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试析现代大学理念   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
自现代大学产生以来大学理念一直在发展变化之中。在变革迅猛的今天,伴随大学职能的演变,大学理念也在不断丰富和发展。现代大学理念应包括以下几方面的内容:坚持以人为本。促成学生的可持续发展;学术至上与学术责任的有机统一;服务社会,引领社会发展;国际化与民族化的有机统一。  相似文献   

大学是一个常论常新的命题,大学的内涵、理念、制度和使命既有其历史的承载和积淀,更有它时代的催发和灌溉。当今大学不仅是教书育人的顶级专门教育机构,同时也是启智化民的必备社会有机构件;大学教育不仅追求学生的德才兼备,更崇尚学生的身心和谐;大学管理不仅讲究学校领导的正确决断,更注重教育专家的积极参与;大学使命不仅在于培养身怀绝技的能者,更在于锻造锐意进取的强人。  相似文献   

大学教师服务学生初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,大学教师服务学生的意识淡薄,服务质量和水平还较低。然而作为一名大学教师,其主要职责是为学生服务。为此,大学与大学教师应当转变思想,树立服务学生的理念;提高教师素质,增强服务学生的能力;搞好教育教学工作,落实服务学生的理念;建立有效机制,提升服务学生的质量。  相似文献   

芬兰的大学入学资格考试是检测高中学生学习与发展的重要手段。其成绩是学生升入大学的主要参考依据之一。大学入学资格考试委员会对考试全权负责;考试内容上重视语言的学习;学生最多可以分三次完成资格考试:对答卷的评价采取等级制。  相似文献   

阐述了开设“大学数学”的意义、目的、作用、必要性;阐述了开设文科“大学数学”课程中存在的教材、教学问题以及学生在学习过程中存在的问题;对如何更好地落实文科大学数学的教学目标提出了几点建议:帮助学生树立大学数学学习的自信心,激发他们学习的兴趣;结合文科学生的特点,优化教材内容;转变教学观念,改进教学方法和教学策略.  相似文献   

提高大学英语教学质量的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于诸方面的原因,我国大学英语教学存在着投入多、产出少的现象。为了尽快改变这种状态.应编写高质量的、适合多种层次学生学习的大学英语教材;努力探索以学生为中心的英语课堂教学模式;着力优化英语考试的内容和形式;建立科学、公正的大学英语教学评估标准。  相似文献   

印度大学对处境不利群体学生的有关保护政策中央教科所李建忠关键词:大学处境不利群体保护在印度,处境不利群体学生大致分三类:(1)表列种姓(SC)和表列部落(ST)学生;(2)身体上有残疾的学生;(3)其他落后阶层的学生。印度大学实施的对处境不利群体学生...  相似文献   

使学生能用英语交流信息,是大学英语教学质量观的核心所在。依据《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本)要求,结合实际制定教学方法;合理使用现代化教学手段;进行科学的测试,以及切实保证大学英语教学四年不断线,是提高教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

大一新生初来乍到,总有部分学生感到困惑、迷茫.甚至是不知所措:大学到底是怎么一回事?自己应该怎么度过大学期间的美好时光?与高中相比,大学里学生自己支配的时间突然增多,如果处理不当,学生就会产生大量时间不如该如何配置的念头;教师和学生的关系也不再像高中那样密切:教师亦不再事事耳提面命;学习的目标同样不再似高中那样单一、明确:高中的目标独一无二,即考上大学,到了大学学生仿佛突然失去目标反而难以适应。笔者认为新生首先应该明白的是,大学是做什么的,也就是从功能的角度上讲,大学的内涵是什么;然后才能进一步了解,在大学应该做什么。  相似文献   

大学在学习社会所面临的挑战与因应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
未来的社会必然是一个学习的社会。大学在此社会环境将如何应变?扮演何种角色?值得关注。本首先探讨学习社会的意义与本质,其次指出学习社会对大学的挑战,包括①门户开放;②成人学生大量涌入大学;③非正规教育加入学习提供的行列,与大学展开竞争;④开设工作有关的课程及增加通识课程;⑤改变数学方式等。因此,造成了大学功能的转变。大学的调适与因应之道,包括:①改变入学方式,放宽入学条件以应成人学生入学的需求;②调适课程内容;③采取多样化的教学方式与管道;④开设成人取向的学位课程;⑤调整教师职员的角色与观念。  相似文献   

‘Leeds University is recruiting its first marketing director – one of a new breed in the sector, equivalent in status to pro vice‐chancellors…According to Leeds, the marketing director will be the “guardian of the brand”’ (Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 July 2004)

‘A brand revamp…is on the cards for Anglia Polytechnic University…[with] marketing work to develop the university’s reputation in a few high‐quality disciplines.’ (Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 August 2004)  相似文献   

The Times has been a pioneer in the publication of university league tables in the United Kingdom as an aid to the application process for young people seeking to select the most appropriate course programmes and institutions. It published its unified league table for the first time in 1993. The Times Higher Education Supplement, a weekly newspaper under the same ownership, has complemented The Times operation by publishing simultaneously the data on which The Times ranking is based. These data are intended specifically for consumption by a readership drawn from among academics and administrators in the universities and other higher education institutions of the country. The underlying philosophy of The Times/The Times Higher Education Supplement operation is to reflect the greatest degree of objectivity using publicly available and verifiable data as proxies for measures of performance across a range of criteria. The methodology is subject to continuous review in consultation with the universities.  相似文献   

本文在简要分析《美国新闻与世界报导》和英国的《泰晤士报》对世界知名的大学评估与排名(最新版)的基础上,对照我国大学评估的历史与现实,对我国大学评估与排名工作及中国大学的发展应该借鉴国外先进经验的方面提出了初步的建议.  相似文献   

《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》世界大学排名研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》2004年和2005年世界大学排名的数据进行了全面系统地考察,深入地分析了其排名方法、指标和结果,并从中剖析了该排名对中国高等教育的意义,最后,通过该排名来观照和反思清华大学的办学实践,提出了清华建设世界一流大学的战略和措施。  相似文献   

Despite disagreement about their validity, reliability and effects, international rankings of universities have become widely used by students and higher education institutions. This article compares three international rankings of universities and analyzes, based on the academic literature, the extent to which they assess relevant aspects of teaching and research and whether these aspects are measured adequately. We study the Academic Ranking of World Universities published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the World University Ranking published by the British magazine Times Higher Education Supplement and the Excellence Ranking published by the German Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE). The analysis is based on the academic literature about these international rankings and the publications by the rankings’ publishers. We draw conclusions about the design of rankings and develop further research questions.  相似文献   

Research and teaching: symbiosis or conflict   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lewis Elton 《Higher Education》1986,15(3-4):299-304
Existing research into correlations between teaching and research in higher education is criticized for its inadequacies, which readily account for the uncertainty of the results obtained. Arguments are then presented to show that for such a correlation to exist it is necessary for it to be mediated through scholarship. The extent to which this effect is subject dependent is discussed. Finally the conclusion is reached that there is a strong case for continuing the present practice of pursuing teaching and research in the same institution, to the mutual benefit of both.A shortened version of this paper appeared in the Times Higher Education Supplement, 18.10.1985, p.17.  相似文献   

The Times Higher Education Supplement was the first newspaper to publish an international ranking of universities in November 2004 Jobbins, D. 2002. The Times/The Times Higher Education Supplement – League Tables in Britain: An Insider's View”. Higher Education in Europe, 27(4): 383389. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. This article describes the evolution of the international rankings from their origin in a limited peer review exercise through the gradual refinement of a national ranking based on, as far as possible, publicly available, verifiable, and accepted data. The author describes the methodology of the international ranking and presents the case for the integrity of commercially produced rankings, national and international, which can be as objective, robust, and transparent as initiatives from within the university community itself.  相似文献   

This paper will examine the Times Higher Education's (THE) World University Rankings as a corporate media product. A number of empirical studies have critiqued the methodology of the THE, yet individuals, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and governments continue to use them for decision-making. This paper analyses the influence of rankings through the concepts of mediatization and visualisation. To this end, this paper will examine how media defines excellence in HEIs through rankings, and how HEIs use rankings to define themselves within a competitive educational marketplace.  相似文献   

The many achievements of the Educational Foundation for Visual Aids and the National Committee for Audio-Visual Aids to Education, under the leadership of the late Dr J A Harrison from their inception until his death last year, might lead many ‘Educational Media’ leaders to think that the audio-visual movement in Education was essentially a postwar development. That this is not so is evidenced by the fact that more classroom teaching films were being made in Britain n i each of the years 1934—39 than are being made today! There were annual conferences organised by the British Film Institute and the Educational Handwork Association; there were frequent articles on the subject and reviews of new films in Sight & Sound, World Film News, The Schoolmaster, The Times Educational Supplement, British Journal of Photography, even one on Schools' television etc, and several books had been published: ‘The Cinema in Education’ in 1925, ‘Report on Educational and Documentary Films’ by the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1930; ‘The Film in National Life’ 1932; ‘The Film in the Classroom’ 1932; ‘The Cinema in School’ 1933; ‘The Film in the School’ 1935; etc.  相似文献   

This article will review and evaluate the response of academics working in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK to the experience of teaching quality review. It will do so by gathering the viewpoints and opinions of academics from a particular source over a specific time period: the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) between January and August of 2001. Before presenting and then evaluating these viewpoints, the paper will discuss the development of teaching quality assessment methodologies in UK HE within the context of the increasing importance and embededness of quality assurance and enhancement values and processes within the practices of HEIs. It is argued that this is both a recent and contested phenomenon. The article finds that the concerns of academics with the teaching quality review exercise fall under a number of headings: (1) administrative/cost burden; (2) grade inflation/gamesmanship/ organisational learning; (3) elitist bias within the system; (4) system impact of quality review; (5) reliability of the system; and (6) philosophical objections to the system. The implications of these concerns are discussed. The article's conclusion is that if academics are not convinced of, or do not actively support, the values and methodologies associated with teaching quality review, then there is little chance that these will either produce accurate or meaningful assessments of teaching quality, or act as a spur to the quality enhancement of this aspect of individual and institutional activity. This is an important point within the context of the recent review of the Quality Assurance Agency's Subject Review methodology, and the new institutional audit methodology.  相似文献   

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