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美国宪法与美国宗教信仰自由   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国宪法和联邦最高法院的宪法性判例将宗教信仰自由作为基本人权加以保护,并具体从信仰自由和政教分离两方面进行界定,使宗教信仰自由作为一种宪法观念深入人心。但美国是一个极具基督教传统的国家,信教者人数众多,因而美国的信教自由和政教分离又十分不彻底,这不仅表现在生活中,而且体现在法律上。  相似文献   

我国正处在民主化和法治化的起步阶段,因为历史的尿因,对宗教的认识还不是很透彻。虽然在《宪法》中设立了有关宗教的条款,但是对宗教自由的保护力度还不够,并且缺乏对政教关系明确的规定。随着社会的进一步发展,我国将与世界潮流接轨,从保护基本人权出发,以更加宽容的姿态迎纳宗教,逐步明确宗教信仰自由和实践自由的范围,加大对宗教自由的法律保护,并认真研究宗教行为与政治行为的界限划分,对宗教团体的行为进行合理的规范和有力的保障。  相似文献   

In spite of recent tendencies of secularisation and religious pluralism, most Belgian schools are Catholic schools, where Roman Catholic religious education is a compulsory subject. As we will argue, this can lead to a de facto undermining of the freedom of religion and education and a shift in the system is therefore required. In the long term, the number of Catholic schools should be in proportion with the number of students/parents choosing these schools. In the short term, however, this strategy is not recommended and for pragmatic reasons, we propose a system in which religious education in substantially subsidised faith-based schools is no longer compulsory. We will argue that such a system does not lead to an infringement of the (internal) freedom of religion of faith-based institutions and that it will guarantee more educational and religious freedom than the current system does.  相似文献   


Multiculturalism is official Canadian policy. In the context of postmodernism, pluralism has taken on a sharper meaning, particularly with regard to identity. What can possibly unify a diverse nation like Canada? Does the separation of religion from public life make sense when cultural identity includes religious expression? Political unity, religious diversity, and the common search for and establishment of justice could become the essential building blocks toward an integral political unity. In particular, the celebration of religious diversity in Canada's schools could become a primary means of political unity as well as an essential means of unifying society. Five convictions are developed which help secure a new relationship among religious education, religious diversity, and political and societal unity.  相似文献   

中发[1982]19号文件是我党关于宗教问题的纲领性文件。82宪法明确规定"中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰的自由"。20世纪90年代,中央提出"全面正确地贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策,依法管理宗教事务,坚持独立自主自办原则,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应"的基本宗教政策和方针,要求努力发挥宗教在构建社会主义和谐社会中的积极作用。  相似文献   

《圣经》是清教思想的根源和基础,霍桑把《圣经》中的人物移植到自己的文学作品之中来表达个人的宗教观。他充分利用作家想象的自由,把生活中的男男女女置于神秘的宗教背景之中,赋予他们象征的含义,解释人类心灵的秘密,从而获得一种美学上的超越。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to explore the representation and interpretation of the religious world in Chinese social studies textbooks. The data cover six major subjects at both primary and secondary levels. The findings indicate that although the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China mandates a separation of religion and education, Chinese textbooks introduce students to a variety of religious traditions. These traditions are either presented as independent learning units or integrated with textbook content across subjects. Three discursive frames are used to categorise the information selected to represent religion and its interpretation in the discourse of Chinese curriculum texts: a de-mystification frame (deconstructing the mystery of religion and presenting a secular understanding of the religious world); a de-modernisation frame (representing religion as associated with pre-modernity); and a science/humanities frame (comprising two lenses for interpreting religion). The findings of the study suggest that although the framing of religion in China’s social studies curriculum reflects the state’s secularisation agenda, it also leaves space for further exploration of the meaning of religion.  相似文献   


In England, the presence of an established church places its adherents within the social mainstream. Other religious groups have been tolerated though suffering social and educational disadvantages. With the passage of time through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, minority religious groups such as Irish Catholics have been assimilated into the host culture, and allowed to have their own schools.

However, it would appear that contemporary movements of people to the United Kingdom have retained loyalties not only to their own religion, but, in some instances to their own language, which they perceive as a vital element of their own culture and identity. Demands for schools, within the state-funded system, for minority religious groups have not lessened. As faith schools in England increase in number, their role in a multicultural society becomes increasingly problematic. Lessons about changing models of assimilation and identity can be learnt from a brief review of the historic Irish Catholic experience that, in turn, can illuminate the current experience of a Greek Orthodox school in south London.  相似文献   

宗教信仰自由是由绝对的信仰宗教自由和相对的宗教活动自由构成的权利束。自改革开放以来,我国政府做出了许多努力保障宗教信仰自由,中国的宗教得以恢复和发展,但仍存在诸多不足和改善之空间。  相似文献   

在宗教思想上笛福受洛克等哲学家的影响 ,反对专制 ,主张信仰自由 ,笛福的这种宗教观集中地从其小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》的鲁滨逊这个人物形象身上充分地表现出来。  相似文献   


The object of this article is to reveal the teaching strategies used by teachers for religious education in Temuco, Chile. The paradigm used was qualitative and the design was a single interpretative case study. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews with pupils and religious education (RE) teachers. The results show convergences of successful strategies, such as the use of conversations to form opinions related with the pupils’ everyday interests. We conclude that significant learning for catholic religious education in schools (CRES) includes teaching strategies associated with individual and collective reflections and conversations on topical social issues. Thus, religious education may enable us to advance towards a pluralist approach to the teaching of religion.  相似文献   

列宁在领导革命和建设的过程中,较好地处理了宗教问题,关键在于他实行了正确的宗教政策。列宁的宗教政策包括:实行政教分离、实行宗教信仰自由、坚持宣传和教育、批判对待宗教问题上的错误倾向等。列宁对待宗教问题的政策成为中国共产党宗教政策的理论来源。  相似文献   

The article identifies international cases—from the United States, Europe, and the United Nations—of an emergent interface of religion, education, and security. This is manifest in the uses of religion in education to counter religious extremism, the notional “counter terrorist classroom.” To avoid an over-association of extremism with religion, the article provides some historical reminders that the post-Enlightenment centuries were marked by political extremism, particularly in the phenomenon that came to be known as totalitarianism. In freedom-espousing doctrines on all sides—Communist, Fascist, and Nazi as well as democratic—education here too was an invariant adjunct of political and security processes. All regarded religion too as contributory or contrary to such freedom. What is new now is the global use of religion in education for political and of late security purpose. Using Isaiah Berlin's (2002) “two concepts of liberty,” I argue that evidence of—often subtle, often explicit—security uses of religion in education mark in new ways a connection of the political with the religious. Although such moves are in intention benign, I conclude that political and security interventions and justifications for religion in education will inevitably shift the aims and purposes of religious education to the aims and purposes of political and security interest.  相似文献   


This essay explores the issue of dress of teachers of Druze heritage. The Druze, among whom the rules of religious dress are rather specific, do not teach religion in schools, since the Druze religion is secret. The teacher acts as a gatekeeper and model. At the same time, Druze young people are becoming increasingly secular and may relate better to teachers who appear to be part of the modern world. This discussion examines the role of dress in teacher modeling, and the part Druze teachers may have to play in sustaining a small religion in rapidly changing times.  相似文献   

Recent papers have drawn a contrast between habits of mind in science and religion and it has been argued that, because of the different nature of these habits of mind, science education and religious education are necessarily in conflict with each other. The present paper draws on research into habits of mind in science and their relationship with wider scholarly activity and decision making and presents a case that habits of mind in science and religion are much more alike than has been presumed. In contrast to the dogmatic materialism which others have claimed lies behind the practice of modern science a more tentative form of naturalism is advocated in this paper for those who carry out scientific research. Some aspects of the nature of exemplary religious education are pointed out and implications for science education are discussed.  相似文献   

许江 《唐山师范学院学报》2009,31(4):111-113,134
洛克的《论宗教宽容》批判了当时英国国内出现的政教不分以及教派之间互相迫害的状况,主张政教分离和信仰自由.从政教分离与信仰自由两个方面对《论宗教宽容》进行解读,从而剖析作者的宗教宽容思想.  相似文献   

Most research into religious education has concentrated upon older children, but this paper reports findings obtained from the teachers of junior (seven to II years old) school children. From the content of religious education lessons and the overall religious sub‐cultures of classroom and school, conclusions are drawn about the religious socialization process of the child. A distinction is made between the child's own religious quest for meaning and the Christian culture which is generally accepted in Britain and taught in school. The child's religion is divided into the cognitive and the emotive while the socialization process is treated as cognitive, explicit and implicit. The general conclusion reached is that religious education lessons do not respond to the child's own cognitive level and are thus likely to confuse, whereas the religious life of classroom and school leads to an emotive affinity with Christianity. Thus ambivalence towards the Christian religion is produced in the child.  相似文献   

对芜湖市几所高校391名大学生的问卷调查和与部分辅导员的访谈显示,大学生显性信教人数不多,潜在信教人数不少。信教的程度不深,对宗教认识模糊。应正视大学生信教问题,要做到疏而不堵,积极引导。在尊重大学生信仰自由的同时,引导他们在法律和政策的范围内活动,帮助大学生认清宗教的本质,增强其明辨是非的能力。  相似文献   


The rule of law presents a new path for understanding and handling religious affairs in contemporary China. The field of religious education is no exception and current legislation has to be improved so that China’s religious education can be further promoted. This research examines the legislation and legislative regulations governing China’s diversified and dynamic religious education, which includes professional religious studies, religious education embedded in ethnic education, missionary religious education, religious education included in general education, and education on religious policies and regulations. It argues that how to understand and implement the principle of separation of education and religion stands out as the core issue, as China requires a more dialectical and pluralistic religious education.  相似文献   


This paper challenges a foundational conjecture of the Religion in Education Dialogue or Conflict (REDCo) project, that increased interest in religion in public and political life as manifested particularly in education is evidence of counter-secularisation. The paper argues that rather than representing counter-secularisation, such developments represent an emergent and secularising European civil religion facilitated through European religious education.  相似文献   

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