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在韩愈作品以及汉、唐典籍中“师”“学”并用而不互代,“师”与“学”存在着词义的差异。结合对《师说》文意、语境的分析可知,“吾师道也”句中的“师”,不应当注释为“学习”,而应训为“以……为师”。  相似文献   

“苏格拉底的无知”不是假装无知,他是真诚地认为自己无知。不过,这种“无知”不是经验性的无知,而是一种求知态度,即认为人类永远无法占有绝对真理,但又始终不渝、孜孜不倦地追求真理。“苏格拉底的无知”引导了一种理想的“师生关系”。在这种师生关系中,教师不是权威,不是真理的拥有者,学术标准面前,师生平等。因此教师不是在传授真理,而是在向学生传达这种“无知之知”的求知态度和求知方法。教师的职责是帮助学生变得自足,然后自主地追求真理。  相似文献   

在方法论上 ,科学实在论发展的趋势 ,至少表现在五个方面 :在论域背景下的方法论表现为从“知识无错论”发展为“知识可错论” ;在认识过程中表现为从强调客观描述发展为关注主体建构 ;在操作过程中表现为从以事实为出发点发展到以对事实的解释为出发点 ;在真理论意义上表现为从真理符合论发展为多元真理论 ;在论证方式上表现为从具体分析发展为综合论证  相似文献   

In this paper, the author discusses pedagogy and strategy within the current climate set by the “War on Terror”. Deploying Lacanian psychoanalysis in a critique of standardized knowledge, the author develops a theory of “abject pedagogy” that seeks to subvert the current “regimes of truth” while providing educators with a viable pedagogy during this “state of emergency”.  相似文献   

In these lines, Lord Tennyson might well have been writing of himself, and the title of the poem from which they are taken, “The Poet of Love,” readily applies to him, for he sang always “a song of undying love, multiplying truth on truth.” That he considered love the all-pervading influence of life is easily deduced from the fact that poem after poem of his has for its theme the immortality of love and its power “to shape or shatter a life till the life shall have fled.” To question whether or not he was the type of writer to deal adequately with the subject is hardly worthwhile since his poems bear silent witness to his artistic ability. Tennyson could have written “as one who loved his fellowmen” since understanding and sympathy such as he has shown in treating with the subject of love are qualities of one whose heart and mind were mellowed by the emotion itself. Love is, as Tennyson himself said in a poem, a more ideal artist than all.  相似文献   

关于历史题材创作的评价标准与方法问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史题材创作是当前中国文坛和大众文化领域十分突出的现象。目前学界的相关研究与评论存在一些误区,一是误把历史叙事等同于历史真实,认为不符合历史记载的文学创作就是违背“历史真实”。二是注重个别人物、事件的真实性而轻视作品整体的历史感。三是指责当前历史题材创作过于注重偶然性而歪曲了历史的必然性。导致这些误区的主要原因是论者对“真实”概念的理解有失偏颇。其实,“真实”这个概念,无论是指生活真实、历史真实还是艺术真实,实际上都是主观经验,只不过不是任意的主观经验,而是有条件或者限制的主观经验,是建立在具体语境中的、以主体间性为基础的主观经验,是一种“共识真理”。这才应该是评价历史题材创作的基本标准。具体研究方法则应该是以重建历史语境为基础的综合性阐释,其要有三:一是重建历史语境,从而形成深厚的历史感;二是提倡一种“循环阅读”的批语方法,从而把握文本与文化历史语境之间的关联性;三是深入体察接受者的普遍心理,从而寻绎出历史题材作品成功与否的现实原因。  相似文献   

Our project is intended to supplement and extend research that emphasizes how the rhetoric informing the euthanasia debate admits a call of conscience and how this call would have us act heroically as we acknowledge what is arguably some particular truth that is at work in the debate (e.g., only God has the right to take a life). The relationship between conscience, acknowledgment, heroism, truth and rhetoric, we submit, presupposes the workings of our metaphysical desire for perfection—a desire that is definitely on hand when debating issues of the “good life” and the “good death.” The relationship constitutes a rhetoric of perfection that plays an essential role in the euthanasia debate as a whole. Such a rhetoric lies at the heart of the recent and much publicized case of Terri Schiavo—a young woman who lived in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years before she was allowed to die the “dignified” death that she supposedly wanted all along.  相似文献   

The debate about the “place” of time limited therapy in our work as therapists regularly falls into a discussion about theory and evidence of usefulness. Often overlooked are the philosophical assumptions that underlie and fuel this debate. I seek to articulate several of these assumptions, ones pertaining to the know-ability of truth, the place of authority, and the agency of change. I propose that we not “elide” an epistemology of wondering.  相似文献   

敬业以职业为形式,以劳动为内容,劳动观决定敬业观。马克思主义劳动观揭示了劳动教育是教人求真、教人至善、教人臻美的有机统一内在逻辑。高职生由于对敬业认知的“前结构”阙如,且受到消费主义价值观的强势挑战,尤其需要在劳动教育中以“真”见“知”、以“善”领“情”、以“美”导“意”,只有这样,才能真正培育起他们的敬业价值观。  相似文献   

《古文渊鉴》是清初一部大型古文选本,选文自《左传》至两宋,共计1365篇。《序》中指出古文体制“靡不根柢于群经,权舆于六籍”,属于我国传统文学批评“文本于经”的范畴。考查《古文渊鉴》的体制与内容,我们发现其“尊经”更多地是从内容和功用方面,而非文体方面。其以“经”为径,“明道”为旨,“致用”是目的。这对于我们更深刻地理解《古文渊鉴》和“文本于经”的内涵都具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

“三个有利于”标准是“实践标准”的具体化和进一步展开 ;是衡量社会主义社会发展与进步的根本标准 ;是为社会主义社会发展进步和为人民谋福利的最高价值标准。“三个代表”的要求从马克思主义建党学说的高度 ,进一步发展了“三个有利于”标准的思想 ,深化了对中国共产党的性质、宗旨和根本任务的理解 ,在新的历史条件下 ,指明了中国特色社会主义现代化建设的根本动力、基本道路和发展方向 ,具有当代中国的时代特征和理论意义  相似文献   

自"第二国际"破产以来,国际社会主义运动分裂为科学社会主义和民主社会主义两大主流运动。"三个代表"所代表的中国特色社会主义是前者的现代化形式,当代"第三条道路"所代表的社会民主主义是后者的当代形态。二者能否在解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的基础上摈弃前嫌,互为模式,求同存异,不仅关系到世界社会主义运动的未来,更关系到人类的未来。而要真正做到求同存异,就必须求"社会主义"之"大同",存"民主"和"专政"之"大异"。  相似文献   

吕祖谦的《左传》学研究成果,最重要、影响最大的有《左氏博议》、《左氏传说》等著作。《左氏传说》的成书后于《左氏博议》。细读这两部书,可以看出吕氏对同一现象、同一问题的看法常有变化。《左氏传说》往往较《左氏博议》的主观色彩减少,也较少理学说教,显得比较客观平实,着重探讨其深藏的历史真实;其次,《左氏传说》较之《左氏博议》更顾及全貌,能区分事情的轻重缓急、表象本质,让读者从评议看到一个完整、全面的历史真实;另外,《左氏传说》在分析人物、事件时,更注重其背后的历史必然。总体而言,《左氏传说》看问题更全面、深刻,眼光更阔大,反映了一个学者走向成熟的气度。  相似文献   

现代大学的制度创新必须处理好“有为”与“无为”、“求真”与“向善”、“规范”与“限度”等问题,以破解现代大学发展的瓶颈,进而厘清大学与政府、大学与社会之间的关系,并通过确立大学章程、完善委员会制度、健全学术评审体系、和谐组织文化、合理配置资源等,实现现代大学的制度创新.  相似文献   

Thirty-six children (half 6–8 years old and half 10–12) in Northeast Brazil heard three hypothetical dilemmas featuring a choice between telling the truth and keeping a promise. Each dilemma was initiated by a different kind of lie: an exculpable pro-social lie (teasing), a lie in the personal domain (hiding) and a lie in the service of an anti-social act (cheating). They were asked to choose between truth and promise, and to attribute choices to adults and to peers. More younger than older children chose truth on all three dilemmas. Both regression and SSA analysis showed that “peer-judgments” predicted own judgments on all three dilemmas, but “adult-judgments” did so only on the dilemma, which featured an exculpable lie and involved no adults. The findings may be interpreted as supporting either (a) a constructivist account of development or (b) a learning account that features implicit processes.  相似文献   

率真悠远的自然母题——解读《麦田里的守望者》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“母题”角度看 ,美国作家塞林格《麦田里的守望者》无疑是一部反映“自然的母题”的佳作。自然母题的儿童文学作品在审美过程中 ,让人们感受到的基调是率真与悠远。《麦田里的守望者》这篇小说的标题、创作背景与主要内容三方面都体现了这一特征。  相似文献   

“实事求是”是毛泽东思想活的灵魂之一。刘少奇从辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本原理出发 ,从四个方面揭示了“实事求是”的内涵 ,丰富和发展了党的实事求是理论 ,为我们党制定正确的方针和政策提供了坚实的思想基础。  相似文献   

In Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, T.S. Eliot asked whether culture should be understood as “essentially, the incarnation (so to speak) of the religion of a people.” By “incarnation,” Eliot meant that “what we believe is not merely what we formulate and subscribe to, but that behavior is also belief.” It is, Eliot insisted, our actions, and not merely our ideas, which matter. Together, our actions and our ideas embody and then give life to culture. “Religion” is, no doubt, a contested term. For present purposes, all that needs to be conceded to make Eliot’s point worth pursuing is that every culture has some conception of the good, the true, and the beautiful, which it promotes, encourages, and thereby cultivates. What implications does this have for kinesiology? I will examine three points. First, the discipline of kinesiology cannot be abstracted from the culture in which it finds itself, without becoming an anti-culture. This fact means that kinesiology must necessarily attend to the ways in which physical activity is embedded in the historical, anthropological, sociological, and philosophical foundations of society. Second, kinesiology contributes to the cultivation or brutalization of society. This results from the attention paid (or not paid) to the question of truth in the field. Such attention to truth requires recognition of the epistemological limits of science as well as to the importance of free-will, choice, and example. Finally, kinesiologists must be willing to cultivate and defend intellectual freedom as part of a free society. A free society allows for a diversity of opinions, not as end in itself, but as the vehicle by which fallible human beings approach the truth.  相似文献   

This paper opens with two stories—about the “joking relationship” discovered by anthropologist Radcliffe-Brown Structure and function in primitive society. New York: The Free Press (1965), and an incident in the life of Rousseau—which illustrate that sometimes a story needs to be true, and that the opinion of an outsider can be preferable to that of the insider whose story it is. Recent papers by Carter and Polkinghorne Educational Researcher, 22(1), 5–12 (1993) and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(1), 5–23 (1995) are analysed; it is argued that a clear and enticing plot is no indicator of a story's truth, furthermore the need to be true can hold both of “analysis of narratives” and “narrative analysis”.  相似文献   

超越“天理人伦”对人类自由追求的限制,向秀“以儒道为一”人生实践的方法论,最终的归宿在于达到完整的理想人格,这一伟大目标只能通过无我无心无情来得以彰显。而逍遥正是实现了自我的觉悟者在现实世界中的根本特征。  相似文献   

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