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图书馆冲突管理浅论   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
作为一个生长有机体的图书馆,其内在和外在的冲突无处不在。研究图书馆所特有的冲突现象,寻求解决、化解冲突和引导冲突向有利于图书馆事业发展的方向转化,是现代图书馆管理必须正视和研究的课题。本从高校图书馆冲突的来源起因到冲突的良性转化的全过程着眼,结合组织行为学的理论对高校图书馆的冲突管理进行了一定深度的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

冲突是组织活力的象征.冲突在图书馆工作中是客观存在的,只有适度的冲突才能促进图书馆稳定、可持续的发展.图书馆冲突分为人际冲突、设计冲突、资源冲突与过程冲突.针对冲突不同的表现形式,应采取不同的化解方法.图书馆冲突需要通过改善组织文化、开展馆读培训、设立冲突机制、完善法制体系、加强领导重视程度等方法加以化解.  相似文献   

简要分析了高校图书馆与读者权利冲突的现状及原因,阐述了民主管理在解决高校图书馆与读者之间冲突的重要作用,提出了实现高校图书馆民主管理的具体举措.  相似文献   

合并高校的图书馆在合并后,面临着一系列的冲突,这些冲突大部分是由组织文化冲突引起的。因此,高校图书馆要想实现真正意义上的合并,首先必须对组织文化进行整合。论述了合并高校图书馆对组织文化进行整合的方式与方法。  相似文献   

冲突是图书馆工作中常见的现象,也是一种比较复杂的现象.分析了图书馆工作中产生冲突的原因,指出图书馆冲突管理存在的问题,提出应科学诊断冲突,有效化解破坏性冲突,适度激发建设性冲突,以促进图书馆健康发展.  相似文献   

文章结合冲突概念研究背景,针对冲突在企业档案部门的表现形式进行逐一剖析,指出研究冲突的目的不应该是消弭冲突,而应该是有效地管理冲突,提出了从六个方面化解冲突的方法。  相似文献   

作为图书馆核心价值的知识自由研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
知识自由包括三个方面:知识持有的自由、知识接收的自由与知识传播的自由.ALA是知识自由的最早倡导者,其<图书馆权利宣言>实际上是知识自由宣言.在图书馆领域,知识自由主要表现为个人获取知识或信息的自由.知识自由是国际图书馆界普遍认可的核心价值,它也应该成为中国图书馆职业的核心价值.知识自由理念与我国图书馆界普遍尊奉的社会教化观念和我国现行意识形态之间存在一定的冲突,但是并非不可调和.  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者服务中冲突的案例研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高校图书馆读者服务中冲突的发生是经常的。文章探讨了防范冲突、减少冲突的诱因所应采取的一些措施。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国法治进程的加快,公民权利意识不断增强,权利冲突的法律现象也越来越凸显,图书馆界也概莫能外.图书馆界对权利的解析,由于视角不同呈两种态势:一种强调读者权利,一种呼吁馆员权利,而且往往将两种权利置于对立之中进行阐述,更加重了现实中图书馆两主体的权利冲突.本文笔者从法学视角,对图书馆权利冲突进行分析,提出构建和谐图书馆,实现馆员、读者权利双赢,是今后图书馆和谐发展的关键所在.  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为高校教育的重要角色,形成一所学校特有的文化底蕴。笔者从图书馆管理的实际工作出发,进行总结思考,致力于发掘图书馆服务过程中人际冲突的原因机制和解决对策。  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of my research on bargaining and conflict management for formal and informal negotiations. In particular, I focus on ways to differentiate conflict issues, prevent premature closure, engage in conflict framing and reframing, and join together through collective sense making. I urge negotiators to change the name of the game through reaching new understandings and exploring alternative spaces of actions that transform conflicts rather than settle for easy compromises.  相似文献   

读者服务中的馆读冲突及心理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在读者服务工作中,馆读(即馆员与读者)冲突是一种不可避免的现象,它对图书馆功能的实现具有消极作用。因此,我们要利用读者心理,巧妙地规避冲突;当冲突真正发生后,则要有效地予以制止。提高馆员的综合素质,特别是培养其良好的心理素质,是减少馆读冲突的核心。  相似文献   

文章阐述了权力的概念,对图书馆内部权力体系的构成及各类权力之间的相互关系进行了较为深入的分析,并对冲突存在的意义和如何协调各类权力冲突进行了较为全面的论述。参考文献8。  相似文献   

中国传媒产业习惯上采用行政官僚制度,在内部冲突管理上沿袭传统冲突管理理论,以消除内部纷争。不过,传媒企业的信息产业特点要求保持较激进的创新性与竞争性,使得传媒企业内部冲突行为必然不同于传统产业。本文应用组织行为理论,采用数理统计方法对境内上市传媒公司内部冲突行为动因给予实证研究,结果表明制度在抑制负向冲突、引导冲突走向等方面具有重要性。  相似文献   

Individuals in temporary task-oriented dyads or groups must manage conflict competently if they hope to be successful in reaching their goals. Thus far, however, research on the associations between conflict styles and communication competence has focused on acquainted dyads, such as relational partners and coworkers, rather than unacquainted dyads assigned to work on tasks. The present study tests the applicability of the competence model of interpersonal conflict to temporary task-oriented dyads. Dyads (N = 100) who had little or no relational history completed a simulated decision-making task that involved choosing two out of four employees to lay off in response to a company's need to downsize. Results indicate people generally perceived the solution-oriented strategy as appropriate and effective. Although people perceived their partners' use of the controlling strategy to be inappropriate, people rated themselves as more effective when they used the controlling strategy. People evaluated nonconfrontational strategies as particularly incompetent.  相似文献   

Individuals in temporary task‐oriented dyads or groups must manage conflict competently if they hope to be successful in reaching their goals. Thus far, however, research on the associations between conflict styles and communication competence has focused on acquainted dyads, such as relational partners and coworkers, rather than unacquainted dyads assigned to work on tasks. The present study tests the applicability of the competence model of interpersonal conflict to temporary task‐oriented dyads. Dyads (N = 100) who had little or no relational history completed a simulated decision‐making task that involved choosing two out of four employees to lay off in response to a company's need to downsize. Results indicate people generally perceived the solution‐oriented strategy as appropriate and effective. Although people perceived their partners' use of the controlling strategy to be inappropriate, people rated themselves as more effective when they used the controlling strategy. People evaluated nonconfrontational strategies as particularly incompetent.  相似文献   

This paper explicates the implications of my research on conflict management for self improvement and for practitioners who work to improve the conflict management of others. I also note how my experiences with practitioners have informed my research.  相似文献   

花骁勇 《出版科学》2009,17(6):21-24
图书供应商与渠道的矛盾是长期客观存在并发展的,矛盾的产生不能仅仅归结为体制或者诚信体系的缺失。它是图书市场发展中衍生的正常现象,以渠道对抗渠道,甚至通过行政手段去制约终端,是不可取的。只有在和谐出版生态视野下,客观、综合地分析和化解矛盾,才能真正推进产业发展。  相似文献   


This study proposes a classification framework for conflict journalism with respect to its potential for conflict escalation and de-escalation in Pakistan—a country marred by a number of deadly conflicts. While building on the existing literature, the study proposes the varying levels of intensity of a conflict and the resulting escalatory and de-escalatory coverage as important factors in the process. Through content analysis and focus group discussion, it was found that de-escalatory coverage is inversely proportional to the intensity of a conflict in terms of its perceived threats to national security. Secondly it was found that the coverage was spread across a range of thematic frames though certain perspectives got more prominence as compared to others. Noting the variations in the presence of peace journalism, the study concludes that critical pragmatic approach to peace journalism is better suited to address queries relating to its theory and practice than other approaches because it accommodates the retention of peace as a value and at the same is pragmatic and hence honors the requirements of journalistic profession.  相似文献   


This study focuses on how postepisodic conflict avoidance is related to the emotional and behavioral reactions to a partner's destructive conflict behavior. The first hypothesis predicted that a partner's destructive behavior is positively related to postepisodic conflict avoidance when an individual becomes emotionally flooded and withdraws during an argument. Conversely, a partner's destructive behavior was expected to be negatively related to postepisodic conflict avoidance when an individual becomes emotionally flooded and reciprocates the destructive behavior during an argument. A path analysis of the accounts of 182 undergraduate participants about a recent conflict episode supported the second hypothesis but not the first. However, results indicate other positive paths between a partner's destructive behavior and postepisodic conflict avoidance. Limitations and future research directions are discussed. This study extends the anger avoidance model and also advances understanding of destructive communication processes.  相似文献   

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