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博物馆学习的研究成果表明,展览除了可以通过自身的内容来对观众施加影响之外,环境设计也同样会对观众的参观效果产生影响。因此,合理评估展览环境的效果、并针对性地发现环境设计中的不足之处,将有助于展览提升总体的教育效果和观众的参观体验。本文以2017—2018年间在山东博物馆所进行的一系列博物馆学习相关研究与展览评估实践为基础,从观众的注意力水平入手,计算展厅中各个区域的“吸引力”,进而实现对展览环境效果的评估。此外,在这一过程中发现,展厅环境中的“展线”与“照明”设计,对观众的学习效果有潜在影响,值得引起博物馆在环境设计时的关注。  相似文献   

近年来,我国博物馆行业发展迅猛,博物馆的社会作用不断拓展。不同于过去静止不变的机构,当今的博物馆以观众为中心,以社区为导向,其展陈理念和博物馆观众角色已然发生了巨变。本文以英国威尔士国家博物馆策划的“Who Decides?”展览为例,分析了博物馆展陈理念的时代变化,以及在全新博物馆时代观众角色由陌生人—客人—主人的嬗变,为新时期博物馆策展模式提供了建议与参考。  相似文献   

Abstract Interactive exhibitions are a new medium for peace education in Israel. The Peace Labyrinth, based on a model developed by Peace Education Projects (PEP) for an exhibition in the Netherlands, is the first project of this type in Israel. The model was revised to suit the needs and the political and social situation in Israel, particularly in Jerusalem. The project is an initiative of the Jerusalem Foundation, in cooperation with the Olivestone Trust and the Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem. The article presents the theoretical, methodological, and practical considerations at play in adapting the original model for use in Israel and notes the insights gained for peace education and for the museum’s educational endeavors.  相似文献   

Abstract In 1999, the first author and his colleagues at the Smithsonian Institution published an article in Curator: The Museum Journal introducing research on the experiences visitors find satisfying in museums. Subsequent data collection has expanded on these findings, as this Research Note will elucidate. In general, the team found that experiences that visitors were looking forward to on entrance tended to have a distribution similar to that of the experiences they found satisfying on exit. The aim of this note is to present data that demonstrates this consistency, and to observe that visitors’ expectations that they would have certain types of experiences upon entering a museum or exhibition were a much larger factor in determining their responses than were minor differences in museum or exhibition content or presentation. In other words, on the whole they came in knowing what experiences they expected, and they left having found them, regardless of what museum personnel presented to them inside.  相似文献   

Abstract Important work in the last decades within the museum studies field has laid bare the implicit nationalist, evolutionist, and patriarchal narratives of the traditional museum. So far, though, only a few writers have discussed the museum’s role in supporting “heteronormative” narratives that consolidate heterosexuality as a norm within social and cultural life. This article is a critical discussion of methodological aspects of a queer perspective in interpreting, exhibiting, and organizing museum collections. Two shows with LGBT / queer perspective that were exhibited in Stockholm, Sweden during EuroPride 2008 are the focus of this article’s analysis. They consist of the photo exhibition Show Yourself! at the Nordic Museum, and Queer: Desire, Power, and Identity at the National Museum of Fine Arts. The author himself was the curator of the latter exhibition. This article offers personal reflections on the methodological challenges of translating an abstract queer perspective into museum practice in order to envision online and on‐site museum encounters that can mobilize various kinds of pluralistic passions.  相似文献   

This essay and checklist document the exhibition Pageant of the Tsars: The Romanov Coronation Albums, held at Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens February 16–June 8, 2013. The exhibition focused on the history of the Romanovs through the lens of the coronation albums of the tsars. Based on the collection of five of the seven coronation albums held in the Hillwood library, the exhibition was supplemented with objects from the museum and library collections, loans from other institutions, and electronic versions of the albums available on iPads in the exhibition and via the iBooks store. The show marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Romanov dynasty in 1613.  相似文献   

展览是博物馆的核心工作之一,也是博物馆服务社会最普遍和最直接的途径。《博物馆展览策划:理念与实务》一书作者结合多年的博物馆理论研究和博物馆展览策划实践经验,直击当下我国博物馆展览策划的核心问题,对现代博物馆陈列展览策划所应遵循的理念、工作流程和工作规范进行了详细阐述,为当前及未来一段时期内我国博物馆的展览策划工作提出了极为具象的实践指南。  相似文献   

通过移动端推送博物馆展览是博物馆信息化的重要内容,但不少博物馆面临数字化应用无法实现服务质量和用户体验的预期,导致下载量和使用量较低的处境。本文以“故宫展览”数字化项目为例,通过对开发数字产品观念意识、展示设计能力的分析,总结出在设计数字产品中结合博物馆需求与观众需求,结合观众心理习惯与博物馆特色,构建以“物”为核心的展示内容,兼顾知识性与趣味性的展示形式,应用分众化传播策略等方法,探讨借助移动端数字应用对博物馆以教育为目标的传播属性起到的积极作用。  相似文献   

Increasingly, some — but not all — urban history museums are facing the challenges of reaching out to and serving growingly diversified populations. Described here is the Museum of London's The Peopling of London, which recognizes the history and contributions of immigrant communities and their descendants. Planning for the exhibition required an about face from the museum's traditional in-house method of exhibition development — involving members of minority communities. Both the planning process and the resulting exhibition serve as a model for consideration and possibly emulation as urban history museums look at the growing diversification of the populations they serve.  相似文献   

Traditions associated with conservatism, scholarly content, and durability inform the ideology of the permanent exhibition. Once installed it is usually considered complete, and will remain unchanged until its content is questioned or considered outdated, or its physical deterioration becomes embarrassing. Museum curators work on very few, if any, permanent exhibitions during their career, and when they do their primary focus is on the scholarly content. It has only been in the past few years that museums, and curators, have looked to the discipline of visitor studies as being integral to process of exhibition development and the accessibility of content. A permanent exhibition constructed prior to this collaboration is revisited by its curator who applied five visitor studies' methodologies to the gallery to ascertain whether the curatorial/design concept was accessible to the visitor. This paper presents some ideas and findings from that study.  相似文献   

Abstract Museum visitors typically look at only about a third of the elements of an exhibition, and often give only limited attention to those. Can visitors really be getting something worthwhile from such partial usage of an exhibition? This article explores how visitors use exhibitions for “identity work,” the processes through which we construct, maintain, and adapt our sense of personal identity, and persuade other people to believe in that identity. Museums offer powerful opportunities for doing identity work, but the visitor does not need to engage with exhibition content deeply or systematically in order to gain the benefits that museum experiences offer for identity work.  相似文献   

As natural history museums are becoming more state-of-the-art, integrating computer technology and other interactive components into their exhibits, challenges arise as to how best incorporate these elements into the learning that occurs in a traditional museum setting. In October of 1996, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) hosted the exhibition Leonardo's Codex Leicester: A Masterpiece of Science, which included interactive computer stations as well as ten working models designed specifically for the exhibition. This article explores the museum's approach to making use of these interactives in planning and implementing a school program for this exhibition. The program was experimental in its format, given the short run of this exhibition, as well as limited planning time. The purpose of this article is to determine what a museum can do to offer quality programs that reach as many students as possible when working under time constraints.  相似文献   

The first exhibition in Vietnam to feature Vietnamese Catholics was held from December 10, 2008 to June 10, 2009 at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi. The theme of this exhibition was “Catholic Culture as an Intrinsic Part of Vietnamese Culture.” The exhibition was organized by a State‐run museum against a background of difficult relations between the State and its Catholic communities. This article explores how the exhibition was conceived, and how the ideas of the curators were implemented by examining negotiations among different stakeholders involved in the exhibition.  相似文献   

Abstract When the Chicago History Museum re‐opened its doors on September 30, 2006 after a 21‐month‐long renovation, the debut included a new interactive history gallery for families. The exhibition, Sensing Chicago, was designed primarily to appeal to and communicate effectively with eight‐ and nine‐year‐old children. Since this was a new target audience for the museum's exhibition program, the team followed a course for this project that departed from the museum's typical exhibition development. The process was informed by audience research that has broadened our understanding of how a collections‐based history museum that traditionally caters to adult audiences can create meaningful and memorable experiences for children. This article focuses on one aspect of the research, a three‐month concept‐testing phase conducted by in‐house staff, which provided the team with useful information that, in turn, impacted the development and design of the gallery.  相似文献   

Abstract The town of Springville, Utah, has a multi‐faceted relationship with its Museum of Art. The museum reflects and preserves the ethnic and cultural identity of the area, including its history, its landscapes, and its philosophy/religion. Through place‐based education—including observation and activities—k‐12 children and youth are given opportunities to experience their local culture on multiple levels. As museum artifacts are carefully chosen and lessons are purposefully structured, students receive cognitive, creative, and social benefits as well. Museum educators collaborate with local school personnel, along with educators from nearby Brigham Young University, to produce cross‐disciplinary lesson plans and teaching materials. Benefits Springville educators are finding in place‐based education are included in this article, along with specific ideas for lessons and activities.  相似文献   

In Byzantium1     
During Spring 1997 we experimented with a research method combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to documenting visitor experiences in The Glory of Byzantium, a special exhibition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In addition to using standard demographic and behavior surveys, a small team of researchers and volunteers gathered information, compared experiences, and summarized their observations of people in the exhibition. Each team member conducted about a dozen structured conversations with visitors as they left the exhibition. Subsequently the team met as an informal focus group to describe their experiences. We found that many museum users arrived with relevant experiences and high expectations for this somewhat specialized exhibition; we also found users whose approach to the exhibition was less well‐informed, but whose enthusiasm and trust for the museum experience moved them to attend with satisfaction. We believe that such team approaches to research might well be used as a regular part of museum work as we search for answers to the many elusive questions about museum use.  相似文献   

Many museums use comment cards, visitor books, and bulletin boards to capture the reactions of visitors. Whether they are collected, counted, skimmed, read, or simply filed, the utility of these documents is rarely questioned. This paper suggests some pros and cons of comment systems and presents an analysis of the comments on an exhibition, Flight Time Barbie, at the National Air and Space Museum (NASM), Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC. The responses to this exhibition included judgments about the subject matter of the exhibition, opinions about its presentation, and remarks regarding its appropriateness to the museum. The paper concludes by suggesting a practical approach to the analysis of visitor comments.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理中国科技馆开馆30余载以来,科学与艺术在科普展览中从相互碰撞、两两融合到彼此借力、强强联合,最终珠联璧合、彼此成就的渐进过程,从教育学、传播学视角出发,提出了在展示内容和展示形式上加强科学与艺术结合广度和深度之思考,以及加强人才队伍建设、探索更多合作途径、将科学与艺术结合的理念融入展览全流程等对策,以期为促进科学与艺术在科技馆中的融合,达到科技馆培养兼具科学精神和艺术修养的创新型人才之教育目标提供参考。  相似文献   

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