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Lifelong Learning in the European Union: whither the Lisbon Strategy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article traces the Lisbon strategy back to the White Paper issued by President Jacques Delors in 1993 on Growth, Competitiveness, and Jobs as the launching point for the structural reform agenda needed to turn around the massive unemployment crisis and proposing a combination of policies for the structural reform of the labour market and stability‐oriented macroeconomic policies designed to stimulate economic growth. The centrality of education and training in the Lisbon strategy is seen as key to the lifelong chances of every citizen linked to the need for Europe to compete on the basis of a knowledge‐based economy if it is to maintain its high social standards. Describing the first years of the Lisbon strategy as ‘a stuttering start’, the mid‐term stock‐taking which offered European leaders the opportunity to fine‐tune or radically modify the strategy is analysed. The article highlights the paradox that, although human capital is claimed to be Europe's most precious resource, there is inadequate focus on the weakest aspects of current systems. It also focuses on policy and financial levers which need to be mobilised within Member States as well as the implications for national budgets. It suggests the prioritisation of a small number of areas on which to concentrate efforts and echoes the Council calling for a ‘quantum leap’ in the ambition of the EU to ensure that the necessary follow‐up is given to meet the challenges. Finally, a strong argument is put forward to take steps to move towards a unified set of proposals for lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Public libraries in Europe have supported lifelong learning for the past 500 years. Since the Lisbon Strategy emphasized the role of lifelong learning in economic policy, public libraries have been repositioning their services to respond to this new context. In some cases, these roles are undertaken with limited legislative or strategic changes and stagnant levels of funding. As a result, the sector receives little recognition of its role in lifelong learning amongst policy-makers. A consortium representing 12 EU countries, ENTITLE, was formed to increase awareness of the role public libraries play in this area. It undertook a survey amongst its members to scope relevant policies, strategies and evaluation efforts. This paper presents an analysis of this survey. It shifts the focus away from debates about the instrumental value of libraries. Instead, it explores the role that evaluation plays in policy implementation. It argues that participatory evaluation can help reduce conflict and ambiguity amongst the stakeholders involved in delivering symbolic implementation of policies. So far, however, current evaluation efforts in most ENTITLE countries have played a limited role in supporting coordination and, for some countries, may in fact remove resources away from more effective development efforts, including pedagogical training.  相似文献   

欧盟教育合作中终身学习理念演进探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1957年欧盟开始教育合作到1971年合作关系确立,再经过20世纪80年代不断发展完善,直到20世纪90年代初期,欧盟提出终身学习的理念,通过签署相关条约,推进教育计划和项目,终身学习理念在欧盟合作框架下逐渐从理念付诸于实践。  相似文献   

The economic and social forces that are rapidly remodeling the world require increased skills in our workforce to maintain European competitiveness. Personal commitment and motivation are the key to this objective, but to obtain them from the large number of individuals as required by the European economy, harmonized changes in the organization of companies and institutions, in the social attitudes to the learning process as well as a wise use of available research and technology need to be made. The European Lifelong Learning Initiative believes that lifelong learning concepts can be used to inspire, guide and encourage these activities.  相似文献   

The article examines the impact of social change, transformation and globalization on adult education and lifelong learning in post-communist Russia. It begins with a brief economic and historical background to adult education, followed by an analysis of policy and curriculum changes. Current issues and trends in adult education are also discussed and a new post-hegemonic paradigm is proposed.  相似文献   

焦春林 《成人教育》2009,29(6):27-29
过去的10余年里,我国在有关终身教育、终身学习与学习型社会的教育政策领域内取得了很多突破性进展。该文系统地回顾了10余年里有关终身教育、终身学习与学习型社会的政策的变化历程。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代起欧盟的教育与培训政策,可以分为<罗马条约>后时期、<马斯特里赫特条约)后时期以及<里斯本总结>后时期三个时期,不同时期内的欧盟教育培训政策的法律基础、指导原则、主要执行方式对成员国的教育和培训系统产生不同影响.50年来,在经济利益的驱动下,欧盟在教育与职业培训方面的职能通过一系列的条约与政府间协议得到了不断的增强.但一些当前的迹象也显示,欧盟各成员国考虑到各自的利益,执行欧盟教育培训政策的步调并不一致.  相似文献   

丹麦终身学习政策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了推进终身学习、建设学习型社会,丹麦政府制定并实施了一系列发展终身学习的政策.本文系统阐述了丹麦的终身学习政策,并对其特点、成效和问题作了分析.  相似文献   

1997年以后英国终身学习的政策及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国②是成人教育的发源地之一,英国的终身学习也因此有着得天独厚的发展优势.然而,从官方层面来讲,英国终身学习的大发展是在1997年以后.通过出台一系列教育政策,英国政府试图建立一种终身学习文化,构建学习化社会.本文通过阐释英国1997年以后践行的终身学习政策及其实践,挖掘英国教育政策中终身学习的真正内涵,分析英国终身学习政策和实践所存在的问题.  相似文献   

英国的终身学习政策述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了推进终身学习,建立学习型社会,英国政府制定并实施了一系列发展终身学习的政策.本文着重分析了英国工党政府的终身学习政策及其特点,并对其作了一些评价.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,加拿大政府制定并实施了一系列推动终身学习的政策,包括制定法律文件、提供经费保障、完善技术支持、建设学习载体、支持处境不利群体、开展相关研究等.本文对此进行综述,并在此基础上作出评价.  相似文献   

挪威终身学习政策制定有其特定的社会与政治背景、经济与劳动力市场背景以及人口与文化背景.在这些背景下,政府出台了一些终身学习政策的具体措施,包括颁布有关终身学习的法律与文件、建立终身学习的经费保障机制、健全完善终身学习体制、开展终身学习的创新与科研活动、提供终身学习的技术支撑等.从这些政策举措中可以看到挪威终身学习政策具有其鲜明的特点.  相似文献   

通过对新西兰终身学习政策的主要特点及其取得的成效进行归纳和分析,探讨这些政策对构建我国终身学习体系的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation undertaken in six European countries on the theme of adults' involvement in the cultural life of their communities. A particular focus was placed on the role of keyworker and how such individuals provide a link between museums and communities. The survey team gathered information from museums on the nature and extent of provision for adult learning and the degree to which keyworkers had a part to play. It was subsequently found that most museums made no special provision for adult education although this pattern varied across countries. In those cases where some form of provision was made its quality had not been assessed. One outcome of the survey is that a small majority of museums do make use of keyworkers acting in a wide variety of roles. It also revealed that keyworkers lack sufficient training and support.  相似文献   

OECD国家终身学习政策与实践分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文阐述了OECD及OECD国家的终身学习理念,介绍了20世纪90年代以来OECD国家终身学习发展现状和相应的终身学习政策,并对各自的终身学习政策与实践进行了评价。  相似文献   

欧洲终身学习指标体系包含终身学习支柱、终身学习的社会经济效益两个部分,每一部分又包含维度、指标、测量尺度三个结构层次。该体系通过采用定性描述和定量测量相结合的方法,实现了终身学习的量化和具体化,有助于欧盟各成员国准确定位并客观监控和评价终身学习的实施现状,为各国决策者科学制定终身学习政策提供依据。这一指标体系对于我国终身学习的发展亦不乏借鉴作用。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代至今,新自由主义已从一种经济学理论成为西方国家主导的政治意识形态,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)等一些国际组织的终身学习政策在新自由主义政策的影响下,呈现出单纯追求市场收益的发展趋势,而这种发展趋势背离了联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)制定终身学习政策的人文主义价值追求。终身学习政策的发展和学习型社会的建立要走出新自由主义造成的困境,有待回归其人文主义价值追求。  相似文献   

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