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挑战与出路:特色型大学的发展之路   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
行业性大学在长期的行业办学过程中,形成了明显的行业性学科优势,建立了紧密结合需求的办学模式.在新的形势下,加强特色型大学建设,对于促进我国高等教育的分类指导和特色化发展,具有重要的现实意义.本文从历史和现实的多重角度,分析了加强特色型大学建设的重要性和客观现实性,并对特色型大学如何做好定位以及改善特色型大学的发展环境提出了具体的建议.  相似文献   

Mentoring, as an arrangement for academic and professional development in higher education, is a relatively recent innovation. Planned and structured collegial support has been seen to serve two functions, these being of a compensatory and nurturant kind. The case study, reported here, is distinctive in that it discusses research mentoring in an institution undergoing significant academic restructuring. The nature of the project was one in which the mentor/mentees relationship was developed in recognition of the participants being peers but having experienced different academic histories. The process was seen to be a generative one which passed through four stages: initiation; cultivation; separation and redefinition. The study is coauthored by all participants in the process and can be represented as reflexive inquiry as it captures the growing awareness and insightfulness of each person playing out his or her roles. In this sense, then, the paper is a reflective evaluation of the process rather than an account of research in progress.  相似文献   

路径与机制:大学如何培育和发展特色学科   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特色是大学的生命所在,而学科是大学培育和发展特色的着力点。培育和发展特色学科的路径是多元的,不同类型和层次的大学应从实际出发进行理性的选择。  相似文献   

There is nothing more exciting for a school than taking on a new name that is more reflective of what the institution has become. Many schools have changed names from “College” to “University” or have been renamed for prominent individuals. On August 28, 2005, Southwest Missouri State University officially became Missouri State University. This change was 20 years in the making and did not happen without a tremendous amount of effort on the part of administrators, faculty, students, alumni, and many elected officials at all levels of government. Though seemingly a simple thing, implementing the name change was anything but. This case study explains the steps taken to complete the transition, including the important branding decisions made along the way. It also provides a detailed guideline for other schools facing similar challenges.  相似文献   

In the changing higher education environment, universities increasingly engage in areas outside the traditional teaching and research missions. The new missions extend over wide yet specialized areas, such as technological advancement, internationalization, entrepreneurship, and enhancement of teaching and learning. To effectively handle these areas, universities require specific talents that may not be found in conventional academic and administrative cadres. The transformation highlights blurred boundaries between academic and non-academic spheres of the university. Situated in the University of Hong Kong (HKU), this paper explores how the university utilizes new professionals and administrative staff in new missions. Qualitative interviews with university staff reveal their profiles and perceptions in evolving organizational structures. By examining understudied subjects in Hong Kong, it discusses implications of changing university staff and how universities may optimize their new talent.  相似文献   

本案例中,大学的规章制度与组织结构规定了参与旧房改造项目相关决策的群体和机构以及做出相关决策所需要的步骤与程序,也规定了不同群体在这一决策过程中的不同地位和可能拥有的资源,甚至是他们的决策倾向;旧房改造项目的冲突根源在于计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型过程中大学内部出现的不同群体的利益分化,但值得注意的是,这些不同群体的利益冲突却是以质疑相关环节上决策者行为的合法性为中心展开的,而关于合法性的争议则更多地涉及了对相关行为的价值意义的解释.  相似文献   

罗广军 《成人教育》2019,39(5):39-43
新时代,社会大众多样化、个性化的教育需求和继续教育改革需求为开放大学建设带来了机遇。在开放大学建设过程中,政策的模糊性给电大系统整体转型带来了困惑,办学定位、办学模式和管理体制的转变给开放大学建设带来了挑战。开放大学应该担负起大学使命,发挥自身的开放性、区域性和系统性优势,明确"大学、体系和平台"三者综合定位,在服务定位、人才培养、资源整合、理念确定等方面着力,进而更好地为终身教育体系和学习型社会建设服务。  相似文献   

This article reports on a 3-year case study of the introduction of computer-supported collaborative activities in a previously traditional lecture-based law course at a large North American research university. The evolving design of the activities is described, as well as the students' and professor's reactions to the new learning environment. Results show that students perceived that the new emphasis on skills was valuable, and that the collaborative learning activities contributed to their learning of content and technical skills as well as teamwork. Implications for design of such activities as well as factors to consider are presented, for instance, any changes must be considered systemically, with evaluation and workload being key components.  相似文献   

丽水是浙西南欠发达地区,在发展区域经济的过程中,应立足区域现状,并充分考虑各种可能的区域发展理论和思路。本文结合丽水经济的实际发展现状,分析了传统的区域发展理论、产业集群理论等相关区域发展理论,并根据丽水经济发展实际提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

金融业的健康发展对国民经济发展具有直接的影响,在中国金融业发展过程中,产生了金融集聚现象,而金融集聚与区域的经济增长紧密联系。本研究以安徽省1996—2016年数据为基础,利用区位熵模型对新常态下金融集聚与区域经济增长的关系进行分析评价。结果表明:(1)安徽省金融产业集聚程度要低于全国水平,区位熵值仅处于0. 5左右,金融集聚能力有待加强。(2)安徽省金融行业中银行业集聚对于经济增长的推进力度最大。(3)安徽省应该把握好新常态下经济增长的规律,及时调整对金融行业中不同产业的扶持力度,推进金融产业市场化改革,优化产业服务,向金融大省迈进。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Tony Becher, Professional Practices: Commitment and Capability in a Changing Environment  相似文献   

互联网技术的发展,使得当今社会发展更为迅速,知识的积聚和更新与日俱增。如何在社会快速发展的环境中教授《数学物理方法》课程,是一个重要且有意义的研究问题。本文较为详尽地论述这一课程教学方面的一些改革与尝试,以期为进一步提高课程教学质量提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

基于2013年中国大陆31个省级行政区传媒产业发展数据,考察了地区经济环境和人文环境对当地传媒产业发展的影响。回归结果表明,从经济环境分析,人均GDP和城镇化率对当地传媒产业经营收入影响不显著,而城镇居民年人均可支配收入对当地传媒产业经营总收入有显著的正向影响;从人文环境分析,传媒核心受众人数对当地传媒产业经营收入有显著的正向影响而媒介消费时长对当地传媒产业经营总收入呈负相关。说明我国传媒产业的发展力主要来自于其核心受众的社会消费力1。  相似文献   

浅议如何发挥图书馆在高校学生思想政治教育中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场经济的发展和高等教育的改革。大学生的人生观和价值观发生了变化,高校大学生的思想状况出现了许多问题。鉴于此,加强大学生的思想政治教育非常必要。本文分析了高校图书馆在思想政治教育中的独特作用。进而提出了加强图书馆思想政治教育功能的措施。  相似文献   

建设生态文明是党的十七大报告提出的全面实现建设小康社会的奋斗目标,为全面推进社会经济和环境可持续发展指明了方向。联系环保工作,结合邯郸市推进生态文明情况,对生态文明建设面临的挑战和推进生态文明建设的构想进行分析和探讨,提出笔者的拙见,以供参考之需。  相似文献   

基于环境与资源双重约束的我国区域经济增长效率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来我国经济快速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就,但也带来了环境恶化、资源短缺等严重问题。在考虑能源和环境的双重约束后,我国经济增长效率从高到低依次为东部、东北、中部和西部地区;共同技术比率从高到低依次为东部、西部、中部和东北地区;东部地区可通过提高自主创新能力、调整产业结构等进一步提高经济增长效率,而东北和中西部地区存在较大技术改善空间,可通过提高技术水平来改善经济增长效率。  相似文献   

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