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在确定西民族自治地区范围、界定民营企业定义基础上,笔者探索了西部民族自治地区营企业的特殊性,这种特殊表现为劣势和优势两方面,在民营企业历史起点、制度、经营机制上存在劣势,在法律、文化和地域上存在优势。识别劣势和优势,有助于确立正确的民营企业决策理念:在投融资方面,应启动民间投资;在经营机制方面,应扬长避短,积极创新,在产业产品定位方面,应以市场导向为主,调整产业产品结构,发展该区域特色产业。  相似文献   

Students find science relevant to society, but they do not find school science interesting. This survey study analyzes Finnish grade 9 students’ actual experiences with science teaching methods and their preferences for how they would like to study science. The survey data were collected from 3,626 grade 9 students (1,772 girls and 1,832 boys) across randomly sampled secondary schools. Students were asked to evaluate how often a particular teaching method is used in science (chemistry and physics) teaching and how often they would like to see the teaching method used. Data were analyzed using nonparametric tests. Boys seemed to be more satisfied with current and traditional science teaching methods like direct teaching, solving basic problems, reading textbooks, and conducting practical work, while girls desired more discussion. Students who are interested in school science or think that school science is relevant in everyday life would like more creative activities such as brainstorming and project work. Results indicated that understanding the connection between student interest and teaching method preferences, especially interpreting interested students’ desire for creative activities, are important aspects for future research.  相似文献   

前科学概念的术语和定义方面所存在的分歧,主要集中在“错误概念”、“相异概念”、“前科学概念”的内涵及其关系的确定上。其次是具体学科的前科学概念的研究亟待发展;上述前科学概念产生的原因、特征、诊断、分类及其转变,具有泛学科的特点,其中大部分是基于物理学的研究成果,需要化学、生物学、地理学等学科前科学概念研究的发展和深入。第三,前科学概念的本质尚不十分明晰,与科学概念关系的研究有待开展。  相似文献   

钱钟书先生讲 ,“渊明文名 ,至宋而极” ,但在唐代 ,陶渊明的地位已经得到了确立。陶渊明身上所体现出来的任真率性、高雅俊爽、追求理想的气节和品质与唐代士人的审美情趣相契合 ;与唐代弘丽富艳、深雅丽的时代风尚相关 ,唐人普遍视桃花源为仙境 ,这又直观地显现出了唐人独特的诗学个性。此外 ,陶诗的艺术精神及其审美特征也引起了唐代不少人的关注  相似文献   

Within the domain of geometry, proof and proof development continues to be a problematic area for students. Battista (2007) suggested that the investigation of knowledge components that students bring to understanding and constructing geometry proofs could provide important insights into the above issue. This issue also features prominently in the deliberations of the 2009 International Commission on Mathematics Instruction Study on the learning and teaching of proofs in mathematics, in general, and geometry, in particular. In the study reported here, we consider knowledge use by a cohort of 166 Sri Lankan students during the construction of geometry proofs. Three knowledge components were hypothesised to influence the students’ attempts at proof development: geometry content knowledge, general problem-solving skills and geometry reasoning skills. Regression analyses supported our conjecture that all 3 knowledge components played important functions in developing proofs. We suggest that whilst students have to acquire a robust body of geometric content knowledge, the activation and the utilisation of this knowledge during the construction of proof need to be guided by general problem-solving and reasoning skills.  相似文献   

劳动创造了人本身,劳动创造了世界,劳动是人类社会存在和发展的最基本条件,但好逸恶劳这种现象在不断地滋生.本文通过分析大学生劳动意识淡薄的原因,并寻求解决问题的对策,以期使当代大学生认识到体力劳动与脑力劳动同样光荣,同等重要--树立正确的劳动观.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges we face as an early childhood professional community is providing short-term, affordable professional development that results in depth of understanding and change of practice. The University of Wyoming Early Childhood Summer Institute is a model for professional development that fosters reflection, inquiry, and change in beliefs and practice for early childhood practitioners. The 3-day Institute has an innovative structure and constructivist quality that allows for intense, authentic learning among participants. The research reported in this article supports this claim and clarifies key components of the model critical to the transfer of knowledge gained through the Institute to application in the workplace. In a 6-month follow-up study after the Institute, participants, Institute facilitators, and keynote speakers describe how the Institute has continued to influence their beliefs and practice over time.
Exploring a Plum

I had to do an observation of a child for a class that was part of the Institute, so I chose my grandson who was about 13 months at the time. I had planned on giving him some really cool blocks and things. Instead (it was right after I went to the Institute), I was sitting there eating a plum trying to figure out how to set things up and I looked up and he was watching me so intently that I decided to do my observation on that. I introduced him to his first plum and sat back and watched him explore and discover it. I watched him, I took pictures of him and put the story and pictures together. I could really see what they were talking about at the Institute … just stepping back and watching. (T. D. Participant 6).  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发后,日本政府和军部为实现长期占领和控制内蒙古地区的战略目的,不仅出兵扶持锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗札萨克郡王德穆楚克栋鲁普即德王建立伪蒙疆政权,而且以对日感情、出身、民族、宗教、资质和学习成绩等作为选拔标准,通过伪政权强制选派了一批批的青年学生和喇嘛赴日留学,借机灌输亲日反华仇苏思想,培养日蒙亲善分子和开发内蒙古资源的各类技术人才,并将“学成”回国的留日学生安插到配合日本内蒙政策的各种工作岗位上,以服务于日本的侵略战争政策。  相似文献   

本文结合中学化学教学实际,从三方面探讨了如何培养学生的思维能力。  相似文献   

本文根据灰色系统理论的关联分析,提出一种新的建筑设计方案综合评价法——技术经济关联度评价法,这种方法的优点在于可把非量化的、不可比的技术经济指标化为量化的、可比的指标,为建筑设计方案多评价指标系统的方案选择,提供了一个可以定量计算的简单易行的方法。  相似文献   

Students living in foster care are at risk for experiencing many challenges in school, spanning domains of social–emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning. They are twice as likely to be absent from school and to have received and out‐of‐school suspension and up to three and a half times more likely to receive special education services. Therefore, it is important for schools to recognize and respond to the unique needs of students in foster care to provide the necessary resources for school success. When working with students in foster care, school psychologists should be equipped to support the success of these students by determining what the needs of students in foster care are, and how to meet identified needs. The current paper will discuss the education‐related vulnerabilities and presenting problems for children in foster care and outline social–emotional, behavioral, and academic supports that school psychologists can offer.  相似文献   

ISTHENOVELDEAD ?Therehasbeennolackofpropheciesofthedeathofthenovelsincethebeginningofthe2 0thcentury .Manyprestigiouscritics,suchasT .S .Eliot,OrtegaY .Gasset,AlbertoMoraviaandCyrilConnolly ,haverelentlesslypronounceddeathsentenceonthenovel.Althoughthousandso…  相似文献   

本调查旨在了解大学生的心境特点。采用《简明心境状态量表》,随机抽取内蒙古地区三所高校778名大学生作为调查对象。调查结果显示:本地区大学生与全国常模比较,在消极情绪紧张、疲劳、抑郁、困惑和积极情绪活力雏度均存在显著差异;蒙、汉族大学生在生气维度上有显著性差异;大一和大四年级学生心境状态在消极情绪(除生气、抑郁外)维度上有显著差异;不同专业大学生心境状态在紧张、疲劳、困惑和活力维度上有极其显著差异。结论:本地区大学生心理健康总体水平良好。在大学生心理健康调查中可以采用心境状况来测评。  相似文献   

To what extent do students and teachers hold similar beliefs about excellent teaching? Do differences in beliefs have practical implications (e.g., how students rate their teachers on end-of-semester evaluation forms)? In Study 1, undergraduate students (N=414) and faculty members (N=128) responded to questionnaires assessing their perceptions of an excellent discussion leader, lecturer, or instructor. Participants judged items that contributed to a Structure composite as more characteristic of excellent lecturers than excellent discussion leaders and items that contributed to a Process composite as more characteristic of excellent discussion leaders than excellent lecturers. Results for students and teachers showed several systematic differences. In Study 2,278 students and their course teachers rated the characteristics of a hypothetical excellent lecturer. In addition, students rated the effectiveness of their individual teachers. Students’ ratings of their teachers were higher when students and teachers agreed on their perceptions of characteristics of excellent lecturers.  相似文献   

The proliferation of the study of Jewish texts in settings of teachers professional development poses a challenge for teacher educators. What is the study of these texts to provide for teachers?  相似文献   

创新教育是培养人的创新精神和创新能力的教育,在物理教学过程中,积极改革教学方法,加强设计型实验,将创新精神和创新能力的培养寓于整个教学过程中.  相似文献   

The immigrant population of urban community colleges has grown in recent years, creating new challenges for college counselors. Counseling intervention is essential to enable immigrant students to cope with the stresses of immigration and the effects of those stresses on their college performance. Acculturation is a process that changes with time and that affects students of different ages differently. Cultural variations among immigrants affect social and academic performance in college as well. Developing English language fluency both accompanies and is accompanied by other adjustment issues. College counselors can facilitate both student' adjustment and the college's recognition of immigrant students' cultural perspective.  相似文献   

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