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Participation in youth sport is positively associated with physical fitness and performance. The purpose of the current study was to examine if physical fitness measures during childhood and early adolescence predicted high school sport participation. Participants included youth in the Michigan State University Motor Performance Study. Measures consisted of the endurance shuttle run, Wells sit-and-reach, jump and reach, standing long jump, agility shuttle run and 30-yard dash. Individual, generalized estimating equation models were used to estimate the association between each measure and the odds of participating in high school sport. For both sexes, the endurance shuttle run and agility shuttle run were related to sport participation. For boys only, the long jump and 30-yard dash were also associated with sport participation. Better physical fitness and performance across several dimensions in childhood, including those related to motor skills, enhanced the likelihood of sport participation in high school.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法等研究方法,对湘西州城市与农村初中生运动参与的影响因素进行了调查研究并进行了对比分析,旨在掌握湘西州城乡初中生运动参与的影响因素,了解城乡之间的差异,为促进湘西州初中生积极参与运动,培养初中生良好的运动参与习惯打下基础,同时为湘西州教育部门初中体育工作提供依据。  相似文献   

中考体育加试,作为一项可以计算入学生中考总成绩的项目,在初中学生学习生活中占据一定的比重,而这一点也被学校和广大家长所认同。本文以北京市海淀区北京交大附中作为调查地点,以该学校里的2016级初三年级体育课堂中学生的课堂练习和体育教师的授课过程为研究对象,探究在体育中考前提下,对该年级体育教师、学生体育课程产生的影响,以期为初三年级体育课程优化提高和正在进行的体育中考改革,提供参考意见。  相似文献   


Junior high school boys (N=181) took part in this study. There were 91 athletes and 90 nonathletes who took five psychological function tests2 and eight sport skill tests to determine (a) whether differences existed in selected psychological functions and selected sport skills between junior high school boy athletes and nonathletes, (b) the degree of relationship between psychological functions and sport skills, (c) the implementation of a six-multiple variation equation in predicting probable individual sport skill scores, and (d) the degree of relationship between a long and short form psychological functions test and a long and short form sport skills test.

The Stoelting visual reaction timer apparatus was used to test for simple reaction time. The Howard-Dolman apparatus was used to test for depth perception. The McClure perimeter was used to test for peripheral vision left eye, right eye, and total angle. The sport skill tests used were soccer combination skills and volley; basketball dribble shoot and volley; volleyball volley and serve; and baseball volley and repeat throws.

Significant differences existed on all psychological function tests and sport skill tests between athletes and nonathletes, in favor of athletes. The psychological function tests were independent of each other except for peripheral vision total angle with right eye and left eye. There was a low to moderate relationship between the psychological functions and the sport skills. The six-variable multiple R regression equation had a 70 percent predictive accuracy on individual scores for each sport skill test. The short form psychological functions test and the short form sport skills test could replace their respective long forms. The short form psychological functions test could moderately predict sport skill performance in the sport skill areas selected.  相似文献   


Most research on the correlates of sport involvement has utilized male samples. The present study focuses on a sample of high school girl gymnasts, basketball players, track participants, and a control group of nonathletes. The correlates of participation investigated include familial factors, peers, teachers and coaches' encouragement to participate in sports, and the social psychological variables of perceived femininity, self-reported athletic ability, and body image. The findings indicate that socialization into sport begins in childhood and continues into high school with considerable encouragement from significant others. The basketball players reported somewhat less encouragement and tend to see themselves as less feminine than the other athletes. Athletes had higher self-perceptions of athletic ability than the nonathletes. The athletes' perceptions of their body image were generally more positive than the nonathletes. This latter finding suggests a reduction of stigma formerly associated with female involvement in sport.  相似文献   

颜非非 《浙江体育科学》2009,31(5):105-108,111
通过文献资料调查法、数理统计方法,对初中生运动项目兴趣转移因素进行问卷调查,对不同性别、不同年级的初中生运动项目兴趣转移因素进行了比较,分析结果得出:社会因素在性别中存在差异性、家庭因素在年级中存在差异性、而心理体验因素不存在差异性,为更好地培养初中生运动项目兴趣提供参考.  相似文献   

高中体育课选项是新课改的重要内容之一,但却存在争议。从学生的生理和心理特点、高中生的现实学业情况进行分析。高中进行选项并不符合学生的生长发展规律,高中生各方面的身体素质、课余时间使他们并不能很好地掌握体育项目,发展专项技术水平。本文采用文献资料法、调查访问法等研究方法根据当下社会、学校、学生学业情况,从提早进行体育选项的作用与意义和高中进行体育选项已晚的因素来进行论初中进行体育选项课的探索性研究。  相似文献   

安全教育是学校健康教育的重要课题,安全地锻炼身体会使学生受益终生。以"健康第一"思想为指导,加强对中学体育安全教育的研究,创设良好的体育环境,必须引起广大体育教师、学生、家长和学校领导的高度重视。文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对太原市迎泽区6所中学、300名学生、10名体育教师进行了抽样调查,对太原市初中学生体育安全意识进行了调查和现状分析。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to measure grade school children's attitudes toward female involvement in sports and their relationship with participation, sex, and grade level. A Likert-type questionnaire (CATFIS) was administered to 106 girls and 264 boys in grades 3–6 at the beginning of their participation (P) in a YMCA-sponsored sports program. Similarly, 344 girls and 287 boys in grades 3–9 who did not participate (NP) in this sports program were administered the questionnaire in their school classrooms. Five months later the P group and the NP group (only grades 3–6) were retested to investigate whether attitude change occurred. The results of the study indicated that females at all grade and participation levels had significantly more favorable attitudes than the males. At grades 3 and 4 male P and NP were quite similar in their attitudes, as were female P and NP, but at grades 5 and 6 the attitudes of each sex group diverged. Male NP were more positive than male P, while female NP were less positive than female P. The significant three-way interaction between participation, sex, and grade was explained in terms of a psychological contrast effect and sex roles. Overall, the groups became more positive toward female involvement in sports from the time of the pretest to the posttest.  相似文献   

为改进中学教学质量,促进高三女生各方面素质的提高,本研究使用了文献法、调查法、观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,对漳州市区5所中学的高三女生体育参与情况进行调查分析。结果表明:高三女生参与体育锻炼最主要的目的是为了娱乐身心,多选择一些新兴的、低难度、低强度的运动项目。但参与体育的次数少,且每次锻炼的持续时间也不长,影响高三女生体育参与。除了场地器材的缺乏、没合适的运动项目等因素外,高考的压力下没时间、学习负担也是一个重要原因。建议改善办学条件,重视体育课堂教学,加强相关的制度建设等,以吸引更多的女生参与体育锻炼。  相似文献   

目的:以认同理论为依据,以身体活动自我定义模型(PASDM)为基础,考察我国初中生锻炼自我定义过程。方法:通过借鉴国外相关量表和 对16位初中生的深度访谈,编制PASDM中各因素的初始问卷;通过对299位初中生(男139人,女160人,年龄(13.01±0.85)岁)的回答进行探索性因 素分析和信度分析,检验各初始问卷的信效度;通过对311位初中生(男144人,女167人,年龄(13.06±0.88)岁)的回答进行验证性因素分析,考察锻 炼自我定义过程各变量之间的关系。结果:锻炼自我定义过程假设模型的拟合优度可以接受,可以解释锻炼自我定义52%的方差;在由运动乐趣启 动的链式认知推理模式中,知觉到的运动承诺和知觉到的运动能力对自我定义有直接的预测效应,且两者对自我定义的预测作用非常接近,均达到 中等水平;运动乐趣、知觉到的想去运动和知觉到的运动努力对自我定义有间接的预测作用。结论:PASDM-2可以在一定程度上用于解释我国初 中生的锻炼自我定义过程;我国初中生锻炼自我定义过程与西方跑步运动、自行车运动自我定义过程比较,共性与差异并存。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对常州市青少年业余体校教练员队伍进行调查与分析,结果表明:教练员的年龄结构合理,整体的运动实践和执教经验较丰富,有较强的人才优势;文化素质整体较理想,但高学历层次缺乏;职称结构问题与优势并存;针对存在的问题,提出相应建议。  相似文献   


Form A of the Wear Attitude Inventory was administered to one randomly selected physical education class of seventh grade boys, one class of eighth grade boys, and one class of ninth grade boys in each of five junior high schools. The mean Inventory score for each grade was found to be equal to or superior to the mean reported in Wear's validation study. A significant X2 value was found for the distribution of Inventory scores of the three junior high school grades. A biserial coefficient of correlation item analysis which was computed for each of the three grades established that the 30 items correlated significantly with the total score and that the item score also had a significant correlation with the Inventory category score. On the basis of these results, the conclusion was advanced that the Wear Attitude Inventory was an appropriate instrument to measure attitudes of junior high school boys toward physical education.  相似文献   

编制《初中生体育参与的应激来源调查问卷》,运用问卷对初中生体育参与的应激来源进行调查研究,探讨初中生体育参与的应激来源,并对性别和年级对初中生体育参与应激来源的影响进行了研究,提出如何应对初中生体育参与应激反应的策略。  相似文献   

陕西省少儿体校教练员队伍现状调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料调研、问卷调查、专家访谈和逻辑分析等方法,对陕西省少儿体校教练员现状进行了研究。结果表明,陕西省少儿体校教练员队伍人员缺乏、学历层次低、职称与年龄梯队结构不合理;对科研认识不足,选材方法落后;对福利待遇满意程度低;对少儿体校运行机制存有不同看法。提出改善少儿体校教练员状况,提高其社会地位以稳固教练员队伍;加强对中青年教练员的培训以提高其训练质量和科研水平;改革少儿体校运行机制,改进教练员激励方法以调动其积极性等。  相似文献   


To evaluate the effect of concurrent augmented feedback on isometric force output during familiar and unfamiliar muscle movements, 18 men and 21 women, 18 to 23 years of age, completed two isometric exercises: flexion of the thumb (a familiar muscle movement) and abduction of the fifth digit (an unfamiliar movement). The exercises consisted of 10 maximum voluntary isometric contractions lasting 10 s each and separated by 10-s intertrial rest intervals. Concurrent visual feedback was provided during alternate contractions. The order of exercises and trials for feedback was randomly assigned and balanced over subjects. Peak force output during abduction of the fifth digit was significantly (p ≤ .01) greater with (4.4 ± 0.29 kg) than without feedback (4.1 ± 0.26 kg). Feedback did not influence (p > .05) peak force output during thumb flexion (232 ±1.09 kg vs 22.5± 1.05 kg). Muscular fatigue was more pronounced during thumb flexion without feedback (18.4 ± 1.17%) than when feedback was provided (11.8 ±136%). These data suggest that fatigue may increase the effect of feedback on force generation during familiar muscular movements. To obtain maximal isometric force measures during strength testing, augmented feedback should be provided.  相似文献   

疫情突然来袭,学校教学按“停课不停学”的方针进行。在新的形势下,体育课教学也发生了形式上的变化。我们根据目前的线上教学的现状,提出中学体育课采用线上分项教学的模式进行,教学效果会更好。本文从中学体育课线上分项教学的意义着手,对实施的具体步骤、建议予以探讨。  相似文献   

重点探讨初中生身体自尊、体育锻炼感觉和体育锻炼参与情况.采用文献资料法、心理测量法和数理统计法对906名初中学生进行研究.结果:第一,初中学生体育锻炼运动量偏小,远远低于我国体育人口规定的运动量,并且男生多于女生、城市多于乡村;第二,初中学生的身体自尊总体无显著的性别和区域差异,但在身体吸引力维度上,乡村学生比城市学生评价更高;第三,初中生的体育锻炼感觉存在显著的性别差异,男生高于女生.体育锻炼感觉无显著的区域差异.  相似文献   

方欣 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(5):550-552
如何做好中学生篮球运动员身体素质训练是教练员(体育老师)必须考虑的问题之一,我国中学生篮球运动员发展专项技术水平较慢,很重要的原因是没有良好的身体素质作保证。没有良好的身体素质,个人技术相对得不到较好的发挥,这是中学生篮球运动员技、战术训练中较为普遍存在的问题。中学期间运动员技术水平还没有定位,只抓技、战术会导致运动员...  相似文献   

广州市中学全民健身活动的发展现状及其特点的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年儿童是我国“全民健身”计划实施的重点。通过50所中学的校长、教师和学生共2206人的大样本调查,对广州市全民健身的重要组成部分——中学全民健身活动的现状及其特点进行了较为全面的分析研究。主要结论:广州市中学已基本建起行之有效的全民健身活动的运管机制井在良好运行;但学校体育场地仍然偏少,总体体育经费偏低,各校体育教师的配备、体育场地的拥有量及体育经费的投入均不平衡,个别学校的体育工作亟待加强和改进;现行学校体育及体育课已不能满足学生的广泛需求;应支持和引导学校体育与社会体育的互联互补,利用各方体育资源,抓住“减负”契机,进一步重视并加大对学校体育及全民健身活动的各项投入,才能促进中学全民健身活动朝更积极、有效的方向开展和发展。  相似文献   

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