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我国用明确立法的方式对赌博犯罪进行了规制,反映了我国一贯禁赌的立场。然而,随着境外博彩业的发展,我国国家工作人员参赌,网络赌博等多形式的赌博活动日益猖獗,严重影响了社会的稳定和经济的发展。司法机关多次通过司法解释的方式对赌博罪的适用做出了细化规定,加大了对赌博的打击力度,但还是存在着一定的缺陷和漏洞。通过修改以赌博为业和立法严禁国家工作人员参赌,设立赌博单位犯罪,以期完善赌博罪立法。  相似文献   

新中国博彩业发展已近二十年,当前博彩业的发展已出现许多始料未及的新情况和新特点,其对微观和宏观经济运行已经发生深刺的影响。笔者运用风险与不确定性理论、效用论、制度理论以及机会成本等经济学理论或分析工具,对中国博彩业的现状及原因进行多角度分析。在此基础上提出对博彩业的准确定位、适度规模、规范管理和安全高效的资金使用等具体措施和制度安排。  相似文献   

博彩业(主要体现形式是彩票)最早出现于16世纪的意大利,已有几百年的历史了.近年来世界博彩业以年均18%的速度发展,世界上已经有150多个国家和地区经营彩票业务,年销售额在11200亿美元以上,博彩业已经成为世界上第六大产业.我国博彩业自1987年开禁以来,发展迅猛,2003年彩票销售  相似文献   

地方立法是我国立法体系的一个组成部分。地方立法的质量关系到当地的政治、经济和社会发展。当前,我国地方立法中还存在着不少问题。地方立法存在的一个突出问题是地方立法程序问题。要努力克服地方立法程序中的各种问题,完善地方立法程序,从而使地方立法程序运作得更加合理、民主、科学。  相似文献   

试论我国社会考试的发展与完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会考试对社会的发展有较大的促进作用。我国的社会考试如今已经有了很大的发展,但也存在宏观调控不力、运作行为不规范、考试质量不高等问题。建议加强国家干预、加快考试立法、严肃考风考纪、提高技术队伍素质,以保证我国的社会考试健康发展。  相似文献   

特殊教育立法是我国教育立法的有机组成部分,是推动特殊教育快速发展,实现教育公平的重要手段。经过不断探索与实践,我国特殊教育立法取得了显著成绩,有关特殊教育的法律法规日渐完善,立法内容不断深入,有力地促进了特殊教育健康快速发展。但由于我国特殊教育立法起步晚,特殊教育立法在立法观念等诸多方面也存在明显不足,不适应特殊教育现实发展需要。从取得成绩和存在不足两个方面对我国特殊教育立法现状作简要分析,提出完善特殊教育立法方法,并简要分析通过专门立法完善特殊教育立法的必要性。  相似文献   

随着我国社会变革的加剧和转型的深入,社会管理与创新日益重要,社会组织已成为社会发展和管理中不可或缺的中间组织力量。虽然有关社会组织的法制建设取得了一定的成效,但仍然存在法规内容不完善、立法层次较低、立法原则不确定、社会组织发展遭遇合法性危机、现有法律法规限制社会组织取得合法身份等一系列问题。只有加快相关立法建设,加强政府依法管理和监督,完善相关司法体制和执行制度,加大政策支持和倾斜,才能促进我国社会组织健康快速的发展。  相似文献   

球类竞技充满激情,吸引着越来越多人的眼球,博彩则可以满足人类的一种本能欲望.同样倍受群众青睐。当球类同博彩结合起来,最大程度地刺激了大众的参与。然而这也成为违法犯罪分子谋取暴利的一种手段。近年来,网络赌球风潮在我国蔓延开来,在严峻的形势下,我国对网络赌球的防控仍存有不足之处,需要完善现有制度,创新监管机制,从而保障我国体育博彩业能够健康发展。  相似文献   

球类竞技充满激情,吸引着越来越多人的眼球,博彩则可以满足人类的一种本能欲望,同样倍受群众青睐。当球类同博彩结合起来,最大程度地刺激了大众的参与。然而这也成为违法犯罪分子谋取暴利的一种手段。近年来,网络赌球风潮在我国蔓延开来,在严峻的形势下,我国对网络赌球的防控仍存有不足之处,需要完善现有制度,创新监管机制,从而保障我国体育博彩业能够健康发展。  相似文献   

在我国,成人教育在提升人们科学文化水平和社会建设中具有重要作用,对成人教育进行立法,是规范成人教育办学的法律前提。目前,各国都十分重视成人教育,并出台了相关法律以确保成人教育健康发展,而目前,我国尚未制定专门的成人教育法律。在如今的新形势下,积极推进我国成人教育法律的出台,是建设学习型社会,构建终身教育体系的需要。本文阐明了我国成人教育的主要特点和重要意义,论述了我国成人教育立法的基本原则,并提出了推进我国成人教育立法进程的对策。  相似文献   

转型期教育及教育机构的经济属性及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育这一育人的社会活动本身就具有经济属性。从事教育活动的教育机构要能长久地运行下去,就必须考虑到教育活动的经济属性,并充分利用经济规律来提高教育的效率与效益。转型期教育的经济属性与教育公益性相比,前更显得突出,原来两间的平衡已被市场经济强大的场吸引力打破,并在一段时期内将难以再次达到平衡。经济实力不很强的转型中的中国只有尊重并运用教育的经济属性,不断发展壮大教育产业,才能为教育的公益性奠定坚实的经济及教育基础,经过多次不断的搏弈过程重新达到经济属性与公益性间的平衡。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the graphic novel In Real Life as an example of Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang’s intention to raise young people’s awareness about gender and economic disparities within the gaming industry. Broadly, In Real Life combats the pervasive cultural anxiety that Jane McGonigal challenges in her book Reality is Broken–namely that young people’s growing connection to technology, and specifically to gaming, will cause them to spend their lives “wasting time, tuning out, and losing out on real life” (2011, p. 11). Specifically, it provides a realistic, accessible example of digital citizenship for twenty-first century youth. The innovative notions of digital citizenship Doctorow and Wang present in the text call for an end to gender and economic marginalization as facilitated by a gaming industry in which many young adults participate. By connecting gaming to activism, In Real Life offers a new avenue by which to use young adult literature to inspire civic engagement on the part of young people. The aim is to show that the imaginary activism depicted in literature not only has the potential to, but is actually designed to engage young people as active users, consumers, and shapers of technology.  相似文献   

With an ecological approach to the genres that circulate within communities of practice, this article traces the overlap between technical communication and online gaming communities in terms of their rhetorical uses of technical communication genres. Through shared practices, technologies, and epistemologies, online gaming environments call upon gamers to become technical communicators and provide opportunities for technical communicators to apply their expertise within the gaming industry.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have investigated learning associated with video gaming in out-of-school settings, only recently have researchers begun to explore gaming and learning in the contexts of home and family life. This paper discusses three different frameworks within which we can situate video games and learning at home: (a) video gaming as digital media, (b) video gaming as play, and (c) video gaming as family routine. Each framework brings different issues related to learning into focus, and contributes new insights into the role gaming plays in the lives of children, adults, and families as a whole.  相似文献   

Nowhere in the current digital technology landscape is the process of ‘blurring the lines between media’ more apparent than with the uses and applications of gaming practices and technologies. Here the overlaps between new media and media interfaces are becoming significant as games technologies and practices are becoming more pervasive as commonplace social practices. This article reviews literature for evidence of these trends of convergent media forms as a starting point for a wider debate for using games technologies and practices to support learning practices. The article outlines convergences between gaming and cinema, gaming and the Internet, and gaming and emergent technologies and interfaces (e.g. mobile phones and social software). The article aims to foreground major dimensions of convergence in relation to the potential of innovations in educational practice and activities. The article concludes that variant forms of gaming are widespread. But while the converging forms of gaming with other media forms provide potential for supporting educational practices, these new forms still need to be considered in relation to clear pedagogic strategies, supported peer interactions and tutor engagement.  相似文献   

在电影工业基础理论创作趋于成熟的当代,数字化技术给予了影视表现更大的发展空间,将叙事文本创作与电影技术革新进程有机结合在一起,使之与观影者相互交替控制的游戏化电影体验成为可能。支线可控互动电影使观众成为电影的真正主人,并将通过运用科技技术成果推动新一轮电影叙事的革新。  相似文献   

腐败问题的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腐败问题在我国已越来越引起人们的关注。治理腐败首先要了解腐败产生的根源,用经济学中的成本-收益分析方法以及博弈论的分析方法来考察腐败问题,对博弈结果进行深入分析,可以从新的视角探究腐败的产生以及反腐败的应取举措。  相似文献   

近年来,泉州市旅游业快速发展的同时带来了旅游资源的破坏和耗竭。利用法律手段对旅游资源开发利用行为进行科学合理的规范,是实现泉州旅游资源可持续发展的重要途径。通过分析泉州市旅游资源开发利用现状,依据旅游资源保护原理,考察西方国家的旅游立法实践,梳理泉州旅游业发展可依据的现有法律,提出泉州市旅游资源保护的具体立法措施。  相似文献   

The state of the profession is addressed as it relates to training, practice, certification, and its professional identity. It is suggested that death of the profession is imminent unless the profession is upgraded and a new image and role are surfaced. One of the problems is that since the passing of current judicial and legislative acts PL 93-380 and 94-142, the traditional role of psychologists is no longer tenable, and new ways of behaving are required which have implications for training and practice. Survival through rebirth can occur, and new directions are suggested for the profession to consider in reassessing its new and changing role.  相似文献   

融资租赁业是我国的一个新兴行业,对此我国尚没有完善的法律予以规范。面对入世后带来的机遇和挑战。我国应采取迅速、积极的应对措施,以完善融资租赁立法。本文主要分析了世贸组织规则对融资租赁立法的影响、入世给中国融资租赁业带来的机遇和挑战以及中国融资租赁立法的现状。最后提出完善我国融资租赁立法的法律建议,以期能对中国融资租赁立法的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

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