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从社会普遍关注的城市女性遭遇家庭暴力这个视角出发,分析和归纳了城市女性家庭暴力的含义、特征、危害,揭示了城市女性家庭暴力问题产生的主要原因,提出了预防和制止城市女性家庭暴力的对策和建议。  相似文献   

从当前的现状来看,有一定数量的女性在遭遇家庭暴力之后,选择通过隐忍、沉默等比较消极的维权方式,这样会造成受暴问题难以得到有效解决。本文围绕家庭暴力中女性受害者消极维权的原因及对策展开分析,首先分析了家庭暴力中女性受害者消极维权的原因,针对这些原因提出具有针对性的对策,希望能够为家庭暴力中的女性受害者提供积极维权的途径。  相似文献   

依据全国妇联第三期中国妇女社会地位调查中个人调查表主卷湖南省部分数据,通过SPSS19.0软件进行已婚女性的性别角色观念状况及遭受配偶家庭暴力状况的单变量描述统计和双变量交叉分析。建立家庭暴力影响因素的多元线性回归模型,找出规避家庭暴力风险的变量因素,并通过二项Logistic回归分析已婚女性规避家庭暴力风险的性别角色观念因素。结果表明:性别角色观念对已婚女性规避家庭暴力有着积极的作用,较为现代化的性别角色观念能够有效降低其遭受配偶家庭暴力的风险。  相似文献   

近年来,因家庭暴力而引发家庭破裂和社会不安定的事件不断发生,家庭暴力已成为社会的不和谐因素。据全国妇联的一项抽样调查表明,有16%的女性承认被配偶打过,14.4%的男性承认打过自己的配偶,家庭暴力已成为当今社会普遍存在的问题。文章在分析我国家庭暴力存在的原因及其危害的基础上,为预防和制止家庭暴力提出了一些务实性的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,因家庭暴力而引发家庭破裂和社会不安定的事件不断发生,家庭暴力已成为社会的不和谐因素。据全国妇联的一项抽样调查表明,有16%的女性承认被配偶打过,14.4%的男性承认打过自己的配偶,家庭暴力已成为当今社会普遍存在的问题。文章在分析我国家庭暴力存在的原因及其危害的基础上,为预防和制止家庭暴力提出了一些务实性的对策。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是十分低劣的违法犯罪行为,近年来受到社会各界人士关注与重视。虽然我国对于保障女性权利出台相关法律,但在解决或制止家庭暴力层面还面临一定难题。本文通过分析家庭暴力发生的原因以及家庭暴力的危害,探索运用反家暴法保护女性权利的路径,以期为我国利用反家暴法律保护女性权利提供参考。  相似文献   

家庭暴力的产生有悠久的历史,它是多因素的产物。家庭暴力作为社会问题,无论对社会、家庭,还是女性个人都是有害的。因此,消除家庭暴力,构建先进的性别文化已成为全社会的共识。  相似文献   

当代中国的家庭暴力与其城乡二元化表现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过全国抽样调查得到的统计数据表明,当代中国的家庭暴力情况是严重的,全社会应该对其加以重视。家庭暴力在城市和农村差异显,这种差异不仅体现在家庭暴力发生的现象上,更体现在深层次的原因上,总体呈现出明显的城乡二元化表现。在城市中,互动因素越来越成为影响夫妻关系的首要因素,夫妻间的冲突越来越表现为女性要求平等家庭权力或优势家庭权力而与男性之间爆发的冲突。农村中,男性中心观念还比较盛行,除了互动因素之外,夫妻关系受门第的、个人资源的影响仍然很大。  相似文献   

家庭暴力下的女性存在着不同程度的恐惧、自卑、压抑和依赖的心理,她们的遭遇大多悲惨,令人同情。造成她们悲惨命运的,既有来自她们自身传统的思想观念和现实利益的原因,为面子、孩子、亲朋等残酷的现实原因,还有来自社会的现实和法制建设欠缺等方面的原因。只有从提高女性自身素质入手,进一步健全法制,才能遏制家庭暴力的产生和蔓延。  相似文献   

家庭暴力问题的社会学探因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
家庭暴力是社会学的研究内容,随着人们对生活质量要求的提高和女性自我意识的觉醒,反对家庭暴力的呼声日益高涨。文章就中国家庭暴力的现状、含义、特点和原因等从社会学角度进行分析与探讨,旨在找出其存在的社会根源,为解决这一社会问题提供社会学理论依据。  相似文献   

我国现阶段有30%的家庭有暴力侵害的问题。由于针对妇女的家庭暴力产生的原因是复杂多样的,因而消除针对妇女的家庭暴力必然是一个系统工程,需要做大量的和多方面的工作,其中最基本的主要有反对家庭暴力、制裁家庭暴力、帮助受害和建设家庭明等。  相似文献   

我国现行反家庭暴力的法律体系缺乏整体性规范,可操作性不强。2008年试点法院为保护家庭暴力受害人而核发的“人身安全保护裁定”,虽受到社会的普遍关注,但也给人们带来了困惑。民事保护令制度始创于美国,我国台湾地区引入并加以完善。民事保护令制度能为家庭暴力受害人提供较传统法律更为快捷有效的救济.并且能减少加害人再度使用暴力的可能性。我国应引入民事保护令制度,以有效保护家庭暴力受害人,促进家庭与社会的和谐。  相似文献   

Domestic violence in a family is often found to have begun during a pregnancy. "Pinklining" is denying insurance to victims of domestic violence. Both domestic violence and pinklining are concepts with which the childbirth educator should be familiar, including the relevant laws and resources.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between physical domestic violence victimization (both recent and more than a year in past measured by self-report) and self-reported disciplinary practices among female parents/caregivers in a national sample of families referred to child welfare. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of more than 3,000 female caregivers in the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW) study, a nationally representative sample of children and their families referred to child welfare agencies for investigation of abuse and neglect. Women reported physical domestic violence victimization and their disciplinary practices for their child on different versions of the Conflict Tactics Scales. RESULTS: Four hundred and forty-three women reported prior year domestic violence, 1,161 reported domestic violence but not in the past 12 months, and 2,025 reported no domestic violence exposure. Any prior domestic violence exposure was associated with higher rates of self-reported psychological aggression, physical aggression and neglectful disciplinary behaviors as compared to those with no domestic violence victimization in bivariate comparisons. After controlling for child behavior, demographic factors, and maternal characteristics, those with remote and recent domestic violence victimization employed more self-reported psychological aggression, while only caregivers with recent DV reported more physical aggression or neglectful behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: In a national child welfare sample, self-reported aggressive and neglectful parenting behaviors were common. In this sample, domestic violence victimization is associated with more self-reported aggressive and neglectful disciplinary behaviors among female caregivers. The mechanism for these associations is not clear. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Rates of aggressive and neglectful disciplinary practices are especially high among female parents/caregivers exposed to domestic violence. Child welfare agencies should plan routine and structured assessments for domestic violence among parents/caregivers and implement parenting interventions to reduce harmful disciplinary practices for those families identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify domestic violence as a social problem, provide background information concerning domestic violence, identify strategies related to adult education currently being used to address the problem of domestic violence and examine the philosophical underpinnings of the programmes. Domestic violence is not only a legal problem, but represents a substantial public health issue and is one of the most overlooked social problems of today. As a result of increased public awareness concerning domestic violence in the late 1980s, there have been many changes in laws and training. Educational programmes have been established for both offenders and public officials who may come in contact with the victims. These programmes range from those based on behaviourist philosophy to those on humanist philosophy and are offered by the courts, community agencies, health care providers and in the workplace. Programmes to reduce domestic violence and efforts of multiple social institutions illustrate the use of adult education as a catalyst for social change.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence how child welfare workers attribute responsibility for child maltreatment and child safety in cases involving domestic violence. METHODS: The study used a factorial survey approach, combining elements of survey research with an experimental design. Case vignettes were constructed by randomly assigning characteristics to vignettes believed to be related to assessments about responsibility for child maltreatment. Public child welfare workers were systematically sampled and asked to rate vignettes on male and female caregivers' responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns for safety. RESULTS: The presence of domestic violence significantly affected workers' assessments of the attribution of responsibility and concern for child safety, more so than variables related to child maltreatment. Responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence differed for males and females, with more factors explaining female responsibility. Substance use by either caregiver was significant in attributing responsibility for physical harm, not watching the child closely enough, and concern for child safety, but not for exposure to domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Domestic violence appeared to heighten workers' assessments of responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns about child safety, taking precedence over the characteristics of the child maltreatment itself. Battering tends to work against the domestic violence victim in terms of the attribution of responsibility. A greater number of factors affect female responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence than male responsibility, even though in every case the male was the designated domestic violence batterer.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是困扰国内外妇女的重要问题之一,在家庭暴力中受到伤害最多的是妇女。为了防止妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须建立法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持系统。文章阐述了妇女遭受家庭暴力的内涵,分析了妇女遭受家庭暴力的原因,并探讨了预防妇女遭受家庭暴力的对策。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员之间的暴力行为,日益严重的家庭暴力危害了受害者的身心健康,侵犯了受害者的合法权益,破坏了社会的稳定和发展,已引起全社会的广泛关注,为了给予家庭暴力的受害者更全面、更具体、更适当的协助,以取得更好的社会效果,必须建立法律、社会、观念、心理等各层面的社会支持体系。  相似文献   

Violence is one of the most prevalent elements in the lives of homeless families with young children. This violence may come in various forms: domestic violence, street violence, violence in one’s childhood, witnessing violence, and other avenues and modes. Violence disrupts the normal bonding between parent and child. It isolates and degrades families. Early childhood professionals can support parents and children who are victims of violence through support, education, and nurturance.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1683-1693
This study aimed to determine if identification of intimate partner violence (IPV) has improved by caseworkers that investigate reports of child maltreatment and if mothers who are victims of IPV are more likely to report receipt of services. The study data were drawn from the two cohorts of the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW I and II), the first in 1999–2000 with a sample of 5,501 children reported for maltreatment and the second in 2008–2009 with a sample of 5,872 children reported for maltreatment. The analyses focused on IPV victimization of 3,625 mothers in NSCAW I and 3,351 mothers in NSCAW II whose children remained in home after the maltreatment investigation. Multiple group logistic regression was used to compare NSCAW I and II. A significant decrease in mother-reported IPV victimization (28.9–24.7%) was observed, representing a 15% decline. There were no significant changes in caseworker identification of history of domestic violence or active domestic violence. In both cohorts, substance abuse by the secondary caregiver was associated with a lower likelihood for the caseworker to miss a history of active domestic violence, while substantiation reduced the likelihood that the caseworker will miss active domestic violence. There were no changes in caseworkers’ service referral, or service receipt among victims. The next decade of efforts to reduce IPV and child maltreatment should focus simultaneously on increasing caseworkers’ ability to identify IPV and on funding needed services for families impacted by IPV and child maltreatment.  相似文献   

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