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Female high school students participated in a motor task to assess the effects of success/failure and extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. A questionnaire was administered to check for the degree of satisfaction after participation under each experimental condition. A significant change in intrinsic motivation was found to be due to the effects of success and failure, but not to the effect of the tangible reward. Those groups receiving success feedback persisted longer at the voluntary play situation than did those receiving failure feedback. As well, the task was deemed more satisfying for the success feedback groups. Results tend to indicate the potency of success over failure feedback in inducing intrinsic motivation and are interpreted in terms of cognitive evaluation versus the overjustification hypothesis.  相似文献   

本文阐述了内部动机和外部动机的决定因素及其对运动员训练的影响,并提出运动员动机的干预方案,最后对运动员自主、积极训练方面的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of different types of competition and success/failure on intrinsic motivation of males and females performing on a motor task. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following competition conditions: (a) face-to-face competition, (b) competition against a standard of excellence, or (c) a noncompetitive condition (control). In addition, subjects received either success or failure feedback while performing on the pursuit rotor. Results indicated that subjects receiving success exhibited more intrinsic motivation than subjects receiving failure. Subjects also displayed more intrinsic motivation during competition than when not in competition. In addition, the Sex × Competition interaction indicated that males exhibited more intrinsic motivation when competing than when not competing, whereas females displayed no differences between these conditions. Results are discussed in light of previous research by Deci (1975) and Deaux (1977) and future direction is offered.  相似文献   


This study was a test of Deci and Ryan's (1985) cognitive evaluation theory in a fitness testing situation. More specifically, it was a test of Proposition 2 of that theory, which posits that external events that increase or decrease perceived competence will increase or decrease intrinsic motivation. Seventh and eighth grade schoolchildren (N = 105) volunteered for an experiment that was ostensibly to collect data on a new youth fitness test (the Illinois Agility Run). After two untimed practice runs, a specially adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was administered as a pretest of intrinsic motivation. Two weeks later when subjects ran again, they were apparently electronically timed. In reality, the subjects were given bogus feedback. Subjects in a positive feedback condition were told their scores were above the 80th percentile, while those in a negative feedback condition were told their scores were below the 20th percentile. Those in a control condition received no feedback. The IMI was again administered to the subjects after their runs. Multivariate and subsequent univariate tests were significant for all four subscale dependent variables (perceived interest-enjoyment, competence, effort, and pressure-tension). Positive feedback enhanced all aspects of intrinsic motivation, whereas negative feedback decreased them. In a further test of cognitive evaluation theory, path analysis results supported the prediction that perceived competence would mediate changes in the other IMI subscales. Taken together, these results clearly support cognitive evaluation theory and also may have important implications regarding motivation for those who administer youth fitness tests.  相似文献   

本研究在查阅大量参考文献的基础上,以上海交通大学和上海财经大学的部分学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、比较分析和数理统计等方法,研究参加野外生存生活训练对学生内部动机的影响。研究结果表明,野外生存对激发大学生体育学习的内部动机具有显著增强的作用,主要体现在内部动机的主观能力和主观选择维度。  相似文献   

本研究目的是探讨运动身体自我对大学生体育内在动机的影响机制。通过对480名大学生进行身体自我、心理需要感知和体育内在动机等问卷的测量和分析。结果显示,青少年的体能素质和体型管理等变量对大学生体育内在动机产生直接效应,并且体能素质、技能素质、身体健康、运动效能、体型管理和负面修饰等变量分别通过能力感、自主感和归属感等心理需要变量间接影响大学生体育内在动机。  相似文献   

目标定向对大学生体育锻炼内在动机的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以470名大学生为被试,考察目标定向对大学牛体育锻炼内在动机的影响.结果表明,任务定向、自我定向、能力感、自主感和归属感直接影响体育锻炼内在动机.此外,任务定向通过自主感和归属感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应,自我定向通过能力感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应.  相似文献   

体育院校的竞训部门是主管学校的竞赛、训练、完成比赛任务、对教练员、学生运动员的培训等工作的领导、监督和检查的职能部门,如何调动相关人员训练及工作的积极性和热情将是能否达到竞训管理目标的一个重要环节。通过对激励机制的理论研究,结合体育院校竞赛训练管理规章制度文本的现状分析,找出现存体育院校竞训管理制度中激励机制存在的不足,并运用激励理论进行指导,使体育院校的竞训激励机制进一步完善和优化。  相似文献   

We examined whether perceived competence moderated the relationships between implicit theories, 2 x 2 achievement goals, and intrinsic motivation for sports and physical activity. We placed 309 university students into high and moderate perceived competence groups. When perceived competence was high, entity beliefs did not predict the performance-avoidance goal; yet when perceived competence was moderately low, entity beliefs did predict this goal. The mastery-avoidance goal had no relationship with intrinsic motivation when perceived competence was high, but had a significant negative relationship when perceived competence was moderately low. Our findings highlight the importance of reexamining the role of perceived competence when studying implicit beliefs and the 2 x 2 achievement goals.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,运动心理学家开始关注人格与竞赛成绩的关系,希望从人格上预测运动员的竞赛成绩并为选材提供有力依据。但是心理学家发现,用人格来预测竞赛成绩的方法存在不足,不能单一的用来预测运动员成绩。因此,从20世纪70代开始,运动心理学家开始转向研究动机以及竞赛焦虑对比赛成绩的影响。心理学家提出了一系列问题,但是相关的对于武术运动的研究较少。文章从人格、成就动机、焦虑等方面分析对武术运动成绩影响进程的研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study, grounded in self-determination theory, was to explore the relationship between Paralympic athletes' perceptions of autonomy-supportive coach behavior, basic psychological needs, and intrinsic motivation to know, accomplish, and experience stimulation. One hundred thirteen Canadian Paralympic athletes completed an online survey, consisting of measures of coach autonomy support; of perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness; and of intrinsic motivation. Perceived coach autonomy support was a predictor of athletes' perceptions of autonomy and relatedness. Perceived competence was a significant predictor of all three forms of intrinsic motivation, while perceived autonomy was a significant predictor of intrinsic motivation to accomplish and experience stimulation. The results highlight the important relationship between coach behavior and athlete motivation in disability sport.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess selected psychometric properties of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) (Ryan, 1982), a multidimensional measure of subjects' experience with regard to experimental tasks. Subjects (N = 116) competed in a basketball free-throw shooting game, following which they completed the IMI. The LISREL VI computer program was employed to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis to assess the tenability of a five factor hierarchical model representing four first-order factors or dimensions and a second-order general factor representing intrinsic motivation. Indices of model acceptability tentatively suggest that the sport data adequately fit the hypothesized five factor hierarchical model. Alternative models were tested but did not result in significant improvements in the goodness-of-fit indices, suggesting the proposed model to be the most accurate of the models tested. Coefficient alphas for the four dimensions and the overall scale indicated adequate reliability. The results are discussed with regard to the importance of accurate assessment of psychological constructs and the use of linear structural equations in confirming the factor structures of measures.  相似文献   

论鹰眼系统对网球运动竞赛发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着网球运动竞赛的迅速发展,运动员对自身的技术要求越来越精确,在赛场上经常出现运动员与裁判为一球的落点而发生争执。鹰眼系统的引入使网球运动竞赛发生了深刻的变化,无论对球员、球迷还是电视观众,这项新技术都为网球注入了新的元素。本文通过对鹰眼系统在网球运动竞赛发展中的影响,剖解了鹰眼系统给网球竞赛带来的全新革命,它保证了比赛的公平判决,还有鹰眼赛时拍摄动作的展现、精确的数据分析等,但鹰眼系统带来的负面影响也是无法避免的:比赛中的情绪干扰、赛程的连贯性、赛场使用的公平性等。  相似文献   

论体育文化对现代人竞争素质培养的价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代体育文化具有强烈的竞争性、机会平等、公正、公平和竞争与协作互为统一的特点。体育活动是可以激发、培养人的竞争意识和竞争能力的积极诱因和有效手段。人从本能欲望的竞争过渡到社会性的竞争,需要摒弃兽性,升华到社会性和人性,体育活动为这一过渡起着积极的桥梁作用。同时,体育为形成竞争素质创造了最佳的行为环境,并为现代人全面发展和完善人格提供了有效的培养途径。  相似文献   

以自我决定理论为指导,通过2项研究来探讨外部动机内化对运动员心理疲劳的影响。研究一:40名青少年足球运动员先后参与到2个实验 室试验中,通过不同性质的无趣任务诱发心理疲劳,检验不同动机类型下运动员心理疲劳的情况;研究二:以教练为运动员提供的自主环境为自变 量,利用试验组、对照组前后测准试验设计,考察真实运动情境中,运动员外部动机内化对心理疲劳的影响。结果表明:运动员外部动机的内化水平 与心理疲劳存在显著负相关;外部动机内化的变化在一定条件下可预测心理疲劳的变化;当运动员外部动机内化水平变低时,心理疲劳的程度升 高;外部动机内化可增加运动员对无趣任务的认同经验和控制感,从而降低负性体验。结果提示,提高运动员的自主支持可促使运动员外部动机内 化,从而对心理疲劳起到预防作用。  相似文献   

从自我决定理论(Deci和Ryan,1985)角度解释心理疲劳,是近几年运动员心理疲劳领域研究的热点之一.根据这一理论,假设自我决定动机对运动员心理疲劳具有负向预测作用,并通过横向和纵向两个研究检验这一假设.对225名现役运动员的横向研究发现,由自我决定动机指向心理疲劳的结构方程模型得到了数据的良好拟合,自我决定动机对心理疲劳3个维度均有可靠的负向预测作用.纵向研究进一步探讨两者的关系.冬训前、后为期12周的间隔中,对60名柔道运动员进行自我决定动机和心理疲劳的测验.结果发现,冬训初期的自我决定动机对冬训末期运动员的心理疲劳具有可靠的负向预测作用;结果还发现,冬训前、后动机自我决定程度的变化对心理疲劳的变化具有可靠的负向预测作用.这两点均说明自我决定动机对心理疲劳具有纵向预测作用.  相似文献   

以102名优秀运动员为被试,进行训练比赛满意感、心理疲劳和运动动机的测量,以检验运动员的训练比赛满意感与运动动机的关系以及心理疲劳在两者之间的中介作用。研究发现:1)运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间存在显著的正相关,训练比赛满意感对运动动机具有显著的正向预测作用;2)体力/情感耗竭在运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间起完全中介作用;3)运动负评价在训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间具有显著的中介作用。可通过有效缓解与降低运动员的心理疲劳来提高训练比赛满意感对运动动机的积极效应。  相似文献   

大鼠骨骼肌废用性萎缩与运动恢复中内源性IGF-Ⅰ的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨骨骼肌废用性萎缩、恢复中内源性IGF-I的影响,及小强度耐力锻炼对肌萎缩恢复的有效性。SD大鼠30只,建立吊尾拟失重及失重后耐力性跑台训练恢复模型,计量肌湿重、横截面积及肌内IGF-I含量。结果去负荷4周(U组)肌湿重、横截面积高度显著低于对照组(C组),去负荷后运动恢复(UE组)与自然恢复(UC组)相应指标显著高于U组;U组IGF-I含量显著低于C组,和U组相比,IGF-IUE组高度显著增加、UC组显著增加;UE、UC组间三项指标变化均无显著差异。结论去负荷大鼠比目鱼肌萎缩可能与内源性IGF-I多肽下降有关,且随后小强度耐力练习使比目鱼肌恢复更快可能由IGF-I多肽表达增加实现;小强度耐力性练习在肌萎缩恢复中未见显著作用,提示实践中这可能不是抗肌萎缩的最合适练习方法。  相似文献   

杨帆 《冰雪运动》2007,29(5):21-23
针对花样滑冰新裁判系统及规则的变化,提出花样滑冰单人滑运动员赛前成套动作目标设置与赛后归因训练方法。结合新裁判系统剖析单人滑运动员成套动作赛前目标设置的作用与内容及赛后归因的意义,对跳跃、步法和成套动作综合表现进行目标设置与赛后归因,为花样滑冰教练员指导运动员迅速适应新裁判方法以及规则变化、提高比赛成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

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