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从大单元视域出发,统编高中语文教材戏剧选文颇具单元教学的逻辑特色,戏剧单元主题集中且具有互补性、选文经典且具有代表性、各文本联系紧密且具有多元性,有利于教师戏剧教学的整体建构与高效组织,有利于提升学生的语文核心素养。  相似文献   

群文阅读教学中,如何根据不同的文章主题选择合适的文本,重组为群文进行教学?笔者认为要关注儿童的心理:选文要贴合儿童的兴趣心理;选文要符合儿童的学习心理;选文要关注学生的成长心理。要明确议题,可以围绕"作者""训练点""内容""单元主题"等进行选文。  相似文献   

教育部审定颁行的新版语文教科书是对新世纪初实验版的继承与创新。选取七年级上册语文教科书,从定量和定性两个层面解析两版本教科书的变与不变的印记。研究发现,两版本教科书在单元数、域外选文数和古诗文入选数这三个维度上没有量的变化,但在每单元阅读课数和选文总数这两个维度上有较明显的变化。据此,从单元主题、选文篇目和选文价值取向三个维度进一步剖析语文教科书的实质变化。在反思的基础上,提出超越变与不变的技术取向,是关于语文教科书选文变化论争的理性之道。  相似文献   

<正>七年级上册六个单元的导语采用的是“内容主题”与“语文素养”并行的组织方式,这种组织方式兼顾了人文性与工具性,既关注到了学生的主体体验,也注重学生能力的提升,符合学生发展需要。当单元导语与选文内容相对应时,教师通过单元导语就可以把握教学的方向,这是一种理想状态。但是“内容主题”属于人文性的范畴,按照人文主题来组织选文往往会出现多义性,且容易受到选文内涵丰富的干扰,从而出现单元导语与选文内容的偏离,  相似文献   

统编语文教材以人文主题和语文要素双线组织单元,为单元整体教学提供了便利条件。教学六年级下册第一单元时,教师要对单元整体内容进行解读,明确单元教学的大主题和重点目标;要根据单元选文和语文要素,确定KUD目标;要结合单元文本和习作内容,创设学习情境,设置核心学习任务;要根据核心任务,提出具体的学习子任务,引导学生深入展开语文实践活动,同时要对语文实践活动进行具体的评价。这样教学,能充分发挥单元文本的整体教学价值,促进学生语文核心素养的全面发展。  相似文献   

所谓"小学语文单元整组主题教学",就是以单元主题为依托,在整合教科书选文内容、教学活动内容与可链接的课外课程资源的基础上,进行全面考虑的单元整体备课的教学。"小学语文单元整组主题教学",倡导教师要立足于教材,树立单元整体备课、教学的理念与意识,充分领会教材在编写上的特点,整体吃透教材、使用教材,并能在  相似文献   

章丽 《考试周刊》2014,(73):18-19
为了帮助教师理解人教版高中语文教材中"古诗词阅读与鉴赏"单元选文入选的原因及单元设计、课文设计和课后设计的意图,通过归纳分析可以发现,人教版高中语文教材中的"古诗词阅读与鉴赏"单元的编排是按照时间顺序,选取了各个时期最具代表性的作者作品作为课文;在编排设计上由三个模块构成:有导向性作用的单元设计、有创设情境提供信息作用的课文设计和帮助学生思维拓展的课后设计。教师可以根据教材选编的作者选文把握古诗文教学重难点,根据各模块设计展开教学设计,选择教学方法。  相似文献   

<正>《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》(下称《课程标准》)指出:“要围绕学生生活实际和认知需求创设学习情境,以问题探究为导向,有机组合选文及辅助性学习资源,循序渐进地设计支架式的学习任务和活动。”统整教学,正是教师基于教材进行“有机组合选文及辅助性学习资源”的一种教学策略,而单元统整教学则是以现有的部编版小学《语文》单元内容为主要载体,根据学段目标,围绕单元语文要素、文本、阅读链接及相关的课外资源,  相似文献   

高中阶段小说教学效率低下的根源在于"整体性缺乏"。而开展小说整体性教学的关键,就是要处理好"选文"与"全文"、"单篇"与"单元"、"知识"与"素养"三大整体性关系,将碎片式、单一化的知识放置于整体的框架内,实现小说知识的结构化。本文以高中语文必修五第一单元为例,从"人物""情节""选文"及"单元"四方面,提出小说整体性教学的实施策略。  相似文献   

统编教材"快乐读书吧"中的内容是编者针对单元选文和语文要素精心创编的,旨在让学生在充分阅读教材课文的基础上,借助这一形式扩展认知意识,为学生核心素养的发展助力。课堂教学中,教师要紧扣语文要素,积极发挥单元文本的范例作用;把握学生实际,合理研制课外阅读书目;聚焦指导过程,积极推进阅读资源的交融整合。  相似文献   

思维风格与教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学生学业成就的大小不仅依赖其思维能力,而且依赖其思维风格。思维风格与环境要求的匹配是十分重要的,教学方法、评价方法与思维风格的适宜性会直接影响学生的学业成就。在教学过程中,教师只有根据学生不同的思维风格和学习风格,采用与之相适应的教学方法和评价方法,才能使每个学生都能从课堂教学中有所获益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to explore the issues involved in implementing a technology-enhanced student-centered unit in order to provide recommendations to improve and enhance these types of learning activities. Specifically, the study examined problems students encountered in completing the unit activities, problems the teacher encountered in facilitating the delivery of the unit to her students, and strategies to improve and enhance these types of learning activities. One teacher and the 21 students in her intact United States history class participated in the study. The central unit problem required students to determine the strategies that should be pursued in 1968 to continue the struggle for a more just, equal United States society. Students worked in teams to gather data from an electronic database of primary- and secondary-source materials, and use the data to develop solutions to the unit problem. Results of this study suggest that a variety of factors impact the success or failure of student-centered activities, including student orientation to the unit problem, student collaboration, teacher management strategies, and student accountability mechanisms. These results also provide insight into how the design of these types of activities can be improved. Perhaps the most important considerations that need additional attention are the additional aids required by teachers as they struggle to implement these types of activities in their classrooms.  相似文献   

人们关于教师职业属性及其素质内涵的认识分歧,从根本上影响和制约着教师专业化发展的实践进程,以及教师教育体制、模式和路径的选择。适应教师专业化成长需要,必须进一步明确教师职业的专业属性,注重、强化教师职业素质的培养,以及教师职业素质培养的综合性。师范院校要注意继承传统、凸显优势,发挥教师教育的"本体"功能;完善"混合制"教育模式,增强教师人才培养的适应性;加强"教学的学术"研究,提高教师教育的学术地位。  相似文献   

Theories of social cognition and verbal communication were used to analyze the science teaching of an experienced fourth-grade teacher. Her teaching skills in language arts and reading were assets in negotiating the rapid flow of relatively unstructured information typical of inquiry in elementary classrooms, to help students generate relevant information about hands-on experience. The teacher was a collaborator in this case study of her thinking and instructional planning, and her students' learning in a unit of instruction about space. Implications for elementary science instruction include recognizing the importance of embedded speech in conceptually broad discussions with students. Efforts to reform elementary science instruction should attend to these instructional skills more common to language arts instruction.  相似文献   

Using Ireland as an example, this paper explores the rationale behind various selection criteria currently used to select suitable candidates for initial teacher education courses. It investigates and discusses patterns of association between second-level student teachers’ background characteristics on entry to their teacher education programme Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) and their achievement in terms of their final academic and teaching practice grades. It draws on a longitudinal analysis of application and examination data collected from eight student teacher cohorts (2000–2007, N?=?1,023) who completed their second-level initial teacher education at one Irish university. Special attention will be paid to the predictive value of entrants’ prior academic performance and teaching experience for their success in the academic as well as practical components of their teacher education course. The quality rationale behind academic selection criteria is contested on the basis of findings from this study. The positive impact of prior teaching experience on teaching practice performance and the differences in achievement observed between students from different academic fields are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent science-education reforms have targeted students’ ability to ‘talk science’, especially in science classrooms. Prior research has shown that participation in scientific discourse in class is one of the most challenging scientific-literacy tasks, and particularly complex for English language learners (ELLs) at the upper elementary level. The present study explores this issue in a fourth-grade science classroom in the United States in which students from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds were studying together. Specifically, it analyzes the case of a focal Asian-background ELL who encountered challenges in her attempts to respond to the teacher’s questions and participate in the classroom academic discourse on earth science. Our analysis indicated that this ELL was unaware of the teacher’s expectations regarding the intertextual connections and academic language required to successfully accomplish science tasks. The ELL’s unexpected responses exposed a complex set of academic and social issues – notably, gaps between the teacher’s, students’, and ELL’s own expectations about language participation – that could have contributed to her supposed behavioural problems.  相似文献   

针对文献学课程作为选修课常常受到文献检索等课程的挤压,作为必修课又受到教学对象主、客观两方面因素的制约的情况,提出文献学对于文史哲等专业的治学研究有指导作用,对于学生知识体系的建构和完善有着非同一般的意义,应该成为文科专业的基础课。改进文献学的教学现状,教师必须注意文献学观念的转变,注意与国学教育相融合,提升自己的学术含量,提高自己的文化品格,实现教学策略的调整。  相似文献   

In this case study, an exemplary seventh grade science teacher’s beliefs, planning decisions, implementation, and student reactions to her student-centered methods were examined over a 4-week unit on genetics. This situation was unique because the teacher was new to the profession and her students had no prior experience with student-centered methods. The teacher designed a learning environment where students were expected to take responsibility for research, but initially students felt unsure about the tasks they were assigned and sought out more structure. As the teacher began to scaffold the material, a balance was achieved that resulted in student engagement during the unit. Findings from the case study can provide teacher educators with factors promoting skillful implementation of student-centered classrooms.  相似文献   

As the definition of teacher quality changes with time, the selection mechanism of students into teacher education programmes may also change accordingly. In Taiwan, before the 1994 teacher education reform, selection of pre-service students was based solely on academic achievement. Afterwards, the selection was delegated to individual teacher education programmes with varied missions for teacher education. This study examines the degree of diversity and selectivity of the selection mechanisms of these programmes. Data from 48 programmes, including institutional documents, telephone inquiries and governmental reports, were collected and analysed. The results show that the selection mechanisms of these programmes are diverse enough to reflect a variety of characteristics of teacher quality, and rigorous enough to ensure a certain level of quality. Related issues on teacher selection are further discussed.  相似文献   

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