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This article seeks to analyse and draft an ethical framework of governance in the area of higher education and science. To this end, a distinction is made between ethical challenges as such, and preventive measures and remedies. An outline of ethical challenges to both higher education and science and governance is provided, addressing the quest for knowledge; conflicts with dignity and violations of academic equality; and failures in policing, responsiveness, and the balancing of aspirations. This outline is followed by proposed remedial or preventive ethical frameworks of governance, namely the cultural integration of governance and ethics, and the management of ethics and risk prevention.  相似文献   

西方治理理论述评   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
全球化引起人类社会政治过程的重心正从统治走向治理 ,治理理论很快被运用于分析社会、政治、经济、文化等各种现象 ,成为理解当代社会现实的一种重要而有益的方法工具与分析框架。本文对西方治理理论的兴起、治理的基本界定及其特点等问题进行了深入而详尽的介绍与分析。  相似文献   

职业院校治理是国家治理的组成部分,治理能力的强弱决定了新时代高职教育人才供给质量。基于汤因比“挑战—应战”理论模式,高职扩招100万对原有治理对象、治理理念、治理结构提出了巨大挑战,高职院校必须在新的逻辑起点上做出适应性应战,遵循主体多元性、手段现代性、空间联动性、目标一致性的治理原则,通过综合运用优化结构、创新模式、健全机制等治理手段,构建多元化、信息化、民主化的“三位一体”现代治理格局,推进治理能力现代化,保证扩招后人才培养质量。  相似文献   

This paper explores the emergingapproaches to the governance and management ofinstitutional change at South African higher educationinstitutions. The discussion firstly locates theseapproaches within the broader context of the newgovernance framework that is contained in the newhigher education legislation, and in particular theemerging forms of institutional governance that thishas spawned. The paper then describes and discussesthe challenges facing institutional leaders in shapinghigher education organisational change in the light ofthe transformation challenges that arise from theimplementation of the new legislation.  相似文献   

大数据时代,教育治理面临新的机遇和挑战,如何使大数据与教育治理有机结合,促进教育治理现代化,是一个全新而重要的时代命题。数据驱动的教育治理现代化是指以与教育治理有关的数据为核心,通过利用大数据技术、资源、政策等,构建政府、学校与社会的新型关系,实现教育治理数据与教育治理业务的全面深度融合,发挥多元教育治理主体的积极性,进而提升教育治理水平。就实践框架而言,数据驱动教育治理现代化需考虑三个层次(宏观国家教育治理、中观区域教育治理和微观学校教育治理)、四个环节(教育决策、教育执行、教育监督和教育评估)、三大目标(底线目标、重要目标、终极目标)和N类数据(人口、教育、经济、医疗卫生等)。就现实挑战而言,当前我国数据驱动教育治理现代化仍然面临相关制度不健全、治理主体数据素养低、专业人才匮乏、平台条件不完善、研究薄弱等问题。为此,我国应实施制度优化工程、数据素养提升工程、基础平台建设工程、研究引领工程、治理模式改革工程等五大工程来切实推进和实现数据驱动的教育治理现代化。  相似文献   


This paper explores the emerging approaches to the governance and management of institutional change at South African higher education institutions. The discussion firstly locates these approaches within the broader context of the new governance framework that is contained in the new higher education legislation, and in particular the emerging forms of institutional governance that this has spawned. The paper then describes and discusses the challenges facing institutional leaders in shaping higher education organisational change in the light of the transformation challenges that arise from the implementation of the new legislation.  相似文献   

Tertiary education in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is in a critical state, as the sector struggles to address increased demand for student places with severely curtailed capacity. Recent thinking about improving public services in PNG has emphasized “whole of sector” or collaborative governance. Such an approach in tertiary education has the potential to improve the sector’s outcomes within its existing resource constraints. This exploratory paper examines the challenges involved in applying a deliberate collaborative governance approach to tertiary education in PNG. In particular, two theoretical models of collaborative governance are employed to gain insight into possible issues through the consideration of four main criteria: power, incentives, history, and leadership. The paper shows that the challenges to introducing collaborative governance to PNG tertiary education are substantive, and that any effective effort will require committed leadership and a carefully measured strategy that acknowledges the country’s particular circumstances.  相似文献   

基于中国人民大学复印报刊资料《成人教育学刊》近十年收录文献,使用文献研究法,发现近十年我国成人教育领域研究热点分布呈现矩阵化,分别是以成人高等教育、继续教育、老年教育和社区教育为核心的终身教育形式研究,以终身学习、学习型城市和学习型社会为核心的终身教育理念研究,以学分银行和国家资历框架为核心的终身教育体系支持制度研究,以开放大学、广播电视大学和MOOCs为核心的远程教育研究。横向分析发现研究维度聚焦于价值取向研究、跨国比较研究、治理变革研究和质量监测与评价研究。结合政策的变迁将研究热点的演变路径划分为三个阶段,分别是:2010—2012年处于终身教育体系建设持续推进时期,2013—2017年处于信息化时代成人教育供给侧改革与融合创新时期,2018—2020年处于成人教育向现代化转型的治理变革时期。最后从成人教育学科理论框架进行系统构建,基于成人教育学研究方法的实践探索及面向积极老龄化问题和终身学习体系构建问题着力研究三个方面对我国成人教育研究的走向进行深入思考。  相似文献   

从治理的经济学和政治学渊源出发,在整体上探讨了国外大学治理研究的代表性观点,发现其中组织的视角具有重要地位。在理论层面,运用“人及其思想”的研究范式,主要从理念、目标、结构和制度、机制、主体以及文化六个层面系统梳理了我国大学治理研究的代表性观点。在实践层面,概述了我国构建现代大学制度的政策框架。在此基础上,形成了一个关于大学治理研究的三维多层框架,其中,三维是指宏观、中观和微观三个研究维度,多层是指以文献和实践为基础形成的多层次分析结构。该框架有助于进一步深化以知识增长为目标的大学治理研究。  相似文献   

大学治理离不开全球治理的国际政治环境,西方"逆全球化"动向与中国人类命运共同体战略形成价值张力,大学治理模式出现新的可能性。人类命运共同体是中国全球化战略的理论和实践支点,为讨论大学治理全球化提供了思想资源。理论上的大学治理全球化存在统一模式,但不是当前模式的任何一种。中国大学治理模式"强政府"的制度特征和兼容并蓄的文化基因为全球大学治理提供了更多可能性。人类命运共同体是中国大学治理全球化的实践逻辑,为大学治理全球化提供了在组织、国家和全球层面的治理框架:构筑以信任为特征的大学内部治理,构筑以提升大学治理能力为核心的大学外部治理,构筑以人类命运为支点的大学治理全球化。  相似文献   

美国高等教育协会组织是高等教育中不可忽视的力量.本文在对协会组织基本样态进行描述的基础上,阐述了不同理论视角对协会组织的不同定位,提出以治理理论的视角来考察协会组织,将协会组织定位为高等教育的治理者之一,从而全面综合了协会组织的各种功能.  相似文献   

This paper describes a self-study research project that focused on our experiences when planning, teaching, and evaluating a course in initial teacher education. The theoretical framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) was used as a conceptual structure for the self-study. Our understanding of the framework in relation to our teaching practice was in focus. The principal educational goal of the course was to develop the pedagogical use of web 2.0 resources to support learning in the preschool/school context. As a result, the focus, content, form of distribution, teaching, and assessment of the course went beyond what is common in initial teacher training in Sweden. The potential of the different digital tools was explored by situated use in the design and teaching of the course. Analysis highlights the challenges and opportunities that teacher educators and student teachers may encounter while working with, and learning about, information and communication technologies to support learning. Some of the findings discussed are related to the identified challenges and opportunities for both teachers and students to integrate content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge into a TPACK. Taken-for-granted organizational and institutional assumptions about teaching, learning, and assessment in teacher education were identified in the study.  相似文献   

Adventure expeditions are characterised by their unique temporal and spatial separateness from the quotidian and their exploratory and oft times risky nature. As such they offer a multitude of possibilities in research terms for the inquisitive investigator. Few studies however have considered the researcher’s experience of exploring such settings. Primarily methodological in focus, this paper examines the challenges and management of the adventure-researcher’s multiple roles during a sea kayaking expedition. An expedition observation framework is constructed as a tool to aid the conceptualisation of the field. In a candid and reflexive social commentary, the relative and fluid positioning of the researcher in insider-outsider terms is probed and despite their nuanced differences, the interplay of ethnography and autoethnography in achieving this. The concept of existential authenticity as a complementary theoretical framework is used to illustrate the marginality and liminal nature of the adventure scape and the researcher’s task within it.  相似文献   

根据文献可视化分析软件Citespace对中国知网所收录的“主题”为“乡村治理”的833篇文献进行分析,研究显示,我国乡村治理的研究热点主要集中在乡村振兴、村民自治、三治融合和政策变迁。乡村治理研究的演进趋势表现为乡村治理主体的演变、乡村治理方式的转变、乡村治理内容的扩展。基于此,应夯实乡村治理理论基础,增强学界与实务界的合作,推动乡村治理实践发展。  相似文献   

Renewable energy and building in the People's Republic of China are (besides the transport sector) two of the most challenging areas when it comes to sustainable development yet among the strongest pro...  相似文献   

本文通过回顾法国高等教育研究领域过去40年的发展,以法国高等教育研究的历史和文化背景为基础,以福柯所提出的话语条件为分析框架,揭示法国高等教育研究领域的独特性。首先,通过对比研究者和机构决策者的观点,明确法国高等教育制度与治理的特殊性,并结合背景的变化,界定高等教育研究的边界并梳理这一领域的知识生产现状。其次,重点关注法国公共研究政策改革的特殊性以及改革实施过程中的结构重组,在高等教育研究结构调整与欧洲政策和全球化进程导向相关联的战略框架内,探讨知识和权力结构之间的互动。最后,聚焦于制定和实施有争议的结构改革中机构和教研人员的困境,深入讨论高等教育研究在法国成为一个可被接受的科学研究领域所面临的挑战,包括研究模式如何回应研究语境的期望以及吸引更多研究者参与这一领域的研究工作。  相似文献   

智慧学习、智慧课堂、智慧校园等智慧教育的具象形态,从本质上来说,就是算法学习、算法课堂、算法校园,这也使得算法教育治理日益成为教育现代化进程中不可忽略的研究议题。遵循"技术逻辑→风险挑战→公共政策"的分析框架对算法教育治理进行系统探讨,发现由于数据鸿沟、算法黑箱、效率优先等众多因素的复合影响,导致算法教育存在自我强化偏差、技术控制困境、主体性危机等治理难题,也让教育公平、教育平等、教育效率等传统议题在"互联网+教育"时代显得更加突出。为规避只注重相关关系描述,而不重视因果关系研究的算法给教育带来的风险挑战,可从算法教育基础的数据正义、算法教育程序的合理公开、算法教育结果的有限使用等三个层面开展对算法教育治理的公共政策选择,以更好地推动人工智能在实现发展更加公平更有质量教育过程中的重要作用。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):424-444

This article explores principals' views regarding governance challenges they experience at schools. We conducted focus group interviews with primary and secondary school principals, purposely and conveniently selected from township schools in two Gauteng Province's districts. We found that principals were challenged mostly by having to balance their roles as ex officio school governing body members and their roles as bona fide members of school governing bodies (SGBs). Other challenges found were confirmatory of other school governors' views as reported in numerous studies, related to among others, the specialist nature of governance functions, poor training of school governors, difficulties associated with governor recruitment and unwillingness of parents to serve as governors. There is therefore a need for a re-clarification of the principals' roles, in terms of both their ex officio and bona fide SGB membership with regard to governance in the context of the functioning of the schools. This should include a review of the governing body structure, the re-allocation of specialist functions, customized and needs-based training of school governors and aspects relating to the general functioning of SGBs.  相似文献   

全球数字治理变革推动高等教育领域产生内生性数字治理需求,而厘清高等教育数字治理的构成要素及各要素之间的逻辑关系,是发展、丰富高等教育数字治理理论的重要内容。基于此,文章分析了数字治理对高等教育治理现代化的助力作用,并以三种类型的数字治理构成要素与高等教育治理现代化要求为指导,提出高等教育数字治理构成五要素,即治理目标、治理架构、治理参与、治理工具和治理监测。文章对高等教育数字治理构成五要素进行了详细剖析,阐释了五要素之间的逻辑关系,并分别基于五要素的关键特征提出了应用建议,以期从理论层面探索高等教育数字治理的优化实施,推动高等教育治理现代化的实现。  相似文献   

非政府组织的本质属性和伦理精神,使其成为一种道义性的社会力量。履行应有的伦理使命是非政府组织的价值规范,也是社会各界对非政府组织的共同期许。在此情景下,公共责任成为非政府组织的核心关切。人们对非政府组织公共责任的关注,主要源于其公益性质及行为的“正当性”;而复合性责任概念框架的提出,使得对非政府组织公共责任的探究具有了学理规范。非政府组织公共责任的多维性,使其公共责任机制也具有复合性的特点,需要通过自律与他律的协同治理来实现。  相似文献   

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