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罚点球是足球场上最精彩、最残酷和最富有戏剧性的场面。罚点球中会产生紧张或极度紧张的心理。那么如何解决或减轻这一反应则是我们本文所研究解决的一个问题,也是足球界特别是教练员所关心的一个问题。本文参阅国内外有关心理学文献,根据心理学原理及罚点球技术的特点,拟定了一套简单、易行、实用的“三步心理训练法”。  相似文献   

李非 《体育科技文献通报》2010,18(11):34-34,129
足球比赛中运动员“罚点球”的命中率远远低于平时的训练水平,这主要与心理变化而影响正常技术的发挥有关。本文就运动员在“罚点球”时如何进行心理控制及训练的理论和方法作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

现代全攻全守的足球运动表现最大的特点,就是对抗日趋激烈。尤其水平相差无几,势均力敌,往往以点球决定胜负。十二届世界杯半决赛,西德队以罚点球挫败了法国队,获得了决赛权。第五届全运会足球决赛,上海队和广东队在一百二十分钟比赛中打成平局,以罚点球决定胜负,广东队以一球之差败北。可见点球的命中率对比赛的胜负起着很大作用。一、我国甲级队罚点球的现状当前国内外足球比赛规程都明确规定:在全部比赛或决赛期,如九十分钟比赛打平后,延长三十分钟仍成平局,则以罚点球决  相似文献   

现代足球比赛中,罚点球的情况时常出现。当两支球队水平接近,实力相当时,罚点球命中率的高低往往对比赛的胜负起着关键作用。大多数教练员在日常训练中只注意抓罚点球的技术训练,而忽略了罚点球时队员的心理调节训练,从而导致了临场比赛时,罚点球队  相似文献   

心理因素是影响罚点球成功率的主要因素之一,加强心理训练是提高罚点球准确性的有效手段.  相似文献   

点球攻守是当今足球比赛中决定胜负的重要因素之一。本文通过大量数据分析推导得出,守门员在防守点球时的最佳扑救(反应)时机,应该选择在看到主罚队员最后一步助跑支撑脚上步离开地面的一瞬间,这样可以获得最佳的提前量。  相似文献   

体育测量可靠性检验的基本思想与方法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
魏登云 《体育科学》2001,21(3):85-88
研究目的:探讨体育测量可靠性检验的基本思想与基本方法。研究方法:运用统计学原理阐述可靠性检验的基本思想,根据体育测量的特点,将体育测验分为两种基本类型,按不同类型的测验,讨论了可靠性检验的方法。研究结果和结论:可靠性检验的实质是通过样本对总体可靠性系数进行估计,对于两种类型的体育测验,可靠性检验的方法有本质的不同。建议:在体育测量教科书中,突出可靠性检验的基本思想,明确各种检验方法的适用对象。  相似文献   

郑凯 《体育科学》2007,27(2):90-93
测量的可靠性是评价测量质量的重要指标。一般认为测量的可靠性代表测量结果的准确性,这显然是一种误解,尤其是目前应用较多的几种可靠性估价方法似乎无法对可靠性作出正确的估价。为此,对于可靠性及其估价方法应重新加以审视和评析,以期重新认识并有所改善。通过分析和示例结果,可以得出如下结论:测量的可靠性不能完全表达测量结果的准确度;在可靠性定义中一致性不能由相关或相似性替代;在进行差异分析时,应注意重复测量结果的关联属性,并推荐使用非参数检验方法;可靠性分析不能替代误差分析与处理等其他方法。  相似文献   

<正>本文通过对足球守门员防守点球、预判点球方向的方法进行总结,望为足球守门员防守点球的教学与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

最初的足球记忆,背景声是宋世雄老师。周日午后,一些过期比赛的录像。爸爸告诉我,德国队是世界杯冠军,事情发生在意大利。他指给我看意大利队的15号,后来他告诉我,他去了尤文图斯,他让我看巴雷西和马尔蒂尼。后来,夏天凌晨,我们看美国世界杯,我惊喜地认出了那几个人,我指着意大利的队长说:那是马尔蒂尼!  相似文献   

篮球新规则犯规的判罚原则   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
篮球规则必须使判罚更加公正准确,使篮球比赛赋有激情和吸引力。这就是2000年新规则修改的核心。分析认为,在一场篮球比赛中经常中经常看到比赛双方运动员的身体接触动作,而有些身体接触动作被裁判员处罚,有些身体接触则被认为是比赛是中的一部分。甚至同样的身体接触动作,有时候被裁判鸣哨判罚,而有时候判罚对比赛不利则不判罚。  相似文献   

武术套路竞赛规则实施以来,武术套路的技术动作有了前所未有的提高;从近几年发展情况来看,对武术的发展也产生了深远的影响。文章探讨和分析了武术套路编排的一般原则、编排的步骤及方法、武术套路的发展方向,从而为今后武术的训练、推广和普及提供参考。  相似文献   

散打运动员要想在激烈的对抗中制胜,运动员必须具备自己独特的绝招技术。初步提出在平时的训练当中培养散打运动员绝招的训练原则、训练方法。  相似文献   

We investigated joint coordination differences between Taekwondo back kicks and jumping back kicks, and how jumping (in performing the latter) would alter engaging ground reaction forces (GRF) in executing kicking. Ten skilful athletes volunteered to perform both kinds of kicking within the shortest time for three successful trials. Three high-speed cameras and two force platforms were used for data collection, and the trial with the shortest execution time was selected for analysis. Movements were divided into the rotation and attack phases. With comparable execution time and maximum joint linear/angular speeds, back kicks and jumping back kicks differ mainly in larger GRF in the latter, and in greater target acceleration in the former probably because the support leg prevented athletes’ rebounding after impact. In addition, more prominent antiphase and in-phase coordination between the shoulder segment and knee joint, and elongated rotation phase were found in jumping back kicks. Larger GRF values in jumping back kicks were generated for jump take-off rather than for a more powerful attack. In back kicks although the support leg remained ground contact, greatly decreased GRF in the attack phase suggested that the support leg mainly served as a rotation axis.  相似文献   


This study investigates the spatial relationship of performance variables for soccer free kicks. In order to suggest ways in which players might optimise their performance, we collected data from free kicks (<35 m to goal line) of two German Bundesliga seasons (2013/14, 2014/15) (n = 1624). In the analysis, we applied the ISO-map approach using colour gradients to visualise the mean values of a variable on a 2D-map of the pitch. Additionally, variograms were used to describe the degree of spatial dependence of the free kick variables. Results show that DENSITY, TYPE OF PLAY, PLAYERS IN WALL, DISTANCE TO WALL and RULE VIOLATION were strongly spatially dependent. Centrality and proximity to the goal increased the variables PLAYERS IN WALL, RULE VIOLATIONS and INTERRUPTION TIME, and the ratio of goals scored increased from 5.9% (central far) to 10.9% (central near). In 70.9% of the shots, players preferred a switched laterality, which did not result in a higher success rate. Furthermore, there was no statistical advantage for the defensive team when DISTANCE TO WALL was below 9.15 m or when there was a RULE VIOLATION. Crosses had a success rate (i.e., first controlled ball contact after the cross) of 20.8%. Played with natural laterality, they were 5% more successful than with switched laterality. Crosses from the right side outside the penalty box were 10% more successful than from the left side. Therefore, it might be worthwhile practising the defence of balls coming from this side.  相似文献   

浅谈间歇训练法原理及其在划船运动训练中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了间歇训练法的生理机制及基本类型,并着重讨论了间歇训练法原理在划船运动训练中的应用。  相似文献   

警体教师在有效利用警察擒拿格斗特色资源,将其进行“去警察化”改造建设大学体育防卫术课程时,要按照体育校本课程开发的理论、要求、方法科学地进行,要遵循保密性、健康性、优先性、安全性、趣味性的原则,要注重开发环节、科学地设计开发过程、科学、合理、有效的进行改造  相似文献   

利用文献资料法、综合归类法、调查法、逻辑分析法等对本体感觉神经肌肉易化技术(PNF技术)的起源、理论基础、训练基本原则、技巧进行整理、梳理;对PNF改善肌肉的作用、适应症、禁忌症、基本操作方法及技术进行进一步的研究、分析。总结了PNF技术的现状与特征,为PNF训练原则与方法下一步深入研究做好准备。  相似文献   

The purpose was to compare rotational and linear head accelerations as a result of taekwondo kicks and punches. Taekwondo athletes executed five repetitions of the turning kick, spinning hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab punch to a Hybrid III Crash Test Dummy head-neck complex. A tri-axial accelerometer and an angular rate sensor were mounted inside the Hybrid III head to measure resultant linear (RLA) and rotational accelerations. The Hybrid III was fixed to a height-adjustable frame and fitted with protective taekwondo headgear. Dummy head height was positioned to each participant’s standing height. Acceleration data were processed in accordance with SAE J211-1.There was no significant multivariate difference in RLA but the effect was not clear. Univariate follow-up analysis showed a significant difference in RLA but the effect was also not clear. There was no difference in rotational acceleration. The highest RLA and rotational acceleration were produced, in order, by the turning kick, hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab. These data are clinically important as they provide a better understanding of the biomechanical injury measures and support for improved headgear testing methodology.  相似文献   

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