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张军 《图书馆界》2023,(1):76-80
在概述数字医疗时代公共图书馆老年人健康科普阅读推广服务的基础上,探究数字医疗时代公共图书馆老年人健康科普阅读推广服务开展的必要性,分析当前公共图书馆老年人健康科普阅读推广服务面临的困境,从打造完善的健康科普阅读资源数字共享体系、建立科学的健康科普阅读推广数字服务平台、开展种类丰富的健康科普阅读推广服务活动3个维度提出公共图书馆老年人健康科普阅读推广服务策略,旨在促进数字医疗时代公共图书馆老年人健康科普阅读推广服务工作全面开展。  相似文献   

全媒体的发展为健康科普活动带来全新形式,高校图书馆采用新技术手段推广健康科普信息势在必行。文章梳理了全媒体环境下我国健康科普工作的发展现状和高校图书馆用户的健康信息需求,分析了高校图书馆开展健康科普的场所、人员、资源和传播效果优势,提出基于全媒体特点的高校图书馆健康科普服务策略,为高校图书馆开展健康科普工作提供参考。  相似文献   

朱双龙 《科技与出版》2021,(10):105-109
本文以人民卫生出版社防疫科普图书出版为例,分析健康科普图书的特点、选题方向,针对疫情下健康科普出版存在的问题,提出健康科普出版创新发展策略.  相似文献   

医学科普关系全民健康,通过各类医学知识的科普宣传,可以提升公众健康管理意识,推广“每个人是自己健康第一责任人”的健康理念,助力健康中国建设。全媒体时代,医学科普图书在保证医学健康知识传播的专业性、真实性与科学性方面具有明显优势,但也存在内容同质化、创新性不足,难以实现社会效益与经济效益相统一等问题,制约医学科普图书的高质量发展。选题策划是图书出版的源头,具有前瞻性的优质选题是医学科普图书高质量发展的重要基础。本文提出应周密分析出版定位、积极开拓科普思路、多维开展创新建设、持续推动出版融合、先期开展营销推广,不断探索医学科普图书的高质量发展路径。  相似文献   

李娜  刘洋  李玉乐  孙静 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):177-180
随着泛在网络时代的到来,新媒体已成为人们获取健康知识的首要途径;但当前网络健康知识来源芜杂,各种夸大甚至歪曲医学事实的报道层出不穷,健康科普的“含金量”亟须提高。临床医学期刊是权威医学成果发布和交流的重要平台,拥有由作者、审者和编者等众多优秀医学专业工作者组成的专家团队,具有天然的健康科普优势和媒体属性。《协和医学杂志》通过将医学论文科普化、捕捉新闻热点、培养科普人才、充分利用新媒体平台等途径,证明临床医学期刊有责任更有能力在健康科普中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

面对出版业融合发展与健康科普的需要,文章对抖音平台中出版机构账号的健康科普短视频进行实证分析。研究发现,目前出版业的健康科普短视频生产存在科学语言规范、专业知识表达、作品生产技术的问题,未来可结合人工智能技术优化生产环节,发挥出版业在媒体融合中的主体优势,转换编辑思维,完善效果评价体系,在健康科普传播中维护公共利益并创出品牌效应。  相似文献   

提升健康信息素养是提高乡村居民健康素养和健康状况的有效途径,而健康信息素养的提升需要图书馆等诸多的健康科普服务来实现。图书馆科普服务有着一定的法理和学理依据,健康服务是新时期图书馆科普服务发展的新领域。面对乡村振兴中所遇到的乡村居民健康信息获取途径多元化发展、健康信息的数字鸿沟愈发明显、健康信息服务的内在需求愈发强烈等特征,图书馆需要多维度推进健康信息普及服务,设立健康信息馆员团队,构建多方合作协作机制,进而提升图书馆面向乡村居民的健康科普服务效能及水平。  相似文献   

2012年9月22日上午,江西省图书馆开展的"2012年全国科普日--赣图科普宣传日"活动拉开帷幕。该活动主题为"情系食品安全、共建和谐家园、享受健康生活"。活动当天,举办了科普图片展览,解答读者科普咨询,免费发放食品安全、健康小常识等科普宣传资料,并发放读者图书推荐表、  相似文献   

通过直接法和追溯法在百度及相关政府部门网站检索科学技术普及、健康科普等相关政策法规,并使用关键词检索法在中国知网检索医学学术期刊开展健康科普工作的相关研究文献,对检索到的文献进行相关性筛选,并根据主题进行归类整理,提炼医学学术期刊开展健康科普的优劣势及机遇、挑战。发现医学学术期刊开展健康科普具有强大的专家资源、数量众多的作者资源、充足的素材资源、专业的编校团队等优势;但也存在内容形式专业、受众局限,出版思维差异、科普传播人才缺乏,传播方式单一、影响力不足等劣势。开展健康科普,其外部机遇很重要,如政策支持力度大、大众需求度高、新媒体发展快速等,但还需加强人才培养、健全激励机制等。  相似文献   

通过调查2013—2022年我国医学科普图书出版情况,通过图书分类统计和提要内容文本分析,探究新时代医学科普图书出版趋势和特征。十年来,我国医学科普图书出版紧跟世界医学科技发展,围绕“全生命周期健康”进行精准科普宣传,弘扬文化内涵和时代价值,健康知识普及和习惯养成并重。为了持续打造医学科普图书精品,医学界、出版界仍需提升选题策划水平,创新写作思维和视角,加强少儿医学科普原创,讲好医学和医学人的故事,助力“健康中国”建设。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how major U.S. print and broadcast news media framed depression causal and problem-solving responsibilities at individual and societal levels over the past three decades. Results from the content analysis showed that the media placed more causal and problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than the society. However, references to societal solutions increased moderately over time. Organizational differences emerged in news attribution of responsibilities, as print media presented more individual-level causes while broadcast media focused more on solutions at both individual and societal levels. Additionally, local newspapers put more problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than national newspapers, while a cable news channel allocated more time to the discussion of overall depression responsibilities than network TV. Findings are discussed in the context of cultural orientations, organizational constraints, changing practice and trends in health news reporting, and the broader political/social environment in which the news media operate. Practical implications for health journalism, mental health communication and advocacy, and public health policy-making are discussed.  相似文献   

At an academic health science center, librarians partnered with a community research engagement program to offer a suite of consumer health information services. The services included training staff in the use of online consumer health resources, purchasing a print collection of monographs, and creating a guide to both the online and print resources for staff use. Focus groups were conducted to assess information needs, and the workshop attendees’ online health information competency was assessed presession and postsession. This article details planning and intervention efforts, and proposes future activities to meet the information needs of HealthStreet and its clients.  相似文献   

利用三大检索查询收录/引用的方法与技巧   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
三大检索工具的各种版本在收录范围、检索性能上各不相同, 著者字段使用方法比较复杂。本文研究了各种版本的差异, 以及具体检索个人文章被收录、引用情况的方法与技巧, 最后介绍其它几种常用于科学评价的检索工具。  相似文献   

红尘 《新闻界》2008,(2):40-41
本文通过《瑞丽》杂志集团这个个例的分析与解构,来探索在新媒介生态下传统的纸质媒体、平面媒体将如何站稳脚跟,迅速调整媒体结构,全面实现跨媒体的发展策略。  相似文献   

图书出版分别通过"传播渠道"和"产业渠道"带来间接和直接的经济绩效.其中,"传播渠道"由于从供给层面影响了经济增长的制度环境和创新能力,因此其经济效应具有见效慢但却逐渐增强的特征;而"产业渠道"则从需求层面直接带来需求的增加,因此其经济效应见效快但却存在逐渐减弱的趋势.发挥图书出版在经济发展中的促进作用,应在继续扩大出版规模的同时,进一步提升图书出版的质量.从提升思路上来看,应注意传统纸媒与新兴媒体和现代"智造业"的有机融合,应加强知识产权制度的保障作用和激励作用,应加大对社科工作者和技术创新人员的经费投入.  相似文献   

Using framing and issue attention cycle as theoretical frameworks, this study examined how print media frame public health epidemics, such as mad cow disease, West Nile virus, and avian flu. We found that “action” and “consequence” were the two frames journalists employed consistently to construct stories about epidemics in the New York Times, the newspaper used for this case study. The prominence of other frames varied with diseases. We also found different attention cycle patterns for each disease. Coverage of public health epidemics was highly event based, with increased news coverage corresponding to important events such as newly identified cases and governmental actions. We found that media concerns and journalists' narrative considerations regarding epidemics did change across different phases of development and across diseases. This suggests that journalists emphasize different narrative considerations at different stages of the issue development cycle, based on the specificity of each disease.  相似文献   

本文透过传播媒介不断更新换代的发展历程 ,论述了媒介形态本身对社会结构的巨大影响。最早的传播活动是借助语言和文字进行 ,社会交流的扩大要求人们设想文字书写复制的传播技术。印刷术应用而生 ,其传媒内容的复杂和理解循序渐进的特点 ,造成受众明显的等级差异和交往隔绝。电子媒介打破了传播的文化条件限制 ,特别是电视与网络传播 ,构成了最为广泛的公共领域 ,提供了从未有过的信息共享。而手机短信传播 ,实现了人际传播与大众传播的完满结合、互动及时、信息自主选择 ,也一定程度上打破了公众进入媒介的技术障碍和经济障碍  相似文献   

This eight-nation comparative study adopts a multi-modal analytical approach in investigating education driven stratification in political participation and the simultaneous roles of various media (print newspaper, television, radio, and social media) and press freedom in influencing this inequality. The findings suggest that informational use of social media, print newspaper, and radio increases the likelihood of participation, but consuming television news inhibits participation. Furthermore, social media use, like radio and television use, exacerbates education-generated inequality. Press freedom as a socio-political factor reinforces the role of the television, print newspaper, and social media in participation inequality. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic health sciences libraries in the United States and Canada were surveyed regarding collection development trends, including their effect on approval plan and blanket order use, and use of outsourcing over the past four years. Results of the survey indicate that serials market forces, budgetary constraints, and growth in electronic resources purchasing have resulted in a decline in the acquisition of print items. As a result, approval plan use is being curtailed in many academic health sciences libraries. Although use of blanket orders is more stable, fewer than one-third of academic health sciences libraries report using them currently. The decline of print collections suggests that libraries should explore cooperative collection development of print materials to ensure access and preservation. The decline of approval plan use and the need for cooperative collection development may require additional effort for sound collection development. Libraries were also surveyed about their use of outsourcing. Some libraries reported outsourcing cataloging and shelf preparation of books, but none reported using outsourcing for resource selection. The reason given most often for outsourcing was that it resulted in cost savings. As expected, economic factors are driving both collection development and outsourcing practices.  相似文献   

孔晶晶  李禾 《编辑学报》2021,33(6):673-678
融媒体时代的创新,不仅要有理念创新,还要有一系列模式创新。本文以《中国中药杂志》在期刊纸媒升级改造,数字化出版传播新模式、新技术探索,新媒体社交平台微信公众号建设3方面的实践作为案例,介绍《中国中药杂志》刊媒融合创新发展的理念和一手经验体会,以期对科技期刊全面开展深度融合转型提供有价值的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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