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论翻译教学中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新英语专业教学大纲为依据 ,对翻译课教学进行改革 ,使学生摆脱原语束缚。挑战名家经典 ,对学生进行质疑能力、批判能力和综合能力、比较能力的专项训练 ,就可以提高学生的翻译理论水平、培养学生的创新能力和实践能力。  相似文献   

北京同文馆是近代中国由政府设立的最早的一所近代化学校,尤其是它对近代国际法的翻译与教学对国际法在中国的传播起了极大的影响,它翻译了一系列的国际法著作,开设了国际法课程,培养了一批近代中国外交人才,对维护中国主权起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

翻译就是从一种语言到另一种语言的转换。不同语言有着不同的表达习惯与思维习惯。译者在翻译的过程中不得不从一种语言表达习惯和思维习惯转换为另一种语言表达习惯和思维习惯。释义训练要求受训者使用不同的语言表达方式和不同的思维顺序,从而实现了对原文思维习惯和表达习惯的超越,应该成为翻译人才培养过程中的重要训练手段。  相似文献   

文章从体育课的教学任务着眼,阐述了保留跨栏跑教材的必要性,并就如何合理安排这一教材的教学时数及其教学和考核的有关问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

This paper reports how individual students respond to a nine‐week course in plant anatomy using two teaching techniques: self‐instruction and group interaction.

Students vary widely in their responses to teaching by these techniques. Over the four years of the study (1975–78) four major patterns of response have emerged. These are described as learning profiles. The profiles are composed from curves depicting the attainment of individual students, measured in seven weekly assessment tests given during group sessions. The assessment tests measured performance in four capacities, based on Bloom's criteria, viz. recall of knowledge, comprehension, application and short‐chain problem solving. Learning curves for each of these four capacities were obtained for each individual student. Other variables, e.g. general ability, age, sex, anxiety, motivation, time spent etc. were also determined for each student.

The purpose of the course is to train students to solve problems in plant anatomy. Although strategies for solving long‐chain problems were not practised in groups, the component skills used in their solution were practised in the weekly test items.

From the profile types — i.e. the patterns of individual response to the teaching ‐ it was possible to make some prediction about performance in the final examination, although this examination was predominantly one to test capacity to solve long‐chain, multi‐step problems.  相似文献   

试论我国翻译图书事业的两起两落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译图书是我国出版物中一大品种,是图书大家族中不可缺少的一员。近50年来,我国翻译图书事业经历了两次高潮和两次低潮。两次高潮皆为社会经济高涨的产物,两次低潮的性质则完全不同。造成第二次低潮的原因是,我国与经贸有关的知识产权制度刚刚建立,经验和准备不足,法制尚不完备,加之外力屡屡挑起的知识产权争端,加重了其运作的困难。应不断提高我版权保护和版权贸易水平,抓住机遇,奋力一搏,争取在较短时间内跃出翻译图书事业的低谷  相似文献   

The activities of teaching staff members in universities have changed considerably over the last few years. The interests of the latter in some of these activities have also changed. This article analyzes the difficulties facing university teachers in their efforts to meet the demands made on them in modern universities. The proportional increase in resources means that teachers tend to devote them‐selves to activities that are more productive from a professional or a personal point of view while neglecting others. Universities should make changes in their organization and everyday functioning which would permit a more rational division of the necessary tasks. In addition, university administrations should increase the resources available to their universities in order to bring about such changes.  相似文献   

文化传统和时代一起构成绘画的土壤,绘画的不同的形式体现了传统和时代的特征。中国绘画在传统文化与当代的延续上被切断了,画坛上充斥着风格主义和模仿习气。对中国当代艺术而言,绝不是西方绘画简单的学习和引进,而应该符合当代的时代特色。  相似文献   

知识论传统与学术自由的合法性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要讨论了学术自由合法性的知识论基础 ,认为学术自由的合法性只能从知识本身得到说明 ,并进一步比较了中西方知识论的主要差异 ,试图从学术传统的角度考察中国学术自由价值观之不立以及合法性缺失的原因所在。  相似文献   

比较法是生物教学中常用的逻辑思维教学方法之一,本文阐述了比较法在动物教学中的作用、比较法的常用类型、运用比较法的步骤。  相似文献   

本文针对公共课程概率论与数理统计,结合当前应用型本科院校的学生学习现状.以具体实例阐述了在概率统计中辅以实验课的教学方法。  相似文献   

高师中国画教学中基础教学的重要内容是着重提高学生的造型能力、笔墨能力和设色能力;创作教学的重要内容是研究选择运用适于中国画表达的艺术符号,注重艺术精神的探索和艺术语言的创新;速写是基础教学与创作教学的中间环节.要加强速写,促进中国画教学全面提高。  相似文献   

Teaching in context can be defined as teaching a mathematical idea or process by using a problem, situation, or data to enhance the teaching and learning process. The same problem or situation may be used many times, at different mathematical levels to teach different objectives. A common misconception exists that assigning/teaching applications is teaching in context. While both use problems, the difference is in timing, in purpose, and in student outcome. In this article, one problem situation is explored thoroughly at different levels of understanding and other ideas are suggested for classroom explorations.  相似文献   

改革后的大学英语四、六级考试中的段落翻译对学生语言输出能力提出更高的要求.本文通过对比汉英句子在形合、意合方面的差异,以四六级翻译真题为例,指出学生在汉英转换中合理使用关系词、非谓语形式和介词衔接,可以使译文衔接紧凑、逻辑清晰.  相似文献   

在建筑力学教学中,采取多种教学手段,运用启发式教学,能提高学生的素质和创新能力。  相似文献   

历史上形成的民族交融传统对广西目前的民族团结工作具有重要的借鉴意义。民族交融传统是当前广西民族团结最深厚的思想基础,它有助于实现边疆的稳定,为广西的大开发事业提供了精神动力。我们应该继续继承和发扬广西的民族交融传统并合理地加以利用,以进一步密切广西各民族之间的联系,建立适合开发建设需要的新型的民族关系。  相似文献   

“加强能力培养,全面提高学生素质”是教育教学改革的重要目标之一。本文通过案例教学法在气象学与气候学中的应用与探索,展示了案例教学对培养创新性人才的作用。  相似文献   

本文从物理教育教学的实际需要出发,全面地论述了物理学史在物理教学中的地位与作用,以促进二者的有机结合,更有效地发挥其教育教学之功能.  相似文献   

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