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任务性质、结果反馈时机与运动技能的学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用键盘敲击任务探讨任务性质、结果反馈时机对运动技能学习的影响.将100名右优势手大学生随机分为开放性和封闭性任务组(男女各25名),两组分别在5种KR条件下,练习开放或封闭任务3天,每天练习108次.第3天练习结束后休息10min,进行不提供KR的保持测试10次.24 h后,进行无KR保持测试10次.结果显示:(1)在封闭性运动技能学习中延迟KR更有利,而即刻KR促进开放性运动技能的学习;(2)提供KR的适宜时机受任务性质影响.与开放性技能相比,操作封闭性技能时,提供KR的适宜时机应延迟.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of consonant and dissonant role playing with high or low justification on attitude change toward physical education courses. An analysis of the attitude of 311 college subjects before and after role playing showed that role playing in a physical education course produced an attitude change in the direction of the role played. Consonant role playing reinforced initial attitudes, but dissonant role playing resulted in a significantly greater change in the direction of the role played. Low justification tended to produce greater attitude change in the dissonant role playing, but high and low justification seemed equally effective in reinforcing a prior attitude in consonant role playing.  相似文献   

In motor skill performance and retention the complexity of knowledge of results should interact with the child's processing rate. This rate has been demonstrated to increase with age. Two experiments were designed to assess this hypothesis. In Experiment 1, 30 7-year-old and 30 10-year-old boys were randomly assigned within age level to three knowledge of results (KR) conditions: no KR, general KR, and precise KR. Performance was assessed on a vertical positioning task at two angles, 60° and 100°, for 10 performance trials. The preciseness of KR interacted with age and the degree of the angle, indicating that at the more difficult angle (60°) preciseness may have been detrimental to the performance of the 7-year-olds but beneficial to the 10-year-olds. At the easier angle (100°), precise KR improved performance for both age groups. In Experiment 2, 27 second-grade and 27 fourth-grade children were randomly assigned within age groups to the same three levels of KR preciseness. A horizontal curvilinear positioning task was used as the motor task and subjects were given 40 acquisition and 19 KR withdrawal trials. Results suggested that while KR was better than no KR during learning, the level of KR preciseness was of minor importance. However, the preciseness of KR during acquisition was of considerable value after KR was withdrawn (retention phase). The older children were able to use more precise KR to form a perceptual trace more resistant to forgetting, while the younger children were unable to use the additional information contained in precise KR.  相似文献   


The leg strength of 70 college men was measured in a position designed to involve the power thrust of the major muscle groups used in the vertical jump. The subjects then performed a modified Sargent jump that used no arm snap. Although the reliability of all measures was high, individual differences in the ratio of tested strength to body mass showed only a low and nonsignificant correlation with jumping performance. The results are interpreted to support the hypothesis that strength exerted against a dynamometer involves a different neuromotor pattern than strength exerted by the muscles during a movement. Tables of means, variabilities, and intercorrelations are included in the report.  相似文献   


The developmental nature of reaction time (RT) and anticipation timing (AT) performance, as well as the relationship between them, was investigated using 15 male and 15 female subjects at each of five age levels—7, 9, 11, 13, and 20 yrs. Each subject was given 40 trials for both RT and AT performance with task order counterbalanced. Results indicated that as age increased RT decreased, with males having more rapid RT than females. The two younger age groups differed from the three older groups on AT performance. RT was significantly correlated with AT (|CE| measure) for the 7, 9, and 11 yr old males but not in any other age by gender condition. Apparently neither young males nor young females have a good motor plan in memory to control AT performance. However, the more rapid RT (and thus better response initiation) of the males allows better AT performance at the younger ages. Beginning about 10–11 yrs of age, better motor plans are developed in children's memory system, leading to less reliance on rapid RT for good AT performance, and thus the correlation between RT and AT performance is not present.  相似文献   

错误结果反馈对追踪任务学习迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电脑追踪任务探讨错误结果反馈(KR)对运动技能学习迁移的影响.抽取在校大学生,随机分为正确KR组、错误KR组、混合KR组(组间性别均衡设计).在第1-3 d,3组受试者练习时分别获得正确的KR、错误的KR,或者获得25次正确KR后,再获得25次错误KR.正确的KR是每次追踪误差的毫秒数,错误的KR则是正确KR数值+10 mm.在第4 d,3组受试者分剐在无KR的条件下,用原任务进行保持测试10次,之后再操作两个迁移任务各10次.显示:KR在一致性时机任务和电脑追踪任务中的作用机理类似,当可以获得KR时,学习者将它作为觉察和纠正操作错误的信息源:错误KR会带来迁移测试绩效的偏差.提示:学习者形成自身觉察错误能力是运动技能学习的关键,实践工作者应根据运动情境的特点,合理地提供结果反馈,以促进运动技能的学习.  相似文献   

年龄对结果反馈时间点适宜值的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用二维轨迹追踪任务探讨年龄对结果反馈(KR)时间点适宜值的影响。抽取150名右利手的18~22岁、35~39岁、60~64岁各50人,分为3组(每组男女各25名)。三组受试者分别在5种KR反馈条件下,练习两维轨迹追踪任务3天,每天练习30次。第3天练习结束后休息10min,3组受试者进行无KR保持测试。一天后,再进行无KR的保持测试。结果显示:(1)年龄影响延迟KR在运动技能学习中的作用;(2)年龄与KR时间点适宜值存在相互作用,随着个体年龄的增长,年龄与KR时间点适宜值之间呈现U型关系,即延迟4s提供KR利于中年组个体自身觉察错误能力的形成,而即刻提供KR利于青年组和老年组个体自身觉察错误能力的形成。以上结果还提示,自身觉察错误能力形成发展的趋势与个体生长发育的规律相吻合。  相似文献   

中国运动训练学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在广泛查阅文献和思辨的基础上,回顾与总结了中国运动训练学的体系形成、研究现状与特点,重点讨论了运动训练学理论研究中业已形成的“中国流”。认为项群训练理论、运动员科学选材、优势项目制胜规律、竞技能力理论与模型及训练理论和实践的同步发展是中国运动训练学在引进、吸收和借鉴国外训练理论基础上的新创造、新发展和新提高,是中国特色的训练学理论研究的精华,也是中国训练学对世界训练学的重要贡献。  相似文献   

Sex, Violence & Power in Sports: Rethinking Masculinity by Michael A, Messner and Donald F. Sabo (Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1994)

Coming on Strong: Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Women's Sport by Susan Cahn (New York: The Free Press, 1994)  相似文献   

瘦素及其受体与运动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
瘦素 (Leptin)是肥胖基因 (obgene)的蛋白表达产物 ,其主要作用是与其受体 (leptinreceptor,orOB R)结合进而减少体脂 ,控制体重和调节机体能量代谢。运动训练可影响obmRNA表达和血Leptin浓度。体脂的改变亦可明显影响肥胖患者的瘦素及瘦素受体水平。  相似文献   


Because manipulations of knowledge of results (KR) are critical to motor learning, researchers have attempted to establish an optimal length for summary KR. Experiment 1 of the present study investigated the option that optimal summary length may be dependent on a subject's task-related experience. Participants in a summary 1, 5, or 15 condition practiced a simple striking task for one session on three consecutive days with each day followed by a 24-hour no KR retention test. The retention test results indicated that optimal summary length is dependent on task-related experience. Experiment 2 investigated the nature of the relationship between task-related experience and complexity and optimal summary length (summary 1, 5, or 15). Again, striking tasks (simple and complex) were used. There was one practice session with either a simple or complex striking task for either novice or experienced performers, followed by a 24-hour no KR retention test. Data from the two experiments suggest that task complexity and performer experience interact in determining optimal summary length.  相似文献   

延迟结果反馈对复杂追踪任务运动技能学习的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
金亚虹  章建成  任杰  孙耀华 《体育科学》2002,22(3):128-130,134
采用两维轨迹追踪任务探讨KR延迟对复杂追踪任务技能学习的影响,以及KR延迟间隔长度的合理值。50名右利手的在校大学生(男30名,女20名)随机分为5组,分别在即刻反馈、2s反馈、4s反馈、7s反馈、9s反馈条件下,练习7天。第7天练习后,休息10min进行无KR保持测试。第8天进行无KR的保持测试和迁移测试。研究显示:延迟KR不利于两维复杂追踪任务技能的学习。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of the components of a knowledge of results (KR) statement for organizing response correction. Forty-eight subjects learned to move a handle to a criterion location on a linear positioning apparatus. Error direction and distance components of the KR statement were manipulated across four independent groups. Two 4 × 15 Analyses of Variances were calculated on absolute error (AE) and constant error (CE) scores. The groups main effect, trials main effect, and the interaction groups × trials effect were significant for both analyses. Groups receiving directional information were more accurate in error correction than was the distance only group. Manipulation of distance information also influenced error correction on the initial trials. The results were interpreted as an indication that the learner's initial error corrections are based on directional information and that the distance of the error information which initially lacks meaning interferes with initial response accuracy.  相似文献   


Two studies examined the effects of the experimenter on heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and time to voluntary exhaustion on a graded treadmill test in college students. The first study determined the effects of the gender and race of the tester on black and white subjects of both sexes. Four testers (black female—BFT, white female—WFT, black male—BMT, and white male—WMT) tested 5 subjects of each gender and race. Differences based on gender and race were determined by a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 ANOVA. The second study dealt with the tester/subject relationship. One tester tested 20 subjects. Ten were his friends (5 males, 5 females) and 10 (5 males, 5 females) did not know him. Differences were determined by 2 × 2 ANOVA. In both studies, the female subjects had poorer performance than the males. HR during moderate and heavy exercise was not affected by the race and gender of the tester or the tester/subject relationship. For time to exhaustion, white female subjects (WFS) exercised longer when being tested by a female but black female subjects (BFS) had a longer total time with male testers. Significant interactions occurred for HR at rest and at various times during light work for both studies. There were also significant interactions for RPE at various stages of light, moderate and heavy exercise for both studies. For subjects unaccustomed to exercise testing, it appears that the effects of the race and gender of the tester and the tester/subject relationship predominate at rest and during light work. Fewer effects are observed during moderate and heavy work. Many of the results in these studies are consistent with societal roles and expectations for males and females, blacks and whites. A consistent testing environment can minimize the influence of extrinsic testing variables.  相似文献   

分析影响乒乓球运动员进行落点预测判断正确率的因素,探讨高水平、一般水平运动员和新手间在乒乓球落点预测判断上产生差异的因素,实验结果表明乒乓球及早、正确的预测判断能力可能和击球落点理解有较大关系。乒乓球落点方向判断能力上为运动员的选材提供了一些有益的参考,为乒乓球运动员的训练提供一些依据。  相似文献   

用物质和能量代谢的新知识提高训练效果   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
冯炜权 《体育科学》2002,22(6):86-91
以运动时物质和能量代谢特点指导竞技运动训练是近30多年来科学训练的基本理论基础。在训练中,没有疲劳就没有训练,但导致疲劳的训练方法和产生良好的训练效果具有很强的科学性,因此,近年来,在国外研究代谢与训练方法的仍然很多,而在我国相对较少,本文将近年一些主要进展,如用乳酸代谢动力学评价训练等作一简介,从能量消耗的简单计算,到100、400、800、1500m及耐力训练专项特点测定等来指导训练,将训练科学性提高一步,有助于训练效果的提高,希望我国在备战2008奥运会时加强这方面的研究。  相似文献   

运动领域中知觉预测研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知觉预测是运动员利用部分信息或先行信息预测未来事件的信息加工过程.从信息加工的视角,全面综述知觉预测与信息利用、视觉搜索策略、再认和回忆、知识表征的相关成果,以及知觉预测能力发展与训练的研究现状,详细介绍知觉预测的研究范式、方法及理论假说.在此基础上剖析知觉预测研究的不足及未来发展趋势,为该领域的深入研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   


Our study explored the contribution of gender role stress (GRS) and sociocultural appearance demands to symptoms of muscle dysmorphia (MD) in a college sample of 219 women and 154 men. For women, five GRS subscales, sociocultural appearance demands, age, and frequency of aerobic exercise predicted MD symptoms (model R2 = .33; F(8,210) = 12.81, p < .001); for men, only one GRS subscale, age, and sociocultural appearance demands predicted MD symptoms (model R2 = .40; F(3,150) = 9.52, p < .001). Post hoc analyses revealed that a small number of items explained a substantial portion of the variation, suggesting that MD may be more related to specific perceptions of pressure to attain an attractive body than to global gender role stress.  相似文献   

张怡  周成林 《体育科学》2012,32(12):24-34,49
以网球比赛相持阶段为背景,将43名被试分为专家组、二级组、新手组,运用时间阻断技术记录被试在不同时机判断击球线路的行为特征及事件相关电位.结果显示:专家网球运动员在对手击球前80 ms表现出明显的反应速度优势,在各时间点预判准确率均明显高于新手;在实验材料呈现早期,顶枕区诱发出明显的P1成分,且专家组波幅最小;专家和二级运动员的N1波幅小于新手;专家组N200潜伏期最长;新手组P300潜伏期最长;各组被试大脑左半球800~1 900ms的晚期慢波的平均波幅均高于右半球;在500~700ms,800~1000ms,1 400~3 000ms时窗内,专家组和新手组在各脑区诱发LNC和LPP的平均波幅均有显著差异;在对方触球前80 ms做出预判时,专家组诱发的N250成分峰值最大,新手组N250潜伏期最长.这一结果说明,专家网球运动员能在信息量呈现尚不完整时把握有利时机,决策反应既快又准;专家运动员在对刺激任务的感知阶段投入的脑资源少,而将更多的认知资源分配于对刺激材料的类比、加工阶段,使之能够快速提取、整合信息,及时调整策略,做出决策,表现出明显的认知优势.  相似文献   

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