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The “feel better” effect of exercise has been well established, but the optimal intensity needed to elicit a positive affective response is controversial. In addition, the mechanisms underlying such a response are unclear. To clarify these issues, female undergraduate students were monitored for electroencephalographic (EEG) and self-reported affective responses during the recovery period following rest, low, moderate, and high intensities of treadmill running, each lasting 30 min. Frontal EEG asymmetry and self-reported vigor scores following exercise at all three intensities were significantly elevated compared to those observed following rest. The results suggest that steady-state aerobic exercise bouts executed at varying intensities induce a similar affective response during the recovery period when assessed at both the behavioral and psychophysiological levels.  相似文献   


The residents of an entire community are being examined periodically in an effort to determine the etiologic factors which lead to impaired health. As a part of this study, a submaximal test consisting of stepping onto an 8-inch bench at the rate of 24 steps/ minute for three minutes was administered to 2696 males and 2568 females, aged 10–69. The ECG, from which heart rate (HR) was measured, was recorded before, during, and after the exercise. Resting, exercise, and postexercise HR's are significantly higher for females at all ages. Pre-exercise HR decreases from age 10 to about age 25 in males and females, and shows little age change thereafter. In both males and females the terminal (3 minute) HR decreases from age 10 to 35, remains fairly constant to age 55, and decreases thereafter. The postexercise HR decreases again at age 65 in males and females. Reclining pre-exercise HR is moderately correlated with the exercise and postexercise HR at all ages in males and females. However, there is only a low correlation between either sitting or standing anticipatory HR and exercise and postexercise HR's. The HR's at 2′30” and 3′ during exercise are highly correlated as are the various postexercise HR's with each other at all ages and in both males and females. The correlation of the exercise HR and postexercise HR is moderately high. Percentile ranks for males and females (age 10–69) are given for the 1-minute postexercise HR's.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop an age-generalized regression model to predict maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) based on a maximal treadmill graded exercise test (GXT; George, 1996) George, J. D. 1996. Alternative approach to maximal exercise testing and VO2max prediction in college students. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 67: 452457. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Participants (N?=?100), ages 18–65 years, reached a maximal level of exertion (mean?±?standard deviation [SD]; maximal heart rate [HRmax]?=?185.2?±?12.4 beats per minute (bpm); maximal respiratory exchange ratio [RERmax]?=?1.18?±?0.05; maximal rating of perceived exertion (RPEmax)?=?19.1?±?0.7) during the GXT to assess VO2max (mean?±?SD; 40.24?±?9.11 mL·kg?1·min?1). Multiple linear regression generated the following prediction equation (R?=?.94, standard error of estimate [SEE]?=?3.18 mL·kg?1·min?1, %SEE?=?7.9): VO2max (mL·kg?1·min?1)?=?13.160?+?(3.314 × gender; females?=?0, males?=?1) ? (.131 × age) ? (.334 × body mass index (BMI))?+?(5.177 × treadmill speed; mph)?+?(1.315 × treadmill grade; %). Cross validation using predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistics revealed minimal shrinkage (Rp ?=?.93 and SEE p ?=?3.40 mL·kg?1·min?1); consequently, this model should provide acceptable accuracy when it is applied to independent samples of comparable adults. Standardized β-weights indicate that treadmill speed (.583) was the most effective at predicting VO2max followed by treadmill grade (.356), age (?.197), gender (.183), and BMI (?.148). This study provides a relatively accurate regression model to predict VO2max in relatively fit men and women, ages 18–65 years, based on maximal exercise (treadmill speed and grade), biometric (BMI), and demographic (age and gender) data.  相似文献   


The theory proposes a nonconscious mechanism that uses stored information (motor memory) to channel existing nervous impulses from brain waves and general afferent stimuli into the appropriate neuromotor coordination centers, subcenters, and efferent nerves, thus causing the desired movement. A consequent hypothesis requires that the simple reaction time will become longer when the response movement is required to be of greater complexity. Data obtained on college men and women, and 12- and 8-year-old boys, are in agreement with the hypothesis. Replacing a very simple finger movement with an arm movement of moderate complexity slows the reaction by about 20 percent; additional complexity produces a further slowing of 7 percent. The speed of the arm movement is considerably faster in college men than in younger boys or in college women. The correlation between reaction time and speed of movement averages approximately zero. Individual differences in ability to make a fast arm movement are about 70 percent specific to the particular movement being made; “general ability for arm speed” occurs only to the extent of 30 percent.  相似文献   

美国当地时间2009年7月7日,自由球员签约市场开启后的第一时间,湖人用一纸3年1800万(一说5年3400万或3500万)的中产合同签下了“野兽”罗恩·阿泰斯特。而一天之后,帮助湖人夺冠的重要功臣特雷沃·阿里扎与自己的经纪人一起出现在休斯敦,参加了火箭为他举办的签约新闻发布会,火箭为阿里扎提供了5年3395万美元的全中产合同。去年夏天,快船和勇士也曾互相签约对方的球员,快船抢跑了巴郎·戴维斯,勇士随后用巨额合同签走了快船的自由球员科里·马盖蒂,但戴维斯和马盖蒂毕竟不是同位置的球员,球队的挖角行为完全可以用各取所需来解释。可阿泰和阿里扎不仅位置相同、风格类似,还在加盟新球队后拿着所差无几的年薪,所以这使两名球员的互换东家完全可以说是两队赤裸裸的挖墙脚行为。阿泰和阿里扎陷入了一个有趣的境地,他们的表现将直接影响外界给火箭和湖人管理层的打分,那么谁将是这场博弈的胜利者呢?除了球员本身的比较,我们还要以一种发展性的眼光来看待他们能够给球队带来什么,会给球队怎样的影响。  相似文献   

Previous research investigating the response of plasma ß‐endorphins (ß‐EP) to resistance exercise has resulted in equivocal findings. To further examine the effects of resistance exercise on ß‐endorphin immunoreactivity, six resistance‐trained athletes participated in a three‐set series of eight repetitions of isotonic exercise. All exercises were performed at 80% maximal effort. Blood was sampled from the group by venepuncture, both prior to and following the exercise bout, and ß‐endorphin concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay. The results indicated that mean ( ± S.E.) plasma levels of ß‐endorphins following exercise (18.04 ± 3.4 pg ß‐EP ml‐1) were not significantly changed from pre‐exercise (control) levels (19.59 ± 2.4 pg ß‐EP ml‐1), although there was considerable inter‐individual variability. Our results support previous research which has reported no significant changes in ß‐endorphin immunoreactivity following resistance exercise, as well as reported findings of considerable variability in the ß‐endorphin response to exercise.  相似文献   

皮波A to Z     
5月到8月,雅典到米兰,奥林匹克到圣西罗,因扎吉的个人咆哮将米兰的一个赛季推向顶点,又为另一个赛季揭开美妙篇章。因扎吉的枕头边放着一块奖牌,上面写着"2007雅典决赛,man of the match"。那是属于米兰的那个夜晚留给皮波最好的见证,每天起来,他都会瞅瞅这块奖牌,不是终点,中转站而已,贝鲁斯科尼杯的梅开二度证明了这一点。"砰,砰,超级皮波引爆圣西罗!他干掉尤文,就像干掉利物浦一样利索!"《米兰体育报》头版赫然写道。很自然地,人们联想到上赛季冠军联赛决赛中他的独中两元,而这次的,更漂亮,更有因扎吉色彩。第一球,他在两个中后卫间接安布罗西尼的左侧传球鱼跃冲顶,动作优美,角度刁钻;第二球,西多夫角球开出,吉拉头球摆渡,因扎吉在后点抢在所有人之前铲射。跟时间和位置做比拼,之后完美胜出,这就是皮波给人带来的最强的视觉冲击。2007年1月16日(2006年的夏天米兰、尤文双方没有按照惯例进行比赛,并且将比赛推迟)进行的贝鲁斯科尼杯上,因扎吉也有进球,那时皮波正值球荒,不算杯赛的鸡肋进球已有4个月无法破门,可见此杯算得上他的幸运符。那场赛后,记者问他秘诀,他回答:"我33岁了,知道不能总出场。打不上我遗憾,但不气馁。"大半年后,因扎吉状态如日中天,再谈秘诀则是,"对工作的热爱。在现在这支米兰队中太美了,跟尤文交手更刺激。好了,还有更多更重要的比赛需要把球送进网窝。"勿容量疑,因扎吉是一名出色的射手,只可惜,在他的职业生涯中,伤病磨去了他太多的光华。不过,从上赛季开始,因扎吉的状态一直非常稳定,每每在球队最需要他的时候,总能带给球迷惊喜。"坐板凳的滋味不好受,但如果对球队有帮助,即便是坐冷板凳,我也很高兴。"因扎吉接受采访时这样表示。这既是他对AC米兰的忠诚宣言,同时也是这位已过而立之年的射手成熟心态的真实写照。因扎吉的状况和气质恰好代表了米兰:略显老迈,但意气风发,无穷的潜力等待展示。每当陷入伤病或状态低谷时,埋头苦干,然后一发不可收拾。因扎吉和米兰的职业精神,自我恢复改善能力,也让意大利在"电话门"后脱胎换骨,开始勾画更绚烂的未来。意甲联赛开赛之际,因扎吉讲述了自己的A到Z(意大利语中有5个字母为外来字符,没有X和W这两个字母),向世人诉说了一个最真实的"超级皮波"。  相似文献   

疑问A to Z     
故事发生在公元2002年,32支劲旅为了争夺一座金杯而大动干戈,拼得死去活来,而且悬念迭生。比较面的几支球队山不知个好歹,叫嚣了半天还是被杀得落花流水、惨不忍睹;而几支超强劲旅也遭到敌人和门柱的双重暗算,死不瞑目。没法子,世界杯就是如此残酷。有位著名的纵横家谈道,如今是天下大乱,队员都像桃园三结义的赵云一样勇猛,又有守门员当道,乱吹黑哨,一声笛响,就宣判了一支球队的死期。他的脸是圆圆的、眼睛也是圆圆的…… 任何人在这样的世界杯大赛前,心里都难免会有点紧张,而有些球员和教练就顶不住压力,神经绷得紧紧的,也无暇顾及韩日美丽的风景,一早醒来就急急忙忙询问身边人三件自己关心的问题。  相似文献   

AC米兰当本赛季年轻的乌克兰小伙舍甫琴科以2400万美元的价格被米兰收购时,人们尽管寄予厚望,然而对于他在第一个赛季就取得如此高的成就仍感始料未及。米兰作为一支有着上百年辉煌历史的老牌强队,是每一名足球运动员实现梦想的地方,年轻的舍甫琴科同样在这里寻到了自己的梦,尽管这梦才只开了个头,可每个人都相信,他将会在此创造更为惊人的业绩。最佳射手 舍甫琴科在初到意甲的头一个赛季就摘取最佳射手桂冠,这殊荣也许会让许多闯荡意甲多年的前辈汗颜。现在已没有人会怀疑他的能力了,成绩是一切置疑的答案。聪明的前著名球…  相似文献   

布赖安·劳德鲁普〈BRIANLAUDRUP〉切尔西队前卫1969年2月22日生于维也纳1.83米85公斤从何俱乐部转会而来:苏格兰格拉斯哥流浪者队国家队生涯:丹麦国家队在英格兰取得的荣誉:无俱乐部赛季联赛出场入球布隆德比(丹)1985-894913拜尔鸟丁根(德)1989-90346拜仁慕尼黑1990-92339佛罗伦萨1992-93315AC米兰1993-9491格拉斯哥流浪者1994-98116331997-98赛季联赛纪录出场入球助攻黄牌红牌平均打分2856007.04优点:小劳德鲁普拥有菲常丰富的高水平联赛经验。他左足球场上有着异乎导常的影响力和权威,在比赛中能胜任前锋或者中场组织中…  相似文献   

LA 《当代体育》2011,(9):78-79
在姚明连续缺席了两个赛季之后,易建联几乎承载了中国球迷全部的爱,但在过去的2010—11赛季中,阿联经历了伤病、状态不佳,也有过精彩。但是,过去的已经过去,未来还在前方。  相似文献   

篮球之路就是一条梦想之路,每个参与其中的人,都梦想着自己的梦想。从1992年的巴塞罗那开始,一群群怀揣梦想的年轻人纷纷踏上了这条梦想之旅……  相似文献   

A春节病应该首推酒精中毒。节日期间,欢乐相聚,很多人喜欢开怀畅饮,痛饮"庆功酒",因而,每天都出现大量的酒精中毒患者,医院急诊室频频告急。对一般人而言,每小时肝脏可以排解30克酒精,500克50度的酒起  相似文献   

Arsena 上赛季,“枪手”军团在最后关头痛苦地将联赛冠军头衔让给曼联,卫冕失败,这给了兵工厂极大打击,球队一度出现人心浮动的迹象。好在老帅温格及时出手,在成功地安抚了主将维埃拉、皮雷斯等人后,球员心态已趋平缓。随后,阿森纳在转会市场上同曼联就“金左脚”凯威尔转会一事展开了激烈争夺,以此昭示该队下赛季重整旗鼓的坚定信心。  相似文献   

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