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World Education     
Science students in the United States do not do as well as students inother industrial countries.That is the finding of a new report released bythe American Federation of Teachers.The report notes that only 70% of American high school students takehigh level tests called Advanced Placement Tests.The tests are offer-ed to successful students.Only a little more than half the students thattake the tests pass them.In Germany,France,Japan,England and Wales,  相似文献   

The terms difficultyand disabilityreflect two major concerns in contemporary education. Can we ensure education without failure? Can education be provided for all? Research conducted with adults who are poor readers suggests that they view themselves as failures when often they were victims of educational practices which treated as misfits all children who experienced difficulties in school. Evidence has accumulated which shows that a flexible education system can accommodate almost all children and that difficulties are symptoms of a mismatch between student needs and educational provision. For many children categorized as disabled, these difficulties could be resolved by modifying their educational program. Where there is true disability, which results from biological impairment, the major aim should be to prevent disability from becoming a handicap. Technological advances can help modify the physical constraints imposed by impairment; of greater importance to today's children is the need for greater community awareness and acceptance of disability.

While parents and teachers have reservations concerning the increased integration of disabled children some activists are pressing for legislation similar to US PL 94‐142 to ensure that all children, regardless of disability level, are provided with education in the mainstream to the maximum feasible extent. To argue about the effectiveness of integration is to miss the point; both regular school and special education support services need to recognize the many changes essential to minimize failure and to encompass the reasonable developmental needs of all children. Presently, there is a great discrepancy between what is known about effective instruction and current educational practice; until this gap is narrowed, for children with difficulties and disabilities failure will remain all too common.


Science education and Christian education are not compatible if byChristian education one means teaching someone to be a Christian. Onegoal of science education is to give students factual knowledge. Even whenthere is no actual conflict of this knowledge with the dogmas ofChristianity, there exists the potential for conflict. Another goal ofscience education is to teach students to have the propensity to be sensitiveto evidence: to hold beliefs tentatively in light of evidence and to rejectthese beliefs in the light of new evidence if rejection is warranted by thisevidence. This propensity conflicts with one way in which beliefs are oftentaught in Christian education: namely as fundamental dogmas, rather than assubject to revision in the light of the evidence.  相似文献   

Recently ,pushedbytheinternettechnology ,thedistanceeducationworldwidehasbeende velopingveryfast .Thepolicyofgovernmentsofmanycountriesfullysupportsthedevelopment ,hopingthattheireducationalinvestmentcanbehighlycosteffectivethroughdistanceeducation .Asthe…  相似文献   

有人说时机决定一切。帕姆,泰勒有一个一岁的儿子、一个七岁大的女儿,还怀上了一对双胞胎,她决定是时候开始学习大学课程。  相似文献   

Today all fifty states in America have many laws about education.One of these laws says all chil-dren must go to school.Each state collects tax money from people who own property.Taxes _schools,buy books,and pay teachers.In that way,everyone could go to school.In Colonial days,it wasdifferent.Usually,people had to pay to send children to school.Not everyone could afford to send theirchildren and many young people never went to school.In school,most children were taught only toread and write.Children from rich families had a better education.During the early _,people be-  相似文献   

At the beginning of this paper,the author notes the conceptual relationship bntwnnn‘Opnn EdlllllldOO”Ond“EduCat100OI OpOOllg”18 WWn WS bstWWWW“OpWW  相似文献   

The article,which discusses the relationship between the policy of flourishing China by science and(3ducatlon and continuing education, Is divided Into two parts,  相似文献   

Australians are all required to go to school from the time they are six until they finish junior high school at about the age of 15.However,the pressures of a specialized technological society mean that Australians commonly continue formal education well …  相似文献   

E ngland is in the west of the world.M any things in England are different fromthose in the east. In England, children startschool at five years old. This is called a pri-m ary school. There are usually 25children ina class with one teacher to teach them .W hen the children are 11 years old,theygo to secondary school. They stay at thisschool till they are 16 or 18 years old. Thechildren have different teachers for differentsubjects. M ost children usually stay at schoolfor lunch. Som e chil…  相似文献   

Education increasingly operates in neoliberal terms; privatisation, marketisation and competition have become key drivers for schools in England. This article explores the findings from an ethnography that points to how arts education practices are being used to ‘art‐wash’ schools resulting in parents with the requisite economic, social and cultural capitals ensuring that their children benefit the most from a creative education. Whilst most of the narratives on artwashing have so far focused on arts institutions and global capital, this article questions how some of the specific processes of gentrification may be extended to the current education system in England and ask if schools and arts organisations may increasingly be ‘art‐washing education’.  相似文献   

This thesis points out the main problems consisting in general education in higher education institutions (HEIs) of China mainland. General education need to be further improved and so does the quality of general education curriculum. The faculty construction should be more reasonable; the teaching administration models and the evaluation system should also be perfected. This thesis is also aimed to put forward the countermeasures: to pay more attention to general education, improve the quality of the general education curriculum with every effort, develop the faculty urgently, ameliorate the teaching administration models and establish the scientific and proper evaluation system of general education curriculum, and so on.  相似文献   

This article explores two questions: (1) Is education a unique and distinct discipline? (2) Is education anything other than the achievement of noneducational aims or objectives? In it, Trevor Norris examines how these two questions are interconnected, specifically analyzing how what we think about education as a distinct field of study informs what we ask of it as a practice. When we study education, we should be educational about it, because if we render education as the object of study, it is never endowed with agency or distinctiveness. Norris inquires into the distinctiveness of education as a way of thinking and a way of impacting the world, asking what are the conditions that make it possible for us to identify something as “educational”? To investigate this question, Norris draws from Hannah Arendt's account of politics, and he concludes by describing a case study assignment that requires educational foundations students to draw from philosophy of education in order to show what exactly is educational about education by contrasting education with business and psychology.  相似文献   

Mind-body dualism has likely influenced how many view human beings and their behavior—mind (i.e., thinking) is elevated over body (i.e., performing)—even in Physical Education Teacher Education. The problem is that such a perspective makes physical education content (i.e., dance, games, play, and sport) subsidiary to more “intellectual” or “academic” content. This article invites Physical Education Teacher Education faculty to consider how to effectively “send the message” to future physical educators that physical education content is valuable and respectable and in many ways epitomizes intelligent human behavior. Specifically, Physical Education Teacher Education faculty are invited to (a) challenge traditional definitions of intelligence and introduce alternative definitions, (b) participate regularly in their own playgrounds, (c) provide a sufficient dose of activity courses in their curricula, (d) teach activity courses, (e) establish a performance-oriented culture, and (f) administer performance and/or game play evaluations.  相似文献   

want to be the Queen of Education. Our schools are badly broken, and they must be fixed now. Somebody must take responsibility and make decisions that can be put into action immediately - no questions asked. What qualifies me to be Queen? Not scientific studies, not a Ph.D. thesis 1)replete with statistical significances, although I do have some impressive pieces of university 2)parchment and several years of experi  相似文献   

In the past,a“good student” _1_onewho was only good at studies.For example,inthe school,_2_the school master cared aboutwas how_3_the student did in his schoolsubjects.It did not matter_4_ a student hadgood health or not_5_he got the top marks.At home, for another example,_6_leavingfor school,the parents would again and againtell their children to study hard and try to getgood grades._7_ ,many students showed littleinterest in anything else.  相似文献   

This is discussion of one of Leo Tolstoy’s fictional dramatisations of aggressive but dull-witted pedagogy. In Anna Karenina, two adults badger a lively, deep-souled, active-minded boy, Anna’s son Seryozha, to learn his rote-lessons.  相似文献   

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