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The knee is one of the most frequently injured joints of the human body with injuries affecting the general population and the athletic population of many age groups. Dissection procedures for the knee joint typically do not allow unobstructed visualization of the anterior cruciate or posterior cruciate ligaments without sacrificing the collateral ligaments. In many cases, the relationships of the intraarticular structures are lost as dissection systematically removes superficial structures to gain access to deeper structures. The authors present an alternative technique for dissection of the human knee joint that allows maximal visualization of intraarticular structures such as the cruciate ligaments and menisci with minimal disturbance to the tibial and fibular collateral ligaments, thus preserving the relationships of the ligamentous and intraarticular structures. Anat Sci Ed 2:41–46, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Assessment of the personalities of medical students could enable medical educators to formulate strategies for the best development of academic and clinical competencies. In this article, we focus on the experience of students in the anatomy dissecting room. While there have been many attempts to evaluate the emotional responses of medical students to human cadaveric dissection, there has been no investigation into how different personality traits affect the responses. The main hypothesis tested was that there is a relationship between personality traits and attitudes toward the dissection room. For the present study, a group of French medical students (n = 403; mean age 21.3 ± 1.6; 65.3% female) completed a "Big Five" personality inventory and a questionnaire to assess their attitudes in regard to human dissection. The findings are consistent with our hypothesis, in that we found a relationship between reporting anxiety and four of the "Big Five" dimensions (all except openness). The rated level of anxiety was positively correlated with negative affectivity, more strongly at the beginning than at the end of the course. There were significant gender differences in attitudes toward dissection. The findings are discussed in relation to the possibility of preparing students for the dissecting room experience and also in relation to the students' understanding of mortality issues.  相似文献   

Medical schools in the United States continue to undergo curricular change, reorganization, and reformation as more schools transition to an integrated curriculum. Anatomy educators must find novel approaches to teach in a way that will bridge multiple disciplines. The cadaveric extraction of the central nervous system (CNS) provides an opportunity to bridge gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, and clinical neurology. In this dissection, the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, cauda equina, optic nerve/tract, and eyes are removed in one piece so that the entire CNS and its gateway to the periphery through the spinal roots can be appreciated. However, this dissection is rarely, if ever, performed likely due to time constraints, perceived difficulty, and lack of instructions. The goals of this project were (i) to provide a comprehensive, step‐by‐step guide for an en bloc CNS extraction and (ii) to determine effective strategies to implement this dissection/prosection within modern curricula. Optimal dissection methods were determined after comparison of various approaches/tools, which reduced dissection time from approximately 10 to 4 hours. The CNS prosections were piloted in small group sessions with two types of learners in two different settings: graduate students studied wet CNS prosections within the dissection laboratory and medical students used plastinated CNS prosections to review clinical neuroanatomy and solve lesion localization cases during their neurology clerkship. In both cases, the CNS was highly rated as a teaching tool and 98% recommended it for future students. Notably, 90% of medical students surveyed suggested that the CNS prosection be introduced prior to clinical rotations. Anat Sci Educ 11: 185–195. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

As human cadavers are widely used in basic sciences, medical education, and other training and research venues, there is a real need for experts trained in anatomy and dissection. This article describes a program that gives individuals interested in clinical and basic sciences practical experience working with cadavers. Participants are selected through an open application process and attend sessions focused on anatomical terminology, gross anatomy and radiography, and some of the educational applications of human cadavers. Dissection skills are honed during an intensive, two‐day cadaver dissection and orthopedic workshop. Participants communicate the knowledge they gain through table‐side discussions, reflect upon the experience during a memorial service, and submit written program evaluations. Additionally, the dissection and preparation of cadaveric materials accomplished in this course are used in the medical school gross anatomy course during the next academic year. From 2004 through 2008, the annual number of applicants increased from 40 to 167, and the number of participants increased from 25 to 43 per year. Program participants have represented diverse ethnic, educational, and professional backgrounds. Feedback from participants has been remarkably positive, including comments on the large amount of learning that takes place during the sessions, the positive impact the program has had on career choice, and the desire for program expansion. This program, which could be replicated at other institutions, teaches anatomy, prepares cadaveric prosections for teaching and training others, and encourages participants to pursue careers in anatomical and biomedical sciences. Anat Sci Educ 3: 77–82, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

A simple dissection guide for the conduction system of the human heart is shown. The atrioventricular (AV) node, AV bundle, and right bundle branch were identified in a formaldehyde‐fixed human heart. The sinu‐atrial (SA) node could not be found, but the region in which SA node was contained was identified using the SA nodal artery. Gross anatomical observation of the conduction system is useful for understanding the structure and function of the heart. Anat Sci Ed 2:78–80, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Dissection is a unique multisensory educational experience and is essential to learning the anatomical construction of the human and animal bodies. This study aims to introduce a specialized design for the assessment of dissection and to discuss the assessment's attributes. The design was a product of the “assessment drives learning” concept and was developed to motivate students to dissect. Students were awarded “dissection points” based on prior group dissection and identification of structures. Students' perception of the design was examined, and content analysis was performed. The assessment consisted of two parts: the first assigning each student group structures to “pin” on their previously dissected cadavers; the second was a group peer evaluation. The most critical factor for the assessment's success was careful selection of structures assigned to students to pin. The assessment was fit for the purpose, valid, reliable, and had a significant educational impact. Eighty-three percent of students (n = 116) recommended maintaining the assessment design, as they felt it promoted a deep approach to learning as well as teamwork while reducing stress to a minimum. A strong correlation (Spearman's rho = 0.46, P < 0.0001) was present between the high rating of the design and the number of structures learned, as well as, high rating and lower stress level (Spearman's rho = 0.40, P < 0.0001). There was no apparent influence of grades on student perception of the effectiveness of the assessment. This specific design of evaluation could be used as part of anatomy education in veterinary and medical schools.  相似文献   

Changes in medical education have affected both curriculum design and delivery. Many medical schools now use integrated curricula and a systemic approach, with reduced hours of anatomy teaching. While learning anatomy via dissection is invaluable in educational, professional, and personal development, it is time intensive and supports a regional approach to learning anatomy; the use of prosections has replaced dissection as the main teaching method in many medical schools. In our graduate‐entry medical degree, we use an integrated curriculum, with prosections to teach anatomy systemically. However, to not exclude dissection completely, and to expose students to its additional and unique benefits, we implemented a short “Dissection Experience” at the beginning of Year 2. Students attended three two‐hour anatomy sessions and participated in dissection of the clinically relevant areas of the cubital fossa, femoral triangle, and infraclavicular region. This activity was voluntary and we retrospectively surveyed all students to ascertain factors influencing their decision of whether to participate in this activity, and to obtain feedback from those students who did participate. The main reasons students did not participate were previous dissection experience and time constraints. The reasons most strongly affecting students' decisions to participate related to experience (lack of previous or new) and new skill. Students' responses as to the most beneficial component of the dissection experience were based around practical skills, anatomical education, the learning process, and the body donors. We report here on the benefits and practicalities of including a short dissection experience in a systemic, prosection‐based anatomy course. Anat Sci Educ 6: 225–231. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Cadaver dissection is a key component of anatomy education. Unfortunately, students sometimes regard the process of dissection as uninteresting or stressful. To make laboratory time more interesting and to encourage discussion and collaborative learning among medical students, specially designed tasks were assigned to students throughout dissection. Student response and the effects of the tasks on examination scores were analyzed. The subjects of this study were 154 medical students who attended the dissection laboratory in 2009. Four tasks were given to teams of seven to eight students over the course of 2 weeks of lower limb dissection. The tasks were designed such that the answers could not be obtained by referencing books or searching the Internet, but rather through careful observation of the cadavers and discussion among team members. Questionnaires were administered. The majority of students agreed that the tasks were interesting (68.0%), encouraged team discussion (76.8%), and facilitated their understanding of anatomy (72.8%). However, they did not prefer that additional tasks be assigned during the other laboratory sessions. When examination scores of those who responded positively were compared with those who responded neutrally or negatively, no statistically significant differences could be found. In conclusion, the specially designed tasks assigned to students in the cadaver dissection laboratory encouraged team discussion and collaborative learning, and thereby generated interest in laboratory work. However, knowledge acquisition was not improved.  相似文献   

Increasing number of medical students and limited availability of cadavers have led to a reduction in anatomy teaching through human cadaveric dissection. These changes triggered the emergence of innovative teaching and learning strategies in order to maximize students learning of anatomy. An alternative approach to traditional dissection was presented in an effort to improve content delivery and student satisfaction. The objective of this study is to acquire three-dimensional (3D) anatomical data using structured-light surface scanning to create a dynamic four-dimensional (4D) dissection tool of four regions: neck, male inguinal and femoral areas, female perineum, and brachial plexus. At each dissection step, identified anatomical structures were scanned using a 3D surface scanner (Artec Spider™). Resulting 3D color meshes were overlaid to create a 4D (3D+time) environment. An educational interface was created for neck dissection. Its implementation in the visualization platform allowed 4D virtual dissection by navigating from surface to deep layers and vice versa. A group of 28 second-year medical students and 17 first-year surgery residents completed a satisfaction survey. A majority of medical students (96.4%) and 100% of surgery residents said that they would recommend this tool to their colleagues. According to surgery residents, the main elements of this virtual tool were the realistic high-quality of 3D acquisitions and possibility to focus on each anatomical structure. As for medical students, major elements were the interactivity and entertainment aspect, precision, and accuracy of anatomical structures. This approach proves that innovative solutions to anatomy education can be found to help to maintain critical content and student satisfaction in anatomy curriculum.  相似文献   

The psychosocial impact of human dissection on the lives of medical and health science students has been noted. To assess the impact of the dissection room experience on one's willingness to become a whole body and organ donor, the attitudes of 1,350 students and professionals from the medical, health, and non‐health related disciplines to body and organ donation were studied. The participants were broken into categories according to degree of exposure to human dissection. Participants who were never exposed to the dissection experience showed more willingness to donate their bodies than those who were exposed. With the exception of the physiotherapy department, the students and professionals from the health science departments who were exposed to the dissection room but never engaged in dissection showed the most unwillingness to donate their bodies (P < 0.001). An unwillingness to donate oneself was noted as one of the negative impacts associated with exposure to the dissection room. Willingness to donate an organ correlated positively with the level of exposure to the dissection room (P < 0.001). Most of the reasons for unwillingness were traceable to negative perceptions of the dissection room as a result of poor and disrespectful management of the human cadavers. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 56–63. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Progressive curricular changes in medical education over the past two decades have resulted in the diaspora of gross anatomy content into integrated curricula while significantly reducing total contact hours. Despite the development of a wide range of alternative teaching modalities, gross dissection remains a critical component of medical education. The challenge posed to modern anatomists is how to maximize and integrate the time spent dissecting under the current curricular changes. In this study, an alternative approach to the dissection of the pelvis and perineum is presented in an effort to improve content delivery and student satisfaction. The approach involves removal of the perineum en bloc from the cadaver followed by excision of the pubic symphysis, removal and examination of the bladder and associated structures, examination and bisection of the midline pelvic organs in situ, and midsagittal hemisection of the pelvis for identification of the neurovasculature. Results indicate that this novel dissecting approach increases the number of structures identified by 46% ± 14% over current dissecting methods. Survey results indicate that students were better able to integrate lecture and laboratory concepts, understand the concepts, and successfully identify more structures using the new approach (P < 0.05). The concept of anatomic efficiency is introduced and proposed as a standard quantitative measure of gross dissection proficiency across programs and institutions. These findings provide evidence that innovative solutions to anatomy education can be found that help to maintain critical content and student satisfaction in a modern medical curriculum.  相似文献   

Areas of difficulty faced by our veterinary medicine students, with respect to their learning in dissection classes, were identified. These challenges were both general adult‐learning related and specific to the discipline of anatomy. Our aim was to design, implement, and evaluate a modified reciprocal peer‐assisted/team‐based learning format—Doing Dissections Differently (DDD)—to complement existing dissection classes, with the intention of enhancing both student learning and the student learning experience. Second year veterinary medicine students (n = 193), in their usual dissection groups, were randomly assigned to one of four roles: anatomist, clinician, radiologist, and learning resources manager. Students attended a preparatory workshop outlining the skills required for effective execution of their role. They were then asked to perform their roles throughout five consecutive musculoskeletal dissection classes. Student attitudes to dissection classes before and after DDD were evaluated by questionnaire (146 respondents). There was a significant (P = 0.0001) improvement after DDD in a number of areas: increased perceived value of dissection classes as an anatomy learning aid; improved appreciation of the clinical relevance of anatomy; increased use of resources before and during dissection classes; and longer preparation time for dissection classes. Before DDD, 45% of students felt that at least one peer did not contribute usefully to the group during dissection classes; no improvement was seen in this measure after DDD. Although the new format highlighted a potential need to improve teamwork, most students actively engaged with DDD, with dissection classes valued more highly and utilized more effectively. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The teaching of gross anatomy has, for centuries, relied on the dissection of human cadavers, and this formative experience is known to evoke strong emotional responses. The authors hypothesized that the phenomenon of cadaver naming is a coping mechanism used by medical students and that it correlates with other attitudes about dissection and body donation. The authors developed a 33‐question electronic survey to which 1,156 medical students at 12 medical schools in the United States voluntarily responded (November 2011–March 2012). They also surveyed course directors from each institution regarding their curricula and their observations of students' coping mechanisms. The majority of students (574, 67.8%) named their cadaver. Students most commonly cited the cadaver's age as the reason they chose a particular name for the cadaver. A minority of the students who did not name the cadaver reported finding the practice of naming disrespectful. Almost all students indicated that they would have liked to know more about their donor, particularly his or her medical history. Finally, students who knew the birth name of the donor used it less frequently than predicted. The authors found that the practice of naming cadavers is extremely prevalent among medical students and that inventive naming serves as a beneficial coping mechanism. The authors suggest that developing a method of providing students with more information about their cadaver while protecting the anonymity of the donor and family would be useful. Anat Sci Educ 7: 169–180. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported on the perceptions of medical students toward dissection. It is important to understand the feelings and symptoms experienced during dissection so that they can be adequately handled. Prior to dissection, first year students are given lectures on aspects of dissection, death and dying, and death rituals in various cultures. Two separate questionnaires, one given during the first week of dissection and another given one month into the program were then completed anonymously by dissection groups. The questions were designed to be open‐ended, thereby encouraging group discussion amongst students. The questionnaires were used to determine the perception of students to dissection and to discover if these perceptions change during the dissection program. The first questionnaire revealed that students do experience fears and anxiety prior to and at the beginning of dissection; however, most of these fears dissipated by the time of the second questionnaire. One month into dissection students cited talking to peers as their main coping mechanism and fewer students mentioned emotional detachment from their cadaver as a coping mechanism, as was the case in the first questionnaire. Dissection was perceived as a positive experience by our student cohort and most students cited the main advantage of dissection as the ability to visualize organs in three dimensions. The comprehensive answers received from the students indicated that thorough discussion of feelings amongst peers occurred, introducing students to an important coping mechanism at an early stage of their learning. Anat Sci Educ. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Teaching time dedicated to anatomy education has been reduced at many medical schools around the world, including Nova Medical School in Lisbon, Portugal. In order to minimize the effects of this reduction, the authors introduced two optional, semester‐long cadaveric dissection courses for the first two years of the medical school curriculum. These courses were named Regional Anatomy I (RAI) and Regional Anatomy II (RAII). In RAI, students focus on dissecting the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and perineum. In RAII, the focus shifts to the head, neck, back, and upper and lower limbs. This study prospectively analyzes students' academic achievement and perceptions within the context of these two, newly‐introduced, cadaveric dissection courses. Students' satisfaction was assessed anonymously through a questionnaire that included items regarding students' perception of the usefulness of the courses for undergraduate teaching, as well as with regards to future professional activity. For each of the three academic years studied, the final score (1 to 20) in General Anatomy (GA), RAI, and RAII was on average 14.26 ± 1.89; 16.94 ± 1.02; 17.49 ± 1.01, respectively. The mean results were lower in GA than RAI or RAII (P < 0.001). Furthermore, students who undertook these courses ranked them highly with regards to consolidating their knowledge of anatomy, preparing for other undergraduate courses, and training for future clinical practice. These survey data, combined with data on participating students' academic achievement, lend strong support to the adoption of similar courses as complementary and compulsory disciplines in a modern medical curriculum. Anat Sci Educ 10: 127–136. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The presentation of pre-sliced specimens is a frequently used method in the laboratory teaching of cross-sectional anatomy. In the present study, a new teaching method based on a hands-on slicing activity was introduced into the teaching of brain, heart, and liver cross-sectional anatomy. A randomized, controlled trial was performed. A total of 182 third-year medical students were randomized into a control group taught with the prosection mode (pre-sliced organ viewing) and an experimental group taught with the dissection mode (hands-on organ slicing). These teaching methods were assessed by testing the students' knowledge of cross-sectional specimens and cross-sectional radiological images, and analyzing students' feedback. Using a specimen test on three organs (brain, heart, and liver), significant differences were observed in the mean scores of the control and experimental groups: for brain 59.6% (±14.2) vs. 70.1% (±15.5), (P < 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.17); for heart: 57.6% (±12.5) vs. 75.6% (±15.3), (P < 0.001, d = 0.30); and for liver: 60.4% (±14.5) vs. 81.7% (±14.2), (P < 0.001, d = 0.46). In a cross-sectional radiological image test, better performance was also found in the experimental group (P < 0.001). The mean scores of the control vs. experimental groups were as follows: for brain imaging 63.9% (±15.1) vs. 71.1% (±16.1); for heart imaging 64.7% (±14.5) vs. 75.2% (±15.5); and for liver imaging 61.1% (±15.5) vs. 81.2% (±14.6), respectively. The effect sizes (Cohen's d) were 0.05, 0.23, and 0.52, respectively. Students in the lower tertile benefited the most from the slicing experiences. Students' feedback was generally positive. Hands-on slicing activity can increase the effectiveness of anatomy teaching and increase students' ability to interpret radiological images.  相似文献   

Mercer University School of Medicine utilizes a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum for educating medical students in the basic clinical sciences. In 2014, an adjustment was piloted that enabled PBL cases to align with their corresponding cadaver dissection that reviewed the content of anatomy contained in the PBL cases. Faculty had the option of giving PBL cases in sequence with the cadaveric dissection schedule (sequential group) or maintaining PBL cases out of sequence with dissections (traditional group). During this adjustment, students’ academic performances were compared. Students’ perception of their own preparedness for cadaveric dissection, their perceived utility of the cadaver dissections, and free-response comments were solicited via an online survey. There were no statistically significant differences when comparing student mean examination score values between the sequential and traditional groups on both multidisciplinary examinations (79.39 ± 7.63 vs. 79.88 ± 7.31, P = 0.738) and gross anatomy questions alone (78.15 ± 10.31 vs. 79.98 ± 9.31, P = 0.314). A statistically significant difference was found between the sequential group's and traditional group's (63% vs. 29%; P = 0.005) self-perceived preparedness for cadaveric dissections in the 2017 class. Analysis of free-response comments found that students in the traditional group believed their performance in PBL group, participation in PBL group and examination performance was adversely affected when compared to students with the sequential schedule. This study provides evidence that cadaveric dissections scheduled in sequence with PBL cases can lead to increased student self-confidence with learning anatomy but may not lead to improved examination scores.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional printing (3DP) technology has been increasingly applied in health profession education. Yet, 3DP anatomical models compared with the plastinated specimens as learning scaffolds are unclear. A randomized-controlled crossover study was used to evaluate the objective outcomes of 3DP models compared with the plastinated specimens through an introductory lecture and team study for learning relatively simple (cardiac) and complex (neck) anatomies. Given the novel multimaterial and multicolored 3DP models are replicas of the plastinated specimens, it is hypothesized that 3DP models have the same educational benefits to plastinated specimens. This study was conducted in two phases in which participants were randomly assigned to 3DP (n = 31) and plastinated cardiac groups (n = 32) in the first phase, whereas same groups (3DP, n = 15; plastinated, n = 18) used switched materials in the second phase for learning neck anatomy. The pretest, educational activities and posttest were conducted for each phase. Miller's framework was used to assess the cognitive outcomes. There was a significant improvement in students' baseline knowledge by 29.7% and 31.3% for Phase 1; 31.7% and 31.3% for Phase 2 plastinated and 3DP models. Posttest scores for cardiac (plastinated, 3DP mean ± SD: 57.0 ± 13.3 and 60.8 ± 13.6, P = 0.27) and neck (70.3 ± 15.6 and 68.3 ± 9.9, P = 0.68) phases showed no significant difference. In addition, no difference observed when cognitive domains compared for both cases. These results reflect that introductory lecture plus either the plastinated or 3DP modes were effective for learning cardiac and neck anatomy.  相似文献   

Anatomy teaching is seeing a decline in both lecture and laboratory hours across many medical schools in North America. New strategies are therefore needed to not only make anatomy teaching more clinically integrated, but also to implement new interactive teaching techniques to help students more efficiently grasp the complex organization of the human body. Among the difficult anatomical concepts that students struggle to understand, the anatomy of the peritoneal cavity with its complex projections of peritoneum could benefit strongly from new learning aids. In this report, an innovative teaching tool is presented to engage students during both lecture and laboratory, and help them build three‐dimensional (3D) mental maps of peritoneal cavity. The model consists of a patchwork of mesenteries and gut made from colored cloth stitched together onto a T‐shirt to denote the origin and outflow of each peritoneum projection. As the lecturer wears the life‐size model, the students can appreciate the 3D organization of the peritoneal cavity on a living body. In addition, the T‐shirt model can be used in parallel with dissection to ensure a strong reinforcement of the spatial understanding of the peritoneal cavity. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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