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Female high school students participated in a motor task to assess the effects of success/failure and extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. A questionnaire was administered to check for the degree of satisfaction after participation under each experimental condition. A significant change in intrinsic motivation was found to be due to the effects of success and failure, but not to the effect of the tangible reward. Those groups receiving success feedback persisted longer at the voluntary play situation than did those receiving failure feedback. As well, the task was deemed more satisfying for the success feedback groups. Results tend to indicate the potency of success over failure feedback in inducing intrinsic motivation and are interpreted in terms of cognitive evaluation versus the overjustification hypothesis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of monetary rewards and success/failure on intrinsic motivation and causal attributions of males and females competing on a motor task. Multivariate analysis of variance produced a significant overall main effect for feedback, with subjects exhibiting more intrinsic motivation after success than after failure. The Sex × Feedback interaction (p < .09) indicated that males exhibited more intrinsic motivation than females after success, whereas females displayed more intrinsic motivation than males after failure. Attribution results showed that success was primarily attributed to high ability, high effort, and good luck while failure was attributed to low ability, low effort, and bad luck. Correlational analysis revealed that success was related to high ability, high effort, good luck, and high intrinsic motivation. Conversely, failure was associated with low ability, low effort, bad luck, and low intrinsic motivation. In addition, ability and effort were the causal attributes most related to changes in intrinsic motivation. The relationship between causal attributions and intrinsic motivation is discussed in terms of the self-enhancement hypothesis and Deci's cognitive evaluation theory. Implications for competitive physical activity are drawn.  相似文献   

目标定向对大学生体育锻炼内在动机的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以470名大学生为被试,考察目标定向对大学牛体育锻炼内在动机的影响.结果表明,任务定向、自我定向、能力感、自主感和归属感直接影响体育锻炼内在动机.此外,任务定向通过自主感和归属感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应,自我定向通过能力感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应.  相似文献   

本文阐述了内部动机和外部动机的决定因素及其对运动员训练的影响,并提出运动员动机的干预方案,最后对运动员自主、积极训练方面的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

本研究在查阅大量参考文献的基础上,以上海交通大学和上海财经大学的部分学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、比较分析和数理统计等方法,研究参加野外生存生活训练对学生内部动机的影响。研究结果表明,野外生存对激发大学生体育学习的内部动机具有显著增强的作用,主要体现在内部动机的主观能力和主观选择维度。  相似文献   

We examined whether perceived competence moderated the relationships between implicit theories, 2 x 2 achievement goals, and intrinsic motivation for sports and physical activity. We placed 309 university students into high and moderate perceived competence groups. When perceived competence was high, entity beliefs did not predict the performance-avoidance goal; yet when perceived competence was moderately low, entity beliefs did predict this goal. The mastery-avoidance goal had no relationship with intrinsic motivation when perceived competence was high, but had a significant negative relationship when perceived competence was moderately low. Our findings highlight the importance of reexamining the role of perceived competence when studying implicit beliefs and the 2 x 2 achievement goals.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study, grounded in self-determination theory, was to explore the relationship between Paralympic athletes' perceptions of autonomy-supportive coach behavior, basic psychological needs, and intrinsic motivation to know, accomplish, and experience stimulation. One hundred thirteen Canadian Paralympic athletes completed an online survey, consisting of measures of coach autonomy support; of perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness; and of intrinsic motivation. Perceived coach autonomy support was a predictor of athletes' perceptions of autonomy and relatedness. Perceived competence was a significant predictor of all three forms of intrinsic motivation, while perceived autonomy was a significant predictor of intrinsic motivation to accomplish and experience stimulation. The results highlight the important relationship between coach behavior and athlete motivation in disability sport.  相似文献   


The present study determined the effect of affiliation and task motivation on the success and satisfaction of college intramural basketball teams. Over 1,200 male college students, members of 144 basketball teams, responded to a pre- and post-season questionnaire which assessed affiliation and task motivation as well as team satisfaction. Teams were categorized into low, moderate, and high levels for both affiliation and task motivation. The number of games won determined success. An Affiliation Motivation × Task Motivation (3 × 3) factorial design was used. The multivariate ANOVA for the affiliation hypothesis was significant, indicating that high affiliation-motivated teams in contrast to moderate- and low-affiliation-motivated teams were less successful but more satisfied. High task-motivated teams, on the other hand, were more successful and more satisfied than moderate or low task-motivated teams. No significant interaction between task and affiliation motivation was found.  相似文献   

Data in social science research often have a multilevel structure, with observations on individuals nested within groups. However, such data have been routinely analyzed at the individual level, whereas the group level variation has been ignored. Recent developments in multilevel covariance structure modeling (MCSM; Muthén, 1994) provide a useful statistical tool for analyzing sources of variation due to both within- and between-group influences. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the use of multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) via a didactic example of a 2-level (student vs. class) analysis of exercise intrinsic motivation to experience sensations (IM-ES) data. Application of MCFA revealed substantial variation in the IM-ES at both student and class levels. In addition, predictors designed to explain the between-class levels of IM-ES (class size, type of instructor, and type of activity) significantly predicted the class-level variation in the IM-ES. The study demonstrated the merit of using multilevel analytic techniques in substantive research where data have multilevel components.  相似文献   

文章采用调查法、数据统计法、文献资料法等多种研究方法,对散打运动员进行调查,在了解不同运动员竞技动机差异的基础上,对运动员竞技动机进行对比分析,发现散打运动员的社会认可成就目的分数比常模分数低,娱乐目的、感性体验目的分数比常模分数高。在社会认可、娱乐以及努力取向等三个维度上,显示人口统计学因素方面的差异。在性别变量上,男性运动员的社会认可目的比女性运动员高,说明男运动员通过运动和比赛成绩获得社会承认、获得地位、获得教练队友满意的愿望相对较强。  相似文献   

本研究目的是探讨运动身体自我对大学生体育内在动机的影响机制。通过对480名大学生进行身体自我、心理需要感知和体育内在动机等问卷的测量和分析。结果显示,青少年的体能素质和体型管理等变量对大学生体育内在动机产生直接效应,并且体能素质、技能素质、身体健康、运动效能、体型管理和负面修饰等变量分别通过能力感、自主感和归属感等心理需要变量间接影响大学生体育内在动机。  相似文献   


This study was a test of Deci and Ryan's (1985) cognitive evaluation theory in a fitness testing situation. More specifically, it was a test of Proposition 2 of that theory, which posits that external events that increase or decrease perceived competence will increase or decrease intrinsic motivation. Seventh and eighth grade schoolchildren (N = 105) volunteered for an experiment that was ostensibly to collect data on a new youth fitness test (the Illinois Agility Run). After two untimed practice runs, a specially adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was administered as a pretest of intrinsic motivation. Two weeks later when subjects ran again, they were apparently electronically timed. In reality, the subjects were given bogus feedback. Subjects in a positive feedback condition were told their scores were above the 80th percentile, while those in a negative feedback condition were told their scores were below the 20th percentile. Those in a control condition received no feedback. The IMI was again administered to the subjects after their runs. Multivariate and subsequent univariate tests were significant for all four subscale dependent variables (perceived interest-enjoyment, competence, effort, and pressure-tension). Positive feedback enhanced all aspects of intrinsic motivation, whereas negative feedback decreased them. In a further test of cognitive evaluation theory, path analysis results supported the prediction that perceived competence would mediate changes in the other IMI subscales. Taken together, these results clearly support cognitive evaluation theory and also may have important implications regarding motivation for those who administer youth fitness tests.  相似文献   

体育院校的竞训部门是主管学校的竞赛、训练、完成比赛任务、对教练员、学生运动员的培训等工作的领导、监督和检查的职能部门,如何调动相关人员训练及工作的积极性和热情将是能否达到竞训管理目标的一个重要环节。通过对激励机制的理论研究,结合体育院校竞赛训练管理规章制度文本的现状分析,找出现存体育院校竞训管理制度中激励机制存在的不足,并运用激励理论进行指导,使体育院校的竞训激励机制进一步完善和优化。  相似文献   

对于中国举重而言,广州亚运会在自己家门口举办,但最后的成绩与前几届相比,似乎并不如意.2002年釜山亚运会、2006年多哈亚运会举重比赛,分别打破了10项、5项世界纪录,而在广州,中国举重队仅仅改写了2项世界纪录,是近几届亚运会破世界纪录最少的一次.尽管如此,中国男子举重队总教练陈文斌还是认为仍有亮点,"我们通过这样大赛的磨练,也更容易发现一些问题,我们还需要在技术上更成熟,并加强临场调控."  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法及观察法等对2008年全国蹦床锦标赛男、女共117名运动员参加的个人网上项目的得失分相关影响因素进行调查和分析,研究结果表明:比赛规则、运动员的基本技术和动作质量、运动员的成套动作难度和编排及运动员的心理素质是影响男、女个人网上项目得失分的主要相关影响因素。  相似文献   

提高试举成功率是举重比赛取胜的关键因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用文献资料法等方法,参加世界举重锦标赛的对中国男队和参加全国青年、省少年男子举重锦标赛的男运动员进行了统计分析.结果表明我国男运动员在国内外比赛中试举成功率普遍偏低.影响试举成功率的因素有赛前训练、减体重、准备活动和选定试举重量等.建议采取有针对性的措施,以提高试举成功率.  相似文献   

二战后的日本调整了其教育政策,学校体育也随之得到快速发展;在日本体育发展的不同阶段,其重点不同,经历了从偏重普及到偏重提高再到二者并重的三个阶段;为了保证体育的发展,政府相关管理部门制定了相关的法规政策;重视家庭和社会团体在体育发展过程中的促进作用。但日本体育发展中也出现政治和经济的负面影响加大、青少年体育参与热情降低、社会体育和体育产业发展过程中仍有困难和误区等不足。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,运动心理学家开始关注人格与竞赛成绩的关系,希望从人格上预测运动员的竞赛成绩并为选材提供有力依据。但是心理学家发现,用人格来预测竞赛成绩的方法存在不足,不能单一的用来预测运动员成绩。因此,从20世纪70代开始,运动心理学家开始转向研究动机以及竞赛焦虑对比赛成绩的影响。心理学家提出了一系列问题,但是相关的对于武术运动的研究较少。文章从人格、成就动机、焦虑等方面分析对武术运动成绩影响进程的研究。  相似文献   

对29名法国优秀佩剑运动员在多年训练和比赛的情况进行了论述,收集、整理,并分析了运动员在1982年至1992年的10年间主要数据,运用多元回归及特殊处理的统计方法对法国顶级佩剑选手在奥运会或世锦赛中的成功率预测模型进行了研究,从中发现佩剑运动员训练和比赛过程中的一些规律性。  相似文献   

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