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教育研究经过一百多年的发展已经成为科学研究的重要组成部分,但我国学界对于思辨研究和实证研究的争论从未停止。从实证研究和思辨研究的发展历史溯源,深入探析两种研究范式的内涵与分类,发现实证研究与思辨研究正从“非此即彼”走向“融合并存”,教育研究需要平衡思辨和事实证据在研究中的比例,避免两种极端情况,系统文献综述法即反映了实证与思辨研究的融合。通过梳理建构清晰的教育研究图景,旨在解决当前教育研究领域的争论,为促进我国教育研究质量提升提供参考。  相似文献   

对于教育科学,客观性及实证研究既是一种方法,也是一种方法论。实证方法是提升教育科学研究科学性的重要途径,也是评价教育科学研究科学性的重要标准和寻求教育科学学科自信的重要基础。然而,就教育科学研究的现实而言,缺少的不仅是作为教育科学研究"方法"的实证技术,更是缺少作为对实证方法科学理解的"方法论";不仅缺少作为教育科学研究客观化的"科学手段",更缺少作为对教育科学研究深刻把握的"科学态度"。教育科学要想真正获得尊严和自信,不能仅仅局限于教育科学研究的方法和技术,更不能沉眠于技术和方法的游戏之中而不能自拔,真正让教育科学获得尊严和自信的,应当是教育科学面对教育现象和实践问题时所具有的诠释能力和解决策略。  相似文献   

本研究以中国社会科学引文(CSSCI)数据库收录的2010—2019年间教育公平论文共计932篇为研究对象,运用CiteSpace可视化软件工具,探索近十年以来我国教育公平研究的进展,分析教育公平研究范式的转型。从教育公平研究的主题来看,从重视宏观输入公平转向重视微观过程公平;从教育公平研究方法的维度来看,从思辨研究走向实证研究;从教育公平研究主题与研究方法的相关性来看,教育输入中的财政投入及资源配置、教育机会中的背景因素、教育过程公平中的课程及教学资源、教育产出公平中的个人产出均与实证范式呈现显著相关性。在新的时代,教育公平研究借助实验经济学范式、地理学科的空间分析范式、更深层次的实证研究范式以及基于大数据的互联网技术,又拓宽了新的研究空间。  相似文献   

思辨研究的本义在于思辨逻辑与思辨主体思想的同一,是研究者生活方式与生命意义的自由追求。教育研究中的思辨研究却因思辨逻辑的预设性思维、游戏化语言、垄断性地位和思辨主体的情感转移、依附性学术定位、功利性追求导致思辨的危机和思想的贫乏。为此,教育研究者只有捍卫思辨理性、践行思辨人生。才能实现教育研究中思辨与思想的同一。  相似文献   

近十年来我国教育技术学研究方法的回顾与反思   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文首先将教育技术学研究方法界定为“定性与思辨”、“定量与实证”两大类。在此基础上,运用内容分析法,对最近十年来我国教育技术学研究中所采用的研究方法进行了统计。依据统计结果,分析了近十年来我国教育技术学研究中所采用的主要研究方法和教育技术学研究方法的变化趋势,反思了存在的主要问题,提出重视教育技术学研究方法的四条建议。  相似文献   

教育叙事研究:科学反思与方法论革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育活动内在意义具有的无限开放性和相对的不易把握性,决定了运用教育叙事研究的必要性。进行教育叙事研究的过程实际上是一个视阈融合和自我对话的过程,它能够有效地进行教育意义的探寻与理解。本文倡导“怎么都行”的方法论多元主义,主张打破在方法论问题上的保守主义倾向,旨在为教育叙事研究的存在提供合法性论证。  相似文献   

教育研究的困境及其变革:方法论的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育研究长期以来一直受到人们的怀疑和批评,从方法论的视角分析,主要源于教育研究中存在方法意识淡薄、方式单一落后、逻辑结构和场域的缺失、研究经费的不足以及交叉研究的缺乏等,这一变革的根本途径在于采用质与量并行的混合研究方法、建立实验学校、注重教育研究的逻辑序列、加大教育投入、注重交叉学科的融合等。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, China has seen an influx of foreign pedagogies that emphasize Western concepts such as dualistic opposition and linear development. As educational studies have become localized to China’s environment, there has been a tendency to substitute transplanted ideas for methods based on local research. As such Chinese educational theory has arbitrarily been replaced by Western theory and practice as the standard. Therefore, there is now a need for restructuring methodology with more theoretical wisdom based on the localization of pedagogy in China. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Lilun Yu Shijian 教育理论与实践 (Theory and Practice of Education), 2007, 27(5): 1–5  相似文献   

公共教育学作为师范生的一门必修课,长期以来对师范生向师性的培养并未起到应有的作用,其原因在于该课是以教师能教些什么为出发点而组织的教学内容,即教师教育学;而不是以学生为本所建构的教学体系即学生教育学。  相似文献   

教育学面临的困境与思考   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
在现实中存在着对教育学的种种歪曲和误解 :作为一门独立的学科 ,它不受重视 ,甚至不被承认 ;它没有一个名正言顺的位置 ,没有自己的科学化逻辑与依据 ;它的现实性存在依据更多的不在于其丰富、深刻的理论 ,而在于指令、方法与技术。因此 ,反思教育学的状况、拯救教育学的命运 ,是今日教育学探究中迫切需要解决的根本性问题。  相似文献   

German philosopher Martin Heidegger stirred educators when in 1951 he claimed teaching is more difficult than learning because teachers must ‘learn to let learn’. However in the main he left the aphorism unexplained as part of a brief four‐paragraph, less than two‐page set of observations concerning the relationship of teaching to learning; and concluded at the end of those observations that to become a teacher is an ‘exalted matter’. This paper investigates both of Heidegger's claims, interpreting letting learn in the context of Heidegger's larger philosophical project, and suggesting why in light of that project to become a teacher is an exalted concern. The methodology guiding the inquiry is largely hermeneutic, the purpose of the essay to interpret teaching from a Heideggerian perspective: its nature and general method.  相似文献   

This study focused on whether and how teachers implemented the principles of culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies and the challenges teachers faced while trying to implement these principles with Syrian students in Turkey. The study was built on the four components of pedagogies: academic achievement; cultural competencies; sociopolitical consciousness; and the sustainability of culture. Qualitative data were obtained through interviews and field notes with four teachers who had Syrian students in their classes and four Syrian students. Content analysis was used to examine the data. The findings revealed that both teachers and students had low expectations of academic achievement. Teachers conducted the teaching–learning process entirely according to the perspectives of students who were from the mainstream culture. Teachers tried to improve the cultural competencies and enhance their sociopolitical consciousness of the Syrian students; however, the attempts were limited and inadequate. Although teachers were aware of the importance of sustaining the Syrian culture, they did not know how to do so. The teachers did not have sufficient competencies or experiences to make revisions or to carry out an effective instructional process tailored to the needs of Syrian students because of an absence of skills and knowledge of multicultural education.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing focus in policy and practice on adopting inclusive pedagogy as a way of reconceptualising how schools work with children with special educational needs (SEN). The paper considers the split between knowledge and pedagogy inherent in some dominant strains of inclusive pedagogy. Drawing on the ‘knowledge turn’ in curriculum studies, we argue that although an analytical distinction between knowledge and pedagogy may be useful, too strong a delineation between the two fails to best serve the needs of children with special needs. Specific implications for teacher education in relation to SEN in England are considered.  相似文献   

Using a Bernsteinian theoretical framework, this study compares two American early childhood centres, one with a primarily progressive pedagogy (Frank Lloyd Wright Family Centre) and one with a primarily traditional pedagogy (Casimir Pulaski Centre), in high-poverty Chicago neighbourhoods to examine the effects of different pedagogic practices on the development of academic and non-academic skills in young children as measured by pre- and post-testing and observations over five months. The collected data demonstrate that students at Wright experienced greater levels of academic development than students at Pulaski. Children at both sites showed development in literacy and social/emotional skills, but the children at Wright also show development in problem-solving and imagination – skills that aid in abstract thought. While further study is needed on a broader scale, results from this study suggest that early childhood programmes with more progressive elements have the potential to better prepare children for elementary school than programmes with more traditional elements.  相似文献   

This study examines what kind of competencies teachers need in using game-based pedagogy (GBP). In our conceptual framework, GBP entails four approaches: using educational games or entertainment games, learning by making games, and using gamification in learning. Our data, consisting of teachers' documentation, thematic interviews and questionnaires, were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Four main competence areas were identified: pedagogical, technological, collaborative and creative. The results are applicable for developing teacher education and in-service training, as teacher competencies in game-based learning will be more integral to teachers' professional knowledge and skill repertoires.  相似文献   

Educational research is increasingly turning to conceptual frameworks from a range of disciplines in order to enrich understandings of education, pedagogy and learning. This paper draws on the work of Henri Lefebvre, specifically rhythmanalysis, to explore the nature and the function of pedagogy. The context is an ethnographic study of parenting education and pedagogic practices in a child and family service in Sydney. Three features of rhythmanalysis are discussed: kinds of rhythm, rhythms and bodies, and oppositions such as repetition and difference, fast and slow and secret and public. Through these concepts, intricate connections between rhythm and pedagogy are identified, including rhythms as providing a pedagogic imperative, rhythms as content and mechanisms at the heart of pedagogy and rhythms as outcomes of learning. The paper argues that rhythmanalysis opens up possibilities for new questions, different kinds of empirical sensibilities and distinctive accounts of pedagogy and learning in continuing education.  相似文献   

论教育学识的习得与教育学派的创生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对教育学科学习者来说,学习是解构的过程,因此教育学派成为学科成熟的标志;对教育研究者来说,研究是建构的过程,因此教育学识的科学性与实效性才是学科成熟的标志。但教育理论科学性与实效性评价标准的缺位,既为社会大众利用个案对教育理论体系进行证伪提供了机会,也为教育研究个体利用个案对自己的研究成果予以证实提供了机会。走向教育实践,既是确定教育理论研究科学性与实效性评价标准的过程,也是教育研究者在实践问题的解决中,逐渐达成研究共识并进而形成学派的过程,也是通过教育学派间的理论竞争并最终形成教育研究范式的必然选择。  相似文献   

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