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普通高校发展成人教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建学习型社会,形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,是21世纪社会发展对高等教育提出的明确要求,也为成人高等教育提供了发展机遇。当前形势下,成人高等教育的发展既有赖于新的办学思想和观念,也有赖于人们对其重视程度,而成人高等教育如何在普通高校内准确定位,并充分利用普通高校的办学优势,广泛开展相关研究,这些都是实现普通高校成人教育发展的条件。  相似文献   

This article reflects my experiences of learning art in the 1970s and 1980s and my teaching career in school art education in twenty‐first century South Korea. This autobiographical reflection shows how I have struggled with my identity as an art teacher in the post‐colonial context of Western influences on Korean society since World War II. There has been greater tension and a greater struggle for different values, practices and identities when new values and practices have been introduced into the particular socio‐cultural context of South Korea. My struggles with particular kinds of pedagogic identity valued within the rapidly changing political, economic and cultural context of Western influences on Korean art education demonstrate the hidden structural mechanism of the relationship between culture, power and identity in the post‐colonial world of globalisation. This study as an autoethnographical research provides critical insights into how identities are produced by pedagogic discourses and practices of art education that are constructed through the specific systems of practice and language which transmit and regulate such identities and values.  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设战略是21世纪一项伟大的系统工程,农村教育是其关键.新时期的农村教育对高校思想政治教育提出了更新的内容和更高的要求,地方师范院校应抓住机遇,积极进行思想政治教育教学的改革,使其更好地服务于农村教育事业.针对目前高校思想政治教育过程中存在的诸多问题,笔者认为目前地方师范院校思想政治教育教学的改革主要应从强化服务意识、改进教学方式和方法、建构合理的评价机制、注重与中学教学内容的衔接和提高教师素质五方面入手,以实践教学为平台全面地展开.忻州师范学院对此进行了积极探索并深入实践,走出了一条以实习支教为基点,以服务农村教育为目标的思想政治教育改革之路.  相似文献   

21世纪人类开始步入网络时代,网络对高校学生的影响广泛而深刻。网络既给思想政治教育带来困难和挑战,也提供了新的平台和机遇。教育工作者应抓住机遇,更新观念,改革创新,积极应对挑战。  相似文献   

This small‐scale study details the development and execution of a system of inclusive education in 20th and 21st century in Poland. A detailed review of the literature and employment of in‐depth semi‐structured interviews aimed to establish how inclusion is defined and operationalised in Poland. In addition, the study sought to establish how the teachers' levels of professional development and personal attitudes towards inclusion were influencing the evolution of this important educational initiative. The data from the study detail that the concept of inclusion is not well known in Poland, and that integrative education still dominates educational thinking. The study provides data to suggest integration in Poland works well in the early stages of education, but that it struggles to provide for and integrate older children into the mainstream educational settings. The research concludes that Poland has taken an important but perhaps faltering step towards educating all children in the mainstream schools.  相似文献   

The article by Benton and Hoyt provides data that creates an opportunity for a significant discussion concerning the role of educational psychologists in education reform. Education reform in teacher education has three identifiable stages. The first stage is the series of proposals that have been generated by a number of groups implying that education reform efforts will bring about positive change. The second component has been reactions or debates surrounding the proposals and significant changes proposed by national reports. Finally, there have been component parts of the proposals implemented in experimental ways in schools and colleges of education. Clearly, a segment of the educational psychology academic community has been involved in all three phases of education reform, and the need for maintaining a research posture and a demand for documentation of improvement is necessary from all educators—and in particular educational psychologists. The 1980s were the years for proposing and reacting. The years between now and the twenty-first century will be the time of implementation and evaluation of changes. The opportunity is present for active involvement of all interested educational psychologists. The article by Benton and Hoyt is a meaningful article for educational psychologists because it points out our differing opinions and provides some basis for us to understand our differences concerning specific issues in teacher education reform.  相似文献   

Since the origins of mankind, hygiene and education have been linked. However, the emergence of the hygienist movement in the mid‐nineteenth century, the social transformations and educational changes related to the schooling process that took place in that century and in the first decades of the twentieth century, and the scientific study of infancy all encouraged the rise of associations, the creation of new professions, the holding of congresses, the proliferation of publications and the enactment of legal provisions. Covering the last decades of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, this paper provides a brief historical review of the complex process of convergence between hygiene and education, the influences and repercussions that the reception of international hygienist trends had on the school setting, its impulses and resistances, its signs and the breadth of its applications. Attention is focused mainly on some of its most noteworthy repercussions, such as the buildings and spaces dedicated to schools, the distribution of school time, the teaching of hygiene in teacher training and primary education, and the creation and encouragement of certain initiatives in non‐formal education. The extent to which the intensification of the link between hygiene and education influenced the modernization process of the Spanish educational system is shown.  相似文献   

通识教育不仅仅是一种教育理念,更是一种教育行动。在世纪之交掀起的通识教育热潮渐渐趋于平静,这为我们冷静地进行思考提供了良好的契机。本文从永恒主义教育思想与通识教育的比较入手,认为应确立以理智培养为持久的教育目标,在不同阶段不同类型的学校实施不同水平的通识教育;正确处理好围绕学生获得发展中的各种关系,构建师生相互适应的课程体系,灵活加以实施;着眼于学生、社会、国家、世界未来的发展进行评价,以持久地推动我国的通识教育行动。  相似文献   


This article addresses the labour market effects of two rather different forms of vocational education, full‐time education with practice periods that have no employment status versus dualized education with an emphasis on continuous on‐the‐job/in‐service training and employee status for the apprentice. Although most developed countries know both forms of vocational education, these usually have clearly different positions in a qualitative (standardization of curricula and degrees) and a quantitative (cohort shares) sense. The Netherlands present an interesting case, because in this country both systems coexist and contribute largely to the vocational training of each new generation. That provides a good opportunity for investigating differences in the labour market effects of these ‘treatments’ in vocational education. In this article, differences in labour market careers (i.e. the chances of getting promoted or getting unemployed) between graduates from full‐time vocational education and from the dual system are explored, using event history analysis. The results show that graduates from full‐time tracks have higher chances of getting promoted. However, the period of transition to the labour market is very unstable, involving job shifts and periods of unemployment. Graduates from the dual system on the other hand experience a more stable period of labour market entry. At the same time their careers often involve many dead‐end jobs, from which no promotion takes place. Moreover, they have difficulty in transfering their skills to other sectors than the sector for which they are trained.  相似文献   

Initial teacher education provides a strategic opportunity for ensuring that all teachers are ready and able to teach for sustainability when they begin their teaching careers. However, it is widely recognized that this strategy has not been used to its full potential. Efforts in education for sustainable development (ESD) at this level have tended to engage with prospective teachers and teacher educators already interested in this area of learning—preaching mostly to the converted. This paper reports on a study undertaken by the Australian Research Institute of Education for Sustainability (ARIES) for the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage, which sought to appraise the models of professional development underpinning a range of initial teacher education initiatives. Its intention was to learn from these experiences and identify effective models for mainstreaming ESD in pre‐service teacher education. Three main models of professional development were identified: the Collaborative Resource Development and Adaptation Model, the Action Research Model and the Whole‐of‐System Model. The paper concludes by arguing that a systemic approach that engages the whole of the teacher education system is necessary if ESD is to be successfully mainstreamed in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

新世纪中国迎来了新的发展机遇,这为教育体制改革和观念更新提出了新的研究课题,学校德育工作要适应中国改革开放和现代化建设的新形势,全面落实“以德治国”的基本国策,牢固树立并不断加强法制观念、时效观念、竞争观念、信息观念及诚信观念。  相似文献   


Modern communication technology is being applied increasingly by post‐secondary systems throughout the world to deliver a variety of learning experiences to people residing at a distance from the main campuses of institutions of higher education. The implications of this phenomenon for the future development of post‐secondary education have yet to be assessed. At present, distance education activities at many institutions are perceived by scholars, as well as administrators, to be of lesser importance and appendages of the primary functions of the academic community. Such a myopic vision of the future is inconsistent with the incremental changes in organizational structures, delivery systems and administrative procedures occurring in many post‐secondary systems to accommodate a more personalized form of higher education. This article examines the impact which experiments with satellite communication have had on the organizational structures of a Canadian provincial university system. The findings derived by this exploratory analysis suggest that co‐operation, collaboration and communication are going to be essential elements of resource management, programme planning and knowledge delivery in post‐secondary systems by the 21st century.  相似文献   

From the perspective of art education, the worst‐case philosophical scenario is the hedonist‐subjectivist account of art. If we measure art by the pleasure we gain from it, it may seem senseless to attempt teaching the reception of art. David Hume's ‘Of the Standard of Taste’ provides an argument for the art‐education enthusiast, explaining that—even on a subjectivist account—art education crystallises our own preferences. While I refer to a historical debate and provide a close reading of an 18th‐century essay, my goal is to offer a philosophical solution to an ongoing dilemma; I use Hume's essay to ground the justification of art education.  相似文献   

Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) can be viewed as opportunity structures for students underrepresented in STEM. By opportunity structures, we mean an education that provides not only access to high quality STEM curriculum and instruction or “opportunity to learn,” but also the capacity to create learning environments where students can build STEM social capital and the dispositions, knowledge, skills, and networks to be successful in STEM college majors and careers. This is a cross‐case analysis of case studies that describe the design and implementation of eight “exemplar” ISHSs. Beginning with 10 hypothesized critical components, we found evidence for all 10, but present in unique patterns of prominence, depending on the school context. Further inductive analysis located an additional four emergent critical components that complete the picture of how these successful ISHSs were able to achieve their goals. Importantly, across schools, four components stood out as foundational: a flexible and autonomous administrative structure; a college‐preparatory, STEM‐focused curriculum for all; well‐prepared STEM teachers and professionalized teaching staffs; and supports for students in underrepresented groups. Although many of the critical components found in the ISHSs are also found in the school reform literature, these schools also had characteristics unique to STEM education. This paper is important in understanding STEM high schools as opportunity structures and as a school reform alternative that can help solve equity and social mobility gaps in STEM.  相似文献   

In line with the principles of the Bologna Process, teacher education systems across Europe are converging along a common path. Taking the Republic of Ireland (Ireland) as a case study, this paper examines the European agenda in relation to teacher education and asks how individual nation states are coping with the demands of greater comparability and compatibility. It suggests that while structurally, teacher education in Ireland has undergone significant reform in order to conform to a wider European agenda, significant gaps remain in existing teacher education policy particularly in relation to continuous professional development which will, if not addressed, impede Ireland’s capacity to adequately prepare teachers for the challenges of the twentieth‐first century.  相似文献   

Education is in need of reform, and the development of the sciences of mind and brain are candidates to contribute to the renovation of the way people are instructed and of the tools that mediate learning. Knowledge‐ and evidence‐based approaches to education put forward the fact that educational systems are inadequate to provide an answer to the challenges of the 21st century and claim that education should be guided by scientific principles rather than by intuition and professional wisdom only (or, worst, by tradition). This is because sciences that are capable of shedding light into learning process have dramatically advanced during the last half‐century and, still more meaningfully, during the last 20 years. The time has come for a new science of learning to rise, which is structured around cognitive and neuroscience, investigates topics that stem from educational problems, and rests on rigorous forms of in‐laboratory and in‐vivo evaluation.  相似文献   

The article discusses contributions towards female higher education made by a group of women whose views on gender roles were conservative, rather than feminist or suffragist. Four women's conservative ideals and interconnected work for women's education are reviewed in the context of late Victorian Oxford. This study is prefaced by a discussion of historical literature on women's higher education which concludes that twentieth century feminist historians have sometimes downplayed the role of reformers who deliberately disassociated women's educational reform from the advance of gender equality. A study of conservative reformers complicates definitions both of feminism and anti‐feminism, and provides an important reminder of the broader intellectual and political contexts which produced them both.  相似文献   

新世纪之初,全国职业教育工作会议的召开及《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》的发布,社区教育在全国的普遍开展及现阶段教育重点的确定,为我国职业教育发展带来了双重机遇。各级各类职业学校要认清形势,把握机遇,深化改革,加快发展。  相似文献   

The diversity of fieldwork education models and practices ranges from mandatory to voluntary, from graded to ungraded, from paid to unpaid spectrums and they vary in length from less than a week to up to one year. Colleagues who work in the same university but in different schools, faculties or campuses are often so busy working within their discipline‐specific arena that there seems to be little opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other disciplines about fieldwork education programs. This paper provides a report on a project that trialled and evaluated an online debate with university staff about fieldwork education issues. The aims were to establish a sustainable university‐wide fieldwork education discourse, to break down profession‐specific silos, to inform the development of university‐wide fieldwork education benchmarks and to foster fieldwork education leadership through online debates. The findings demonstrate that, collectively, participants shared a wealth of experience and wisdom that remained largely untapped at a university‐wide level. Participants’ evaluation highlighted the perceived value of creating a communicative space for a fieldwork education discourse and it exposed aspects of the online environment and time constraints as its biggest barrier.  相似文献   


Racial desegregation in higher education is taking on a new direction as the twenty‐first century approaches. The Brown v. Board of Education decision brought down legal racial barriers to segregated education, and this landmark US Supreme Court ruling was implicitly intended to apply to higher education as well. The positive changes for African Americans in removing racial barriers contributed significantly to the civil rights movement and opening avenues of opportunity. Yet, there has always been a fundamental tension between the removal of the vestiges of racial segregation to create equal educational opportunity, and the activist stance of addressing historical and current discriminatory educational policies. This is evident in the recent higher education desegregation and affirmative cases as the Federal Courts advocate the colour‐blind interpretation of higher education desegregation law and educational policy, while African Americans argue in favour of the enhancement of the public Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the explicit use of race as a form of diversity. This article examines the salient positions and racial identity politics surrounding this tension. I also argue that broader issues of racial control and power need to be addressed by educational institutions, the courts and the larger society in the debate about race, social justice and the removal of the vestiges of segregation.  相似文献   

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