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杜庆云 《科教文汇》2013,(2):157-158,160
在考场上那么短的时间内要想写出文质兼美、声情并茂、摇曳多姿、让阅卷老师赏心悦目的文章,谈何容易!而如果学会借鉴,问题就容易得多了。无数事实证明,善于学习借鉴别人的成功经验并非投机取巧,而是聪明之举,是走向成功的一条有效途径。其实.对任何事物的认识、了解、掌握、运用的过程.都离不开模仿、借鉴的成分,考场作文的写作更不例外。  相似文献   

As knowledge production becomes more specialized, studying complex and multi-faceted empirical realities becomes more difficult. This has created a growing need for cross-fertilization and collaboration between research disciplines. According to prior studies, the sharing of concepts, ideas and empirical domains with other disciplines may promote cross-fertilization. We challenge this one-sided view. Based on an analysis of the parallel development of the neighboring disciplines of innovation studies and project management, we show that the sharing of concepts and empirical domains can have ambivalent effects. Under conditions of ideological distancing, shared concepts and domains will be narrowly assimilated ? an effect we call ‘encapsulation’ – which creates an illusion of sharing, while promoting further self-containment. By comparison, reflexive meta-theories and cross-disciplinary community-building will enable a form of sharing that promotes cross-fertilization. Our findings inform research on research specialization, cross-fertilization and effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   

为从根本缓解水资源对工业发展的束缚,反思现有环境规制政策能否有效实现节水效应。基于脱钩测度模型和面板门槛模型,分别验证正式环境规制与工业用水以及非正式环境规制与工业用水的关系,进一步引入正式与非正式环境规制的交互项进行分析。结果表明:环境规制与工业用水量处于从“震荡波动”到“持续脱钩”的状态,工业用水量随着环境规制的变化出现平稳或者减少的趋势。正式和非正式环境规制与工业用水量之间都呈倒U型曲线关系,用水库兹涅茨曲线存在。此外,正式环境规制与非正式环境规制之间存在双向传导路径,相互促进对方对工业用水的作用效果。因此,政府需要强化对非正式环境规制的重视,增强环境规制工具的节水效应,促进工业企业的转型升级。  相似文献   

资源节约与环境友好型工业评价指标体系:以广东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从界定资源节约与环境友好型工业的内涵出发,建立了由3个层次和28个指标构成的资源节约与环境友好型工业评价指标体系,没计出计算资源节约与环境友好型工业综合评价指数的方案,并以广东省为例,对广东省工业在资源节约与环境友好方面进行综合评价.  相似文献   

Access to affordable lifesaving medicines is considered a human right. This leads to a question largely understudied in the catch-up literature on accumulation of industrial capabilities. Can the need to improve access to an essential commodity impact the sectoral catch-up trajectory of the corresponding industry? In 1996, Brazil initiated a policy of universal and free access to highly-active ARV therapy, which put an enormous pressure on the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MoH). In order to ensure an adequate supply of ARVs in the public healthcare system with a limited budget, MoH started negotiating price reductions for high-cost patented drugs, often deploying the threat of using compulsory licensing. Through a scoping review of the literature and construction of the Brazilian case study, the paper explores how the need to access is impacted by prior catch-up in the pharmaceutical sector and triggers in turn future sectoral catch-up. It shows that price negotiations may or may not impact both catch-up and access positively. Catch-up can provide bargaining strength in price negotiations and have a positive inter-temporal impact on both future catch-up and access. However, results suggest that only successful catch-up can lead to long term access, as the capabilities accumulated in aborted catch-up are not sufficient for large scale production of low cost essential medicines. Thus, industrial policy and health policy can impact one another and twining between catch-up and access can be helpful.  相似文献   

多变的市场环境会使企业的战略处于动态调整过程中,基于此现实背景,结合战略类型和战略激进度实证检验企业战略动态调整对企业创新绩效的影响。首先区分趋向保守型和趋向进攻型两种战略调整方向,落脚于企业创新绩效,以2011—2019年沪深A股上市企业为研究对象,测度不同方向下企业的战略调整度,并采用有调节效应的曲线回归模型讨论财务柔性对倒“U”型曲线形态和拐点的影响机制。结果表明:企业不同的战略调整方向会使创新绩效两歧遂分,趋向保守型战略调整度与创新绩效显著负相关,趋向进攻型战略调整度与创新绩效存在倒“U”型关系;财务柔性具有非对称的调节效应,在趋向进攻型方向的调整过程中会延长战略调整对创新绩效的正向影响区间。因此,企业要及时随着市场环境作出有关战略调整,既要关注调整可能产生的经济后果,又注意调整的方向和幅度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the potential innovative benefits to corporate venture capital (CVC), i.e. equity investments in entrepreneurial ventures by incumbent firms. We propose that corporate venture capital programs may be instrumental in harvesting innovations from entrepreneurial ventures and thus an important part of a firm's overall innovation strategy. We hypothesize that these programs are especially effective in weak intellectual property (IP) regimes and when the firm has sufficient absorptive capacity. We analyze a large panel of public firms over a 20-year period and find that increases in corporate venture capital investments are associated with subsequent increases in firm patenting.  相似文献   

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