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发达国家教育人员国际流动探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪 90年代以来发达国家高等教育国际化的内涵不断丰富和扩展 ,其中人员的国际流动成为最基本的形式之一。各国积极采取措施 ,吸纳外国留学生 ,推进访问学者互访 ,鼓励本国学生到海外学习 ,并创建网络大学等新的交流模式。我国应进一步完善政策法规 ,加快高校内部改革 ,大力发展网络教育 ,以更好地适应高等教育国际化的趋势。  相似文献   

学科建设实现国际化,是进入“世界一流学科”的一个重要门槛。马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校(以下简称UMass Boston)教育管理学科建设的国际化经验,值得国内同类大学借鉴。借助美国教育协会ACE的国际化评价体系框架,考察分析UMass Boston的教育管理学科,发现其通过明确国际化理念、鼓励学生参与国际案例研究、开展体验式学习扩大学生的国际视野、支持教师参与国际化的交流学习提高国际素养、提供必要的政策优惠和财政支持、建立强大的内外合作伙伴关系等措施来促进教育管理学科建设的国际化。相比而言,我国高校教育管理学科国际化水平普遍较低,在未来国际化进程中应明确国际化建设方向、学校应提供必要的制度和财政支持、在课程体系及教学方式上应与国际相接轨、建立健全师生国际化流动机制、搭建高效的国际化学术与交流平台。  相似文献   

Inter‐university international co‐operation is very strongly favoured by the Yugoslav government as part of its overall policy of nonalignment. Numerous bilateral and multilateral projects are being pursued by the Union of Universities of Yugoslavia and by individual Yugoslav universities. The sponsorship of the “University Today” International Seminar by the Union is one manifestation of this policy as is the encouragement which it gives its member universities to join appropriate international university associations, including regional ones. Currently, the Union is favouring the increased international exchange of students. The internationalization of universities opens them to the most progressive and advanced tendencies in teaching and in research.  相似文献   

在高等教育国际化趋势及两岸交流日益频繁的形势下,台湾开放大陆学生到台就学政策,并于2011年正式向大陆招生。以质性研究法,对30名在台攻读学位的大陆学生进行深度访谈,通过大陆学生的真实经验与想法,了解、分析大陆学生到台就学的动机,并提出意见与建议。  相似文献   

对辽宁17所具有博士授权资格高校的国际化办学水平及影响因素分析发现:国际化办学水平总体上呈标准正态分布,一些院校办学理念与具体教学工作的融入程度存在差异、师资结构国际化水平有待提高、教学与科研国际化程度相对较低、国际化办学经费保障不足。进一步提升高校国际化办学水平,应以高校重点学科、科技平台为依托,吸引、集聚海内外高端人才;加强与国际一流院校合作,全面提升高校教学和科研水平;大力发展留学生教育,着力打造国际高等教育交流中心和留学服务中心;健全高等教育国际化战略保障机制,推动高等教育跨境性活动健康发展。  相似文献   

大学教育国际化虽然不是一个新的话题,但是在经济全球化背景中,却出现了一些新的现象。这些现象表明目前的大学教育国际化与传统的大学教育国际化非常不同。比如,目前大学教育的跨国性已经超出了传统大学教育国际化的范畴。传统大学教育国际化是以学生和教师的流动为主,而目前的大学教育国际化体现为大学与大学之间的交流与合作。环太平洋大学联盟成员大学如何看待国际化问题,如何实施国际化,国际化的新趋势是什么是本文论述的焦点。  相似文献   

大学学术国际化是我国在全球发展大环境背景下的必然选择,也是大学教育自身发展的必然要求。目前我国大学学术国际化趋势明显,但对大学学术国际化过程的风险存在误解,其交流和传播还存在障碍。提高大学学术国际化水平的关键在于:要正确对待学术本土化与国际化问题;发挥好政府、学校、师生三方合力的作用;同时学校要积极组织在职教师的外语培训学习。  相似文献   

The study investigated the stakeholders’ perceptions of South Korea’s higher education internationalization policy. Based on the research framework that defines four policy values—propriety, effectiveness, diversity, and engagement, the convergence model was employed with a concurrent mixed method sampling strategy to analyze the stakeholders’ perceptions. According to the findings, the stakeholders perceived that the government’s internationalization policy to date has contributed to the international competitiveness of Korean universities by and large in a quantitative manner. Their views however signaled that the government should consider the quality and identity of Korean higher education institutions when designing and implementing internationalization policy. Based on the implications that the findings have in the policy context, this study suggested two points for future policy research into Korean higher education internationalization: (1) develop a glonacal definition of world-classness for Korean universities and (2) build up a mixture model of centralization and decentralization for the government-university relations, which encourages internal self-governance of Korean universities.  相似文献   

This paper analyses international student prospectuses from twenty-two Japanese universities involved in the Top Global University Program (TGUP) to examine how universities in Japan present and understand internationalization. International prospectuses were analysed using qualitative text analysis to generate a series of themes connected to university internationalization. Different categories of TGUP participant universities were compared to better understand the differences between how different participant types present and understand internationalization. The findings suggest that while there are differences between participant types and individual universities, overall, there appears to be a tension between understanding internationalization as an authoritative, university-centred activity and as a student-centric activity in which students are active participants. Furthermore, it found that although rankings are an important aspect of the TGUP, few prospectuses mentioned rankings. The paper suggests possible reasons for this omission based on the TGUP participant type. Finally, this study offers insights into how Japanese universities understand internationalization and position themselves as international institutions.  相似文献   

This article analyzes a recent initiative of Japan’s Ministry of Education, which aims to internationalize higher education in Japan. The large-investment project “Top Global University Project” (TGUP) has emerged to create globally oriented universities, to increase the role of foreign languages in higher education, and to foster global human resources. The TGUP identifies 37 universities: 13 as “top global universities” intended to compete in the top 100 university world rankings and 24 “global traction universities” intended to lead the internationalization of higher education in Japan. Despite the substantial funding behind this initiative, little research has been conducted to evaluate the potential impact of this policy on language planning in higher education in Japan. This paper addresses this gap in its exploration of the TGUP, including key changes from previous internationalization policies. It then presents an analysis of publicly available documents regarding the policy, collected from all 37 of the participant universities. Findings indicate a positive departure from older policy trends and the emergence of flexible, unique forms of English language education in Japan’s universities.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand equity issues of international students’ learning in Korean higher education institutions by engaging with the issue of racism and identifies how international students in Korea reshape their learning trajectory and how we could provide equitable and quality education for international students. Espousing a qualitative case study design, six students from different background were interviewed to examine features of perceived institutional racism based on their learning experience in Korea. Major findings showed that internationalization has not been fulfilled in terms of engaging with international students although Korean government and higher education institutions have developed relevant policy to attract international students. This study indicates that Korean universities need to reconstruct their social, cultural, and institutional systems to embrace equity, diversity and inclusiveness to empower international students’ capacity.  相似文献   

With the relentless internationalization and marketization of higher education in the past decades, English has been increasingly adopted as a medium of instruction at universities across the world. Recent research, however, has shown that despite its various optimistically envisioned goals, English-medium instruction (EMI) is not without problems in practice. This article reports a case study of an EMI Business Administration program for undergraduate students at a major university of finance and economy in mainland China. Informed by Spolsky’s language policy framework, the study made a critical analysis of national/institutional policy statements and interviews with professors and students to uncover EMI-related language ideologies, language practices, and language management mechanisms. Findings evinced a complex interplay of these three constitutive components of language policy in the focal EMI program and revealed considerable misalignment between policy intentions and actual practices in the classroom. These findings raise concerns about the quality and consequences of EMI in Chinese higher education. The article concludes with recommendations for further research on EMI policies and practices in China.  相似文献   

Jia Song 《Higher Education》2018,75(4):729-742
In recent years, creating world-class universities has been an important project on the Chinese mainland. With the all-encompassing internationalization of higher education in the global market, it is of the utmost importance that the quality of universities be improved and that some of the top universities are pushed to become world-class. Influenced by the stimulating policies and financial incentives, some of China’s top universities are striving to earn the prestigious label of “world-class university” by conducting a series of reforms. The aim of the study discussed here was to explore the effects of the ongoing reforms and present the current dilemmas of top-down actions at elite universities. The data were obtained through in-depth interviews. First, we found that a personnel reform had been implemented to comply with the performance benchmark, but that it had subsequently been suspended owing to conflicts among different stakeholders. Second, it appeared that the humanities department at the selected university is at a disadvantage for both internal and external reasons. Third, it was found that the policy of recruiting returnees (graduates returning from study abroad) to lecturers’ positions is partly responsible for the further decline in students’ confidence in domestic universities. Fourth, the policy of admitting international students has triggered domestic tensions on the issue of educational quality and equality. Lastly, finding a way of coordinating the features of “World-Class” and “Chinese Characteristics” is not easy to be achieved.  相似文献   

高等教育国际化是一国文化软实力建设的重要表征和关键途径。本研究采用混合研究方法,通过分析中泰高等教育合作交流中的科研合作、学生流动和机构合作情况发现,当前中泰高等教育合作交流已取得重要进展,两国在人文社科和艺术领域蕴藏巨大合作潜力,中国经济的高速发展和中泰经贸合作的良好态势、丰厚的奖学金项目、中国高校的国际化视野是吸引泰国学生的潜在增长点;存在中国高等教育现有实力对泰国学生的吸引力相对不足,中泰高校在高等教育合作中的活动空间还极为有限等一些亟待突破的瓶颈。新时代深化中泰高等教育合作交流要扩大人文社科和艺术领域合作,增进中泰文化交流与互信;提高留学生质量和管理水平,坚定不移地走高等教育国际化发展道路;充分发挥高校在中泰高等教育合作中的能动作用。  相似文献   

国际化是一股世界性的潮流。在我国现代大学实现人文教育与科学教育融合的过程中,既要强调融合需要国际化.又要强调融合的国际化发展必须立足于本土化。与其他国家推进国际化的大学有所不同,我国大学实施国际化发展战略的主要目标是:通过提升学校的国际品位,培养具有国际竞争力的高素质人才,创造具有国际影响的科研成就,建设一批世界一流大学。因此,在创建世界一流大学的目标下寻找适于我国现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合的国际化方式,已成为我国现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合过程中不可忽视的重要问题。  相似文献   

中外合作办学不但直接引进了境外优质教育资源,而且能提高对高等教育国际化的必然性与重要性的认识,确定国际化人才的培养目标。通过合作办学,将会促进人员交流、课程设置、科学研究、管理机制的国际化。本文通过对我国中外合作办学进程的回顾,对目前我国高校与国外合作办学模式进行梳理,并以中国地质大学(北京)为例,提出几个合作办学的新形式,供其他开展中外合作办学的高校参考。  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the reasons why educational institutions choose to internationalize the services they offer, how universities are internationalizing and to explore who is participating in the internationalization process. It not only addresses the theory surrounding the internationalization of education but also the practical issues of implementing it and making it accessible to students from a wide range of socio-economic situations. A case study of a summer study program in Poland for students from the Monterrey Tech (in Spanish El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM), Cd. Juarez Campus, Chihuahua, Mexico, is used to explore two theoretical questions: can equality of opportunity be achieved for all students in the process of the internationalization of education and what are the characteristics of the internationalization of education which affect development? These issues take on concrete forms when an educational institution attempts to internationalize the education it offers. At that time, organizations and the people in them must confront questions such as: what strategies can be implemented to internationalize the education offered and how can students of fewer economic means be included in the international opportunities available? My focus is on the benefits and costs to the undergraduate student with an emphasis on examining equality of opportunity for each student.  相似文献   

在文化交流国际化与高等教育国际化背景下,实现地方高校国际化是大势所趋,从文化视角探析地方高校国际化发展,能够清晰地感受到传统地方文化与地方高校国际化发展关系紧密,它能影响地方高校国际化的发展进程,展现地方高校国际化发展的个性特征。  相似文献   

国际化是研究型大学发展的必然趋势。文章通过对我国研究型大学在办学理念、师资队伍、学生、科学研究、课程、合作办学等方面国际化的探索和实践的调研,对研究型大学国际化发展模式进行了归纳总结,对存在的不足进行了分析,并对高校加快国际化进程提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在高等教育国际化评价的推进中有必要对其价值进行反思——高等教育国际化评价为了谁?成就了谁?高等教育国际化的内涵、动因等潜在性地影响着高等教育国际化评价的价值取向和价值基础,而高等教育国际化评价的标准和过程是持不同高等教育价值观、维护不同利益的价值主体价值博弈的过程。这种博弈的结果是高等教育国际化评价的主要价值主体通过高等教育国际化评价方案之手将主观价值“合法化”后加以推行。高等教育国际化评价应削弱其经济价值取向,以进一步促进高校师生的自主发展为主旨。  相似文献   

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