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本文以第16届ISATT会议为写作缘由,结合会议内容,对西方人文主义取向的教师教育的演变、发展和挑战进行讨论。人文主义取向的教师教育核心在于强调教师在教学和自我发展中的主体性,关注教师的自我、身份和教师所处的各层次脉络,并主要以质性研究为主要研究方法。人文主义教师教育取向对我国教师教育的启示在于:教师教育是以教师为主体的人的活动,目的在于通过成就教师的卓越来更好地促进学生学习的发生。  相似文献   

本文以西方人文主义传统中对“人文主义”内涵的认识为理论基础,建构出美国教师教育实践中人文主义教师教育的三种取向.它们分别是“博雅取向”、“人本主义取向”和“社会重建取向”.文章分别介绍了这三种取向教师教育思想及实践的历史渊源、其背后所持的教师观及具体教师教育主张.  相似文献   

美国教师教育具有关注社会正义的传统,其核心是认为教师教育的本质是政治的、学校再生产了社会不平等、课程体现着统治阶层的政治和文化霸权.基于社会重建理论和批判理论,社会正义取向教师教育的倡导者将教师教育作为实现社会正义的主要路径:重建教师教育的公共领域职能,将社会学理论引入教师教育,关注语言和文本分析.社会正义取向教师教育对当前美国教师教育产生了重要影响,不但拓展了教师教育研究的视野,也促使大学在教师教育实践中不断关注与种族和权力有关的社会正义问题.  相似文献   

我国幼儿园教师专业发展观经历了理智取向、实践取向和精神取向的三次转变,由此带来了幼儿园教师职前教育课程从关注知能到关注实践再到关注精神的变革。随着幼儿园教师教育的深化发展,研究术语从“教师培训”改为“教师专业发展”,进而被“教师学习”所替代。这一转变凸显了幼儿园教师是自主的终身学习者,体现了幼儿园教师培训观从外铄论转向内发论,自主取向的幼儿园教师发展观得到了普遍认同。同时,这一转变还催生了个人和集体的教师文化之间的相互调适,营造合作共生、带有学习共同体特征的幼儿园教师文化生态成为共识。在方法论层面,哲学思辨范式、科学实证范式、人文诠释范式、社会批判范式等研究范式呈现出齐头并进、互取所长的横向格局,但在当前大数据和人工智能的时代背景下,同时也存在着过度推崇“基于证据”的实证研究的倾向。研究范式的多元化是幼儿园教师教育研究发展的内在要求,基于“复杂性思想”,从多元整合的视角开展研究应是未来幼儿园教师教育研究发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

我国近二十年来的教师培训并不算十分成功,依据是当下的教师培训呈现出“为人”与“为师”的价值迷乱、“育人”与“育分”的功能倒置、知识填补与发展引领的顾此失彼.教师培训正面临着向上提升还是向下沉沦的关键抉择,汲取科学主义的丰富营养,顺应人文主义的教育潮流,抵御市场主义中功利性的侵蚀,关注教师主体性、课程教育性和发展引领性是当下教师培训必然的选择.  相似文献   

与各种理论取向的教师发展研究相比,"生命·实践"教育学派体现出教师发展内涵、价值和路径的整全取向、二元统一取向和实践取向。在此之下,教师发展是教师作为个体的人、作为社会角色以及作为承担学校具体教学、教育的人,在学校转型性实践中实现教育观念与行为的转型及自我更新。它消解不同取向教师发展研究之间的对峙,形成一种思想和逻辑上内在一致的教师发展观,实现中国当代教师发展研究的理论创新。  相似文献   

通过历史的视角,梳理教育目的价值取向的演进过程,基于此过程,地方师范院校教师教育工作也相应生成新的理念,并指导具体的实践。受传统社会依附教育目的取向的影响,教师教育也一定程度上迷失了"人"的主体,体现出强烈的纯技术观。现代教育目的追根溯源,转向关注人本身,具有显著的人本取向,地方师范院校在教师教育实践中也更加融入人文精神和发展视野。  相似文献   

教师的地位受社会政治、经济、思想和文化的制约,与人类的进步和社会的文明相联系。在我国古代,教师的社会地位是极其崇高的,荀子把“天、地、君、亲、师”并称;到了近代,教师的命运如同当时中国社会的政治风云一样漂泊不定,生活没有保障;新中国成立以后,教师的地位发生了根本的变化,被赋予了“人民教师”的光荣称号,特别是十一届三中全会以后,教师的社会地位、经济地位获得了空前的提高。近年来,教育界进行了主体性教育的大讨论,主体性教育“从肯定人在社会历史发展中的主体地位与人在自身发展中的地位出发,探讨和阐明教育的主体性,充分发…  相似文献   

中小学教师的课程取向及其特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程取向问卷调查的结果表明:中小学教师对认知过程取向的认同度最高,但也不排斥其他四种取向;男教师比女教师更倾向于学术理性取向;不同教龄的教师在认知过程、科技发展、社会重建、学术理性取向上有显著差异;不同学校类别的教师在科技发展、人文主义、社会重建、学术理性取向上有极其显著的差异;不同学历的教师在科技发展、人文主义、社会重建、学术理性取向上有非常显著的差异;教师的新课程培训状况对科技发展、认知过程、社会重建取向有影响。在此基础上,笔者对我国的课程研究与改革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

“公共危机”带来的危害是无国界而又不可弥补的。以现有应对状态来看,反映出目前多元协同治理存在一定的缺陷。因此,应以共同利益为目标,发挥教师人文主义教育在公共安全危机中的作用,倡导教师应注重自我主体性,加强自我角色的认同,同时,发挥学生主观能动性,正确认识自我、他人、自然与社会的关系,多方出力,共同防御公共危机的产生,从而真正做到人与自然和谐相处。  相似文献   


This paper discusses recent moves to modernise teacher education in Sweden. It first considers reasons why teacher education has received increased attention in different countries in recent years, and then goes on to explore what implications this has had for Sweden The approach taken in Sweden to the so-called crisis of schooling in Beck's risk society has been to attempt to raise the status of teacher educators by proposing increased research possibilities and a new discipline utbildningsvetenskap . The paper discusses the likely response of teacher educators to these new conditions and their overall implications for the Swedish state.  相似文献   

Drawing from Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory, Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy and Hoy (1998) proposed an integrated model of teacher efficacy to aid the understanding of this complex construct. This framework, despite its richness and usefulness in framing teacher efficacy research within the education landscape, is barely examined in the Southeast Asian education context. Acknowledging that teacher efficacy is a context-specific construct, this article discusses three defining features of the socio-cultural context in Singapore, including diversification of curriculum, high-stakes examinations and the culture of collectivism. We argue that these three features present a unique culturally appropriated perspective on the interpretation of Tschannen-Moran et al.’s integrated conceptual framework. These contextual characteristics and their implications to choices of methodological inquiries need to be considered in the application of this influential framework to teacher efficacy research across subject matters, levels and academic streams in Singapore as well as other education systems that share similar socio-cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

建构主义对我国教师教育具有深刻的指导意义:教师教育理念的革新;在具体情境中开展合作性学习;整合教师的“缄默知识”与“显性知识”;通过反思促进教师专业发展;重视教师评价的主体性、发展性与差异性。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the need to adopt a more participatory and research-based approach to teacher development in India. Drawing on the experiences of a participatory teacher educator development project in three States, we discuss processes of developing a democratically orientated qualitative research team to work with teachers and teacher educators, highlighting the interplay between their education and socialisation and the demands of the methodology. In the second part of the paper, aspects of developing collaborative action research projects with teacher educators in the context of District Institutes of Education and Training are discussed. Both these approaches require the development of autonomy and critical reflexivity, and although there are tensions in this process, these emerge as vital components of developing a more democratic approach to teacher education.  相似文献   

班主任既是老师又是家长,班主任工作既繁琐又朴实。班主任既要教导学生多学文化科学知识,将来做一个对社会有用之人,又要引导学生树立正确的世界观和人生观,帮助他们走上正确的人生旅途。作者根据多年的班主任工作经验,就工作中容易出现的“爱”与“严”尺度把握不准的问题进行了分析和探讨,以求共同进步。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion about teacher education today: its organisation, its academic status and the competence that results from different programmes. There is no one best way to organise teacher education. Rather, the appropriateness of organisation is related to the desired aims. In this article, we discuss one way to organise and implement academic education for class teachers, namely, a research-based approach, which has been used in Finland for the last 30 years. We elaborate on a theoretical framework for research-based teacher education and present empirical evidence for ways of implementing teacher education programmes, experiences and evaluations. Based on this evidence, we consider the present state of teacher education and suggest guidelines for the future. Research-based teacher education in Finland has been underway long enough to examine its results and its effectiveness in educating class teachers today. Together with our own research findings, the high-level performance of Finnish pupils in international examinations suggests that teacher education in Finland has been on the right course. We recommend that departments of teacher education should be established within universities and that teachers should obtain Master's degrees. Such steps will ensure that a higher conceptual level is adopted and that research is part of teacher education. Although our context is teacher education in Finland, the viewpoints expressed may be valuable for teachers, teacher educators and researchers on teacher education in a broader European context.  相似文献   


This qualitative metasynthesis investigated students’ meaningful learning experiences amid andragogical teacher education programmes. The programmes catered to the specific learning needs of adult students in the context of university-based teacher education. This study aimed to provide a wider picture of the frames of students’ meaningful learning in andragogical teacher education programmes. The findings revealed three major learning worlds of adult students’ meaningful learning, which formed a common system widening from the professional awakening to the transformative community and agency in society. Based on the findings, this study argues that in andragogical teacher education, which emphasises collaboration and networking in accordance with the current trend in higher education, teacher students may become empowered participants and active agents in society. The findings can be used in planning curricula, and developing programmes of higher education in general and teacher education in particular.  相似文献   

Mathematics education research has placed great emphasis on teacher identity, examining both pre- and in-service teachers, and within these cohorts, specialised mathematics teachers and non-specialists such as elementary teachers. Extensive research has already been done; hence, this paper discusses possible future directions for research on teacher identity in mathematics education. Among other issues, we highlight that general education research on identity has infrequently informed research on mathematics-related teacher identity. This not only limits the transfer of knowledge but also isolates mathematics education from general education research. We suggest that connecting these lines of research and their findings may not only strengthen mathematics education research and mathematics teaching and learning but also contribute to less isolation within the discipline as a whole.  相似文献   

专职教师教育研究者的角色是社会对其具有的特定身份的人的行为期待,它是构成学校学习型组织的基础。专职教师教育研究者是否具有清晰的角色意识,对于推动县域实施优质教师教育具有重大的意义。笔者在对县域专职教师教育研究者的角色从理论上进行描述的同时,对其的能力结构也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

教育的发展离不开教育主体,在教师教育100多年的发展史中,教育主体性发生不断变迁:从最初的计划、单一、封闭的主体性僵化模式到灵活、多元、开放的主体性发展模式。新的时期,教师教育主体性的真正发挥仍存在一定的问题,只有充分发挥教师教育改革中的主体性,针对教育者、受教育者的特征来把握未来教师教育发展的方向,才能为我国教师教育的发展提供动力,为我国基础教育事业的发展培养优秀的师资。  相似文献   

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