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The author describes a public vision and task for religious education and Christian religious education. Using personal experience and the insights of ethnographic research and congregational studies, the author describes how religious education is grounded in a community, its story, and its practices. He illustrates how religious education often conflicts with the education that occurs in public life, and raises questions about how individuals negotiate the differences and build a religious education that nurtures public life and public conversation.  相似文献   

Independence and transition to a market economy have led to economic decline in the Republic of Moldova. Scientific research directed at sustainable human development is the key to economic renewal. As Moldova must import most of its energy, a major task is to reduce energy consumption through improved energy efficiency. Since the basic source of national wealth is agriculture, the development of derivatives of agriculture, such as the bio‐chemical industries, the pharmaceutical industry, the perfume industry, and the veterinary sciences should be stressed as well as components of information technology in which Moldova has a lead. As the premier research organization of Moldova is its Academy of Sciences founded in 1946, it should channel its best efforts into the economic development of the country through science.  相似文献   

神是由人所创造出来的,神是人心理的投射,是人类天性的自然流露,反映的是原初人类自身的状况;神话契合着原初人类的思维方式,成为推动人类自身和社会发展的巨大动力。  相似文献   

Because of their focus on psychological structures and operations, neo-Piagetian approaches to learning lend themselves to neurological hypotheses. Recent advances in neural imaging and educational technology now make it possible to test some of these claims. Here, we take a neo-Piagetian approach to mathematical learning in order to frame two studies involving the use of electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging imaging, as well as the use of iOS-based apps designed to elicit particular ways of operating with mathematics. Results could inform theories of mathematical learning and effective educational game design.  相似文献   

对《文心雕龙.隐秀》的论争由来已久,笔者在认定该篇补文为刘勰原作的基础上,对该篇作了详细的论证,认为该篇主旨阐明了刘勰文学作品审美特征见解。“篇隐句秀”是刘勰对文学作品审美特征的总要求,这个要求有尊重文学自身特质的一面,又含有刘勰所处时代的文艺美学特征。  相似文献   

The conference did not, of course, attempt to arrive at a consensus upon neat answers to the questions raised. Any summary would be inadequate, outstanding impressions would include:

The violations of freedom of the mind inflicted by religion were frankly faced

Narrow and restrictive loyalties other than religious were also charged with violations

Complete freedom of the mind was seriously challenged as being humanly impossible

Commitment to high religion was commended as not incompatible with human freedom

The strengthening of positive religious conviction was urged as the essential foundation of a society in which freedom might endure  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》在佛教影响下形成了以心的观念为基础的主观性的诗学。它以情的观念、性/性灵的观念、气的观念、趣的观念、味的观念、智术的观念改造了原来中国诗学,突出了主体性、心理化的特征,同时把文学作为一种精神现象学的对象。而不是哲学本体论的对象。在原中国诗学的体制下完成了新变。  相似文献   

The author describes a project that illustrates the use of critical ethnography as a research methodology in religious education. The article focuses on a facet of critical ethnography known as autoethnography. Autoethnography refers to the researcher's use of portions of her own life story in an ethnographic project. It allows the researcher to interrogate her reasons for engaging in a specific field, in this case, female adolescent voice. In her research with adolescent females, the author weaves memories of her own adolescence, especially those memories of significant adult mentors who helped her come to voice. Through the use of such autobiographical narrative, the researcher acknowledges the situated nature of her observations and reveals the connections between herself and the topic under study. In keeping with significant work in the field of anthropology, the author argues that this turn toward autoethnography allows for research that engages scholarly passion, enabling the researcher to effect change.  相似文献   

王莹  袁健 《巢湖学院学报》2008,10(3):113-116
运用文献资料和电话访谈等研究方法,对安徽省体育院校运动人体科学实验课的教学现状进行分析。研究指出传统实验教学模式存在的主要问题,并从培养高素质人才的高度,探讨运动人体科学实验课进行教学改革的主要方式方法。提出及时更新实验课教学内容,逐步实行独立的实验课教学体系,建立合理的实验教学考核评估体系,创建符合时代要求的现代实验教学模式等一系列新的实验教学改革措施。  相似文献   

While the academic debate on whether the hermeneutical methodology of David Tracy is compatible with, complementary to, or antithetical to the theological method outlined by Bernard Lonergan, one program‐‐die Loyola Institute for Ministry Extension Program (LIMEX)‐‐has drawn aspects of its educational methodology from both sources for more than seventeen years. This essay presents an overview of how LIMEX has adapted Tracy's and Lonergan's methodologies into a synthesis that highlights the strengths of both approaches.  相似文献   

本文着重评介《太史公生平著作考论》一书在司马迁生卒年、在《史记》叙事起讫与演变等考证上做出的新贡献,评论书中所提出的“司马迁在中华文明史中的地位”这一问题的重大意义;也兼而论及一种学风。  相似文献   

《古诗》,或称《古诗十九首》,是中古文学史上引起最广泛争议的一组诗。实际上,文学史上最早对《古诗》进行深入探讨的,当首推《文心雕龙》。刘勰以“五言之冠冕也”论《古诗》在五言诗发展历程中的地位和意义;以“直而不野,婉转附物,怊怅切情”论《古诗》的艺术成就;并依据“阅时取证”、“比采而推”的科学思路,辨析《古诗》的作者及创作年代。《文心雕龙》的相关认识是深刻,甚至是经典性的,是研究《古诗》必不可少的文献资料。  相似文献   

The year 1990 marked a transitional period in the development of science and technology in Poland. A package of bills passed by the Polish Parliament in December 1989 has laid down the basis for the elaboration of a new funding system taking into account the opening and the liberalization of Polish society and the ending of the overcentralized system of control in the areas concerned. The four aims of the proposed reform are the replacement of administrative control over science by co‐operation between the government and the scientific community in the determination of science policy; the diversification of funding methods for basic and applied research; the introduction of the competitive principle with regard to research funding, including peer review for project proposals; and the ending of the separation of science into ‘sections’ of different state organizations. From now on, researchers and research organizations will have to elaborate funding packages for themselves, drawing upon numerous sources, and to adapt themselves to current perceived and expressed national needs. The author cautions, however, that an overemphasis of the market principle could have detrimental effects on academic freedom and on the productivity of theoretical research.


学习迁移研究的历史与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习迁移即一种学习对另一种学习的影响,它广泛地存在于知识、技术、态度和行为规范的学习中。迁移是学习的继续和巩固,又是提高和深化学习的条件,学习与迁移不可分割,学习迁移一直是学习理论的一个重要问题,对迁移进行研究,有助于探讨人类学习的实质和规律,揭示能力和品德形成的内在机制,同时也为教学过程提供理论依据。迁移的研究是对所有综合性认知理论的一个严格的、也是必要的经验。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The paper considers apprenticeship as a model of education that both teaches technical skills and provides the grounding for personal formation. The research presented is based on long-term anthropological fieldwork with minaret builders in Yemen, mud masons in Mali and fine-woodwork trainees in London. These case studies of on-site learning and practice support an expanded notion of knowledge that exceeds propositional thinking and language and centrally includes the body and skilled performance. Crafts – like sport, dance and other skilled physical activities – are largely communicated, understood and negotiated between practitioners without words, and learning is achieved through observation, mimesis and repeated exercise. The need for an interdisciplinary study of communication and understanding from the body is therefore underlined, and the paper suggests a way forward drawing on linguistic theory and recent neurological findings. It is argued that the validation and promotion of skilled practice as 'intelligent' is necessary for raising the status and credibility of apprentice-style learning within our Western systems of education.  相似文献   

Faced with accelerating poverty, the Malawi government has re-awakened its commitment to the development of human capacity and the role of development in this context. This paper explores the relationship between development and science and technology. It goes on to review the country’s science and technology needs and how these justify taking developmental action. It concludes that strategies designed to increase access to education should not be limited to the primary sector, but should also include secondary curricula and university science and technology programmes. Drawing on the arguments in the article and personal experience, the authors suggest promoting the development of human capacity in Malawi by creating special “science schools” in the secondary sector and increasing the number of scholarships for university science students.  相似文献   

严杰 《铜仁学院学报》2002,4(3):57-58,64
贵州省要实施好西部大开发这项世纪工程,人才资源开发是关键,采取有效措施营造有利于培养人才、吸引人才、留住人才、用好人的良好环境,是贵州省实施西部大开发战略的重中之重。  相似文献   

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