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随着终身学习理念的日渐深入,学习支持服务体系的研究也随之升温。用户模型作为构建个性化终身学习芰持服务体系的核心部分也越来越受到国内外研究者的普遍关注。本文从领域相关和领域无关禹方面,综合考量丢口识水平、认知能力、学习兴趣、学习风格和学习偏婷五个维度,提出了一套面向个人终身学可的数字化学习服务模式中的用户模型的构建方案,并对该用户模型各维度进行了概念界定、详述了该用户模型各维度的表示方法及判定与修正方法。  相似文献   

文章首先对网络学习者个人知识管理及混搭社会性软件的内涵进行分析,探讨社会性软件与个人知识管理的关系,最后引入混搭的理念,旨在混搭社会性软件的基础上构建适于网络学习者的的个人知识管理模型。将社会性软件混搭可以为个人知识管理提供一种新的理念,同时让网络学习者感受Web2.0时代带来的用户体验。  相似文献   

当前关于教师专业化发展途径的研究中,研究者多趋向于集体培训、理论研习和教师教育课程建设等外在因素.这无疑是很重要的.但在全新的教育教学理念与实践背景下,关于如何促进教师自主专业发展的相关机制与方法仍然缺乏研究.针对上述现象,本论文从教师专业化发展现状及其存在的问题入手,首先论述了教师在全新的教育背景下所应具备的个人知识结构及其实践特性,然后基于个人知识管理理论与实践建立了一种教师个人知识管理模式,并就其内涵与应用进行了阐述.  相似文献   

全民终身学习:电大远程教育发展的新机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,城乡学习者对教育具有多样化的需求。电大教育面临这一重大发展机遇.应正确处理远程教育办学与服务的关系,促进高等学历教育与非学历教育培训、远程教育服务与办学的协调发展.满足全民终身学习的需要。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of teaching adult learners who are going through difficult economic and political times. Lessons are learned from Shakespeare's King Lear. Humor is at the same time both a powerful educational tool and a course content that can be used to highlight tragic social realities. Through thoughtful laughter, humor comforts people. On the one hand, humor eases tension. On the other hand, humor intensifies tension by exposing harsh realities in a comic way. Hence, humor can be used as an instructional tool to facilitate learning about complex issues and tragedies both inside and outside the classroom (formal education), the community (informal education), and the workplace (non-formal education and human resource development).  相似文献   

In our continuously changing society, a need for updating one’s skills and knowledge puts pressure on safeguarding the labour market position of low-qualified employees. However, prior research and official statistics show that employees with a lower level of education tend to participate less in training than highly-educated individuals. This limited participation is associated with employers offering fewer opportunities to low-qualified employees, but also with the fact that low-qualified employees themselves might be less willing to participate. In other words, their learning intentions are assumed to be weaker and more restricted than the learning intentions of highly-educated employees. The article reports on a quantitative survey research on the learning intentions of 406 low-qualified employees. The results showed that employees who participated in formal job-related learning activities during the last 5 years had a stronger learning intention than those who did not. Next, the results of the stepwise regression showed that self-directedness, financial benefits, self-efficacy, and autonomy were significant positive predictors of the learning intentions of low-qualified employees. Also, the limited number of possibilities or opportunities to learn was not significant. The results indicated that a learning intention can lead towards the participation in learning activities, but participation is not merely initiated by offering opportunities for learning. Organisational aspects such as job autonomy and financial benefits can stimulate the learning intention of an employee. Finally, regarding the socio-demographic variables, only limited differences were found. In short, employees with no educational qualifications and a full-time contract had the lowest intention to learn.  相似文献   

The imperatives for lifelong learning in South Africa are driven by its reinsertion into the global economy and by the social and political necessities of equity and redress after the years of colonialism, segregation and apartheid. It is therefore not surprising to find the discourse of lifelong learning infused into new policy documents. Utilizing Belanger's framework, which argues that lifelong learning is not a norm to prescribe but an empirical reality to analyze and reconstruct, the contexts for lifelong learning in South Africa are surveyed by focusing in on the state of initial education, adult education, and the learning environments. The framework, which acknowledges the daily lived realities of women and men, is a helpful way of retaining an holistic and integrated vision of lifelong learning and its humanistic, democratic goals. For lifelong learning in South Africa to deepen for more than a small group of well-educated, mainly urban, formally employed people, the author concludes that initial education, adult education and the learning environments of all the people will have to be improved. If this does not happen, then at least two polarized 'lifelong educations' will result.  相似文献   

The article examines the impact of social change, transformation and globalization on adult education and lifelong learning in post-communist Russia. It begins with a brief economic and historical background to adult education, followed by an analysis of policy and curriculum changes. Current issues and trends in adult education are also discussed and a new post-hegemonic paradigm is proposed.  相似文献   

采用问卷、观察与访谈相结合的方法,对幼儿园团体学习中教师个人知识管理策略的运用现状进行调查,结果表明,在各级各类的团体学习活动中,教师运用个人知识管理策略的意识淡薄、管理策略数量十分有限、管理策略比较原始粗糙等现象普遍存在,这导致团体学习效率和质量不高.园本教研的有效性与实效性因此受到影响.  相似文献   

南非终身学习政策展现的是文本理念上的繁荣,实施中几乎狭隘地停留在技能、将职业培训整合进正规学校教育之中.这与南非将终身学习等同于终身学校教育,推展终身学习就是发展职业教育的认识有着密切关系.终身学习政策是一项教育政策,忽视教育的根本目的将会使终身学习政策走上异化之路.  相似文献   

The knowledge society is alive and well with adults engaged in unprecedented high levels of formal schooling, continuing education courses and informal learning. The 'knowledge economy', however, is still illusory. There is serious underemployment of people's learning capacities in current workplaces. This underemployment has several dimensions: the talent use gap; structural underemployment; involuntary reduced employment; the credential gap; the performance gap; and subjective underemployment. This article documents both extensive lifelong learning and massive underemployment in Canada and the USA. I suggest that this gap can be adequately addressed not by still more emphasis on lifelong learning, but rather by substantial economic reforms.  相似文献   

本文回顾并重新审视了全球移民时代背景下的世界全民教育,旨在构建一个有利于实现社会公正和教育平等的更为包容的世界全民教育途径.通过使用来自中国和加拿大的国内和国际移民个案,对移民及其子女教育的政策和实践进行比较,发现在两国背景下存在的共同问题和挑战.尽管中国的九年义务教育法面向所有的学龄儿童,但流动人口子女并没有享有平等的学习机会,从而导致他们成为中国教育最边缘化的群体.加拿大个案则表明一些移民先前学习和工作经历在获得认可方面遇到挑战.应制定一个全面的、包容性的终身教育框架,来确保通过提供平等的学习机会以及认可先前的学习和经验来满足青年和成人学习者的学习需要.通过该比较分析所获得的经验教训对2015年后世界全民教育的修订具有重要意义.  相似文献   

终身学习理念与日本当代社会教育的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终身学习是当前日本教育改革的中心课题之一,而与之联系最为密切的是日本社会教育。本文从日本终身学习产生的背景及基本理念、终身学习体系中社会教育的地位、日本振兴终身学习事业对社会教育产生的影响等三个方面,来论述日本终身学习理念与当代日本社会教育的关系。  相似文献   

经过硬环境建设的高校信息化,正在形成一种新认识——人本管理。基于人本管理的周期更迭、治理效率、服务模式和学习型组织是高校信息化建设成功的保证。而当前的信息文化、教育治理形态、人文环境、服务意识和信息人才方面忽略了人本管理的隐性推力,严重阻碍了高校信息化的发展。破解难题,唯有立足于人本管理,从配套的信息文化、软实力理念入手,搭建网状多层级治理结构,重视人的主体价值、利益保障、激励措施和服务能力,开发培养多元化信息人才,才能带动高校信息化的良性发展。  相似文献   

在新一轮的基础教育课程改革中,对知识观的理解直接影响到对新课程的解读。本文首先对现代知识观以及现代课程观进行阐述,在此基础上对后现代知识观和后现代课程观进行解释、比较,最后说明课程观转型对教育体制改革的影响。  相似文献   

史秋衡  张妍 《教育研究》2021,42(9):93-103
终身学习话语是国家教育治理战略与价值的系统呈现.改革开放以来,我国终身学习话语体系经历了基于教育开放战略的话语导入期、基于经济增长战略的话语深化期、基于民生可持续发展战略的话语创新期.经过四十多年的探索,我国已经形成了独具特色的终身学习话语体系,体现了激励号召、目标导向、彰显民生及建构终身学习话语权的时代价值.面向中国特色社会主义新时代,为进一步强化话语体系的中国特色,及其在服务全民终身学习的教育体系建设实践中的重要作用,终身学习话语体系的转换急需以服务全民终身学习总体要求为目标,强化导向价值;以中华终身学习思想为指导,强化激励价值;以全民终身学习制度建设为抓手,强化民生价值;以中国特色终身学习理论为核心,提升国际话语权.  相似文献   

大力发展非学历教育考试,积极搭建终身教育新平台,促进学习型社会的形成,已成为高等教育自学考试改革与发展的重要内容,也是时代发展的必要。江西省通过改革实践,促进非学历教育考试发展,积累了初步经验和做法。调动考试机构行业协会的积极性,广泛地组织生源,这是发展非学历教育考试的核心。  相似文献   

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