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福柯认为权力应包括制度和权力的分配,用福柯的微观权力理论来分析高学历女性就业各势力主体的相互权力关系,研究是把它们定位在经济基础之中,去挖掘在权力关系中隐藏最深的是什么,不仅追踪以政府形式出现的权力,还要追踪以亚政府形式或超政府形式出现的权力,在物语性的活动中发现它们的踪迹。  相似文献   

印度的高等教育扩展与知识失业   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前中国的高等教育正处于快速扩展时期,伴随着高等教育扩展,近年来出现了日益突出的“知识失业”现象。印度国情与中国相似,多年来一直存在严重的“知识失业”问题。本文从介绍印度的高等教育情况入手,分析了印度高等教育的扩展及其“知识失业”成因,探讨印度采取的解决措施,从而为我国缓解“知识失业”问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The author of this guest editorial calls for a higher level of transparency in maternity care. The public should have access to information about hospital and provider policies and practices so that women and their families can determine where and with whom to birth. Currently, many grassroots-level projects, including The Birth Survey, are addressing this need.  相似文献   

The once firm divisions between regular and special education are now fading. In many regions, the integration into regular classrooms of formerly extruded atypical students has an accepted and sometimes legally determined future. Much greater responsibility has thus fallen upon the shoulders of the classroom teacher, and when the failure of students to learn is attributed to a failure to teach them effectively, the question of professional accountability becomes poignant indeed. So, too, for the educational psychologist. Assessment, tied to placement, is no longer acceptable as a raison d'etre. His/her primary contribution in an era of integration for special education is towards improving the quality of instruction in regular classrooms and the quality of learning. Activities of educational psychologists, including assessment, research dissemination, programs of evaluation, systems analysis, and work with parents are reconstrued in this paper as contributing to better instruction in better classrooms.  相似文献   

Ten Cameroonian women were interviewed in order to find out how they had managed to become scientists and science educators. We talked to them about the kinds of support they had been given by their families, how science was taught in schools both in the past and at present, and whether or not they thought it possible to integrated science and African traditional thought in schools and universities. We used a framework incorporating the concepts of gender and social class in order to interpret their views. On this basis, we understood why these women tended to underestimate the importance of institutional discrimination in science and to conceive of the norms of professionalism as unsurpassable. In contrast, we suggest that women in Cameroon will only be able to participate fully when their own experience and ways of knowing are incorporated into the teaching and structures of science.  相似文献   

The technical capabilities and educational potential of computers have increased in recent years. The advent of technologies such as CD-ROM may exacerbate an existing trend in the use of computers in education whereby values are transmitted to students without educators fully understanding the process. The implications of CD-ROM technology for the teaching of implicit and explicit values are discussed, and a social value paradigm is proposed as a partial answer to the problem.  相似文献   

清末民初女子教育的发展,使得女性获得职业成为一种可能,由此打破了职业领域男子占统治地位的状况,也为女性的发展带来了空前的机遇和挑战.许多女知识分子利用她们掌握的各种知识资源,开始向各个行业渗透,出现了诸如女教师、女医生、女护士、女报人等等.知识女性不仅成为独立谋生的人,而且她们的出现,提高了女性的素质和社会地位,是近代中国妇女的荣耀.谋求职业已成为一部分妇女新的人生追求.  相似文献   

The authors consider the changing role of educational psychology in the current era and emphasise the importance of casework‐based interventions not only for influencing systemic work but also for maintaining credibility within the educational marketplace. With in‐school counselling and intervention becoming more popular, the natural providers of this service should be educational psychologists but this may not be the case in many local authorities. The authors consider the possibility of the profession becoming obsolete if there is a continuation of the move away from individual interventions to a more consultative based approach.  相似文献   


Across the globe, the Salamanca Statement has provided the strongest impetus for drawing attention to the education of some of the most marginalised groups. In India, it has had a significant and specific impact on the provision of schooling opportunities for children with disabilities. This paper provides a critical analysis of key developments in national policies and programmes and how these have shaped provision at the classroom level. Drawing on Nancy Fraser’s conception of justice as an analytical tool, efforts towards inclusive education in India are explored through the interlinked ideas of redistribution, recognition and representation. Over the last two decades, there has been a significant increase in the numbers of children with disabilities being enrolled in schools, driven by factors including, positive legislation and the increased provision of aids and appliances, etc. However, little attention has been paid to the quality of teaching and learning, experienced by children with disabilities. Instead, efforts remain focused on assimilation into a mainstream system fraught with different challenges. Despite these issues, India is a powerful example of how the vision of inclusive education, as outlined in the Salamanca Statement, is feasible, especially if efforts build on contextual realities.  相似文献   

Using a published review of 1965 as a comparison point, this article presents an opinion on the evolution of the school psychologist as a behavior therapist (encompassing the period of 1965–1975). Over the past ten years, it was noted that the role of being an individual therapist has been replaced by the role of being a consultant to the schools and the community, that assessment of change due to behavioral interventions (while some progress has been made) is still a major problem, and that the use of behavioral methods in the educational context is screened on an individual technique basis. In terms of the future, it is posited that there will be increasing support for the use of behavior modification activities, and specific areas of preparation for the schools and colleges are suggested. Special emphasis is placed on the relationship between professionalism and public policy, particularly as relevant to the ethics inherent in the use of behavior modification.  相似文献   

在社会发展日新月异的今天,女性尤其是知识女性在政治、经济、文化生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,然而,由于历史、社会以及女性自身的原因,她们的成才面临着重重障碍。本文试图从这三个方面对其成因进行深层次的透析,同时就思想、观念改变,国家对女性素质教育投资,社会就业制度、用人机制,以及知识女性完善、充实自我等方面提出若干建设性的对策和措施。  相似文献   

知识青年"上山下乡"运动已经结束多年,而在文学界及思想界,它的影响却并未随着时间的推移而消失。正是由于当年轰轰烈烈的"上山下乡"运动,使新时期文学中出现了独特的一景——知青文学。它以其独特的内容和思想内涵吸引了包括知青在内的整整几代人的目光。"上山下乡"运动到今年已过去近半个世纪,而知青文学也历经了从幼稚到成熟,从单纯到深刻的蜕变,但贯穿其中、始终如一的是作品中难以挣脱的"知青情结"。本文以时间为顺序浅析知青文学在不同时期的流程,并从中揭示出贯穿其中的"知青情结"。  相似文献   

The school psychologist often is viewed as a diagnostician instead of a remediator. The purpose of this paper is to stress the remedial role that school psychologists can assume without detracting from the importance of diagnosis. Three main points are presented. (a) Paraprofessional tutors can be effective providers of individualized help to problem learners if they are given proper training, structured approaches, and careful supervision. (b) The application of effective paraprofessional models should be extended to the increasing number of mainstreamed handicapped students and adequately evaluated. (c) The school psychologist is in a position to effect improvements in existing remedial education through assuming the role of supervisor as tutorial systems are implemented and evaluated.  相似文献   

刘可可 《天中学刊》2009,24(6):83-86
在新时期以前公开出版的知青小说中,女性知青形象不断地被雄性化,直至成为失去了女性性别特征的怪物.这些女性知青形象既背离了女性的自然性,又背离了传统观念对于女性的理想性认识.这背后躲藏着的是对女性进行劳动工具化的企图.  相似文献   



This article analyses how an initiative on farm mechanisation by a local government in Kerala in South India evolved into a formal organisation that provides sustainable livelihood options to women and small and marginal farmers and revived the rice production system.  相似文献   

This article examines two groups of Bedouin women who studied in different cultural spaces. The first group, due to a lack of high schools in the Negev (during the 1970s), were obliged to leave the village to study and reside in boarding schools in the central and northern regions of Israel. These women returned to their society of origin after the completion of their academic studies. The second group went to Jewish universities in a town near their homes (Beersheba), attending daily and returning home each night to patriarchal control. The article examines the experience of these pioneers in higher education as a form of cultural transition and internal immigration, with an emphasis on the unique characteristics of each of the two groups. Going out to gain higher education is seen in Bedouin society as a form of immigration, and the first educated women therefore became a type of immigrant.  相似文献   

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