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This paper examines whether self-controlled feedback schedules enhance learning, because they are more tailored to the performers' needs than externally controlled feedback schedules. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. One group of learners (self-control) was provided with feedback whenever they requested it, whereas another group (yoked) had no influence on the feedback schedule. The self-control group showed learning benefits on a delayed transfer test. Questionnaire results revealed that self-control learners asked for feedback primarily after good trials andyoked learners preferred to receive feedback after good trials. Analyses demonstrated that errors were lower on feedback than no-feedback trials for the self-control group but not for the yoked group. Thus, self-control participants appeared to use a strategy for requesting feedback. This might explain learning advantages of self-controlled practice.  相似文献   

随着心理学家研究视野的不断扩大,运动技能这一领域也引起了一定程度的关注,本文结合大量文献,对运动技能学习过程中记忆保持的问题进行了探讨,指出了动作技能保持的特点,分析了动作技能和艾氏学习材料之间的差异,提出了一些新的想法和建议,从而对目前关于运动技能保持方面的研究具有重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单维简单和两维复杂电脑追踪任务,探讨任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响.96名右利手的在校大学生随机分为简单任务和复杂任务组(每组男、女各24名).两组受试者分别在25%相对频率(提供反馈的练习次数占总练习次数的25%,简称反馈频率,下同)、50%反馈频率、75%反馈频率、100%反馈频率条件下,连续两天练习简单或复杂任务,每天练习36次.第2天练习结束后休息10min,2组受试者进行无反馈保持测试.一天后,再进行无反馈的保持测试.结果显示:(1)练习阶段,两组受试者的操作绩效随反馈频率增加呈提高趋势;(2)50%反馈频率利于简单任务的技能学习,75%反馈频率利于复杂任务的技能学习;(3)任务复杂程度与反馈频率适宜值存在交互作用,与简单任务相比,操作复杂任务时,应增加反馈的频率.以上结果提示:当信息加工负荷较小(如操作任务较简单)时,减少反馈频率利于技能学习;而当信息加工负荷较大(操作任务较复杂)时,频繁反馈利于技能学习.  相似文献   

目标设置技能训练作为心理技能训练之一,因其对训练显著的作用而运用到各项运动项目中来,在健美操训练和教学中,正确地运用目标设置的方法,对于提高技术动作完成准确性、提高练习质量、增加自信心都具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

以篮球项目中的基础技术原地单手肩上投篮为测试技能,探讨不同相对频率操作反馈(以下简称KP)对该技能学习绩效的影响。将56名体育学院右利手大学一年级男生随机分配到33%KP组、100%KP组、渐减KP组和控制组当中,每组14人。分别在4种不同的KP控制条件下练习投篮技能,每天练习30次。在练习期间教师按照实验控制条件,并依据原地单手肩上投篮动作的易犯错误分别为各组被试提供恰当的言语反馈。在第3天全部练习结束后休息3 min,进行无KP学习阶段测试,24 h之后再进行无KP保持阶段测试。实验结果显示:(1)学习阶段100%KP组的绩效明显优于33%KP组和渐减KP组;而在24 h保持阶段这种趋势发生了逆转,即33%KP组和渐减KP组的绩效明显优于100%KP组;(2)渐减KP组与33%KP组绩效未出现显著性差异;(3)不同相对频率KP组绩效优于控制组。  相似文献   


This study determined the effectiveness of a global learning strategy on the skill level attained in one closed primary task and two related ones. Eighty subjects were randomly assigned to five groups equal in number and sex: a content-dependent strategy group (CDS), a content-dependent strategy plus reminders group (CDSR), a content-independent strategy group (CIS), a content-independent strategy plus reminders group (CISR), or a control group. A content dependent strategy is one learned in reference to a specific task; in this case, the primary one. A content independent strategy is learned in the context of many example tasks. Subjects performed underhanded dart throwing as the primary task, jart throwing (similar in nature to dart throwing) as the directly related task, and soccer foul shooting as the slightly related task. The strategy used to test the hypotheses generated was the Singer 5-Step Strategy. ANOVAs indicated that all of the strategy learning conditions were significantly more effective than the control condition for each task. Furthermore, the CIS learning situation was more beneficial for the learning of the task most related to the primary task than the CDS learning situation. The CISR group outperformed the other strategy groups in the less-related task.  相似文献   

陈光辉 《体育科技》2010,31(4):92-94
从体育教学方法的改革入手,阐述了目标设置理论在排球教学中的运用,研究表明:有效的目标设置运用于排球垫球技术教学中,能够使学生明确练习目的,促进学生在相对较短的时间内规范地掌握垫球技术。  相似文献   

杨国庆 《体育与科学》2000,21(2):57-58,34
本文通过对体育系学生所学篮球和太极拳动作技能保持情况的测试和比较表明:篮球课所学24项主要技术动作的保持明显优于武术课所学24式太极拳技术动作的保持。进一步的分析说明,学习和练习的时间、运动技术动作本身的意义或目的性、学习过程中的及时强化和反馈、学习兴趣等因素是造成上述动作技能保持差异的主要因素。针对这些影响因素,还提出了改善教学的建议。  相似文献   


The present study investigated the effects of interpolated activity on the cognitive information processing operations occurring during the post knowledge of results (KR) interval. Eighty right-handed subjects were randomly assigned to four post-KR interval activity groups and required to complete the McCloy blocks test of multiple response to a criterion of three consecutive errorless trials in less than 35 sec each. The four post-KR intervals included: (1) interfering verbal cognitive activity, (2) attention-demanding verbal activity, (3) attention-demanding motor activity, or (4) rest. Orthogonal planned comparisons indicated that the post-KR interval activity groups differed from the rest group on the acquisition of the criterion task. Comparisons of verbal versus motor, and of interfering verbal cognitive versus attention-demanding verbal activities revealed no significant findings. Additional findings indicated no significant relationship between criterion and interpolated activity performance. Discussion centered on the role of KR in hypothesis selection and evaluation during the post-KR interval, and on the debilitating effects of interpolated activity on this process.  相似文献   

赖永钦 《体育科技》2004,25(4):25-27
通过对广西射箭男队运动员 1992年~ 2 0 0 4年取得的成绩及提高成绩的因素进行综合分析 ,提出提高广西射箭运动成绩的措施及对策。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,对成就目标定向对篮球技能学习的影响进行了研究,结果表明:高任务低自我的目标定向能有效地提高其教学效果和篮球技能水平。因此,教师应运用目标定向理论,建立合理的阶段目标成绩评定体系,对学生的任务目标定向进行正确的引导,建立合理的成绩考核体系,多鼓励学生设置任务定向的目标,营造一种高任务定向的气氛,把目标定向理论结合教学,提高学生的身体自尊,从而提高他们的学习效率,为以后的体育专业教学手段的多样化提供参考。  相似文献   

篮球教学中采用目标设置对学生学习活动的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以目标设置理论为基础,根据教学计划中规定的培养目标和教学大纲中的学科教学目标,设计了系统的目标设置教学模式,把总体目标逐级分解为课堂教学目标。并以体育学院的篮球必修课学生为实验对象,进行了教学实验。结果表明:目标设置教学有利于学生学习过程中认知活动目标的达成;目标设置教学有利于运动技能的形成;目标设置教学能够激发学生的学习动机,提高学生的学习兴趣和学习自觉性。  相似文献   

Recent studies (Chiviacowsky & Wulf, 2002, 2005) have shown that learners prefer to receive feedback after they believe they had a “good” rather than “poor”trial. The present study followed up on this finding and examined whether learning would benefit if individuals received feedback after good relative to poor trials. Participants practiced a task that required them to throw beanbags at a target with their nondominant arm. Vision was prevented during and after the throws. All participants received knowledge of results (KR) on three trials in each 6-trial block. While one group (KR good) received KR for the three most effective trials in each block, another (KR poor) received feedback for the three least effective trials in each block. There were no group differences in practice. However, the KR good group showed learning advantages on a delayed retention test (without KR). These results demonstrated that learning is facilitated if feedback is provided after good rather than poor trials. The findings are interpreted as evidence for a motivational function of feedback.  相似文献   

元认知能力对运动技能学习影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法等,对元认知能力对运动技能的影响作了初步研究,结果表明:元认知能力高的大学生运动成绩也高,元认知能力低的大学生运动成绩相对要低,高元认知水平对运动成绩的影响比低元认知水平要大。  相似文献   


The present experiment investigated the effects of interpolated processing activity (IPA) during the post knowledge of results (KR) interval. The study attempted to correct some of the problems inherent in previous research by using a ballistic timing criterion task and assessing the effects of interpolated processing activity (IPA) on both acquisition and No KR transfer trials. To insure that the efficacy of the IPA manipulation, a paced task was used and performance was assessed. Two levels of post-KR delay (5 and 10 s) were factorially combined with two levels of IPA (IPA or No IPA) to yield four experimental groups. Each subject completed 30 KR acquisition trials and 20 No KR transfer trials. Interresponse interval was held constant. In contrast to many previous studies, IPA interfered with the subjects' ability to learn and perform the criterion movement time of 150 ms. Both the memory trace and the perceptual trace were similarly affected. The detrimental effects of IPA on absolute error and objective-subjective error differences found during acquisition persisted during KR withdrawal.  相似文献   

采用不同难度目标设置对乒乓球运动员接发球准确率及自我监控能力影响进行实验研究,试图探讨合理的目标设置能有效地促进运动员的接发球准确率及自我监控能力。结果表明,乒乓球运动员在23个/min发球频数情况下接发球的准确率最高,这是乒乓球运动员接发球准确性的适宜频数;中等难度的目标设置训练能有效地提高运动员自我监控能力;乒乓球运动员自我监控水平可以促进其接发球准确率的提高;目标设置训练可有效地提高乒乓球运动员不同发球频数和不同接发球落点下的接发球准确率;运动员接发球准确性提高的进程是符合运动技能形成规律的。目标设置训练可较好地促进乒乓球运动员运动成绩的稳定发挥;目标设置训练可有效地提高运动员自我监控的准备性、意识性和执行性,而对计划性、方法性、反馈性、补救性、总结性的控制效果更加明显。目标设置训练能较好地促进乒乓球运动员自我监控能力的提高;影响乒乓球运动员自我监控能力的主要因素是信息加工能力、自律的调控能力和对策的应变能力。  相似文献   

王贺 《冰雪运动》2015,(3):73-76
目标设置教学模式是将冰上课的总体教学目标分解、细化成每一节冰上课的课时目标,学生们在教学中目标明确,热情高涨,会较为顺利地掌握冰上技能.对绥化学院的学生在冰上课中进行目标设置教学模式的教学实验,结果显示教学效果显著.总结出激发学生学习兴趣和自觉性、利于学生获得成功体验和促进学生运动技能的形成等积极效应;并提出目标设置要明确、适度、合理,教师要及时监督、反馈,教学中要合理评价、适时激励等目标设置教学模式中应注意的问题,为冰上课教学改革提供参考依据.  相似文献   

录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响.办法:48名受试随机分为练习组、现场示范观察组、录像示范观察组和控制组.采用计算机追踪任务,以RMSE为评价指标,对4组受试分别进行10 min后保持测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:在所有测试中,录像示范观察组和现场示范组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异;在10 min后保持测试和24 h后保持测试中,练习组受试操作绩效显著好于其他组受试,现场示范观察组和录像示范观察组受试操作绩效显著好于控制组;在迁移测试中,练习组、录像示范观察组、现场示范观察组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异,但都显著好于控制组.  相似文献   

成就目标定向理论在体育教学领域中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成就目标定向理论是目前体育教学领域中一个新的指导性理论,以掌握目标定向为主的个体所具有的素质是与素质教育人才培养目标相吻合的.通过对成就目标定向理论指导下体育教学实验的文献资料综述,为我国当今的体育教学改革提供理论支撑和实际操作的指导.  相似文献   

张蔚明  李银萍  庞庆军 《精武》2012,(14):35-36
本研究依据元认知理论,运用问卷调查法、教学实验法,针对元认知学习策略对独立学院大学生足球运动技能学习的影响作了初步研究。结果表明:元认知学习策略使用频度与足球运动技能学习成绩呈显著正相关。因此教师在教学中有意识地加强元认知策略的训练,有利于提高大学生运动技能学习的能力。  相似文献   

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