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本文采用问卷调查与深度访谈、定量分析和定性描述相结合的方法,调查了中国新上岗专职档案人员的职业认同感和职业满意度。对324份有效问卷的分类统计与交叉统计结果表明:中国新上岗专职档案人员的职业认同和职业满意度处于一般水平,这既有物质层面因素,也有精神与心理层面原因;而不同性别、学历、专业背景、单位类型、从业原因的档案人员职业认同感与职业满意度不尽相同。结合深度访谈结果表明,职业信心不足、工作能力欠缺、工作压力较大是目前新上岗专职档案人员面对的主要问题与挑战。建议从个人、用人单位、教育机构、社会等四个方面着手提升其职业认同与职业满意度。  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了档案服务满意度的内涵、影响因素及研究意义,接着结合S档案馆档案服务满意度问卷中的评价主体对档案工作的知晓程度、对档案利用程序的看法、档案网站的点击率与远程查询平台的使用情况等评价指标的测评结果进行分析。最后结合实践,从档案法规制度构建、档案工作者的职业素养与业务技能、档案服务模式的创新、档案工作宣传与对利用者利用行为的分析等研究角度分别提出提升档案服务满意度的策略。  相似文献   

职业心理创伤是近年来档案工作者遇到的新挑战,对于档案工作者的身心健康危害巨大。敏感的工作内容、正义的职业定位、沉默的行业文化、全息的记录方式、共情的工作理念是档案工作者出现职业心理创伤问题的主要原因。提高档案职业心理健康保护意识,构建档案职业心理健康保护资源体系,打造以人为本的档案工作模式,培育档案职业心理健康素养等措施可有效缓解档案工作者职业心理创伤问题。  相似文献   

赵爽 《兰台世界》2017,(20):69-71
档案工作者的职业心理对于其工作效率和工作质量有很大的影响,关注档案工作者的职业心理健康,有利于塑造一个积极向上、充满热情的档案工作者队伍,更有利于保障档案工作的服务质量。笔者对来自于各个领域的档案工作者进行了职业心理现状调查,从职业发展以及心理学视角分析档案工作者对职业的满意度情况和职业心理问题,并从提高社会认同度和档案工作者自身进行自我调适两个方面提出解决职业心理问题的策略。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,流动人员日渐增多,新机构不断涌现,由此产生了大量个人和团体档案。由于档案专业人员缺乏、保管档案费用较高、流动人员和待岗人员逐渐增多,这些人员档案的管理相对混乱,档案托管便应运而生了。企事业单位(特别是破产企业)、团体、个人以及一些重大活动形成的档案,成了档案托管的主要来源。通过档案托管机构进行档案托管,有利于拓宽档案利用的范围,扩大档案服务社会的层面,丰富社会档案馆藏,确保被托管档案的完整和安全。  相似文献   

M·斯威夫特在第十三届国际档案大会的主题报告中说:"作为档案工作者,信息是我们工作的基本要素,是我们的职业。如果我们正处在影响我们职业的革命中,那么我们最好了解它对我们专业的含义。"信息社会的档案工作应何去何从?为了回答这一问题,全球档案工作者都在苦苦思索着:"我们应该如何转变?我们必须做些什么?"美国档案工作者协会(以下简称SAA)2004年年会正是围绕着"信息社会的档案工作"这一主题展开的,对信息社会中档案工作的传统理论原则进行了新的诠释,对其新领域、新技术、新内容进行了进一步的实质性探索。"一叶知秋",让我们以此次年会为切入点,寻求来自国外同行的一些启示。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条本团体的中文名称为:中国档案学会(以下简称本会),英文译名为:ChineseArchivesSociety;英文缩写为:CAS。第二条本会的性质是全国档案工作者自愿结成的具有法人资格的全国性、学术性、公益性的社会团体,是党和政府联系档...  相似文献   

档案高等教育,旨在培养和输出一批适于行业需求的档案学高层次专门人才.但由于高等教育本身存在的先天培养缺陷和档案职业环境的众多失利因素,档案毕业生并没有预期中炙手可热,反而面临对口入职难和竞争优势弱的艰难职业发展困境.文章从档案毕业生的角度出发,陈述了原应有效联动的档案高等教育与档案职业环境间存在的衔接问题,提出了一些改进建议,以期有助于新进档案学专业人才的适用性培养.  相似文献   

正档案工作有专业发展是档案工作者在专业生活中内在专业素质结构不断更新,演进和丰富的过程,强调的是档案工作者内在专业特性的提升。随着现代信息技术的广泛应用,档案工作面临着档案数字化和信息化新带来的各方面挑战。因此,档案工作者专业发展,不仅决定着档案工作的管理和服务水平,也是档案事业的持续发展的核心动力。一、档案工作者专业发展的障碍因素随着信息技术迅速发展,档案工作业朝着数字化、  相似文献   

美国档案工作者协会●威廉·莫斯(沈丽华译根据一些中国档案同行的观察,美国的档案专业与其说是一个学术专业,倒不如说是一个行业协会。这两种说法都不完全正确。在美国的大部分地区,档案专业既不完全是学术性的,也不完全是一个专业人员的行会。它的历史发展和它目前...  相似文献   


This study examined staff motivation, satisfaction, and job performance among the librarians and library staff in six selected university libraries in Nigeria. The target population for the study includes the professionals and nonprofessional library staff. A total enumeration sampling technique was used to select 180 respondents, which represent the sample for the study. Data was collected using a self-designed questionnaire titled “Staff Motivation, Satisfaction and Job Performance Questionnaire” (SMSJPQ). Six research questions were developed and answered by the study. The results indicate that librarian and library staff are highly motivated with regular pay while the least motivational factor is frequent interaction with their friends. Library staff are primarily satisfied with their jobs when they are in constant link with their friends. Professional library staff significantly experience better work motivation than their nonprofessional counterparts. Significant correlation exists between staff motivation and job performance and between job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, the two factors (motivation and satisfaction) exert significant contribution to the determinant of librarians and library staff job performance. Based on the findings, the study recommended improvement in the level of motivation of nonprofessionals so that the significant difference with the professional counterpart would not be so much pronounced.  相似文献   

国外数据监护教育与职业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论研究与实践进展两方面分析国外数据监护教育与职业发展.归纳国外数据监护教育与职业发展的5个特点:教育与培训课程正在兴起,课程类型多样,形成了针对各层级的教育与培训项目,存在多种形式的合作模式,课程内容体现实际岗位技能需求.最后总结对我国数据监护教育与职业发展的启示.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the world of the independent editor in the publishing industry, analysing their demographic background, education and training, working practices, links with professional organizations, motivations for ‘going it alone‘, and job satisfaction. The results help contribute to the understanding of this important and growing segment of the publishing industry, challenge some of the commonly held beliefs about their role in the industry and set these within the broader context of changes in work organization in publishing. Contrary to the assumption that self‐publishing largely takes place without the involvement of an editor, research into the processes of self‐publishing (previously published in this journal) found that editors (and other providers of publishing services) were in fact often involved. The results are significant for the traditional publishing industry, the users of independent editorial services, and the editors themselves.  相似文献   

The data used in this article is based on the reviewing of relevant literature to provide an overview of the concepts of organizational commitment, job security, and interpersonal relations, as well as on the results of the original online survey, conducted by the article's authors, held in 2012 in Estonian university libraries governed by public law. On the basis of the current study it can be said that Estonian university librarians’ are generally committed and loyal to their library, but significant influencers of that are general job satisfaction, job security feeling, good relationship with the closest colleagues, and support and recognition from direct supervisor. However, the sign of a danger is that 42% of the respondents are ready to change their job, if a more suitable opportunity is available. The results also show that the length of employment in a particular library is positively correlated with job commitment. The biggest challenge for managements of the university libraries in Estonia is to keep young professionals not only committed to their current libraries, but also committed to their chosen occupation. Management should also pay more attention to improve communication between direct managers and employees, and to improve the job security feeling among librarians.  相似文献   


This paper explores the changing role of the information professional in a dynamic environment in which technology, resources, information needs, and user expectations change very rapidly. The author's conclusion is that while some of the roles of traditional librarians may be disappearing, there are plenty of opportunities for proactive information professionals in the new information environment. There are new services, new expertise, and new job titles. Businesspeople recognize that technology is not everything; the human factor, a person to select, filter, and analyze information, is critical. Information brokers and library fee-based service staff stand at the forefront of this new environment, because they are already used to employing and continually improving these vital skills.  相似文献   

Technology has altered the traditional academic library beyond recognition. These dramatic changes have impacted significantly on the knowledge and skills requirements for LIS professionals practising in this environment. While there have been studies in other parts of the world which have investigated the knowledge and skills requirements for the digital era academic library environment, to date no comprehensive study has ‘drilled’ down into this area in the South African context. This paper reports on a preliminary study which is part of a wider study aimed at developing a comprehensive skills statement which would provide an objective framework against which professional LIS practitioners in the modern academic library environment in South Africa may both measure their existing competencies and also identify the need for further skills acquisition. The research question guiding this preliminary investigation was: What key knowledge and skills are required for LIS professionals to effectively and efficiently practise in a digital era academic library in South Africa? The triangulated findings (using content analysis of job advertisements and semi-structured interviews) from this preliminary investigation are used to ascertain an initial picture of key knowledge and skills sets required for LIS professionals in this environment. These preliminary findings also proved useful in teasing out some of the parameters for the wider study targeting the development of a comprehensive skills statement for higher education libraries in South Africa. The study reported here has relevance for the academic library context in other parts of the world as well.  相似文献   

This study uses quantitative and qualitative survey data to examine the job satisfaction of male and female employees at Iowa newspapers. Responses to open-ended questions indicated qualitative differences in the issues men and women considered salient and in the discourses they used to talk about their work. Male respondents were more likely to use language that evoked professional efficacy and emphasized presence. Female respondents more likely to use language that related to production and emphasized position. The findings also indicate a gender discrepancy related to income and financial status; men reported higher salaries and indicated greater financial security than women. Economic environment emerged as a salient issue for both male and female employees. Overall, the findings support the use of qualitative data to explore issues related to gender and job satisfaction and suggest organizational factors play an important role in newspaper employees’ attitudes and perceptions about their work.  相似文献   

Increasingly, organizations are facing turbulent and competitive times. Hence, the need for universities to capitalize on the robustness and diversity of their employees to maximize their success by attracting and developing an engaged, healthy, and high-performing workforce through the provision of stimulating work environments that will promote work-family balance, work motivation, job satisfaction and overall job commitment. This study was designed to investigate the effects of work motivation, job satisfaction, and work-family balance on job commitment as well as work motivation and work-family balance as they affect job satisfaction of library personnel in universities in North-central Nigeria. The total enumeration technique was used to cover all the 926 library personnel in the universities in North-central Nigeria. The validated questionnaire was used to collect data on 926 library personnel out of which 842 responded. The response rate achieved was 91 %. The study found that work-family balance, work motivation and job satisfaction had significant effect on the job commitment of the respondents. Job satisfaction has the most significant effect (41 %) on job commitment. It is therefore, recommended that university administrators, library managers and most especially policy makers in the education sector should give adequate attention to work-family balance, work motivation, and job satisfaction when planning to improve job commitment of their employees. In addition, they should consider work motivation and work-family balance to improve job satisfaction of the library employees.  相似文献   

Against a backdrop of pessimism about the future of investigative reporting, this study reports major findings of a survey of mainly US-based investigative journalists (N?=?861). Although respondents reflect some of the current negative discourse, they also report high perceptions of autonomy and job satisfaction and say resources for investigative reporting are maintaining and even increasing. The survey provides empirical indication of the migration of investigative journalists to nonprofit newsrooms, with nonprofit journalists offering especially positive appraisals of the state of their craft. Also explored are investigative journalists’ professional role conceptions as well as perceptions of the nature of their relationship with the public and public policymakers.  相似文献   

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