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连珠是文学性和逻辑性相融合的一种古代文学体裁。学界的探微主要集中在连珠文体的界定、渊源和流变、逻辑推理特征以及陆机《演连珠》五十首的探讨等四个方面。而南北朝连珠亟待更深入地研究。  相似文献   

This exploratory study was conducted in an introductory biology course to determine 1) how students used the large lecture environment to create their own learning tasks during studying and 2) whether meaningful learning resulted from the students' efforts. Academic task research from the K–12 education literature and student approaches to learning research from the postsecondary education literature provided the theoretical framework for the mixed methods study. The subject topic was cell division. Findings showed that students 1) valued lectures to develop what they believed to be their own understanding of the topic; 2) deliberately created and engaged in learning tasks for themselves only in preparation for the unit exam; 3) used course resources, cognitive operations, and study strategies that were compatible with surface and strategic, rather than deep, approaches to learning; 4) successfully demonstrated competence in answering familiar test questions aligned with their surface and strategic approaches to studying and learning; and 5) demonstrated limited meaningful understanding of the significance of cell division processes. Implications for introductory biology education are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 245 business studies students (115 females and 130 males) responded to the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI). Consistent with earlier studies, the purposes of the present study were (i) to examine some of the psychometric properties of the RASI; (ii) to investigate whether the RASI was predictive of academic success; and (iii) to investigate the effects of gender, age and programme of study on approaches to studying. The data were analysed using principal components factor analysis. The resulting fit of the RASI subscales to the hypothesised structure was good, thus providing support for the notions of deep, surface and strategic approaches and the lack of direction and academic self‐confidence orientations. The reliability of the ‘lack of direction’ subscale was low. The RASI's ability to predict academic performance investigated using a range of learning performance measures. These data were further analysed in terms of degree programme. Subjects’ mean scores on each of the scales were analysed in terms of age and gender. This revealed a number of significant effects. These findings, and the use of the RASI, are discussed in terms of their implications for the requirements for increased learner autonomy in further and higher education.  相似文献   

This article takes up the question of whether the approaches to study adopted by Australian students and overseas Chinese students differ. Participants in the study consisted of 202 first‐year Australian students and 248 first‐year overseas Chinese students drawn from two Australian universities. The students were tested using the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI). The data obtained from the two groups were subjected to factor analysis (with orthogonal rotation). For Australian students, a four‐factor structure in studying approaches, which accounted for 55.6% of the total variance, was obtained. The factors were: Meaning Orientation; Non‐Academic Orientation; Anxious‐Rigid Orientation; and Goal Orientation. For the overseas Chinese students, a four‐factor structure in studying approaches which accounted for 52.8% of the total variance was obtained. The factors were: Anxious‐Surface Orientation; Self‐Motivated Reflective Orientation; Efficiency Orientation; and Comprehension Orientation. Although Cattell's (British Journal of Psychology, II, 1949, pp. 134–138) salient similarity sindex indicated some resemblance between the factors obtained for Australian and overseas Chinese students, confirmatory factor analyses failed to confirm a common factor structure in approaches to studying for both groups. It is concluded that the studying approaches of first‐year Australian and overseas Chinese university students are summarized by somewhat different factor structures. Several implications of the research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

学风是保障教学质量的基础,教风是良好学风形成的关键.为人师表、严谨治学、关爱学员、严谨精业、尚教奉献的优良教风,不仅是增强教学效果、提高教学质量的保证,同时也是一种隐形课程,教育和影响学员的重要教育资源.  相似文献   

高师学生认知方式的比较与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知方式是指个体对信息和经验进行组织和加工时所表现出来的个别差异,是个体在感知、记忆和思维过程中经常采取的习惯化的态度和方式。对不同专业、不同生源、不同性别的高师生认知方式的场依存性和场独立性特征进行比较研究,从而揭示出高师生认知方式的个别差异。  相似文献   

Richardson's short‐version of the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) was administered to psychology students at the commencement of the semester of study. This inventory seeks to indicate the degree to which students employ a reproducing (i.e., surface,) or meaning (i.e., deep,) approach to learning. Scores for meaning orientation did not predict academic performance in any way, while there was a very small negative relationship between reproducing orientation and academic achievement. The internal reliability of subscales within meaning and reproducing orientation were not satisfactory.  相似文献   

概述了国内有关心理负荷的研究,提出运动心理负荷假设定义、模式和研究方法,评价了个体在体育运动课业中心理的变化,为科学地进行体育运动课业提供理论依据。  相似文献   

建设学习型企业的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从建设学习型企业的必要性入手,提出了转变思想观念、搞好组织指导、强化培训教育、不断调整目标、塑造企业文化等建设学习型企业的措施。  相似文献   

赵佳 《时代教育》2010,(6):78-78
By analyzing the learners'characteristics and their learning style,we can draw the conclusion in our teaching preparation that:"The best methods are therefore those that supply'comprehensible input'in low anxiety situations.containing messages that students really want to hear.These methods do not force early production in the second language,but allows students tO produce when they are"ready",recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input,and not from forcing and correcting production."(Krashen,1987)  相似文献   

对学习障碍原因探究的方法学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对学习障碍问题的研究受到越来越多的学科领域的关注。本文从方法论的角度探讨了医学、心理学和教育学领域对学习障碍原因研究的成就和不足,借以强调从研究方法上加强对学习障碍问题的整体性和异质性研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to analyse the relationship between approaches to learning (deep, strategic, and surface), cognitive style, motives, and academic achievement. A sample of 192 undergraduate psychology students with a mean age of 21.7 years participated. Motives and styles were related to the three approaches to learning in theoretically meaningful ways. Moreover, approaches to learning were found to predict academic achievement, while styles and motives only had indirect effects on achievement. Among the approaches to learning, the deep approach unexpectedly did not predict achievement, while the surface and strategic approaches as expected significantly predicted achievement.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of different kinds of curriculum, the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) and a short form of the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) were administered to 225 2nd-year students at six different schools of occupational therapy. Their curricula were classified as problem-based, subject-based or hybrid. Their scores on the scales of the CEQ and ASI were closely related, insofar as they shared more than half of their respective variance. Problem-based curricula were associated with higher scores on the scales of the CEQ concerned with appropriate assessment and emphasis on independence. With the ASI, problem-based curricula were associated with lower scores on all of the scales concerned with a reproducing orientation, and with higher scores on the scale concerned with a deep approach. These findings suggest that the implementation of a problem-based curriculum has desirable effects on the quality of learning, and these are at least in part mediated by students' perceptions of their academic environment.  相似文献   

A short version of the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI), commended as a ‘quick and easy’ means of assessing student learning, was administered to two groups of students at the University of the South Pacific. Measures of its internal consistency and test‐retest reliability were comparable with those obtained in European research, but were not wholly satisfactory. Moreover, its factor structure was found to be qualitatively different in this context and constituted by different forms of motivation for studying in higher education. It is concluded that approaches to studying are culture‐specific and, in particular, that one should be cautious about using this version of the ASI in systems of higher education in non‐Western countries.  相似文献   

潘懋元先生不仅是一位著名的教育理论家,而且是一位优秀的教师、一位优秀的教育活动家,在长期的教育管理实践、科学研究和人才培养过程中,形成了鲜明的学术风格和治学特色,表现为:持之以恒,勇于创新,敢为天下之先;透视古今,贯通中外,学术底蕴深厚;远见卓识,眼光深邃,体现战略思维;源于实践,服务实践,善于捕捉前沿;深入浅出,由博返约,平实中见深刻;教学相长,教研结合,在互动中精进。  相似文献   

让研讨式教学焕发出更强的生命力   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
时代的发展对大学教学提出了新的要求,教学改革成了21世纪大学所面临的重要课题。湖南师大历史系郭汉民教授提出的研讨式教学为大学教学改革树立了一个光辉的典范,然而要让研讨式教学焕发出更强的生命力,还需要一系列的外部支持性条件。  相似文献   

The study undertook to identify the constructs in Approaches to Studying in a Malaysian higher education context by using factor analysis. These constructs were compared with those in other contexts. The study was undertaken in a Malaysian public university and the subjects of the study were distance learners and on‐campus learners from three disciplines: social sciences, sciences and business administration. A questionnaire comprising items taken mainly from the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI) was used. The results indicated the presence of the two main orientations to studying (a meaning orientation and a reproducing orientation) in the Malaysian distance and on‐campus learners. These findings were consistent with those in other studies. The study also suggested the association of positive and negative connotations with both memorization and syllabus‐boundedness in the Malaysian context.  相似文献   

一切写作对象只有六类:人、事、景、物、情、理。散文无所不包,便有了相对应的记人、叙事、写景、状物、抒情与议理等六大类散文。本文从创作角度对散文品类的样式美加以论述。  相似文献   

关于学生学习风格的研究,在国际上比较流行的理论和方法有很多,运用尼尔.弗莱明(Neil.Fleming)的VARK模型调查了两所高职院校学生学习风格,并对相关数据进行了分析。全面了解高职学生学习风格的总体倾向,对高职思想政治理论教学具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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