元一体"的社会格局奠定了和谐的语言基础;为加拿大各族群享有平等的语言教育权利提供了政策保证;为推动加拿大民族语言教育的新发展提供了政策支持。  相似文献   

应注重教育活动中教育公平的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育公平不仅包括教育权利与机会的平等,而且应包括教育活动中的公平,当前,教育活动公平的研究应主要侧重在“课程设置的公平,教学活动的公平、教育评价的公平和教育环境的公平”等几个方面,只有树立科学的教育公平观,才能在实现受教育者获得机会和权利平等的同时,也获得成功机会的平等。  相似文献   

平等是人类数千年来为之奋斗的目标之一.21世纪的今天,平等权已成为了公民的一项基本权利.受教育权是平等权的重要内容之一,而教育则是保障平等权的重要手段之一.相应的,职业教育对公民平等权的保障也起着重要的作用.职业教育是保障公民平等受教育权的重要手段,是保障公民平等劳动就业权的重要手段,还是保障公民平等获酬权的重要手段.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of litigation on the mobilization of ethnic equality in the admission to Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) schools in Israel, and examines the socio-political mechanisms that have shaped this impact. It uses a case-study approach and draws on an analysis of documents and interviews. The findings confirm the conclusions of other studies regarding the limited ability of courts to produce change in schools by showing that ethnic equality was not mobilized until the Ministry of Education reformed its policy. However, the findings also show that the legal discourse empowered a group of Haredi parents to raise the rights consciousness of other parents and to support them in surmounting barriers that had impeded rights claims. The phenomenon of rights agents exemplifies how ethnic equality in school admission is mobilized in a bidirectional process: top-down judicial rulings empowered Haredi agents, who, in turn, have mobilized rights from the bottom-up to the new appeals committees in the Ministry of Education. The phenomenon also demonstrates the significance of collaborative relationships among lawyers, politicians, and social agents in order to generate social reforms in schools of ultra-religious groups.  相似文献   

各民族一律平等,是我国少数民族诉权得以实现的基础,民族区域自治制度是保护少数民族诉权的重要条件。而少数民族当事人各项诉讼权利的落实,则直接保护了少数民族的诉权,加强对少数民族诉权的保护:第一,进一步加强对少数民族特殊权益保护的立法工作。第二,加强少数民族地区司法队伍的建设;第三,进一步落实诉讼法的规定;第四,提高少数民族自身的法律意识。  相似文献   

International consensus on education priorities accords an important place to achieving gender justice in the educational sphere. Both the Dakar ‘Education for All’ goals and the Millennium Development goals emphasise two goals, in this regard. These two goals are distinguished as gender parity goals [achieving equal participation of girls and boys in all forms of education based on their proportion in the relevant age-groups in the population] and gender equality goals [ensuring educational equality between boys and girls]. In turn these have been characterised as quantitative/numerical and qualitative goals respectively. In order to consider progress towards both types of goal, both quantitative and qualitative assessments need to be made of the nature of progress towards gender equality. Achieving gender parity is just one step towards gender equality in and through education. An education system with equal numbers of boys and girls participating, who may progress evenly through the system, may not in fact be based on gender equality. Following Wilson (Human Rights: Promoting gender equality in and through education. Background paper for EFA GMR 2003/4, 2003) a consideration of gender equality in education therefore needs to be understood as the right to education [access and participation], as well as rights within education [gender-aware educational environments, processes, and outcomes], and rights through education [meaningful education outcomes that link education equality with wider processes of gender justice].  相似文献   

The concept of equality in education cannot be regarded as universally valid, although education per se is often viewed as potential social equalizer and/or an instrument for boosting economic growth. The present paper summarizes a section of the empirical evidence from a national evaluation educational survey of equality of educational opportunity at primary level in a multicultural society of the developing world-Mauritius.In Mauritius as elsewhere, education is viewed as a panacea for existing social, economic, ethnic and regional inequalities. In the Mauritian survey (Chinapah, 1983), equality of educational opportunity was examined from the standpoints of school participation and scholastic performance of primary school children differing in age, sex, ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics and belonging to four distinct educational settings: Government Rural, Government Urban, Aided Rural, and Aided Urban. The overriding thesis in the survey is the extent to which differential access to primary schooling may promote or hinder equality of educational opportunity in a complex, multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual society like Mauritius.Access to education as viewed from the numbers game, does not guarantee equal treatment in schools. For example, the explosive increases in participation in the 1950s and 60s in the OECD countries, and in the 1970s and 80s in the developing nations, have domonstrated that imbalances between ethnic/racial and socioeconomic strata tend to persist.Evidence from the survey shows that school alone cannot reduce inequalities along sex, ethnic, socioeconomic, and regional lines without a genuine effort to redress the overall problem of social, ethnic, and economic stratification which the school system quite often tends to maintain and reproduce. This paper provides the basis for a discussion of the prospects for and limitations of cross-cultural counselling in education.  相似文献   

美国教育机会平等问题——道德和财政上的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育机会平等是当今美国儿童最重要的权利之一,其以教育资源的合理分配为保障。受教育机会平等的第一条原则是学生所受的教育不应该受到学生的非教育相关因素的影响;其第二个原则是不论是否可能,学生受到的教育应该设计为与学生教育相关特征相适应。因此,受教育机会平等应该理解为所获教育利益的平等而非生均费用的平等。  相似文献   

In sixty years after the founding of New China,the Party and the state have deepened understanding of ethnic education.In value theory of ethnic education,our party and the state not only attach importance to significance of ethnic education in realizing ethnic equality,enhancing national unity and protecting national integrity,but also lay stress on its value in economic and social development of ethnic regions and regard it as the basic project of promoting harmonious development in politics,economy,culture and society of ethnic regions.In methodology of ethnic education,stress is laid in carrying out reform and development according to reality of ethnic groups and ethnic regions.In development strategy of ethnic education,the emphasis is put on increasing input and support for ethnic education,implementing development strategy of"low barycentre",developing ethnic normal education to cultivate qualified ethnic teachers,and strengthening leadership for ethnic education.Since the founding of New China,innovation and change in ethnic education concept have provided basic understanding for the development of ethnic education in China.  相似文献   


Religious education refers to basic, sacred texts. Education also has basic, secular texts. ‘Back to basics’ should include basic values which are found in human rights instruments. Human rights are sometimes erroneously referred to as a Western and Northern values system, but the article notes an Islamic tradition of acknowledging human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 ushered in a multiplicity of human rights texts that are international and which educators can confidently use as standards in any circumstances. In schools in which linguistic, cultural, religious and ethnic pluralism is a fact of life, these principles are helpful guidelines for conduct and policy. All major human rights texts start with a reaffirmation of a commitment to equality of rights and equality of dignity. Programmes to develop race or gender equality and to enhance opportunities for those with special needs and disabilities are essentially concerned with human rights.  相似文献   

经济社会发展滞后区域与少数民族集中分布地区的重合,决定了教育公平缺失现状对我国民族关系和谐发展的消极影响。它限制、削弱了民族地区和少数民族个体成员自我发展、参与竞争的能力,阻碍着民族间事实上平等的实现和民族团结的进一步发展。因此,在构建社会主义和谐社会的时代背景下,必须从民族关系和谐视阈考察、应对教育公平缺失问题。为此,一要加大民族教育立法、执法力度;二要以政府为主、多种途径增加教育投入;三要完善民族教育优惠政策,增强民族互助。  相似文献   

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