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The aim of this article is to gain knowledge about what it means to be a learner using social media in an educational setting. The article presents an ethnographic study of students in a multiethnic community in Oslo who participate in a social networking site called Space2cre8 (S28). In this article, we set out to explore the kind of space for learning that can be created in a lower secondary classroom by a social networking site. The article provides a detailed study of how two students made use of this social networking site as part of school activities, and it outlines two specific ways in which to be a learner using social media in school. The findings suggest that a social networking site such as S28 can provide different resources for different students with different learner identities, and might represent a space in which everyday knowledge and school knowledge merge to offer a hybrid space for learning.  相似文献   

英语国家和中国属于不同的文化体系,在风俗习惯、思维方式等许多方面存在差异。而英语和汉语则分属印欧和汉藏两个不同的语系,在语言结构上各有其特点。因此,对其进行对比分析是英汉翻译的关键,而掌握文章所提出的主要差异则是提高翻译综合能力的必要前提。  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the relationship between social and emotional behavioural difficulties (SEBD) and learning. It argues that, while inclusion is desirable in principle, it can be highly problematic in practice. Further, it explores the contested nature of the concept of SEBD and the nature of support for pupils categorised as such. The article draws upon a case study which evaluates a group work approach devised by the author to support pupils experiencing SEBD within a mainstream secondary school, within a deprived area. The study (N = 69) established benchmark measures relating to pupil attendance, discipline sanctions, attainment and pupil attitudes and followed the progress of the pupils until one to two years after completion of the intervention. The findings indicate that the intervention did not reduce the differential in performance in National Tests between the Support Group pupils and comparator groups but it did impact positively upon dispositions towards learning.  相似文献   

本文对温度的热力学定义进行阐述 ,并从分子水平上的能量传递观点对热力学体系的宏观性质“温度”进行微观本质解释。说明温度对热力学体系中各种状态函数 :U·H·S·G以及标准平衡常数K 的影响 ,从而得出温度 (T)是热力学体系的重要状态函数的结论  相似文献   

在对中、英思维模式的比较研究中发现:不同的思维模式对学习者的语言表达有着极大的影响.该影响导致了句子结构、语篇结构及话语模式在这两种语言中的不同.受其哲学思想、生产方式和历史的影响,汉语呈现出一种重意义的意合法,而英语呈现出一种重形式的形合法.本文以几个实例证明此理论,并分析汉、英之不同思维模式对这两种语言的表达形式的影响.  相似文献   

社会动员必须以动员行为主体的研究为逻辑起点,以利益为终极关怀,以理性集聚为基础的集体人设定,是对社会动员行为主体的一种尝试.作为社会动员行为主体的集体人,具有内存在性、指向性、一致性、行动可能性、反意向等特征,同时由于受权威正式与否的影响,集体人可以细分为自觉集体人和觉他集体人,这两类集体人基于自身的特征,在社会动员中发挥着各自的功效.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the relation between self-regulated learning and online collaborative environments. Based on the study of a blended course for trainee teachers, it explores the potential of the online collaborative component of the course for the practice and development of Self-Regulated Learning. The study made use of two questionnaires, developed within the TELEPEERS European project, to evaluate the potential support to SRL provided by technology-enhanced learning environments. The results provide information about the aspects of SRL practised in our environment. These include social competences, such as communication and negotiation with tutors and peers, emotional and motivational aspects, such as keeping up motivation and maintaining and restoring a positive working attitude, and cognitive and metacognitive skills such as management of time and learning environment and reflection on learning outcomes. The study also suggests the need to consider not only the SRL of the individuals involved in the learning process, but also the SRL of the whole community, that is, the result of the mediation between individual autonomy and group collaboration.  相似文献   

This article describes examples of reflection documented in a longitudinal research comprising two studies: a three-year three-stage study on technology project-based learning (TPBL) and a three-year two-stage study on engineering thinking (ET). Both studies used qualitative tools such as interviews, active observations, and document analysis. Reflections expressed by 10th grade pupils from eight high schools and 14 post-secondary school students who participated in the TPBL study as well as the reflection findings of experts and undergraduates from the ET study were used. The data analysis indicates that reflection is not generated on its own; it must be fostered. Reflection takes one of three forms: as a reaction to an irregularity or error made when working on the system design; conducted in groups that is inherent to the design process in industry; and from intuition that something may not be quite right, even though preliminary results seem to be correct.  相似文献   

Situated within the broader context of neoliberalism, this article explores how personalized learning, as tied to 1:1 technology initiatives, prompts changes in teachers’ classrooms and practices. The article draws upon a case study of one novice teacher as a way to view how personalized learning is undergirded by tenets of neoliberalism that ultimately change the relationship between teachers, students, and knowledge. While this article does not dispute the positive effects that personalized learning through technology has offered to many students, it explores facets of how such a change has reoriented the role of the teacher and repositioned knowledge as it relates to classrooms and students.  相似文献   

一氧化氮(NO)是植物体内重要的生物活性分子.实验表明,它可以通过酶促和非酶促途径而产生,它参与种子萌发、叶扩张、根伸长、侧根形成、抑制下胚轴伸长、细胞凋亡以及植物抗逆反应等植物生长发育的众多生理过程.本文着重论述NO在植物生长发育中的作用.  相似文献   

Decades of research at the tertiary level have produced the finding that the use of different teaching methods makes no difference to student learning when end-of-course examination performance is accepted as the criterion of such learning. This conclusion has been based on a comparison between the average mark gained by groups of subjects taught in different ways. The present article takes the position that the use of such mean scores serves to conceal individual variability, and hypothesizes that it is possible to identify personality characteristics likely to predispose a student to perform better under one teaching approach rather than another. A programmatic series of studies using two approaches to personality measurement, purpose-concealed and face-valid, and two instructional approaches, lecturing and independent study, is described culminating in the conclusion that the student likely to perform better under the latter teaching method sees himself as being more tense and anxious than the student likely to perform better under the former method.Flinders University of South Australia  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a research study on the impact of environmental education (EE) upon English primary school teachers, and it then discusses the findings of the study in relation to education for sustainable development, as EE is considered one of the two precursors of education for sustainable development. The article begins by considering the development of EE in the English national curriculum of primary schools and then briefly outlines and reports two major findings of the study, comparing them against the new context of education for sustainable development. Overall, the article demonstrates how EE, the national curriculum and teachers have interacted with each other, while arguing that there seems to be a parallel course among education for sustainable development and EE in the national curriculum, with no apparent crossroad to link the two and explain how education for sustainable development is partly based on EE as well.  相似文献   

文章阐述了杂化方式对化合物结构和性质的影响,讨论了杂化方式如何影响化学键的键长、化合物的酸碱性、对红外光谱和其它性质的影响.  相似文献   

一氧化氮是一种气体性细胞间信息分子,在肠缺血再灌注损伤中具有重要的作用。文章介绍一氧化氮合酶的生物学特性、在肠道的分布和一氧化氮的作用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

妇产科学作为医学院校临床教学中的主干学科之一,无论是对学生还是教师,都显得十分重要。但由于妇产科教材内容多而复杂,加上妇产科专业的特殊性,如何让学生尤其是男生学好妇产科是一个值得我们深入探讨的问题。本文从分析男生为何不学好妇产科的原因入手,从如何激发学习兴趣、教具教法的灵活应用、教学模式的转变及教师自身素质的提高等方面来探讨对男生的妇产科教学问题。  相似文献   

The residential school, held once a year, usually for two weeks, is an integral and compulsory component of distance education at the University of Zambia. It is, however, expensive for students and can discourage prospective students from applying for distance learning courses. This notwithstanding, residential schools have advantages. This article summarizes the findings of a study in a Zambian setting in which both lecturers and students felt that the residential schools have important educational benefits, such as, enabling lecturers to discuss difficult issues with and providing direct academic guidance to students. The paper does not discuss, in depth, why difficult issues arise, nor does it argue that direct academic guidance is essential. The arguments against residential schools perhaps need to be pursued more vigorously, such as, the barrier to entry for those unable to attend.  相似文献   

本文在实践的基础上介绍了多媒体技术与体育科教学相结合的基本运作思路,指出根据体育专业的教学方式和特点,可以将教学中比较常用的多媒体辅助教学技术分成两大类。第1类是借助传统的录音机、电视、摄象机、录放机、VCD、投影机、幻灯机等实现的图象、文字和声音的保存、编辑、显示及播放。第2类是目前比较常用的利用计算机、有关外设和相关的软件实现的图象、文字和声音的保存、编辑、显示及播放。本文一方面阐述了第1类技术在体育教学领域中的现实做用,另一方面重点强调了第2类技术的基本运作思路和实现途径,强调了以课程为单位建立多媒体素材库的方法和意义。  相似文献   

台湾问题最终要解决,但如何解决,成为海峡两岸争论的焦点。本文从中国政府解决台湾问题的坚定立场、台湾的现状以及台湾的前途等几个方面进行分析,指出:对于台湾来说接受“和平统一,一国两制”才是最明智的选择。  相似文献   


This article presents a folkloristic analysis of two history teachers' performances of lectures in an eleventh-grade American history course. Folklore is defined as the situated performance of a traditionalized text (in this case, from the course textbook) in which the performer (the teacher) takes responsibility for communicating a version of the text to the audience (the students) that is meaningful to them in their current situation. Using performance analysis grounded in folkloristic theory, it is shown that the history lecture is a complex genre combining such simple genres as anecdote and personal experience story. In so doing, a folkloristic approach to the study of teachers as storytellers is explained.  相似文献   

语文教育界基本认同语文学科存在"复合性",但它是哪些因素之间的复合,却值得讨论。汉语、文学分科教学之失败的历史,汉语、文学、文章教学的实然、应然的关系表明:语文学科不是汉语教学与文学教学二者的简单复合,而是语言、文学、文章教学三者的复杂复合。  相似文献   

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