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This article compares the school-level education policies of the Labour-led coalition government elected in New Zealand in late 1999 with those of New Labour in England. It illustrates that the policies being introduced by the Labour coalition have been generally less managerial and market-oriented than New Labour's even though neo-liberal pressures are likely to constrain what appears to be a shift to the left in New Zealand. The difference between the two settings is explained through reference to party political and contextual factors and policy and research implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文从劳动对象、劳动工具、劳动过程、劳动方式、劳动技巧、劳动范畴、劳动信息和劳动价值等方面论述了新时期教师劳动的特点。  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of an edited version of a Keynote Presentation delivered at the 2006 AUA Annual Conference at Queen’s University Belfast on 11 April. The first part was published in perspectives 10.3 in July 2006.

In the Presentation Sir David commented on three areas of unfinished business with which New Labour has struggled; in the first paper he considered the funding and organisation of the sector, and concluded with the question: ‘What will this mean for expansion and fairness?’; this paper concentrates on participation and social justice, and higher education and the public interest.  相似文献   

The essay does not seek to add to the scholarly literature on UK higher education, so much as to give a sympathetic account of the dilemmas confronting a progressive government of almost any political stripe and especially one that faces the constraints of New Labour. It begins paradoxically by pointing out that serious investment in higher education requires an extension of Sure Start rather than Foundation Degrees, accepts that no government can wait 16 years for its plans to come to fruition, and examines some familiar issues about funding, quality management and the nature of ‘mass’ as opposed to ‘élite’ systems of higher education. Like some recent writers (Alison Wolf and Ewart Keep and Ken Mayhew most notably), the author is sceptical of the claimed productivity benefits of an expansion of higher education and even more doubtful than they whether in the long run degree‐level qualifications will retain their value even as a positional good.  相似文献   

This paper is the first part of an edited version of a Keynote Presentation delivered at the AUA Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast, on 11 April 2006. The second part will appear in the next issue of perspectives.  相似文献   

David Blunkett's Greenwich speech (2000) set out what have become the main themes of New Labour's engagement with higher education, themes which were elaborated in the recent White Paper ( DfES, 2003a ). This paper draws attention to the dilemmas and paradoxes which arise from the difficulties of simultaneously satisfying the objectives which were set out in the aftermath of the 2001 general election, and from the trade off solutions and policies actually identified. The most fundamental conflict is between the desire to expand the system and the costs of that expansion. The author also identifies a conflict between institutional diversity and hierarchy and between exclusionism and accessibility. The paper concludes by suggesting that exclusionism is still alive and well under the government of a party that still has ‘Labour’ in its title.  相似文献   

文章首先简单介绍了英国基础教育经费的来源,并在此基础上分析和概括了当前英国地方教育当局的基础教育拨款制度的现状和特点,希望能对我国基础教育拨款制度的完善有所启示。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of teacher education policy during the first two terms of the New Labour government. It argues that there is substantial evidence to support the claim that during their two terms of office, New Labour forged a policy on teacher education that was distinctively different from the Conservative administrations that preceded them. Like the Conservatives, they have seen the maintenance of a competitive market as essential for the governance of the system. But beyond that, they have significantly moved away from a concern with individual professional formation; individual professional formation has been seen as far less critical than it was, especially at the level of initial training. In the lives of young teachers, the state now provides far greater direct guidance than ever before in the definition of effective teaching, learning and assessment in both primary and secondary schools. And at more senior levels, opportunities for extended professional development are increasingly focused on and achieved through the school as an institution. Teacher education itself is no longer seen as a key site for the ‘re‐formation’ of professionalism. As a result, teacher education is no longer accorded the key political significance that it had under the Conservatives. In this sense, New Labour policies mark ‘the end of an era’.  相似文献   

商品价值是由生产商品的社会必要劳动时间决定,而不是由均衡价格决定,价值的本质是计量社会劳动的工具,是社会公平分配的依据。随着时代发展,创造商品价值的劳动不能单纯限定在物质生产部门,凡是有利于增加社会福利的活动都创造价值,都应依据其一般劳动耗费而取得相应的利益回报。  相似文献   

从提炼情节、塑造人物到锤炼语言,从生活到艺术,毕生的辛劳使托尔斯泰攀登上了世界艺术的巅峰。从某种意义上说,他的创造态度比他的作品本身更上有现实意义。  相似文献   

针对上海轨道交通18号线下盐路站出入口不具备接收顶管机条件,须进行弃壳施工及脱壳后由于作业空间狭窄,模板支架无法安装、混凝土浇筑困难、接头防水要求高等技术难点,阐述了矩形顶管脱壳关键工艺及混凝土浇筑关键施工技术,为今后类似工程施工提供了可靠的技术经验.  相似文献   

工匠精神的本质内涵是崇技尚德,它深刻展现着劳动价值观。践行工匠精神可以使劳动者深入理解劳动的本质,充分体会与理解劳动的价值,培养正确的劳动观与社会价值观,为劳动提供强大驱动力。工匠精神是推动社会发展的重要动力源泉,也是践行社会主义核心价值观,实现伟大中国梦的重要价值理念。  相似文献   

我国劳动立法在劳动合同违约责任方面的缺失,使得市场经济条件下劳动合同功能的实现难以得到保障.并且实践中不利于保护劳动者和用人单位的合法权益。建立我国劳动合同违约责任制度需要注意劳动合同违约责任的涵义、构成要件、违约责任的形式以及免责条件四个方面的问题。  相似文献   

劳动合同违约责任是劳动合同的一方当事人不履行合同债务或其履行不符合约定或法律规定时,对另一方当事人所应当承担的民事责任.其构成要件也应包括违约行为、损害后果、因果关系及主观过错.而违约责任的形式,由于劳动合同的特质,为有效保护劳动者的合法权益,我国立法宜规定为损害赔偿和有限继续履行两种,至于违约金与定金不宜适用于劳动合同.  相似文献   

生态女性主义关注的是父权制世界观对妇女的统治和时自然的统治之间的关系.E.M.福斯特的<霍华德庄园>通过时来自不同社会层次的三个家庭之间的关系与纠葛的描写探索了二元思维方式的展现与消融,价值等级观念的存在与打破以及统治逻辑的破除与建构,呼吁推翻父权制世界观,解放自然和女性,从而体现了作者的生态女性主义思想.  相似文献   

本文提出了现代工会组织团队精神的定义,分析了现代工会组织团队精神内涵中应当具备六种精神和五种观 念,并初步建构了“求实创新超越”的现代工会组织团队精神。  相似文献   

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