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Some children learn to read accurately despite language impairments (LI). Nine- to 10-year-olds were categorized as having LI only ( n  =   35), dyslexia (DX) only ( n  =   73), LI + DX ( n  =   54), or as typically developing (TD; n  =   176). The LI-only group had mild to moderate deficits in reading comprehension. They were similar to the LI + DX group on most language measures, but rapid serial naming was superior to the LI + DX group and comparable to the TD. For a subset of children seen at 4 and 6 years, early phonological skills were equally poor in those later classified as LI or LI + DX. Poor language need not hinder acquisition of decoding, so long as rapid serial naming is intact; reading comprehension, however, is constrained by LI.  相似文献   

This article describes the challenges encountered by a teacher educator and self-study practitioner as he attempted to facilitate a group of colleagues in learning about and engaging in self-study over a two year period. While competent in conducting self-study for himself, the author had never before tried to teach it to others. This led to teaching experiences in which the author grappled with his decision-making across three critical facets of his pedagogy. The findings of this self-study indicate that it is possible to broadly categorize these dilemmas in decision-making as instructional challenges, relational challenges, and methodological challenges. Uncovering and discussing these challenges gives those involved in the self-study of teacher education practices community an opportunity to consider how such dilemmas might be navigated beneficially to advance understanding and use of self-study methodology by others.  相似文献   

我们总是不断地在做出决定和进行选择,决定一件事情是否该做,是否值得做;选择我们认为重要的,放弃我们认为不重要的。而这个过程往往是艰难的、痛苦的。我们会反复地衡量得与失,理性地分析对与错。也许只有当我们静心独处,仔细倾听内心的声音的时候,才能做出一个不会后悔的选择。  相似文献   

Mr.Jones was very angry with his wife,and she was very angry with herhusband.For several days they did not speak to each other at all.One eveningMr.Jones was very tired when he came back from work,so he went to bed soonafter dinner.Of course,he did not say anything to Mrs.Jones.before he wentupstairs.Mrs.Jones washed the dinner things and then did some sewing.Whenshe went up to bed much later then her husband,she found a piece of paper on  相似文献   

They Never Stop     
Mother:Billy,Ivetoldyouagainandagainnottointerruptwhenadultsaretalking.Youshouldwaittilltheyfinish.Billy:Ihavetriedtodoasyoutoldme,Mum,buttheyjustneverstop。They Never Stop@江河  相似文献   

Inquiry learning environments increasingly incorporate modelling facilities for students to articulate their research hypotheses and (acquired) domain knowledge. This study compared performance success and scientific reasoning of university students with high prior knowledge (n = 11), students from senior high‐school (n = 10), and junior high‐school (n = 10) with intermediate and low prior knowledge, respectively, in order to reveal domain novices’ need for support in such environments. Results indicated that the scientific reasoning of both groups of high‐school students was comparable to that of the experts. As high‐school students achieved significantly lower performance success scores, their expert‐like behaviour was rather ineffective; qualitative analyses substantiated this conclusion. Based on these findings, implications for supporting domain novices in inquiry learning environments are advanced.  相似文献   

It be     
It be经常见,越是简单越有用。谈论天气用着它,“It's going to snow.”说到时间要用它,“It's tim e to leave.”距离远近也用它,“It's far to get there.”情况程度也用它,“It's difficult to learn.”举一反三学下去,水到渠成功夫深。注释1.It's going to snow.天要下雪了  相似文献   

It Depends     
One day a doctor went to a store and bought a pair of shoes. Before he left the store, he asked the salesgirl, "How long will this pair of shoes last?"  相似文献   

It Depends     
Mabel is a beautiful girl. She likes allkinds of clothes, but didn't put her heart intoher lessons when she was at school. With herfriends' help, she finished middle school,butshe learned little there. Of course, she can't doany important jobs and now she's a salesgirl(售货员)in a shop.She has to work there buthopes to find a better one. Several days ago the girl quarreled(吵架)with her boyfriend. So the following morning  相似文献   

What Are They?     
1.Meow,meow,Icancatchamouseinthedark.2.Jiou,jiou,Icanflyupanddowninthesky.3.Oo,oo,Icancrow(鸣叫)earlyinthemorning.4.Quack,quack,Icanswimquicklyonthelake.5.Wolf,wolf,Icanlookafterthehome.6.Moo,moo,Icanplough(用犁耕地)hardonthefarm.Guess,guess,whatarethey?征答案:reKeys:1.cat(猫)2.bird(鸟)3.cock(公鸡)4.duck(鸭子)5.dog(狗)6.cow(牛)What Are They?@逍遥…  相似文献   

我喜欢蓝色,蓝的天; 我喜欢黄色,黄太阳; 我喜欢白色,白的云;  相似文献   

How Old Are They     
  相似文献   

Who Are They?     
小动物们在排队做操。大象教师要找两个小朋友,请你帮他找出来吧!A.He is the king of theforest.He wears a cap.B.He is in front of Dogand behind Panda.A is_____.B is______.上期答案:Daniel will go to the ciname.Mark will go to the post office.Mum will go shopping.Henry will go to school.Rose will go to hospital.小画家画了一幅画,但是谁也不知道他画的是什么,请按照他的要求把画涂上颜色,并回答问题。1is black.2is red.3is yellow.4is blue.5is pink.6is green.7is brownQuestions:1.What are they in thepictur…  相似文献   

Peter,anAmericanboy ,ispayinghisfirstvisittoParis.Hesetsoutto  1 somefamousplacesinthecitywithafriend .Whentheycome  2 theEiffelTower(埃菲尔铁塔 ) ,Peteraskshisfriend ,“Howlongdidittaketobuildthistower?”“Twoyears,”sayshisFrenchfriend .“Twoyears ?”shoutsPeter,“Wecan  3 itjustinsixmonthsin  4 city.”Thetwo  5 attheTriumphalArch (凯旋门 )whenPeterasksthe  6 question .Afterhehearsthatittooksixmonths ,hecan’thelp  7  .Hetellshisfriend ,“Weonlyneedonemonthtodothejob .”…  相似文献   

It这个词在初中英语中出现比较多 ,现就它的基本用法归纳如下 :一、代词it1、指人以外的一切生物或事物 ,无阴阳性之分。如 :Haveyouseenmywatch ?Yes,itisinthedesk .你看见我的表了吗 ?看见了 ,它在书桌里  相似文献   

小小的it看似不起眼,可它在英语中的作用非常大。纵观历届高考试题,对it用法的考查主要集中在以下几个方面。  相似文献   

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