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试论现代教育技术与创新人才培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、现代教育技术的发展状况。1.计算机网络技术。计算机网络将计算机和通信相结合.使得计算机不仅只是处理字和数据.而且具有通信交流的功能。世界各地的科研人员可以通过计算机网络的电子邮件功能与志同道合一起合作交流。联网的所有用户可以共享网上的信息和技术。计算机网络也突破了传统观念中的教室、学校乃至国界的约束,通过网络与其他同行进行交流.从而达到资源共享。  相似文献   

从安全电子邮件的需求入手,分析了目前安全电子邮件使用的技术原理.给出了一个使用S/MIME实现的安全电子邮件系统,并将其成功应用于某光缆检测部门的自动化办公(0A)系统.  相似文献   

随着网络智能化的普及,电源的智能化也是必然的发展趋势.如将电源的各种信息代码通过电子邮件、移动电话等通信设备发送给相关的网管人员,因为智能化的电源不但可诊断自身的各种故障,而且可根据不同的应用场合,自动调整、设定相应的运行模式以满足不同的需求。在这样的情况下,透过网络,管理人员可远程监控电源的运行状况、运行参数,当电池耗尽时可安全关闭服  相似文献   

《中小学公共安全教育指导纲要》指出:“公共安全教育的主要内容包括预防和应对社会安全、公共卫生、意外伤害、网络、信息安全、自然灾害以及影响学生安全的其他事故或事件六个模块”,其目标是“通过开展公共安全教育.培养学生的社会安全责任感,使学生逐步形成安全意识,掌握必要的安全行为的知识和技能,了解相关的法律法规常识,养成在日常生活和突发安全事件中正确应对的习惯,最大限度地预防安全事故发生和减少安全事件对中小学生造成的伤害。保障中小学生健康成长。”迄今,教育部《中小学公共安全教育指导纲要》刚好颁发两年。两年来,我省在贯彻《纲要》,推动公共安全教育的工作中,积极探索,勇于创新,取得了显著的成绩。然而与此同时,如何全面准确地把握《纲要》的精神实质,充分认识中小学公共安全教育的重要性和紧迫性;如何从实际出发,切实加强对中小学公共安全教育的领导;如何采取切实措施,全面落实《纲要》的要求,依然是我省广大中小学亟待解决的问题。在此,我们编发了海城市推进中小学公共安全教育的两篇经验文章,希望能对广大读者有所启迪.有所帮助.希望借此推动我省中小学公共安全教育的健康、深入发展。  相似文献   

计算机网络的建设与应用已成为校园重要基础设施与师生的基本教学平台.从当前计算机网络面临的安全问题出发,结合校园计算机网络的一般结构和具体特点,从访问控制、安全检测和攻击监控、加密通信机制、隐藏网络内部信息等方面阐述了校园计算机网络安全技术,并强调说明安全技术只是校园安全控制的手段之一,需要与相关的安全策略相配套.  相似文献   

一、端正学校安全观 首先.重视安全教育。第一,积极动员全体任课教师参与安全教育。各科教师在学科教学中要挖掘隐性的公共安全教育内容.与学科教学有机整合,以创设出更好的安全氛围。第二.利用地方课程的时间.采用多种形式.帮助学生系统掌握公共安全知识和技能。  相似文献   

当前,很多学校在电子邮件安全方面面临严峻挑战。垃圾电子邮件、欺诈性电子邮件、帐号搜集攻击等随时都可能对网络带来灾难性影响。业界领先的电子邮件安全产品供应商IronPortSystems认为,教育行业需要一整套工具来积极保证外发邮件的安全,并帮助网络抵御电子邮件携带的不良内容。在与教育行业用户的长期接触中,IronPort认识到,全面的电子邮件安全解决方案应包括以下重要特性:高性能MTA平台,确保电子邮件基础设施永远不被压倒;根据规则执行规定保护电子邮件,利用可量身定制的内容检测和过滤功能执行规则;强大而统一的反垃圾电子邮件技术…  相似文献   

EJBCA实现校园网PKI   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网是一个极不安全的地方,网上很容易发生信息侦听、假冒身份的非法活动。涉及个人隐私的电子邮件、部门之间重要的电子公文传递、园区电子商务的在线支付等应用都要求保证通信双方身份的真实性以及通信内容传递的安全性。在国家的教育政务信息化规划纲要中已明确指出:要研制、采购和配置教育政务信息网络传输交换的设备和电子认证、电子印章、数字签名技术。  相似文献   

针对2个具有完美前向机密性的鲁棒电子邮件协议所存在的安全缺陷,分析了2个协议所面临的协议攻击,并得出了相应的改进方案.首先,通过对2个电子邮件协议的分析,提出了相应的中间人攻击方法,其中攻击者在协议的接收阶段通过伪造信息来欺骗通信双方,并使通信双方与其共享错误的会话密钥.由此中间人攻击使得2个电子邮件协议的完美前向机密性得不到保证.其次,通过在2个协议的接收阶段加入相应的签名信息,提出了对2个协议的改进方案,以确保改进协议能够克服中间人攻击并且提供协议的完美前向机密性.此外,经改进的协议仍然能够保持原协议的所有优点.  相似文献   

随着Internet的持续发展,商业机构或政府机构都开始用电子邮件交换一些机密的或是有商业价值的信息,这就引发了一些安全方面的问题,包括:消息和附件可以在不为通信双方所知的情况下被读取、篡改或截掉,发信人的身份无法确认。这就使得邮件加密变得尤为重要。通过介绍如何利用网络安全技术和安全服务规范-PKI技术的应用,对电子邮件系统实施安全加固,实现电子邮件的安全传输。  相似文献   

中国城市和谐社区制度建设的前提性思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市和谐社区及其制度建设已成为一个现实和理论的新问题,而问题的系统性破解,需要多学科、多范武研究的协同.基于哲学性的思考,就社会发展的理论视角,提出并回答四个前提性问题:①和谐意蕴何在;②社区何以成立;③和谐社区应当如何;④和谐社区制度应当怎样.由此,提出这种"应当"的应有之义,并给予辩护.  相似文献   

This article proposes the communal leadership framework as a leverage for reciprocal educational policy in uncertain and turbulent times. It is argued that leadership at the policy level should abandon the seductive dance with the ‘self’ where knowledge resides at a specific location in the system (policy-makers’ perceptions and agendas) for a more holistic, integrated, and collaborative framework – that of communal leadership – in order to develop effective policies suitable for today's fast-changing educational world. This article presents the epistemological premises postulated as upholding the communal nature of leadership, while raising conceptual as well as practical questions in this context.  相似文献   

Students in “community” (nondenominational) Jewish high schools represent a diversity of denominational affiliations, including those who affiliate with more than one denomination and those that affiliate with none. These schools strive to create communities in which students with varying Jewish beliefs and practices are, at the very least, respected and comfortable. At the same time, schools work to avoid internal Jewish communal fragmentation. In this article, the approach to diversity in three such high schools is compared. Each school, in addition to presenting an approach distinct from the others, has created opportunities for communal Jewish engagement through the enactment of practices that are rooted in Judaism and in the ethos of the school, and allow individualization within universal participation. Further, the range of approaches to Jewish diversity exhibited raises questions about pluralism as it relates to the Jewish educational goals of these schools.  相似文献   

针对目前食品安全问答系统准确率不高且无法满足智能化问答要求等问题,基于词向量相似度设计食品安全问答系统。采用深度学习方法构建食品安全领域知识库及词向量模型,结合近义词库提出问句相似度计算方法,将问句与知识库内所有问句进行匹配,返回相似度最高问句对应的答案。实验结果表明,该系统问答准确率达到80%,能满足食品行业用户的日常问答需求。  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1671-1682
This article addresses the question of the structure of local child welfare activities in light of community-level factors. It poses the following research questions: how are different community-level factors related to child welfare client structures in communities and what is the extent to which these factors explain structural differences? The applied theoretical framework is based on social disorganization and strain theories as well as human developmental approach. The data has been collected from two Finnish national databases and it consists of variables containing 257 Finnish municipalities. The method of analysis is multinomial logistic regression. The results suggest that the local child welfare structures are tied to social disorganization, policing and culture as well as to the intensity of control in the communities. In general, the more fragile the communal structures, the more last-resort child welfare there is in the community. Combining fragile communal structures with weak dependency ratio and high proportion of social workers, the more intense the level of child welfare statistics indicated. The results indicate that the theoretical framework for the application of child welfare activity analysis is justified, but they also suggest that it requires further development through both context-bound reflection and application.  相似文献   

Among educators in the field of language and literature, in the German-speaking world and beyond, the concept of ‘competence’ has been gaining ground for three decades. This article questions the validity of prevalent competence definitions, which by focusing on the proficiency of an individual student ignore the fact that in understanding literature, as well as in composition, communal achievement is essential. By drawing on evolutionary anthropology and by collecting evidence from studies in literary and composition learning, the author draws on his own teaching experience to show that students’ competence develops by interaction. Educational research, however, widely fails to take this into account.  相似文献   

从保证高层建筑的结构安全和特殊功能的角度出发,对框架-核心筒结构钢筋分项工程设计及施工方面常见问题进行了分析,并给出了相应的解决对策,举例说明了框架-核心筒结构钢筋分项工程质量控制的方法步骤.  相似文献   

This article describes how communal aspects of faith find their way back into the lives of adolescents. The communal aspects of faith within individualized societies need more attention. It seems that with the current emphasis on individual faith, the intrinsic power of communal aspects of faith has been lost. This study shows that informal communities of adolescents—faith tribes—can restore the individual–communal balance in faith development. Youth ministry should encourage adolescents and tribal leaders to be aware of the faith possibilities of tribes.  相似文献   

数字图书馆建设中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字图书馆的建设在我国还处于初级阶段,尚存在标准不统一、数字化信息的存储、数字化信息的版权、网络安全性能等多方面的问题,结合国内数字图书馆建设的现状、应采取统一规划,加强管理人员培训及网络信息安全、保护版权、加大存储量等对策。  相似文献   

In Part 1 of this paper, I described the corporate and communal nature of research, teaching, and learning in urban science classrooms as both a theoretical approach to understanding, and way of viewing practices within these fields. By providing a new approach to theorizing the cultural misalignments that are prevalent in urban schools, I look to provide an informative tool for investigating under-discussed dynamics that impact science teaching and learning. In this body of work, I further expose the nature of the corporate|communal by describing practices that define communal practice. I do so conversant of the fact that synthesizing my previous work on corporate and communal practices necessarily pushes science education researchers and teachers to look for somewhat tactile explications of communal practices. That is to say, if communal practices do exist within the corporate structures of science classrooms, how do they present themselves and how can they be targeted? This paper begins a journey into such a study and focuses on student transactions, fundamental interactions and rituals as a key to redefining and attaining success in urban science classrooms.  相似文献   

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