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According to the European Commission’s “Europe 2020” strategy, the early school leaving (ESL) rate in European Union (EU) Member States must be reduced to a maximum of 10 per cent by 2020. This paper proposes a nonlinear distribution method based on dynamic targets for reducing the percentage of early school leavers. The aim of this method is to provide policymakers with alternatives in terms of transferring the EU-wide headline target to individual national targets. Weighting was based on four indicators: ESL rate, unemployment rate, expenditure on education as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), and expenditure on schools per student. As a result, nine possible scenarios for ESL reduction have been constructed for each of the EU Member States in three groups: the whole EU up to June 2013 (EU27), EU Member States which joined before 30 April 2004 (EU15) and EU Member States which joined after 30 April 2004 (EU12). This method allows the European policy to be translated into specific national targets that would converge in the aggregate goal.  相似文献   

The development of key competences for lifelong learning has been an important policy imperative for EU Member States. The European Reference Framework of key competences (2006) built on previous developments by the OECD, UNESCO and Member States themselves. It defined key competences as knowledge, skills and attitudes applied appropriately to contexts. Now most Member States have incorporated key competences, or similarly broad learning outcomes, into their school curriculum frameworks. This is a necessary but insufficient step towards implementation; for the effective development of learners' key competences, assessment must also change. This article focuses on the challenge of assessing cross-curricular key competences in primary and secondary education. It is based on a major study for the European Commission (Gordon, et al., 2009), which drew on information gathered and validated with the help of experts in each of the 27 EU Member States. The study's typology of assessment provides a basis for reviewing some recent developments in Member States. Present challenges and innovative responses are addressed, including ‘unpacking’ key competences, ‘mapping’ them to contexts and ‘accessment’ of their full scope and range. Policy developments are considered in the context of the author's work with the European Commission's Thematic Working Group on the assessment of key competences. The article concludes with considerations for policy and practice.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的科学、技术、经济一体化促使美英两国重视产学研协同创新,美国和英国分别形成了合作式创新生态和竞争式创新机制。美国在制度支持和产学研合作的良性循环中激活了学术知识的经济引擎作用。而英国低水平、不合理的政策干预未能扭转校企相对隔离的状态,大学在市场机制影响下难以充分发挥高质量学术知识的预期经济效益。为有效促进学术知识的生产与转移,政府应在国家创新体系中合理施为,成为政策目标的执行者、信息沟通的桥梁、政策实效的支持系统,直接并积极参与创新生态的构建、激活并稳固产学研合作的社会基础、保障创新活动的质量,促进产学研合作以保障国家创新的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article aims at raising awareness of the key role the EU already plays in matters of teacher policy. It takes stock of European teacher policy related documents and activities, such as relevant strategies, presidency priorities, Council Conclusions, Commission working documents, the activities of thematic working groups, of networks, of data gathering and research, and the available supports of the Lifelong Learning Programme and of the European Social Fund. Based on this, the article provides a clear picture of the labour market need-driven, pragmatic context of teacher policies and also the main shared European teacher policy concepts, such as teacher competence profiles, the continuum of professional development and the support of teacher educators. These fundamental concepts were shared, developed and fine tuned in the process of Member States peer learning, a crucial and highly effective method of cooperation, which is also presented in the article. The article concludes by identifying both sides of the two-way interaction process of Europeanisation taking place between Member States and the EU in teacher policy development.  相似文献   

知识经济发展与教育功能变化为成人教育体系创新创造了条件。成人教育体系创新包括制度创新与机制创新,前者包括观念创新、结构创新、管理创新,后者分为宏观激励机制创新、微观激励机制创新。成人教育体系创新,有赖于人力资源的市场信号、生产条件、产出质量的支撑,应遵循公平性、效率性、竞争性、开放性原则。  相似文献   

欧盟教育计划的发展及其实施组织   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧盟教育计划是欧盟在全盟层面上推进教育一体化发展的基本组织实施模式。随着欧盟政治、经济和文化一体化发展的不断深化,欧盟在普通教育和职业教育方面创设和推行的教育计划也经历了日趋成熟的三个发展阶段。欧盟委员会、欧盟理事会等机构共同确定教育计划的发展方向和标准,各成员国设立国家计划代理署具体组织协调欧盟教育计划在本国的实施。欧盟机构与成员国组织遵从辅助性原则,分工明确,各司其职,共同有力地保障教育计划的落实。  相似文献   

边疆少数民族地区人力资源供需矛盾及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域人力资源的供给和需求是人力资源宏观配置体系中的两个基本变量。我国边疆少数民族地区人力资源供需矛盾较为突出,表现为数量和质量不能满足经济社会的持续发展,且地域之间供需不平衡。而加大教育投资力度、发展特色经济、创新人力资源开发与管理制度是化解边疆少数民族地区人力资源供需矛盾的必然选择。  相似文献   

创新型产业集聚是以创新为核心且可持续发展的产业集聚模式。依据"钻石模型",创新型产业集聚区的构成要素包括需求条件、资源条件、创新人才、创新型企业、创新支持服务体系和政策环境,其形成动力源于创新、协同经济效应、交易成本节约、可持续发展和环境因素,且可以自主创新、学习创新、模仿创新三种模式发展。  相似文献   

作为职业教育现代化的基本手段,职业教育改革在优化人才资源支撑、服务经济社会发展方面发挥着重要作用。基于政策工具的视角,分别对新时期中美职业教育改革的顶层设计《国家职业教育改革实施方案》和《加强21世纪生涯与技术教育法案》进行文本量化统计,针对统计结果进行共性分析和差异比较,研究发现,在三重政策工具维度下中美职业教育改革政策运用存在诸多异同,即中美同时存在政策工具内部结构失调的共性问题,中国存在政策工具外部结构失衡的个性问题。具体建议是:调整创新政策工具总体布局、均衡配置环境型政策工具、优化调试供给型政策工具、着力增补需求型政策工具等。  相似文献   

阿联酋通过发布国家创新战略以及制定科学、技术和创新政策等方式为区域高等教育枢纽的建设创造了良好的政策与制度环境.吸引国际分校、打造高等教育发展新引擎、构建知识与创新枢纽以及加大对教育的财政投入等举措成为阿联酋建设区域高等教育枢纽的重要路径.与此同时,阿联酋在建设区域高等教育枢纽的过程中,面临着从知识消费国转变为知识生产国、市场与利益驱动导致供大于需的无序发展、缺乏统一的质量保障机制、高等教育机构研究能力和投入不足等诸多挑战.  相似文献   

EU graduation and the recruitment of industrial engineers (IEs) have been investigated. An increasing demand is observed for graduates in almost all industrial engineering (IE) subjects. The labour market in the EU is evolving towards the service sector even if manufacturing still represents a significant share of both IE employment and gross domestic product. On average, IE in the EU is still within the framework of the ‘market-driven’ paradigm, which contrasts with the knowledge society aims pursued by the ‘Bologna process’. R&D resources and human capital are identified as major success factors to overcome current limits for IE development in the EU. With reference to both factors, a comparison between the EU, Japan and the US is provided. In the EU, the attractiveness of universities and the social dimension are recognized as major forces attracting human capital. Patent maps outline current and future IE research and education fields of interests. Finally, EU higher education opportunities are briefly described.  相似文献   

Findings from a survey of policy professionals in aging (n = 114) and experience with a demonstration program to train policy gerontologists indicates that (1) the demand for policy gerontologists is moderately high; (2) training requirements include specific skills training in political processes, communication, analysis, and administration; (3) policy gerontologists require such personal attributes as follow through, initiative, and innovation; and (4) knowledge of the content of specific policy areas as well as an understanding of the policy‐making process is important. Findings have been used to develop a model curriculum for training policy gerontologists which is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

王素  方勇  孙毓泽 《教育研究》2012,(7):122-129
高等教育竞争力是一个国家的高等教育产出在和别国比较时所具有的相对优势和能力,其内涵包括高等教育发展水平、高等教育对人力资源的贡献、高等教育对经济的贡献、高等教育对知识创新的贡献四个层面。高等教育竞争力系统的构成要素以不同的方式存在,处于不同的维度和层次。本课题组运用层次分析法(AHP),依据高等教育竞争力评价的火箭模型,遵循指标数据的敏感性、可获得性和国际可比性的原则,构建了两个维度12项指标的高等教育竞争力评价指标体系,以此对53个国家的高等教育竞争力进行评价与排名,分析中国高等教育竞争力的优势与劣势。  相似文献   

从我国大众对学前教育资源的需求侧出发研判学前教育公共服务的供给现实,对于厘清当前学前教育资源的需求层次、提升学前教育公共服务供给质量具有关键意义。学前教育公共服务的目标应把握保基本和求发展的需求逻辑,从基本需求、差额需求和超额需求三个层次出发构建学前教育公共服务供给的差序格局。在明晰学前教育公共服务供给现实问题的基础上,提供公共性和共享性的普及化基本公共服务、公益性和分享性的普惠化补充性公共服务、私益性和独享性的个性化非公共服务,保证学前教育公共服务供给的可实现性和可获得性。对学前教育公共服务供给机制的设计探索,需积极构建责任共担与收益共享的供给制度,保证经费供给的可行性和可持续性,从参与主体、服务供给、成本分担、人员管理、监督管理五个维度设计供给路径。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,人力资源已成为企业核心竞争力的根本,创新能力只是人力资源与核心竞争力之间的一种中间形式。企业只有在人力资源开发管理方面的创新才能培育核心竞争力,企业只有加强自身的人力资源文化管理,才能有效、充分地利用人力资源,这是现代企业管理的首要任务。  相似文献   

The evolution in Europe towards more competence-based curricula in the last ten years or so is the result of several exogenous factors and a determined European policy. The Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, a Recommendation approved by the European Parliament and the Council in 2006, and the work carried out within the Open Method of Coordination as well as by European research bodies have had a significant impact on Member States' curriculum reforms. This article shows that some terminology issues, both conceptual and practical, may explain, together with other causes, the diverse formulations of key competences and the way in which they are being integrated into the compulsory education curricula by the Member States or at intra-national levels. The focus of the article is on cross-curricular competences because these are the key competences which require the most significant innovations in teaching and learning practices, on assessment tools and procedures, and school organisation. The analysis illustrates the main differences and convergences in policy formulation and implementation strategies among the EU Member States. It also identifies key obstacles that must be overcome for an effective implementation before suggesting some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

在市场经济和知识经济背景下,市场中最为宝贵的资源之一便是人才资源,知识型人力资本已经成为市场主体核心竞争力的重要组成部分.采取相应措施加大对知识型员工的激励、促使知识资本产生更大的效能,成为当前市场主体提升核心竞争力的重要举措.本文探讨了知识型员工的界定,分析了知识型员工的特征、需求与激励原则,最后提出了对知识型员工的激励策略.  相似文献   

Lifelong Learning in the European Union: whither the Lisbon Strategy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article traces the Lisbon strategy back to the White Paper issued by President Jacques Delors in 1993 on Growth, Competitiveness, and Jobs as the launching point for the structural reform agenda needed to turn around the massive unemployment crisis and proposing a combination of policies for the structural reform of the labour market and stability‐oriented macroeconomic policies designed to stimulate economic growth. The centrality of education and training in the Lisbon strategy is seen as key to the lifelong chances of every citizen linked to the need for Europe to compete on the basis of a knowledge‐based economy if it is to maintain its high social standards. Describing the first years of the Lisbon strategy as ‘a stuttering start’, the mid‐term stock‐taking which offered European leaders the opportunity to fine‐tune or radically modify the strategy is analysed. The article highlights the paradox that, although human capital is claimed to be Europe's most precious resource, there is inadequate focus on the weakest aspects of current systems. It also focuses on policy and financial levers which need to be mobilised within Member States as well as the implications for national budgets. It suggests the prioritisation of a small number of areas on which to concentrate efforts and echoes the Council calling for a ‘quantum leap’ in the ambition of the EU to ensure that the necessary follow‐up is given to meet the challenges. Finally, a strong argument is put forward to take steps to move towards a unified set of proposals for lifelong learning.  相似文献   

The UN Millennium Project Task Force on Education and Gender Equality, an expert advisory group commissioned by the UN Secretary‐General, was asked to examine how dramatic improvements in education can be achieved in the developing world. The task force investigated the problems of low enrolment, early drop‐out and poor learning outcomes that so profoundly affect many children in the developing world. The experiences of both countries that have achieved important successes in rapidly scaling‐up access to primary education, and countries that have made only slow progress, shed light on the priorities for the leadership in both developing countries and donor agencies. The task force developed specific recommendations about overcoming demand‐ and supply‐side constraints to greater primary school completion; and about how international donors and technical agencies can stimulate and support country‐led progress, with financial resources that are linked to performance.  相似文献   

阐述助推大学生微型企业创业的现实意义,分析大学生微型企业创业过程中存在对自身微型企业创业的职业选择认识不足,微型企业创业政策扶持不到位,高校现行创业教育模式无法满足微型企业创业大学生素质发展的需求等问题。提出应采取以微型企业创业文化建设为抓手,培养大学生正确的微型企业创业认知,完善政策扶持体系,为大学生微型企业创业搭建支撑平台,大力发展微型企业创业教育,提升大学生创新创业能力的措施。  相似文献   

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