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There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,and that's your own self.——Aldous Huxley  相似文献   

Love is an intense feeling that can easily be confused with love addiction.You've been together for a while now.That euphoric (神愉悦的),queasy (令人眩晕的),sign of true love has settled down only slightly and you know this is your one and only love,your heart's desire.  相似文献   

If you get trouble in some areas of India,you will be lucky enough to be waited upon by special guides- monkeys.These monkeys are always ready of service to you.Hungry ,you only have to point at your own stomach and they will  相似文献   

Consider... YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion... You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!! You're amazing! You're awesome1 ! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awe- some as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful youn…  相似文献   

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,Be a scrub in the Valley—but beThe best little scrub by the side of the rill(小溪):Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.A friend of mine says to me that his son is only four years old,but can speak English fluently and clearly.Though I don't believe it,that's true.Why? 2.An orange fell to the ground dirtied.If there is no water,how can I clean it and eat it? 3.Neither a plane nor a bird am I,though you can see me in the sky.Full of water,yet not a river or the sea.What do you think I can be? 4.Jim wanted to go into the house.He brought out the key and opened the door.But whatever he did,he couldn't push the door.  相似文献   

丹妮 《今日中学生》2012,(17):25-26
Eating the Sun Plants give us oxygen. If all plants die, you will die too. Without plants you can’t breathe. But you also need energy. You need it to breathe and to eat and to move. In fact, you need energy to live.Some of the early animals can’t make their own energy. They need the energy of sunlight, but they can’t make it themselves. How can they get it? There is only one answer—eat the plants.  相似文献   

●贝尔德——Time is like the water in the sponge.If you like,it canstill be squeezed out.时间,就像海绵里的水,只要愿意挤,总还是有的。●狄更斯——The future of science can only belong to the diligent andmodest younger generation.科学的未来,  相似文献   

Visiting a city you have been before can be fun. 1. Finding out informations about the city before 2. you go and can make the trip more interesting. Most 3. cities have a travel office from that you can get many 4. useful things.One of the most valuable things is a map 5. with a map of the city shows its streets,you can 6. find your way around.It says about famous places to 7. see. It may even give them a short history of the cit…  相似文献   

Last week,I watched a competition of mod-els on,IV.The competition had a question:“There are three things,which are wisdom,wealth and beauty.If you can choose only onething,which do you like to choose?”Most of themodels chose wisdom,and only one model chosewealth.  相似文献   

Two Lies     
Once there lived an old man. He liked listening to lies. He said, "Any man who can tell me two lies can marry my only daughter." So a lot of young men in the country came to his house. But he said to all of them, "I'm not pleased with your lies. I wouldn't give my daughter to any of you." One day, a young man said, "It will be hot in the summer, so you should go out now and dig a big hole under the street. When the hot summer weather comes, you Will sell the cool air from the hole and get a lot of money." "Oh, what a wonderful lie!" answered the old man.  相似文献   

The charm of Australia:If you’re tired of the noisy life inthe big city at the moment,you’d rather take a trip to Australia,the isolated continent in southern hemisphere.Sunny beaches,grand mountains,brilliant corals,unbounded prairies and vari-ous unique animals let you enjoy the embrace of the naturethoroughly.However, being natural is not the only charm of thisisland.It is,indeed,a superb melting of original nature andmodern civilization,which are not only a concordant harmonybut also a sharp contrast.It is the best illustration that you can  相似文献   

There are seven piglets in the following picture.Each of them can be separated by only three straightlines.Do you know how to draw the lines? 下图中共有七只小猪。只要在它们之中画上三条直线,它们就可被个别分开。你知道如何画出这三条直线吗?  相似文献   

1 That the words "easy" and "weight loss" do not belong in the same sentence.2 That when someone asks whether they look OK, the only acceptable answer is yes.3 That you can fight with your boss. . . but you can' t win.4 That those people on TV whose lives always look so effortlessly great?They're not real.5 That if you' re capable of being happy someday , you're capable of being happy right now.6 That there is very little in life that can't be undone.  相似文献   

Part one Ⅰ. Read the following passages and answer questions according to the requirements of each item. (35 points) A. The Bank Clerk Who hasn't dreamed of having so much money that it runs through the fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this would be to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin in the book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of the branch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely be sent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,you may be working as a cashier,and then you will be handling the public's money.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch manager,you will have learned how to deal with customers and how to cope with the difficult ones.  相似文献   

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved.  相似文献   

If Louis Vuitton only associates you withhandbags or leather goods, you are out of date. Noone who claims himself to be a social person wouldnot blush to say he or she never hears about ChristianDior, Guerlain, Givenchy, and Kenzo, the brandnames of LV in…  相似文献   

Once upon a time, and in a country a long way off, there was a king who was very ill. All the doctors of the court (宫廷) attended him but, in spite of all they could do, he got worse instead better. At last in despair (绝望) they called in a famous doctor from another country.He came, looked at the king, and then, looking very grave (沉重) , said,"Your Majesty (陛下) , there is only one thing that can cure you."" What is that?" said the king, " Whatever you want shall be brought for you."  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2005,(12):42
1. With some adjectives you can use the following form: I am happy to hear it. You are lucky to be alive. Jim was glad to get out of there. Exercise 1 Make sentences, applying the adjective to the subject of the sentence in each case.{Eg,{Happy}I will join you for lunch.Answer:I will be happy to join you for lunch.}  相似文献   

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