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自从登上月球之后,人类就有了更大的梦想,那就是建造载人飞船登陆火星,继而改造火星环境,使之成为适合人类居住的第二个“地球”。  相似文献   

1911年,英国人罗伯特·斯科特和挪威人罗尔德·阿蒙森展开比赛,看谁会是到达南极的第一人。当斯科特一行最终在第78天抵达南极时,却骇然发现早在33天前阿蒙森就已经把一面挪威国旗插在了冰面上。在返回途中,  相似文献   

骆昌芹 《科学启蒙》2011,(11):57-59
1969年7月20日,美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗走出阿波罗11号飞船的舱门,小心翼翼地在月球表面的浮土上踩出了那个著名的脚印,说出了那句著名的话:“一个人的一小步,全人类的一大步。”  相似文献   

正"好奇"号成功登陆火星,享受着全世界的热切追捧;首位登月宇航员阿姆斯特朗逝世了,引起全世界的怀念。阿姆斯特朗是探索宇宙的英雄,是人类向太空迈进的划时代英雄。1969年7月20日,担任阿波罗11号任务指挥官的阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。阿姆斯特朗在月球上说的一句话"这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步"  相似文献   

郑和与徐霞客是明代后期的两大伟人,通过两人成才和业绩的比较,使人们看到他们能在不同条件下成才的同时,又看到他们所具有的爱国主义思想和崇高品格以及坚韧不拔的创业精神。  相似文献   

很久以来,人们就梦想在月球上建立人类的基地,特别是美国,不仅有设想,还有了建立月球基地的规划。可是建立月球基地是不容易的事,要面临着10大难题。都有哪些难题呀?难题一:抵达目的地的科学家要尽量缩短  相似文献   

美国东部时间2007年8月4日5时26分(北京时间17时26分),美国"凤凰"号火星着陆探测器在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心发射升空。"凤凰"号火星着陆探测器预计2008年5月在火星北极一处平原的永久冻土带着陆。  相似文献   

"勇气"号和"机遇"号火星车登陆火星并发现有水的证据 2004年1月4日和1月25日,美国"勇气"号和"机遇"号火星车分别在火星登陆。两辆火星车的最大成就,是共同发现了火星上曾经有水的证据。同时,在环火星轨道上运行的欧洲"火星快车"探测器也发现火星南极存在冰冻水。这是人类首次直接在火星表面发现水。  相似文献   

当我接触那些我一直有幸能与其共事35年以上的优秀护士们并询问她们为何成为护士时,她们的回答无一例外地相似."我想去帮助别人.…'我想像妈妈一样成为一名护士."……  相似文献   

<正>导演(Director):迈克尔·格雷西(Michael Gracey)主演(Starring):休·杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)米歇尔·威廉姆斯(Michelle Williams)丽贝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson)赞达亚(Zendaya)类型(Type):传记(Biography)/剧情(Drama)/歌舞(Musical)国家/地区(Country/Region):美国(United States)制片公司(Production Company):彻宁娱乐公司(Chernin Entertainment)上映日期(Release Date):2017年12月25日(December 25,2017)  相似文献   

The hundreds of inventions made by Thomas Edison include the electric lightbulb,the world's first‘talking machine’—the record-player,and the film projector.Even when he was a very young boy,he was always trying to find out how thingsworked.In the passage below,his father,Sam Edison,is talking about him to a  相似文献   

王勣 《海外英语》2014,(5):54-55
南宋诗人朱熹有诗云:问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。经典文学作品的艺术魅力正如自泉眼潺潺流出的涓涓细水,让品味撷取这些经典的求知人内心得以涤荡,灵魂得以洗礼。源头泉水在朗朗明月映照下才更显澄澈剔透,“名作经典赏析”板块冀望同读者一道用月明心去观照英文经典深广精妙的内涵,去捧啜名家名篇甘甜清冽的泉水。  相似文献   

他拿起刷子,—声不响地干了起来。不一会儿,本&;#183;罗杰斯出现了——在所有的孩子们当中,正是这个男孩叫汤姆最害怕。汤姆最怕他的讥讽。本走路好像是做三级跳——这证明他此时的心情轻松愉快,而且还打算干点痛快高兴的事。他正在吃苹果,不时地发出长长的、好听的“呜——”的叫声,隔会儿还  相似文献   

The continuing shortage of special education teachers, combined with increased ideological critiques of teacher education programs, has spurred the growth of alternative models of teacher preparation. Only recently have professional standards for alternative models been proposed. This paper summarizes two years of a program based on professional standards. External influences, internal design, and implementation elements are presented. Results suggest that there is value in distinguishing between the effectiveness of alternative programs and their success.  相似文献   


After more than two decades of rapid growth, the Australian universities have now entered a prolonged period of “steady state”. Apart from creating new kinds of organisational strain, the steady state has also contributed towards increased trade unionism amongst both the teaching and non‐teaching staff.

In the case of the former group, a unique question arises: if a university is truly a self‐governing collegium, does this mean that the academic staff are simultaneously employers as well as employees, in the context of industrial relations.

Active unionisation in the universities may have positive as well as negative consequences. After considering these individually, the paper concludes by briefly looking at the impact of strikes in an educational institution.  相似文献   

Because of new applications of telecommunications, especially television, adults today have increasing flexibility in taking advantage of college courses in the privacy and convenience of their homes. The quality of courses has improved greatly in the last few years, and they are available in a variety of subject areas. Today's television courses are carefully designed and produced by teams of leading scholars and producers. Most of the country's public televison stations broadcast one or more television courses, each semester. In addition, many are broadcast on local cable channels. Most of the students for television courses are older than traditional college students, female and employed. They view the television courses at home. In the future, the personal computer can be expected to add new dimensions and flexibility to homebased college education.  相似文献   

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