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高压水射流技术目前已在工业清洗工程、除锈工程、水力切割工程、破碎工程、采煤和石油钻采工程等领域和部门得到广泛应用.本文提出了一种新型的以柴油机为发动机的高压水射流清洗设备的设计方案,介绍了该水射流设备的技术总成、各功能元器件的选择、电气控制系统的原理及配置、管路及电气控制箱的安装以及各种关键问题的解决方法.经过试用证明其具有可靠性高、安装简便、可柔性加工等优点,具有传统机械加工方法无可比拟的优越性.  相似文献   

无电机转速可调全自动自清洗过滤器是一种国内外研究最多的过滤器设备,文章研究了无电机转速可调过滤器驱动系统的工作原理和结构特性,自主研发了一种无电机转速可调吸污式全自动自清洗过滤器。经过试验,该设备不需安装电机和外接电源,便可实现实时清洗时不间断供水,耗水量小,零件互换性强,装配简单,安装方便,智能化水平高,成本低,具有较好的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

图书馆搬迁工作之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆搬迁,不能理解为只是图书和设备的单纯转移,而是包括新馆舍的布局及各部分的利用、新旧设备的统一组织调度、原有书刊的清理、人员的组织安排、搬迁的方法和次序等许多重要而又复杂的问题。笔者结合本馆及其它馆的搬迁过程试作探讨。  相似文献   

对MTS试验机的几种安装方案进行了讨论,确定借助试验大厅墙壁的支承,利用杠杆原理将试验机立起并安装到位的方案。结果显示,该方案原理清晰、安全、简单易行。  相似文献   

魏楠 《华章》2010,(17)
化学清洗是火力发电厂为改善设备换热效率,避免机组故障的一种有效手段,已成为维护设备安全经济运行的一项日益重要的措施.我们必须通过有效手段保证化学清洗质量.本文通过分析火电厂化学清洗工艺及清洗方式,针对其关键技术进行探讨,并对质量影响因素及控制措施提出几点建议.  相似文献   

断路器QF一旦瞬动跳闸,原因之一就是短路故障,带电试车的前提需要设备安装完毕后,导电物清洗干净,进行绝缘耐压测试符合要求.在未切至全电压时即跳闸的情况可能是电动机端电压不足导致,由监测到电压即可辨别.  相似文献   

安全防范行业在我国发展迅猛,目前市场对安防专业人才的需求越来越大。"安防设备安装与系统调试"是安全防范专业的一门核心课程,以培养职业技能、提升就业竞争能力为目的,以实际工作过程为导向,以典型工作任务为载体,融入安防及智能建筑领域相关标准规范,培养学生安装安防设备和调试系统的专业核心能力。  相似文献   

结合新庄孜矿56104大倾角综采面综采设备安装的成功实践,重点介绍链板机、支架在工作面的运输、安装和工作面支护材料的回收及行人方面所采取的防倒、防滑措施的具体实施情况,为以后类似工程的施工提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

正丰城市职业中学创办于1986年,是丰城市唯一的一所综合性省级重点中等专业学校。2012年8月,学校成功搬迁到市高新工业园新校址,并新设立丰城市技工学校。新校址占地面积约120亩,建筑面积达4万多平方米,新建学生公寓全部安装空调,24小时提供热水。学校设施先进齐全:配有数控机床、磨床、钻床、普线切割、缝纫、汽车实训等设备  相似文献   

基于MTS材料试验控制系统TestStarⅡ的潜在资源,研究开发了扩大MTS应用能力的通道扩充技术.该技术实现了附加传感器(P/A)和信号调节器(A/A)在MTS TestStarⅡ系统中的通道连接、信号标定、开闭环测试及通道信号的数据采集、存储和实时显示,满足了国产A/A、P/A器件在MTS TestStarⅡ中的配套应用.  相似文献   

根据介词的不同,涵事介词短语蕴含句可分为涵事"把"字句和"用"字句两种类型。前者由涵事宾语整体前移或分裂前移而生成,后者则只能由涵事宾语整体前移而生成。这两种涵事介词短语蕴含句,由于标记涵事的介词不同,其述谓成分、谓核动词的句法与语义特征以及主宾语的语义类别都存在着差异;涵事介词短语与其他句法成分在句法、语义上的相互选择与匹配,都有其自身的特点,存在着不同的构句机制。  相似文献   

The future of educational provision for pupils with special educational needs can be seen to be central to educational debate across Europe and the USA. Legislation from many countries has focused upon the means by which the achievement of a more inclusive education system can be achieved. This article suggests that whilst the socio‐political and moral arguments for inclusion have been well established, insufficient attention has been given to the development of an understanding of classroom practices which are conducive to creating an inclusive education system. The moral imperative for inclusion is clear and few teachers would deny that a move towards a more equitable education system should be regarded as a priority. Yet, moves towards the achievement of greater inclusion have been slow. Existing research has demonstrated that under some circumstances inclusion can be efficacious, yet many teachers remain uncertain with regard to its implementation in their schools. This article argues that there is a need to move forward from debating the justification of inclusion and to shift efforts in the direction of an analysis of effective classroom practice to meet the needs of those pupils who are currently presenting the greatest challenges to teachers.  相似文献   

金属配合物自组装聚集体已被证实是构造精致结构的强有力的工具.拥有输水空腔的自组装笼型配合物能使包裹在里面的底物客体分子更加靠近,从而发生相互作用,表现出一些非经典的物理性质.  相似文献   

启蒙始终是一个渐进的过程。启蒙不可一蹴而就,也不可一劳永逸,疾风暴雨式的革命只能是表面的隔鞋搔痒和形式上的诱惑,在实质上却不能达到理想的效果。因此,启蒙也非几次运动就可以获得解决,运动只能是洗礼,只能是引起人们对于启蒙问题的注意,"运动"之后便会停下来,而对于启蒙而言,它在本质上需要一直"运动"下去,也就是说启蒙是一个不断的过程,人自身的完善和祛魅是一个渐进的过程。  相似文献   

农村的存量人口和增量人口在向城市转移的途径选择上应该有所区别。存量人口的转移办法基本上是补救性措施.新的增量人口应通过新的路径把他们合理地转移出去,而不能够积累成存量人口问题。农村增量人口转移有两种途径.一是农民子女-学生(大学)-城市(镇)人口;二是农民子女-学生(高中、中等职业学校)一部分城镇(市)人口和部分新农村人口。无论选择何种路径,农民子女接受教育是关键.它能使农村人口稳定地向高层次转移。而且只有通过这种方式的转移才能使重庆从人口大市向人力资源大市转变。  相似文献   

中国朝鲜族文学要走向世界,必须要分两步走:第一步,以具有自己民族特色和地方特色的优秀作品,冲到中国文学这个层面上来.第二步,是在这个平台上,与中国文学(汉族文学),包括其他兄弟民族文学的比较中,能够反映和代表我们中华民族文学整体水平的作品,才有机会走向世界.想依附于其他国家文学或其他民族文学,直接走向世界是不可能的.  相似文献   

英国高等学校的课程设置及其借鉴意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
战后英国高校的课程设置主要表现出三大趋势,即课程设置的基础化、综合化和选修化。当前,我国高校正在进行教学内容和课程体系的改革,英国高校课程设置的经验,值得我们学习借鉴。  相似文献   

CORRI VAN DE STEGE 《Compare》2003,33(4):483-495
The paper provides the outcomes of two small-scale sets of interviews carried out in the Netherlands and in England on views about and interpretations of the work-based route for young people. In the light of current revival of interest in work-based learning for young people, and in particular the apprenticeship model in England, I was particularly interested in the issue of parity of esteem between the work-based route and other routes. Whereas in the Netherlands the focus for the development of Vocational Education and Training (VET) is on the full-time vocational route, which has a reasonably high status, England has opted for the apprenticeship route to be the development tool for high quality VET. The paper explores what we can learn about our own experiences in England in the light of what is happening elsewhere (Raffe, 1998; Raffe et al ., 1999). It becomes clear from the data obtained that policy development in the Netherlands aims to increase the status of work-based learning through incorporating the route into the full-time route and providing end qualifications that can be achieved through either a full-time college-based route or through a work-based learning route. The modern apprenticeship route or work-based learning route as such has not a high status, contrary to what is sometimes claimed to be the case. In England, the aim of policymakers is to create a work-based learning route, which is considered to be a high quality route, and is comparable to the general/academic route. The paper shows that there are various reasons as to why this attempt might fail. Both countries aim to provide a 'ladder' or 'column' of opportunities in VET. The research shows that very few young people in fact move up a ladder, but rather move into work-based learning or apprenticeships at certain points on the continuum, and subsequently move sideways into general or theoretical provision in order to be able to progress higher up. Target groups for work-based learning are different at the lower end from those at levels 3, 4 and 5. Very few participants in either country move from level 1 up to level 4 through participation in a work-based route, and it may therefore be appropriate to talk about the provision of a climbing framework, where young people move backwards and forwards and sideways, rather than about a ladder of opportunities.  相似文献   

从GaAs开关的非线性工作模式各类性质出发,详细分析了高倍增模式下工作的电流丝现象。通过实验分析提出了形成丝状电流所需的两个条件:一个是载流子密度不能小于1017cm-3,另一个是电场大于250kV/cm。在此基础上,基于光激发电荷畴理论,理论计算了丝状电流所需两个条件并分析了丝状电流持续向前发展的原因,此结果与实验相吻合。  相似文献   

反思物质通过自身内部固有的原始力量创造出物质世界多样性的观点,可以得出只有会自己运动的事物才具有创新能力的结论。人们试图用实践解释说明人类社会和属人世界的多样性问题,却没有认识到人类劳动实践的创造力量来源于精神的自我辩证运动本性。论证精神会自我运动,可以从理论上回答人类创新能力来源于何处的问题。  相似文献   

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