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Religious Experience as a Jewish Educational Ideal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Interest in intergenerational educational strategies in faith communities raises the question of their relationship to the prevalent homogeneous‐age group processes. This concern is addressed by considering the validity of generational differentiation, by answering two commonly expressed concerns about intergenerational education, and by examining the relationship of developmental theory to education. The conclusion drawn is that intergenerational and homogeneous‐age group educational strategies in faith communities should be considered complementary, but with the intergenerational approach taking primacy over the age‐segregated approach  相似文献   

This series of articles explores the history of Jewish Education magazine, later known as the Journal of Jewish Education, with a particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and, more generally, American Jewish life. Major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers are isolated and analyzed as to how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values, and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. Particular attention is paid to how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was, at best, only partially realized.  相似文献   

空无内容是指教科书中应该呈现却没有呈现的内容。空无内容如何补充、补充的范围及难度与深度决定学业水平的深广度。通过研究空无内容的内涵、分类及实施,以探究高中教科书需补充的空无内容的范围,为高中化学教师提供教学帮助。  相似文献   

<傻瓜吉姆佩尔>是当代美国犹太作家艾萨克·巴舍维斯·辛格的代表作.在作品中,吉姆佩尔通过对上帝的模仿和对犹太宗教伦理诫命的躬行履践,表达了自己深笃的宗教信仰.辛格以吉姆佩尔蹇舛的生命苦旅,阐释了犹太宗教伦理的内涵,并试图以此唤起已经"世俗化"或正挣扎在边缘线上的犹太人的民族认同感,复活日益淡薄的犹太民族宗教信仰和传统道德标准,从而求得犹太民族精神的复兴,对解决现代社会的诸般问题也深具思想启示.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the utilization of different Jewish languages by student-teachers in a two year teacher education program. The study examined the Jewish language used by these students while teaching Jewish content, making the distinction between their personal Jewish language and the cultural Jewish language of the program, which they were expected to use. We found a definite change in the languages used by them: although they seemed, at first, to adopt the cultural Jewish language of the curriculum, they quickly reverted to their personal Jewish language, which, in most cases, was the traditional one. By so doing they actually created a new version of the original program. We conclude that the idea of educating teachers to lead a significant social cultural change involves an inner struggle between the teachers' personal language and that of the program, that may be more difficult to win than was initially expected. This study examines the role of student-teachers' personal Jewish language in their teaching of Jewish content and the relationship that develops between their personal Jewish language and that of the Jewish content they teach.  相似文献   

本文通过对艾·巴·辛格作品的分析,指出这位犹太作家具有浓厚的宗教意识,侧重论述了辛格对宗教信仰的矛盾与徘徊过程,由此揭示其作品的特殊意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the challenges embedded in the conflict between the right to accessible education, which implies a prohibition on discriminatory practices in school admission, and the right to adaptable education, which accommodates children’s cultural affiliations. It shows that a normative lens, which examines the ways by which legal rules correspond to conflicting rights and interests, cannot fully capture the tension between legal prohibitions on discrimination in education and the sociocultural norms in religious communities. Thus, the paper offers a socio-legal lens, which focuses on the context of admission policies to Jewish religious schools. Based on three test cases of admission policies to Jewish religious schools in Israel, England, and Flanders, Belgium, the paper demonstrates how the legal rules regulating the admission policies are influenced by social forces. In Israel and England, these forces have facilitated a descent down slippery slope, originating with religious criteria, but concluding with discriminatory criteria. They also shaped admission practices reflecting the asymmetric power relations between the institutional school systems and individual families. The paper highlights the benefits of the Belgian policy, which proscribes religious classification of school candidates. This policy circumvents the ambiguous distinction between religion, ethnicity, and social class, and expands educational choices.  相似文献   

论教科书空无内容的内涵与类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教科书的空无内容是教科书中应该呈现却没有呈现的内容。根据判断主体的不同,教科书的空无内容可分为官意类空无内容、民意类空无内容、专家类空无内容、教师类空无内容和学生类空无内容等五类。探讨教科书的空无内容,对于教科书的编审和使用具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

人民版、人教版、大象版、岳麓版四套新历史教材,在"从汉到元政治制度演变"内容的编写中,在结构、选材、谋篇及思维训练等方面各有特色.政治史内容的编写需要厘清政治史的特点与要素,精选典型素材来反映政治文明的发展历程.一线历史教师教学中应研读新课程标准,了解学术界政治史研究的新成果和新动态,"活"用新教材,全面理解政治文明的时段特点.  相似文献   

赫曼.麦尔维尔(1819–1891)是美国重要的小说家之一。他的小说《白鲸》是一部内涵极其丰富而复杂的作品。多年来,人们对于该小说的解读众口不一。本文试图从生态批评的视角对该小说进行解读,但不从小说的外部自然的书写入手,而是更加关注小说内部所蕴含的生态意义,尤其关注小说中宗教内容的生态思考,希望能以此拓展生态解读该小说的视角,从而进一步发掘该作品所隐含的丰富而复杂的生态意义。  相似文献   

近二十余年,我国学前教育学教材建设取得了可喜的成绩。但到目前为止,尚无人专门对我国近二十年来的学前教育学教材作一专门研究。采用内容分析法对我国学前教育学教材建设进行纵向研究和比较研究,结果表明,二十年来学前教育学教材建设具有四个特点:学前教育学教材以合著为主,独著为辅;学前教育学教材涉及的主题广泛性有余,集中度不够;学前教育学教材的学科意识初现,研究有待展开;学前教育学教材的学术水平有待提高,学术服务意识需要加强。高校学前教育学课程论亟待成为一个被关注和研究的领域。  相似文献   

助词"了"是对外汉语教学中的难点,留学生在使用"了"时出现的偏误率很高,出现偏误的原因很多,其中教材的编写内容是影响留学生学习效果的重要因素之一,本文调查留学生偏误句式,考察教材编写内容,并提出建议,希望对留学生"了"字教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

通过对教科书内容的分析,论文发现教科书的内容并不是价值中立、客观的。而是具有社会意识形态的,是经过社会统治阶级的合法化的结果。本文从教科书中的显性内容和隐性内容分别分析了教科书内容与社会控制之间的关系,结果发现无论是教科书中的显性内容还是教科书中的隐性内容都与社会统治阶级控制有着密切联系。通过这些分析我们得到以下启示:国家控制了教科书内容的选择,因此教师应该深层次解读教科书,学生也应该辨证地看待教科书内容。  相似文献   

With the recent adoption of the Common Core standards in many states, there is a need for quality information about textbook alignment to standards. While there are many existing content analysis procedures, these generally have little, if any, validity or reliability evidence. One exception is the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC), which has been widely used to analyze the alignment among standards, assessments, and teachers’ instruction. However, the SEC can be time‐consuming and expensive when used for this purpose. This study extends the SEC to the analysis of entire mathematics textbooks and investigates whether the results of SEC alignment analyses are affected if the content analysis procedure is simplified. The results indicate that analyzing only every fifth item produces nearly identical alignment results with no effect on the reliability of content analyses.  相似文献   

随着行政生态学的兴起,行政环境日益成为行政学界研究的重点。国内出版的行政学教科书许多设有行政环境的内容,但对行政生态学的介绍较鲜见,且行政环境及行政生态两个概念存在混用的现象,导致国内现存行政学教材在"行政环境"章节具体内容和编排上的不一致。本文通过梳理国内权威行政学本科教材"行政环境"章节的内容,总结了不足之处,并从区分行政环境和行政生态的角度提出建议。  相似文献   

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